Ten Years Later
As the years passed, Rebecca and Turgoth ruled the Land of the White Sun with love and wisdom. Turgoth took over from Field Marshal Foster and taught the young Orizons how to use the sword, while Rebecca showed them how to fly, as Princess Felicia had done before her.
General Hunter held his position, while Turgoth appointed a new Amazon Leader. Her name was Nemesis, named after the Greek Goddess of Revenge.
Rebecca always went with Bull and Doctor Afterland to give the Flame to newborn Orizons.
Felicia and Leiko would join Rebecca and Turgoth for the Flame Ceremony without fail and they also accepted the young trainees into their home for their final training with Leiko and their flight with Pegasus, just as Lord Life and Lady Danae had done before them. The mythical Winged Horse stayed with them.
One of the things that Rebecca changed was that she stopped keeping the secret of immortality from the young Orizons before the time came to make their decision. She wanted them to know everything from the moment they arrived in Utopia. The same applied for all the Sharkans, too, who could now go to Utopia and receive the Flame at the age of eighteen. At their birth, Rebecca gave the Flame to them in just the same way.
Felicia and Leiko now had a nine-year-old son who they named Alexander in honour of Alexander the Great, the Greek General who was Leiko’s good friend and was now enjoying eternity in the Elysian Fields. Alexander had already started going to school in Utopia, riding there on Pegasus every morning and returning with him in the afternoon.
Felicia visited the Elysian Fields at least once a year in order to update the Gods on the situation in the Land of the White Sun. During these visits, she would meet with her parents and spend some quality time with them.
With no wars, the population in the Land of the White Sun kept increasing and two new Kingdoms were created. The first, they named ‘Ator’ and it was built only a few miles from Utopia. All the Centaurs went to live there, while the Amazons stayed in Utopia, together with the Orizons. The Sharkans remained in Beast, which was renamed ‘Thunder,’ but a few miles away, a second new Kingdom was created for the Porth and the Cyclopes. This Kingdom was called ‘CyPor.’
Once a month, the warriors from each Kingdom gathered in Utopia and trained together, doing virtual simulated battles and fighting imaginary wars in order to be ready to defend the Flame, should the need ever arise. They knew that, sooner or later, the Titans would find a way to send a new army of hellish demons out from Tartarus to try once again to steal the Flame. It was an ongoing war and Rebecca always had to be ready to protect the Flame, if needed.
For over ten years, however, peace reigned and everything seemed to be going well.