What follows is a fictional account of a family in America today, including their friends and business associates. I hope to show what happens when these thoroughly modern individuals rely on their own strengths and resources to solve the problems that naturally occur in their lives. I also hope to communicate the different results when their lives are submitted to the Lord and the Holy Spirit is set free to act as our God has promised He will.
These words are by no means my own. As may be obvious from the first, I am neither a theologian nor a pastor; I am a businessman. Much of what is written here has been inspired by listening to other godly men and women, who have had the patience and the gift to teach, to preach, and to minister the Word to me and to many others. And while I don't want to appear presumptuous, the words are not mine because they seemed to flow, as I wrote, from a higher source.
I have tried to describe the spiritual warfare that is raging today, at this hour, for the hearts and souls of our family members, neighbors, business associates, government leaders, media executives, and others. In describing this warfare, I have used some visual images which may not be traceable to particular verses in the Bible, but I hope will nevertheless communicate the battles, which I know are going on even as you read these words.
I must warn you that there are a few events and descriptions in this book which are not particularly pleasant or Godlike. I take no joy in including these. I have tried to choose words that are as inoffensive as possible to describe these situations. I have included them because my heart breaks at what we are doing to ourselves, as individuals and as a nation, and it is my conviction that we must understand exactly what is happening to have any chance of being set free from it. If these events offend you, I cannot change them, because they are all too real. If my choice of words offends you, then I sincerely apologize.
Let me also be quick to say that before Christ came into my life and made a new person of me, I had experienced many of the situations described herein. I am, in that sense, the chief of sinners in this book. But I have also experienced firsthand the infinite power of His Holy Spirit to change lives, instantly and permanently. I give Him all the glory and all the praise for what He has done in my life, and in the lives of my wife and children. The power is there if we just ask for it.
Besides our Lord, I also want to thank the following people, who have helped me over many years of teaching and/or have delivered particular messages that have stuck with me through the years. They are Michael Youssef, Roy Ludwig, Joe Spence, Adolph Coors, IV, John Guest, Archie Parrish, Ed Silvosa, and Mark Rutland. Some of the images and statements in this book began with ideas I heard first from these men.
I also want to thank a wonderful group of people who made specific suggestions and gave encouragement on early versions of this book. They are Gil and Bonnie Meredith, John and Laura Wise, Caroline Kerr and her daughters Caroline and Helen, Margie Wynne, Bob Morgan, Bo and Paula Smith, Carrie Guest, Bradley Fulkerson, Betty Lee Hudson, Sue Cortese, Dot Vick, and Bob Hupka, Gene Hall, Byron and Florence Attridge, and Tony and Rae McLellan.
To them and to the Lord belong the thanks for any words you find helpful as you consider what is happening today. If any words are not helpful, then let that responsibility be mine alone.
May God bless you and your family as you read these words and consider His promises to each one of us.