Opening Your Heart to the Divine
Reiki always works for the highest good, and now you have a powerful Reiki energetic tool imbued with Divine consciousness near your spiritual heart center. Think of that and how powerful a statement that is. You now have an energetic presence of Divine consciousness near your spiritual heart that will always be there for the rest of your life. I think of the Reiki crystal as an energetic embodiment of Divine grace, and now not only is that grace available to you, but it is also part of your own energy system. In other words, you yourself are an embodiment of Divine presence. How wonderful that is!
You may not completely own that Divine presence. You may be tempted to try to run away from it. Yet that
is now impossible, because it is part of you. You might still judge yourself, deny the truth of your own Divinity, and play all kinds of mind games with yourself, which is part of the comedy of being human. You might ignore each word written on these pages because the fear of your own Divine light terrifies you. Imagine, if the Divine is part of you, how unstoppable your dreams suddenly become. I know that kind of existential stage fright, that level of terror which can arise when it becomes entirely clear that our most powerful dreams are easily within our grasp, if we would only dare to open our hands and reach.
The work of this chapter is in simply getting to know the Divine you. That is something you can do by working with and deepening your connection to the Divine consciousness inside the Reiki crystal.
Let’s begin by working with some of the Reiki techniques mentioned in chapter one. Know as well that this book has its own Reiki crystal, and much of the emphasis in this book involves you simply being present while the Reiki crystal inside of this book works on you, which allows you to fully feel the results of specific techniques while in a passive and receptive state. Other times, you will be using your own Reiki crystal. There will also be times when your Reiki crystal and the one inside of this book work together.
Most of the world’s great spiritual traditions say that the universe began with sound, with the Divine voice speaking creation into existence. In the Hindu tradition it is said that all of creation arises from the sacred sound of Om. The
Judeo-Christian traditions claim that the universe began when God said: Let there be light! I believe in the Divine, yet do not ascribe to the teachings of one tradition alone. My own personal belief is that the initial sound of creation began with Divine laughter, that the joy, the sorrow, the riddles, and mystery of life are best captured in this idea of a never-ending laugh, that the natural curve of time and space is Buddha (or Jesus or myriad other names) smiling.
The Reiki crystal inside of this book is now creating a Reiki portal in this paragraph connecting you with that Divine laughter. Allow yourself to simply rest your eyes here. Stop reading, and allow yourself to be bathed in that Divine laughter. Let yourself be in this presence energetically and to sink deeply into it. Let it soak into your mind, into your bones, into each organ and cell of your body. Feel it flow into your thoughts and the space between each thought. Feel it roll over each muscle, into your throat, into your lungs. With the next breath you take, allow this Divine laughter to come into your nose and mouth. Let it flow through your ears and come in through your eyes in all that you see, including this page, your fingers, and anything you see in the background behind this book. Know you are not alone, that you have never been alone, never will be nor ever could be. This Divine laughter has been with you always, and is part of you always. Even if you didn’t see it or know it, that Divine presence has been there. It is our own illusion and confusion that leads to feeling separate from the Divine. Now, allow yourself to feel
the Divine laughter flow into that illusion and confusion. All is a cosmic riddle, a gentle, infinite smile rising like a Möbius strip of one pair of lips kissing itself. Know anytime you feel alone you can open this book and read this page, or simply sit in front of it as this book lies open to this paragraph. Know as well that all this is happening through the Reiki crystal that is inside of this book and the Divine consciousness that exists inside of it. Everything written in this paragraph, and all the energy moving forth, is also possible within your own Reiki crystal, which lives now near your own spiritual heart. Think of this. Imagine the possibilities. Then, let go and stop reading for now.
Do you want to connect deeper now to your own Reiki crystal and the Divine consciousness that exists inside of it? If so, ask your Reiki crystal to send Reiki to open your heart to the Divine consciousness inside of the Reiki crystal. Ask this now by saying with your mind or your voice the following:
I invite my Reiki crystal to send Reiki to open my heart to the Divine consciousness inside of Mikao Usui’s Reiki Crystal of Awakening. I ask for this now for the next ten minutes.
Be still and notice any thoughts, sensations, or emotions that rise up in you as this healing continues. Then, add more layers to the healing by saying with your mind or your voice the following:
I invite my Reiki crystal to bring me into a Reiki meditation to open my heart to the Divine consciousness inside of Mikao Usui’s Reiki Crystal of Awakening. I ask for this now for the next ten minutes.
Continue to be still, noticing any thoughts, sensations, or emotions that rise up in you as this healing continues. Then, add more layers to the healing by saying with your mind or your voice the following:
I invite my Reiki crystal to create a Reiki hologram of my brain infused with the Divine consciousness inside of Mikao Usui’s Reiki Crystal of Awakening, and to fuse that into my physical brain now for the next ten minutes.
Continue to be still, and notice all thoughts, sensations, or emotions that may rise up in you as this healing deepens. Then, add more layers to the healing by saying with your mind or your voice the following:
I invite my Reiki crystal to work with the Reiki crystal in this book to create a Reiki crystal grid, and to put inside of this grid all my illusions of being separate from the Divine. I ask for this now for the next ten minutes.
Breathe into the stillness. Notice without judgment all thoughts, sensations, or emotions that move through you as this healing deepens. Then, add more layers to
the healing by saying with your mind or your voice the following:
I invite my Reiki crystal to manifest around me, and my illusions of being separate from the Divine, a Reiki sphere of Divine grace. I ask for this now for the next ten minutes.
Now, begin repeating to yourself the following Reiki affirmation:
I am one with Divine love
I am one with Divine love
I am one with Divine love
Continue repeating this affirmation for the next ten minutes. Then, when you have finished, do nothing. Let this chapter go. Close the book. Go outside or do something entirely unrelated to the work of this book and see if that sense of Divine presence remains in your awareness. Don’t try to hold on to it, as, in truth, it actually never fades and never can fade because it is eternally part of you and always has been. All that arises is the illusion of it fading. Notice this as well. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others. Love what is, even if it makes no sense right now. Know that everything you experienced in this chapter is something you can revisit whenever you need or wish. It goes with you. It exists inside the Reiki crystal through the Divine consciousness residing there.