Chapter Four

Finally this morning I woke up refreshed, I had a great nights sleep and I had got over the exhaustion of travelling and my first day in the city. The bruise on my head was now purple and quite visible even with my hair covering it so I spent ten minutes tackling it with concealer and foundation. Due to how cold it was here I had worn most of my clothes already, layering what would have been three outfits all at the same time, I bagged up leggings and jumpers and dropped them off at reception to get them cleaned. I didn't come with loads of money and didn't want to use what I had on leggings and jumpers so the $30 cleaning costs didn't seem to bad compared to buying all new. I headed through reception and looked for Paul, he wasn't at the door but the other doorman reassured me it was his day off today and by the hours he had done whilst I was there I am glad! Looking for somewhere to eat I walked past the Irish bar I had visited the other night where I first seen Brad, they did full English breakfasts which didn't need any convincing to me I was starving. A young girl came to take my order and brought me orange juice and coffee, I didn't feel too awkward sat on my own for breakfast as I didn't expect crowds to appear like the other night. The food arrived and it could have fed three people, there was no way I was going to get through all this but I thought I would give it a good go. I was stuffed after polishing off the whole breakfast just leaving the slimly mushrooms that I couldn't face back at home never mind here. I paid the bill and headed through the door that had previously concussed me! Walking down the avenue I came to the national library that I recognised again from the Gossip Girl series. I sat on the steps and uploaded some photos so far onto my Facebook account and updated mum that I was alive and safe, avoiding telling her I had spent all day yesterday with a complete stranger! Sat on the steps and looking at my phone I decided to carry on last nights cleanse of my previous unhappy times. Starting with my photo library I deleted all photos, screenshots and memories from past relationships and sad depressing quotes stored there, my phone needed a clear out and they definitely needed to go, I only get sad and angry when I look back at them so it was time to start to move forward and get rid of them. I had previously cleared my social media of any evidence I was in them relationships so my phone was the final step. As I sat on the steps the effects of eating that horrendously huge breakfast started to hit me, I felt sluggish and heavy so decided to go have a rest in the room before I headed out after lunchtime to explore more of the city.

Heading back to my room, the cleaners had delivered my washing back to my room, it was hung on the wardrobe waiting for me. I climbed into bed and had a nap, I was still overly full so needed a rest. I woke up after a hour, retouched my make up and grabbed the clothes bag with my washing in for some clean layers to put on this afternoon. As I opened the zip of the clothes bag I quickly realised that the bag didn't contain my leggings and jumpers, it was in fact a red, silk wrap dress from Chanel, I was convinced it had been delivered to the wrong room but I had never seen a Chanel dress up close so I took it out of the bag. The dress was beautiful and you could tell it must of cost a fortune, what I thought was the receipt had dropped to the floor so I picked it up and opened it out to be nosey at the cost. 'Meet me at the doors at 8. hope this fits. Brad xx' I was shocked and sat on the bed with the dress over my knees and the note in my hand, I could not believe that this was happening, am I in a film? Seriously?

After ten minutes of letting what was happening sink in I quickly grabbed the dress, went to the mirror and tried on the dress, it fit perfectly, the dress came in at the waist and draped to my knees with a subtle slit on the thigh, the neckline was a little lower than I would usually wear but the material flattered the area so it looked classy. I felt amazing in the dress and couldn't believe I had the chance to wear such a thing, maybe he will want it back tomorrow I thought. I reached for my phone and texted Brad 'The dress is unbelievable, see you at 8 xx' I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror before realising that I had no shoes to wear, I had only brought flats and boots with me due to the weather and I never expected to go out. I had $100 spare to treat myself. I quickly got changed and headed out of the hotel to find some shoes for tonight. I reached H&M and was surrounded by shoes, I had to find a pair in here, I reached for a strappy black pair of heels, not too much as I didn't want to take the attention off the dress and only $28 I had change as well. I went to the local cosmetics store to pick up a red lipstick and eyeshadow as I had only natural looking make-up with me and wanted to make a statement. Speaking to the assistant regarding what eyeshadow would work well she pointed at a chair at the side of the make-up stall 'you can get your full make-up done here for $35' it had just gone 2pm so way to early to start getting ready and I doubt the make-up would last until Brad picked me up. I explained to the assistant I had a date at 8pm so I would just take the make-up 'we are open till 7pm, go back to your hotel, shower and dry your hair and come back here at 6pm, that will give you enough time to get ready once you get back to your hotel' brilliant idea 'book me in for 6 then' I said and smiled at her The store was only on the next block to my hotel so I rushed back grabbing a coffee on my way to start getting ready.

After applying half my conditioner bottle to my hair to treat how dry and brittle it had got, I jumped in the bath for a good soak, exfoliated and shaved my legs and washing the treatment out of my hair. After covering myself in moisturiser I lay on the bed eating crackers, I didn't want to get too full in case we were going for food or my stomach decided to swell ruining how the dress looked. I dried my hair and put it in a ponytail ready to get my make up done, I threw on leggings and a jumper, grabbed a coffee to go from the hotel bar and headed down the block to the cosmetic store. The assistant who served me was stood at the stand waiting for me, she sat me down and asked what I had done to my head. After explaining the events of the other night she was in fits of giggles and said it was definitely something that would happen to her, she advised me not to chew gum tonight and make sure my date opened the doors for me to make sure it didn't happen again. The assistant used products under my foundation to make my skin glow, it felt more like a spa treatment than just having my make-up done. She applied heavy concealer to my forehead and contoured my face to give me that Kim Kardashian defined look, applying highlighter to my cheeks and a slight blush. On to my eyes she managed to give me that sultry smokey look that I have tried to master myself for years, with a subtle winged eyeliner and strip lashes my eyes definitely stood out, the bronzed colours she used made my brown eyes look full of depth. My lips she used two red lipsticks to give me a fuller pout and a gloss to give them a hopefully kissable look. When she had finished she turned me to the mirror and I barely recognised myself, I looked red carpet ready and don't think I have looked this glamorous in my entire life, normally for my nights out a bit of foundation and mascara is all I manage to do, I hope Brad actually recognises me! The assistant gave me small samples of the lipstick she had used and showed me how to retouch during the night, she also gave me a sample of highlighting power that she reassured me applying it to my collar bone and top of my chest area would help show of my assets, I joked the dress did a good enough job of that! Heading out of the store with my goody bag in hand I had one hour to get ready and back down to reception to meet Brad.

As I got back to my room I put on my dress, shoes and got my bag ready and stood in the mirror, I don't think I've ever made this much effort for one date before. The dress looked even better before I just hoped it wasn't too cold outside as I had to go braless due to the style of the dress. My phone beeped and it was a text from Brad to say he was at the reception steps. I rushed to the lift and pressed the ground floor button, the lift stopped half way down and the door opened to reveal six rowdy lads all ready for a night out, feeling practically naked on the top half of my body the lads decided to try to make conversation with me asking where I was going and one made a remark that there was a after party in his room and suggested I visited there later, just me invited. I shrugged the comments off and was hoping the lift would hurry up. As I arrived on the ground floor I rushed out of the lift to get away from the lads and got to the top of the stairs, Brad was already looking up at me with a huge grin across his face, I felt amazing yet conscious of how I looked, if it was too much. When I got the Brad, he put his hands on my waist and kissed me on my cheek 'you look incredible' he whispered, then took my hand and led me to a car waiting for us outside the hotel.

Once we was in the car I thanked him again for the dress, I had no clue where we was going but we were heading away from central Manhattan. We hardly spoke in the car, I just kept catching him looking at me and we both would look away and smile, we finally stopped against a row of bars and clubs. The driver opened my door and Brad came round the car to meet me, I presumed we were going into one of the bars so stood up onto the curb, Brad turned me around and we crossed over the road which revealed a river, as I looked down there was a yacht lit up with candles and fairy lights. Surprised I pointed to the yacht and Brad laughed and nodded his head, looks like we are getting on that I thought. As we made our way down to the riverside a row of five staff and the captain was awaiting our arrival, one of the staff had a tray with two glasses of champagne. Getting on the yacht in my heels was quite a task but Brad held my hand and guided me onto the deck, we were taken inside to reveal a table scattered with roses and sparkling cutlery.

As I could hear the staff bringing out the food I thought I hope I like the food I don't think I told him I didn't like mushrooms as the staff come round I was greeted by all American delights Mac and cheese, burgers, hot dogs, corn dogs you name it, anything you can think of that is stereotypical American food I looked up at Brad and he started to laugh 'well I didn't know what you fancy apart from me' I shivered 'so I decided to give you an all-American banquet'. The thing was how do you eat a burger hot dog eloquently I mean at home I'll just drive straight in with my hands but we are in a posh yacht and I can't imagine digging in with my hands. By this point we was being hit by waves luckily they got hadn't set off and as I held onto my chair Brad said it possibly is a bad night to be on a boat trying to eat. As the food arrived Brad looked at me and said 'no need to use your knife and fork' as he picks up one of the little burgers on the platter 'well I'm glad you said that because I normally eat with my burgers with my hands'. Covering my dress with a napkin provided we started to took in to the banquet in front of us, one of the waiters come back with more champagne and topped up our glasses which was needed as I still felt nervous. The food was amazing Brad told me that his friend owned the bar across the street and they have provided all the food, he said that he goes there every week when he needs a bit of comfort food but couldn't eat it all the time I would be as big as a house I didn't want to tell him that my diet at home was technically what was on the table.

As we finished the food Brad asked if I had room for desert, I laughed and said I always have room for desert. The staff came to clear the table and more champagne was served and they brought bout a tray of miniature deserts, cheesecakes, waffles, pancakes and ice cream another huge selection. Luckily they were bite-sized and Brad dived in straight away for one of the waffles covered with chocolate and sprinkles. I was desperately avoiding any type of contact with the chocolate sauce this dress must have cost a fortune and I have a track record of spilling chocolate sauce down myself.

As we finished a desert Brad took my hand and we walked up the narrow steps to the platform at the top of the yacht, the floor was covered with tea lights and rose petals. 'Now we had some time to talk' he said as he sat down. Brad sat closer than ever had before I want knees were practically touching and I was in a Wonderland from his aftershave. Brad asked if I had enjoyed the meal I agreed and pointed to my stomach 'this is not a good dress to be eating so much food' 'be quiet there is nothing to you' Brad said . Brad told me that him and Paul had set this up 'he wanted to make sure that I showed you a good time' he said. Paul said I was a 10 out of 10 and I deserve to the best as I laughed I called him smooth and that I bet he did this with all the girls. Brad looked at the floor 'I've never done this before, I've not gone on a date for four years'. Not wanting to get into our past as I particularly didn't want to tell him about mine ans it would sent him running for the hills I quickly changed the subject. Brads stood up and asked if I'd seen the titanic I raised my eyebrows and said 'of course I've seen the titanic everyone has seen the titanic!' 'Classic film' Brad said as he pulled me up from the seat and took me to the edge of the platform, he turned me around and stood at the back of me grabbing my arms recreating the iconic titanic moment although we wasn't on the ship was parked up in a dock and just been battered by the wind whilst trying to keep standing Brad shouted 'I'm the king of the world!' I turned around and said it was the wrong scene, we laughed as I turned around, at this point we were stood face-to-face with our noses practically touching and I thought to myself 'please please don't kiss me' but really I think I wanted him to. Just at that moment Brad spun me around and we fell laughing back on to the seats. By this point it was getting very cold and I was using my arms to cover my chest area as I didn't want my nipples to be visible through my dress, I'm sure Brad realised as he went behind him and grabbed a blanket. I think he was on to me I think he knew that I was trying to retain my modesty as he wrapped the blanket around me , he grabbed the other side 'don't be so selfish' he said taking the blanket around his him and wrapping us both in a tight cocoon 'what do you fancy doing now' he said 'I know and Irish bar close to your hotel but is but it has a reputation for attracting women who walk into doors' I smacked his knee and he pulled me closer and whispered 'I'm only joking but we should definitely go to that bar.'

By this point I was definitely ready to go inside the temperature must have dropped below zero and as he failed to buy me a jacket as well as a dress, I was starting to go blue as we departed from the yacht. We thanked the staff as we tackled the steps down to the car that was parked at the top of the dock. As we walked up still cuddled in the blanket, Brad's arm came across my shoulder he pulled my head towards his and give me a kiss on the cheek. Something inside me wanted more than a kiss on the cheek, we had so many opportunities to have a good snog but he had failed to happen as yet, obviously I wanted to act that I was a classy lady but a kiss is the least he deserved after all his efforts, it wasn't like I was going to be dragging him into bed. As we got to the car Brad opened the door and I got in whilst he was walking to the other side of the car I quickly grabbed my lipstick and retouched after eating the food. We drove back to the Irish bar and got out standing in front of the bar he laughed as this was the first place we've ever spoke 'I bet you wish you just left my lipstick on the floor' I joked 'definitely the best thing I ever did returning your lipstick, by the way nice job of covering up the bruise' I could tell that his cheeky side was definitely coming out on this date and I was enjoying the friendly banter that we had.

As we got into the bar the young man who had saved me on the first night there looked at us with a slight confused facial expression, I bet he was wondering how the lonely girl who was eating by herself is now on the arm of the handsome man in a Chanel dress. We sat on the stools in front of the bar and Brad ordered two whiskeys and cokes as I looked down at the drinks I said 'are you are trying to get me drunk' ' hopefully' Brad replied. Over the drinks we spoke about what type of bars and clubs my home town had to offer 'nothing like this' I said 'mainly full of chavs and losers who have one drink and were on the floor' Just as we finished our third drink an Irish folk band had set up on the stage they began to play music and folk-songs to which Brad grab my hand called over some other people and we started to dance in a circle I said to Brad 'this is definitely like the Titanic although we're not the posh ones with the ones underground but you can be my Jack Dawson if you want' he took my hand and kissed it whilst replying 'does that mean I can you are you naked later?' I turned around and acted like I was in disgusted, 'how dare you' I said whilst he lifted me up in the air and spun me around 'just because you buy me a dress and hire out a yacht, does not mean that you can have your wicked way with me'. By this point in the night due to the amount of alcohol me and Brad had begun to flirt outrageously, you could see the chemistry between us, obviously I fancied him and I started to get the impression that he fancied me too I don't know why he's like a God sent from heaven and there was me. We must've danced for around an hour, the other people in the bar where all having a good time too and I pointed to the door and said that I needed a cigarette 'good shout' Brad said as he followed me outside. The cold weather didn't bother me by this point as all the alcohol and dancing was keeping me warm as we smoked Brad said we should probably call it a night soon, by this point it was 2 o'clock in the morning and I must agree my feet were starting to hurt. Although I didn't want the night to end I knew that tomorrow I was going to deal with a major hangover so needed as much rest as possible. We went back inside and downed our drinks as Brad grabbed our jackets and said goodbye to our new friends we had made on the dance floor. As we made our way to the doors of my hotel Brad said 'well Miss Bella I have a great night thank you for coming' 'are you joking thank you for all the effort you have put in!' We both stood there awkwardly for 10 seconds looking around the shops and offices around. Brad stepped closer as I put my arms around his broad shoulders and hugged him tightly. I could tell what was going to happen as shivers went through my body as I turned my head towards him, Brad put his hand on my jaw lifting my lips towards his, 'oh my God! oh my God!' I thought as we embraced in a good night kiss, well more of a snog, his lips tasted of whiskey as I'm sure mine did too but they could've tasted of mushroom for all I cared in this moment. Brad wrapped his arms around me one more time wish me good night and opened the door for me. I hadn't a clue where the Doorman was but Brad definitely could get the job as I walked up the stairs to reception. I turned around and Brad was still there holding the door smiling as he must've been checking out as I was walking up . I waved pressing the elevator button and stood there giggling like a seven-year-old waiting for the elevator to come. As I got to my room I collapsed on the bed I couldn't believe it, I have had the most amazing night, with the most amazing man. I literally felt like a camera crew was going to jump out of the wardrobe and tell me it was all a joke. I received a text which read 'missing you already ?xx' normally I would be a bit cringed at this sort of thing but it was Brad so I texted back 'missing you too, thank you again ?xx'

As I took my make-up off which was still in top condition surprisingly , I put my hair in a pony tail and got into my pyjamas. I kept replaying the nights events, I have never been treated so much like a princess in all my life, then it dawned on me I was going home in few days and I'll probably never see Brad again. Not wanting to dampen my mood I quickly forgot about that fact and thought I might as well make the most of it whilst I was here. When I got into bed the room was spinning I'd obviously drunk too much so I took a glass of water and placed it at the side of my bed knowing that I would need that when I woke up in the morning.