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At lunch all the protestors pocketed their lime jello containers and gave them to Frank. His eyes sparkled with mischief and he ran to his room to stash them. Nurse Gabby gave them a suspicious look, but she let them pass.
"Sandy-Sue!" Sady stopped, hoping she wasn't being singled out for Frank's jello hoarding. "You have visitors coming tomorrow after supper. They are bringing your requested items." Sady's face lit up and she raced to tell her new friends that she was getting visitors and she wanted them to meet. She looked for Todd, but couldn't find him.
"Pssst!" Sady looked around, wondering who it was this time. Charlotte waved to her from a bench and Sady went to sit beside her.
"They took Todd," Charlotte whispered. "I saw them take him after lunch. I think they're using us for experience. I bet when Lucy gets back she won't even remember her missing jello bra. They are probably poking holes in her brain as we speak and giving her a phlebotomy. I wonder what they'll do to Todd?"
"What makes you think that?" Sady asked.
"Just because I bumped my head and got a conclusion doesn't mean I don't know what's going on around here. But I didn’t tell them about the information in my shoulder because they might take me next. You'll see!"
Sady wondered if Charlotte might have knowledge of the thefts she was there to investigate. "Charlotte, have you heard of any thefts lately? Besides Lucy's bra?"
Charlotte looked stunned. "That's it! They're stealing body parts. Oh no, I have to warn the others!" Charlotte spotted the twins and left Sady on the bench to chase them calling, "Pssst!"
Sady looked up when Carolina plopped onto the bench next to her. "Welcome to the Harbor!" she said. When Sady asked about Todd, Carolina replied, "He wasn't responding to his meds, so they took him to the hospital for observation."
"Oh, I was worried," Sady said. Lee and Lou came to join the conversation while Charlotte spread the news about Todd.
"I think they're testing new meds without telling anyone," Lou said. "Why else would we lose two guests in such a short time? And despite Charlotte's theory, I don't think they are taking body parts. But, I'm checking my vitamins before I take them tomorrow!"
"Now why would anyone want to mess with your vitamins?" Lee asked scornfully. "It's not like they're doing you any good. Maybe they should slip something into your mix!"
"You just want them to haul me away so you can have the blanket to yourself. I saw you hide it under your pillow this morning," Lou accused.
"Stop looking at me, or I'll tell," Lee said. "And I moved the blanket because I knew you saw where I put it." She stuck out her tongue at Lou and ran off.
"Can't you just get another blanket?" Sady asked in confusion.
"Not like that one," Lou responded. "I know because I checked them all! Nurse Gabby let me. It's the only one that has that swirly pattern in just the right colors. The other blankets have the swirl or the colors, but not both in just the right spot! I'm gonna go find the blanket before she can move it again!"
"Heaven help us all if that blanket ever goes missing," Carolina said. "Those two will tear this place apart."
The bell rang signaling time for group therapy. During the session, Sady was surprised to learn that Frank was a retired cop. She asked if he ever worried that someone might die because of his actions.
"When I was a rookie, I worried every day. Then, as the years went by, I realized I'm not responsible for the bad choices others make, and I'm not guilty when those choices hurt others. I had to learn I couldn't protect and save everyone, as hard as I might try. No one can do that, and if you take that responsibility on your shoulders you'll get crushed by the weight of a burden you can't carry. Sandy-Sue, there isn't a single person who can prevent bad things from taking place. Just remember- you aren't the cause. I don't know what's eating at you, but you need to let it go. It's hard and it will take awhile, but you'll get there."
Sady jumped up and ran to hug Frank. After she hugged him, she turned, embarrassed. "Can I do that?" she asked Dr. Alden.
"Why are you asking her?" Frank demanded gruffly. "Hell yes, you can do that. Anytime you want!" He smiled like a proud father. "Cliff, get out of that chair and let the little lady have it." He kicked Cliff from his seat and patted it for Sady to sit. Dr. Alden just smiled with a shrug, so Sady sat down by Frank.
The rest of the session went well, and at the end Dr. Alden said. "Ladies and gentlemen, always try to remember this: Life's a pain in the ass, and these sessions are your chance to kick some ass!" Sady wondered if Nurse Gabby approved of Dr. Alden's little homilies.
Nurse Gabby surprised them at dinner. Instead of lime jello the cafeteria served lemon. Sady made a face, pocketed her cup, and passed it off to Frank. It's a good thing the nurse didn't see it, or she wouldn't have let Sady use the dried out markers. Sady fumed and added it to her protest list.
There were no upsets that night, but it was still hard to sleep. Sady wondered if Amanda would sneak her sleeping pills, but then decided against it. If she got bounced, she'd blow the job. And speaking of the job, she didn't have a single thing to report to the Knight's! She'd better get some information tomorrow, she thought as she closed her eyes and tried to sleep.
Day 3
After breakfast, she went to her personal counseling session, and Jane asked her about group therapy and how she liked it. Sady admitted she enjoyed it. Jane asked if she thought the group therapy was helpful for the guests. Sady nodded with a big smile. Instead of talking Jane had Sady work on an art therapy project. Sady relaxed and enjoyed the project, not even aware her session time finished. Jane assured her she could continue the project during her next session.
After her counseling Sady went to the activity room, hoping she'd get a chance to make something out of pottery. The aid handed her a couple containers of children's clay and laughed at the look on Sady's face. "Budget cuts- sorry."
Sady opened the containers and dropped out the chunks of dried dough. She heard laughter and looked up with a frown. It was Lucy! Sady was happy to see her and told her so. Lucy smiled and said, "I got my bra back. It's not the same one I lost, but it works- look!" She stood and bounced. Sady bit back a smile as the men in the room bopped their heads in time to the bounce of Lucy's fake boobs.
Lucy snickered and told Sady, "Stoops! It's just a bunch of jello- like they throw away at lunch every day. Next I'm gonna get me a great big gel booty and look like those Kardashings. Cliff better not pinch a hole in it though."
"I think Cliff found a better use for his hands," Sady confided.
"Well, good for him. He needs a strong woman to keep him in line." She looked around and asked in a hushed tone, "Who is it?"
Sady double checked the room as well and answered, "It's Judy. He likes her, uh... big booty."
"Oh, thanks for the warning! I'll keep my new butt cheeks on the small size so he won't be tempted."
"I think that's a good idea," Sady smiled. She hated to push Lucy, but she really needed something to report to Harry and CJ, so she asked, "How did you get your bra back?"
Lucy shrugged. "It was just in my room when I got back this morning. It's not a Victoria Secret, but no one knows that except you and me."
"You mean someone brought you a brand new bra and just left it?" Sady asked.
Lucy nodded happily. "I hope the lingerie fairy brings me a new butt soon! Maybe I'll leave a pair of old undies under my pillow. I'll let you know if it works!"
Sady wished her luck and stuffed the dried dough back into the tubs.
"What are you doing?" Lou asked. She and Lee had entered the room while Sady talked with Lucy.
"It's no good, so I'm putting it back," Sady told Lou.
Lou reached for the containers. "Give me those!" She looked around the room and when the aid wasn't looking she shoved them into the trash. Lee doubled over with laughter and Lou defended her actions. "What? If I don't do that, we'll never get new dough! They'll just try to add water to this, which never works. Now they don't have a choice!"
The twins welcomed Lucy back and complimented her on her bra. Lucy bounced a few more times and almost caused a riot among the men. The aid frowned and Lucy calmed down after one final bounce.
"Hey, Lucy? What's the story with the other night?" Lou asked, ignoring Lee's reprimand.
"They gave me the wrong pills," Lucy said, with her brows lowered. "I kept telling that stupid male nurse, and he tried telling me it was just a different brand. But I know better. Watch what they give you," she warned before turning away and ignoring them.
"See, I told you!" Lou said to Lee. "They mess with your meds. I'm gonna ask the director to keep my own vitamins. I don't trust the people handing them out!"
"You don't trust anybody," Lee replied.
"Yeah, well now you know why!" The twins wandered off and Sady followed them for a bit, then left them to enter the rec room.
Carolina and Allison sat together talking and they motioned for Sady to join them. Sady looked around the room and waved as Karen pulled the box of puzzle pieces closer to her side. When Sady sat with the other women Karen waved back.
"We heard Lucy's back," Carolina said.
"And so is her bra," Allison added with a giggle. At Sady's surprised look she added, "News travels fast."
"I guess so! How are things coming with the revolt?" she asked. "Because they need new clay dough, and I'm adding it to my list!"
"I don't know. We haven't had a chance to talk with Frank, but he's been keeping all the jello cups stored in his room," Carolina assured her.
Sady decided to bring up the thefts one more time. If news traveled around the place as fast as Lucy's new bra bounced someone had to know something. Carolina and Allison both gave her a strange look.
"What is it with you and things getting stolen?" Allison asked.
Sady improvised. "I recently had my car stolen, and ever since then I'm nervous." She couldn't tell them she was on an undercover job assignment.
"Well, I can tell you nothing gets stolen around here," Allison assured her. "What's to steal?"
Sady had to admit she had a good point. The more she thought about it, she realized it was more than a good point. She should have read that darn job folder thoroughly instead of scanning it. Sady narrowed her eyes- if they thought they were getting away with this... Excusing herself, Sady grabbed colored pencils and paper, then went to sit outside. She started her report with an evil glint in her eye and worked on it until lunch.
After lunch Nurse Gabby reminded her she would have visitors after supper that evening. Sady smiled innocently and thanked Nurse Gabby. She'd be ready for them! Sady went outside to finish her job report. She smiled when she saw Judy and Cliff in the garden. In between squeezes, Cliff pulled anything with roots. Sady giggled and hoped no one would throw them out.
As she headed toward the bench by the pond, she smelled Frank's cigarette smoke and stopped. She tore through the bushes and busted him as he ground out the butt in the dirt. "Stop that!" she yelled. "You shouldn't be doing that!"
"Quiet down, Sandy-Sue! I know it's against the rules, but blabby Gabby isn't here to scold me."
Sady's big brown eyes filled with tears. "I don't care about the nurse. I don't want you to smoke, Frank. Cigarettes will kill you and somebody needs you to be there for them... like me."
Big gruff Frank looked embarrassed and oddly touched that a pretty young woman cared about him. "You aren't going to cry or anything, are you?" he asked nervously.
"I won't cry if you won't smoke anymore," Sady said.
"You sound like my daughter," he sighed.
"Well, maybe she needs you too."
"If I promise to try will you stop looking like a lost kitten?" Frank asked.
"What do you mean by try?" Sady asked.
Frank sighed again. "Get professional and medical help, join a support group..." Sady cut him off with a hug and a nod.
"I'll come help you, Frank," she promised.
"I know you will, kid," he smiled. "The question now is what am I gonna do with all that green jello? I can't flush it or it will stop the plumbing." He stared past her feet and finally he asked, "What is that thing on the ground behind you?"
Sady turned and picked up the item Frank had been staring at. "I think we found Lucy's bra," she laughed. "You want to dust it for fingerprints?"
"I'll pass," Frank replied. "That's disgusting!"
"It's broken," Sady said. "Or maybe popped is a better word. I'd give it a proper burial, but I'm afraid it would contaminate the ground... Frank, I know what we can do with all that jello- save it for me," Sady yelled as she ran. "I have a plan."
Frank shook his head with a smile. He always was a sucker for a pretty woman with brown eyes. He pulled out his unfinished pack of cigarettes and threw it in the trash deciding to sign up for the smoking cessation group when he went back inside. Nurse Gabby would think she was a miracle worker.