Chapter Seven
So this morning I completely slept through my alarm that was set for 10 o'clock seeing as I didn't get to sleep till six I wasn't surprised. When I woke up it was nearly 12 o'clock and I had a text from Jenny to I asked if I was alive, I sent a text back to say yes but I only had only just got up, lazy cow she replied. I got up and got in the shower trying to wake up, after steaming hot shower and two paracetamol I actually didn't feel that hungover, I was quite fresh considering the amount of alcohol I had drunk the night before. As I was drying my hair Jenny phoned me 'I've swapped my shift today, I really can't deal with work! it's your last day right? shall we go shopping?' 'yes yes yes!' I said 'I was going to go shopping today anyway and definitely need a partner' 'Great meet me at Macy's in a hour' 'no alcohol' I said 'please no alcohol, I don't think I can drink again my liver could take a more' 'don't worry no alcohol' Jenny reassured me.
I finished getting ready and went downstairs to the cafe in the hotel, it was ridiculously expensive but I couldn't face the conditions outside just yet. I got myself a cheese and ham toastie which is rather like cheese and ham on bread, I don't think they have grasped the toasties we have at home. The good thing about the hotel is the unlimited coffee, which I needed this morning, definitely if I'm going on a shopping trip. As I went down the stairs from the reception, Paul was stood at the bottom of the stairs. 'Good afternoon Miss Bella' he said opening is arms for a cuddle 'afternoon Paul how are you' 'I'm good it's a cold one today' 'I'm going shopping trying to get my last bits before they go home tomorrow'. 'So soon? I will miss you kid' I laughed laughed as kid with something we say at home, 'well make sure I see you tomorrow we can head over there for at late breakfast before you leave' he said 'I'm sure I can get an hour off work' 'aww that will be nice' I say giving him a hug and hoping that he wouldn't think Brad was invited.
As I headed to meet Jenny, Paul was right it was a cold one today so I was glad that I had shops to take shelter in . Jenny suggested we try a ridiculous amount of clothes on today 'let's pretend we're married to billionaires' she laughed as she grabbed a jacket that was clearly expensive and put around herself, to which the shopping assistants looked at her in disgust 'screw them they don't know we are not loaded!' as we sat down to try on shoes. I asked what happened last night with Jason 'well we got back to mine and cuddled on the sofa, it's a bit hard with all the room mates to get any privacy at my place, I wouldn't of done anything anyway it's early days like I said but that doesn't mean I don't fancy the pants off him!'. It is nice to see Jenny so upbeat about Jason, I really did hope they would work out, they seem really good together. After around two hours into our shopping trip I told her that I needed some food so we headed to the bar she worked Jenny suggested we go there instead of paying for food when she can get it for free and to be fair it is good food so I didn't complain, I was sick of eating burgers by this point.
Over lunch me and Jenny sat chatting about my life at home, I told her about recently losing my job and the way to which it happened and at home I was sick of dating scumbags. I told her my plan was when I got home to find a job not in sales and stop looking for Mr Right then maybe he will turn up. Talking about my depressive life made it really hit home, I know needed to do something, I needed a career but in something I loved and hopefully one day the fairytale relationship, not rushing into anything and taking time out to look after myself. Jenny went on to tell me you can't really prepare for what life has to offer people come and go as with jobs but it will all work out in the end, By this point in our conversation we had ordered food, Jenny was telling me that she does miss home but it doesn't give her the opportunity that this city does and although she is working long hours it is all worth it in the end. 'Maybe I'll come back in a few years and you'll be married to Jason' I joked 'maybe I'll come back for the wedding'. Jenny quickly changed the subject and we went on to joke about past times at school, rearranging the art class room at dinnertime into being an army course, lifting tables up to make them into slides and using robe to make DIY tunnels, we was about 16 then we should have known better. We was in fits of giggles talking about when Mr Ainsworth came back after dinner and his classroom was literally upside down. We got away with it all, you could tell he was mad but he would never told us off. We used to get up to loads of trouble in school Jenny was the quiet one so nobody expected her to be involved and she has got away with it, were as I was the loud one and it was always my fault even though Jenny was to blame sometimes. Once we sneaked a kettle, coffee and milk into the art class to use at break and only to forget about it after a week, Mr Ainsworth was looking for the smell that was overpowering his classroom which was the gone off milk that we had left there behind a cupboard. The whole school smelt of mouldy milk for about a full term until one of the cleaners found it during summer break. We was the only ones allowed in the art room at break times so we couldn't even say wasn't us. We both said we don't really see anyone from school there used to be about twelve of us girls are all hung together constantly, inside and outside of school but haven't seen any of them since we went to college. It was a shame we was actually a good friends but I guess people grow apart. 'Yeah but at least we found each other again' Jenny said leaning over the table and to give me a hug. 'Yeah for six more hours before I have to go back to sleep and pack to go home' 'you'll be back it's addictive this place' 'yeah but I need to get a job at home and save up to come back next year'
We spent about four hours eating through all the free food and drinking all the free cocktails we could. We said we was not going to drink but you can never turn down free cocktails but I was pacing myself knowing I couldn't handle a hangover when I was flying home. I hope the stewardess is on tomorrow maybe I'll get upgraded again, preparing myself for a small economy seat as my luck seemed to be starting to dry out. 'You can always stay' Jenny said 'I don't think my bank balance covers the hotel for much longer, I think my room service bill is as expensive enough!' 'I'm serious' Jenny said 'I'd give you a job and you can come and stay with me there's loads of us living in the apartment already one more won't hurt, you could work at the bar when you wanted to I will give you as many shifts as you wanted and then you don't have to go back home and find another boring job, you've worked in a bar before right?' Yeah right but this is not the working men's club back home is a bit different I thought. 'I can't stay anyway I've got nothing here and I need to get home what will my mum think she wouldn't be too impressed if she was waiting for me at the train station tomorrow and I didn't turn up'. 'I'm serious though if you ever do you want to come back I'll give you a job. You will have to sort your Visa out but it doesn't take long, even if you just get a temporary Visa for six months or a year just think of all the experience you will get' Jenny said getting excited about the idea. 'I wish, I just don't think it's something that I am meant to do, I like being at home, I don't think I'm brave enough, I'm not as brave as you, but thanks for the offer and you never know' I said trying to be sensible and not letting the cocktails get the better of me. 'Think about it Bella, I'm being serious, go home sort your stuff out and come back, it was really nice to see you and we could have so much fun out here' she said. Jenny got up and poured another cocktail out of the jug' that's my last one' I said 'otherwise I'll have to stay here because I'll be too hungover to get on the plane tomorrow' 'that's the plan' Jenny said.
Around 7 o'clock I decided to make my way back to the hotel to chill out start to pack and get ready for leaving tomorrow. Jenny offered to get me a lift back but I was only about ten minutes walk back to the hotel so said I would walk to take in some last sights. I had got used to the streets by now I actually knew where I was going and not constantly on Google maps trying to find out where I was. Stopping at a shop on the way I grabbed some snacks and non-alcoholic drinks.
As I got to the hotel doors, Paul was standing there with his blue eyes and captivating smile 'good day?' he said 'evening Paul how are you?' 'looking forward to our breakfast tomorrow?'he said grabbing my shoulder me '10 o'clock? That OK?' I said 'perfect I'll be waiting here, are you going back out for the night?' 'No I have to pack and I've been out all day with my friend Jenny so I need to chill out and sober up before my flight tomorrow' 'oh to be young again' he said opening the door 'well sweet dreams Bella see you in the morning'. As I arrived back in my room I started to tackle to mountain of clothes of stuff I had bought into my case, I still have a few things to pick up tomorrow I promised my nephews presents from the Disney store but I thought it would only take me thirty minutes in the morning after I met Paul for breakfast. Climbing into bed for the final time I'm wrapped myself up and turned on the TV to make the most out of the American shows that are more up-to-date than back home. I was looking forward to being in my own bed even though it's a fifth of the size of this one, the weather wasn't looking too great at home either but seemed better than the freezing temperatures here. This time tomorrow I'll be tucked up in bed with my dog and my boring life ready start to job hunting. Jenny's offer was tempting and I spent the night thinking how I could make it possible, I wouldn't know where to start to get a working Visa for the year and I think I'd miss home too much but not everyone gets that opportunity to spend six months in one of the greatest cities in the world. A job with her friend and a place to stay, I don't think I'd get bored of the city even if I was here for six years. I think I would step out of my door each morning and still embrace everything it had to offer. Most people would grab the opportunity with two hands and cling onto it but in my case I've got hold of it but I don't know whether I want to keep hold of it. I have never been confused like this, although back home I have no job, no boyfriend and nothing much looking up for me. I thought my life would be exactly the same when I returned home from working here for six months and still have no work here I'd still be living at home and I'm still have no boyfriend but I guess I'd have the experience behind me that I had the experience of going it alone, well with Jenny, but going it alone in a country for six months.