Reiki Cords
Reiki cords are like mini Reiki laser beams that can be placed by your Reiki crystal between any two points in time or space. They are explored in my book The Reiki Magic Guide to Self Attunement (Crossing Press, 2007) as an energetic tool that one can access through working with your Higher Self. However, with the recent advancements in the evolution of Reiki, they are now much easier to use by accessing them through your Reiki crystal. I love working with Reiki cords, as they can intensify a session by either sending cords through time or through various geometric angles into a specific area being treated. For example, whenever I feel myself coming down with a chest cold I will use my Reiki crystal to create Reiki cords from the left side of my rib cage to the right side of my rib cage, so that there are these laser-like beams of Reiki light flowing between these points through both of my lungs. Also, I will ask my Reiki crystal to create Reiki cords through each of my lungs along a specific time line, usually from present time back until a few hours before the chest cold began. The opportunities to use Reiki cords are relatively endless, and limited only by your imagination and the requirement that you respect the free will of others. I will not create Reiki cords that may impact someone else without their consent.
Think first before asking your Reiki crystal to create a Reiki cord or set of cords. You will want to imagine how best to angle a cord through the area where the healing is needed. For example, when working on my lungs it makes perfect sense to link the Reiki cords from one side of my rib cage to the next side. If I were working on my throat, which I sometimes do when feeling a sore throat coming on, I would anchor one Reiki cord from the left side of my jaw bone to the right side of my collar bone, and then another from the right side of my jaw bone to the left side of my collar bone, making an X of Reiki cords in my throat. Again, depending on the area that needs the Reiki session you should think of where the best place is to anchor the Reiki cords. Once you have decided where to place them, simply follow the template below to create the Reiki cords. Know they are manifested directly by the Reiki crystal, so the cumbersome language used in some of my previous books when working with the Higher Self is not necessary with this approach.
Some recommended Reiki cord templates that I use quite often follow in the next few paragraphs. Explore working with them, and see how you like the results. Know that you can create your own Reiki cord options as well. Do not feel limited by these few templates, as they are just stepping stones intended to take you forward on your own journey with this technique.

I ask my Reiki crystal to create a Reiki cord between my left hand and my right hand and to manifest this now for the next ten minutes.

Now, once the Reiki cords between your hands are activated, try moving your hands and placing them on both sides of your torso to see if you can sense the intensity of the Reiki cords flowing between your hands. Then, move your hands so they are on each side of your head, and again notice the sensation of Reiki flowing. If you are not energy sensitive and cannot feel the energy, do not worry, simply hold them in place for a minute or so and see if you feel calmer or more at peace while the Reiki cords are flowing. Then, place your hands on either side of your leg, again paying attention to the energy flow whenever possible. Continue playing with the energy and different hand positions until the Reiki cords expire after the ten minutes is complete, knowing that it is through play that we often discover our true abilities.
Below is another Reiki cord option you can explore, related to clearing the spine. I first began using this technique when getting chiropractic adjustments on a regular basis in San Francisco. Although the session is not a full replacement for a real chiropractic adjustment, I did find that when using this on a regular basis I didn’t need to see the chiropractor quite as often.

I ask my Reiki crystal to create a Reiki cord between each vertebra of my spine and to manifest this now for the next ten minutes.

Allow this Reiki cord healing to unwind the tension and any stuck energy held in your spine. This is a nice one to use at night before you go to bed.
Using Reiki cords through time can also be very powerful. I often run Reiki cords through the karmic body when a person is in need of intensive healing, sometimes even running those Reiki cords through many lifetimes. Normally I keep this use of Reiki cords relatively short due to the level of intensity. Before ever using this technique on another person it is best to use it first on yourself so you fully understand the healing potential involved. Try this template at a time when you have enough time to fully process a deep healing. Even though the healing itself is relatively short, it is quite powerful:

I ask my Reiki crystal to create a Reiki cord through my karmic body, through time from the present moment backwards in time to the moment my soul first split off from the Divine, and to manifest this now for the next five minutes.

Now lie down or sit quietly and let the deep healing release whatever energetic debris is ready to be released at this point in time from all of your lifetimes. Know you can always repeat this session as often as you wish, so it is better to keep it short rather than experience a longer healing that potentially might be energetically overwhelming. If at any time the session does feel overwhelming, simply ask your Reiki crystal to end it immediately. When the session is complete, then ask your Reiki crystal to perform a short session on you for integration using the template below:

I ask my Reiki crystal to perform a Reiki integration session on me for as long as is for my highest good.

When the integration is complete, drink plenty of water.
Reiki cords are powerful tools and now very easy to access through your Reiki crystal. Use them wisely.