One week later
It took a few days for the pain in Turgoth’s hand to subside as Doctor Afterland worked on it with the Flame.
Rebecca decided to leave the family farm and move inside the Fortress of Utopia, where Felicia’s house used to be. Nothing could harm Leylah there and Rebecca felt that, with her daughter safe, there was no power in the universe that could stop her from protecting the Flame. Furthermore, she had now appointed a new personal guard for Leylah, her grandfather’s special gift, brought to her a couple of days ago from Kenya: Her dear lion!
Everyone knew that the forces of Evil would never stop trying to seize the Flame. There were rumours that the Titans were using demons to contact the Sartani on Earth and share with them their secret technology. In this way, they would be able to create evil creatures on Earth too, like demon clones, creating a new dark army that could join forces with Tartarus in order to attack Utopia and try, once more, to seize the Flame. But for now, all Rebecca and Turgoth could do was wait and prepare for the future.
Once Turgoth had fully recovered, Lady Felicia and Lord Leiko invited him and Rebecca for dinner to celebrate their success. Bull and Doctor Afterland would be there too. They sent Pegasus and Lenus to pick them up.
Upon their arrival, Little Alexander welcomed them alongside his parents.
“I see that you didn’t bring my future daughter-in-law with you!” said Felicia and everyone laughed, because they had all dreamed the same dreams of how the future might be...