What is Psychic Reiki?
Psychic Reiki is the culminating work of my three previous books about Reiki, plus some new techniques, combined into one elegant and user-friendly energy healing system. As with traditional Reiki, this system acknowledges Mikao Usui as the founder of Reiki, and its practitioners access the Divine Life-Force energy known as Reiki for wellbeing and spiritual development. Yet this system differs from traditional Reiki in that there are no symbols or hand positions, since the practitioner learns to communicate with and direct the energy of Reiki telepathically.
Reiki is the world’s most popular form of energy healing. Originally discovered by Mikao Usui, a Japanese mystic who lived from 1865 to 1926, Reiki is now flourishing
around the world as a method of self care and wellbeing. It is even getting some recognition in Western medical circles, and is used as a form of palliative care in more progressive hospitals. Often, Reiki is translated from Japanese into English as meaning “Universal Life-Force Energy,” and yet the Japanese kanji can also be translated to mean “Divine Life-Force Energy.” I prefer the later translation, as it reflects the idea that Reiki does not really come from any person, or human, or even the collective field of life-force energy, but from a higher source that exists on the spiritual planes. As human channels for this energy, we can interpret it and create structures for understanding it, yet the energy itself is from the Divine, and thus not limited by our human structures or human interpretation. Reiki, as Divine Life-Force Energy, is an expression of Divine consciousness, and therefore always works for the highest good.
Reiki is most commonly taught as either a three- or four-degree system. Those teachers who teach it as a four-degree system essentially break the traditional third degree into two parts, but the essential teachings are the same whether one learns it as a three- or four-degree system.
First-degree Reiki empowers a student with an initiation from a Reiki master that is commonly called an attunement. This attunement involves the Reiki master putting sacred Reiki symbols into the student’s crown chakra at the top of the head, as well as into the student’s hands. Once activated to the energy of Reiki through the attunement, the student
is then taught hand positions for doing a Reiki session on themself as well as Reiki hand positions for doing a session on another person. At this level, the student is usually not taught any of the Reiki symbols.
Second-degree Reiki training involves the student receiving another attunement from a Reiki master, and then learning three of the sacred Reiki symbols. One symbol makes the energy flow stronger. Another symbol focuses the energy for mental and emotional wellness. A third symbol is learned that allows a Reiki healer to send Reiki through time and space.
The third degree of Reiki, as I learned it, is the Master level, and it involves yet another attunement from a Reiki master, who then teaches three more Reiki symbols to the student. The student then learns how to initiate others to Reiki using these sacred Reiki symbols. Since some of these symbols also increase the ability of the Reiki student as a practitioner, some teachers separate the third degree into two parts. The first part serves to enhance ones skills as a practitioner and the second part is teacher training. Yet, as mentioned earlier, the teachings are essentially the same whether one learns Reiki as a three- or four-degree system. I have dear friends who are Reiki masters who learned it as a four-degree system and we respect each other’s different styles, knowing the core teaching is still the same.
Reiki is a form of Divine light, and as a form of Divine light it is not limited by our human structures for accessing and interpreting it. I teach traditional Reiki workshops at
one of the world’s premier holistic retreat centers, Omega Institute, and have a great reverence for the Reiki symbols, the lineage, and the integrity of a system that has evolved now for almost a century to become the most popular form of energy healing in the world. Yet I am also open to there being more than what I know about Reiki and more than what I was taught by those who initiated me into Reiki. I know that these symbols and structures, as beautiful as they are, are simply human ways of accessing something far greater than our ability to totally comprehend. In 2007, I had a profound mystical experience while traveling in Laos that involved a visitation from the spirit of Mikao Usui, the person all Reiki lineages credit as the one who discovered Reiki. During that mystical experience I was given a ball of white light from Mikao Usui that went directly into my heart chakra. At the time, I simply thought that ball of white light contained information about Reiki, and during the weeks after that experience I became aware of information that became the bulk of my book Reiki for Spiritual Healing (Crossing Press, 2009). Eventually, after several years, I came to the awareness that that ball of white light included a new tool in the evolution of Reiki that I call “Mikao Usui’s Reiki Crystal of Awakening.”
Mikao Usui’s Reiki Crystal of Awakening, which was first introduced to the general public through my book New Reiki Software for Divine Living (Ayni Books, 2013), is an energetic crystal made out of the light of Reiki. It holds Divine consciousness, information about Reiki, the ability
to flow any energy from any Reiki symbol or any Reiki lineage, and can be psychically activated simply with a person’s thoughts, though one can also use their voice. After writing New Reiki Software for Divine Living, I thought I had written everything about Reiki that I was supposed to write. I thought I had nothing new left to say on the subject of Reiki. Yet in the past six months I have been getting more information from my guides that there is more about Mikao Usui’s Reiki Crystal of Awakening than I fully understood. Also, I have been shown that when combined with techniques from my first two Reiki books, an elegant healing system that is easy to access and also quite powerful is offered. The work of the following chapters offers these new Reiki possibilities as a unique Reiki system that I call Psychic Reiki.
Psychic Reiki has one primary tool—Mikao Usui’s Reiki Crystal of Awakening—which, for the sake of brevity, I will refer to as the Reiki crystal from this point forward. Since this Reiki crystal can be activated simply though telepathic communication with it, the term psychic seems best suited to describe this new system of Reiki. This system of Reiki has no hand positions, no use of the traditional Reiki symbols, and no hierarchy of degrees that exists in traditional Reiki, such that anyone empowered to it can also initiate others to Psychic Reiki. Yet the energy Psychic Reiki draws from is still the same vibration of Reiki as traditional Reiki. Psychic Reiki simply accesses Reiki Divine Life-Force Energy in a way that fits more with the egalitarian evolution into
an Aquarian Age. In other words, it is a new structure, a new human container for Reiki, though the energy of Reiki itself remains as pure and as Divine as it has always been.
Some of the most common techniques you will learn through the work of Psychic Reiki are listed below. If you recognize any from my previous books, know that they will be accessed at even deeper levels in this work as you grow deeper into your connection with your own Reiki crystal and that Divine presence which exists inside of that Reiki crystal.
Reiki, as a flow of energy used in traditional Reiki methods, will be able to flow now directly from your Reiki crystal. You will be able to access that flow of Reiki energy now psychically through your thoughts, or voice, to the specified area or target—usually to a person, place, or situation.
Reiki cords are an intense, continuous presence of Reiki between any two points in time/space. I often think of Reiki cords as miniature Reiki laser beams, and they can be more intense than many other Reiki tools. They can be created via a psychic request to your Reiki crystal, much easier than the Reiki cord techniques described in my first two Reiki books, The Reiki Magic Guide To Self Attunement and Reiki for Spiritual Healing.
Reiki meditations can be invoked when you ask your Reiki crystal to bring your consciousness, or the consciousness of an aspect of your being, such as an organ, cells, or even your subconscious mind, into the Reiki crystal,
where it then marinates under the deep influence of that Divine consciousness that guides Reiki. Reiki meditations can have a requested specific focus or intent, such as inner peace, stress reduction, knowing Divine love, or any shift in consciousness that would be for the highest good.
Reiki holograms are objects made out of the Divine light that is Reiki. They can be anything, real or imagined. As a student of magic and spiritual esoteric studies I learned many years ago that thoughts themselves are considered real in magical theory. So, in a magical sense, even things that are imagined are real and can energetically influence us. Reiki holograms can often be useful as Reiki replications of specific organs and body parts, which, when fused into the physical organ, transfer an energetic Reiki imprint of that organ operating for the highest good. In truth, the only limit to creating Reiki holograms is your own imagination, and they can be of anything at all as long as they are for the highest good. Common Reiki holograms I use include Reiki holograms of angels, mythological power objects, natural objects, real-life archeological power sites such as the Great Pyramids, and the list goes on and on.
Reiki portals access the Reiki symbol called Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Reiki used for sending Reiki through time and space, placing it strategically for heightened effect to cause a flow of energy (Reiki or otherwise) from one part of this magical universe into another part of this magical universe. A very common Reiki portal I use is to create one to the angelic realm, or directly to the archangel
Raphael, during a Reiki session, in the close proximity of the person being treated. This calls forth a direct flow of that angelic energy into the session as an additional force to accelerate the healing.
Reiki crystal grid is an entirely new and very potent technique. It does, however, require the presence of more than one Reiki crystal. To access this grid you can use your own Reiki crystal once you are empowered, as well as the Reiki crystal in this book. Or, if there are other Reiki healers present who are empowered to the Reiki crystal, you can invite all their Reiki crystals to also form a Reiki crystal grid. This technique works by uniting the power of more than one Reiki crystal to work in harmony with each other as one powerful grid of Reiki energy. The more Reiki crystals one can access for this technique, the more powerful the energy of that grid will be.
Reiki Sphere of Divine Grace is a huge bubble filled with Reiki light surrounding a person. It can be invoked upon request through your Reiki crystal. It has a very nurturing feeling, as if being held by the Mother of the Universe.
Reiki affirmations are affirmation phrases that have been empowered and infused with their own Reiki crystal, which is then programmed to send Reiki to a person as they speak the affirmation. A unique aspect of this work is that the Reiki being sent through each Reiki affirmation is specifically designed to work in perfect harmony with the intent of that affirmation. In other words, the energy of one Reiki affirmation will feel entirely unique and different
than the Reiki of any other Reiki affirmation. In my book New Reiki Software for Divine Living I shared twenty-two of my own Reiki affirmations for anyone to use. Later in this book, you will be shown how to design and empower your very own Reiki affirmations, making them specific and tailor-made for you, as well as family and loved ones.
Reiki Constellation Therapy session is an energetic healing that works on the unconscious forces, bonds, and dynamics that exist within a family system. Although it does not send a direct session to any individual, it can address the energetic order or disorder that is the root cause of many individual issues within a specific family or group system.
Reiki DNA Blueprint Upgrade is exactly what is says, a spiritual upgrade of your own genetic being.
Most of the above techniques will be explored, each with its own chapter, later in this book.