Reiki DNA Blueprint Upgrade
The Reiki DNA blueprint upgrade is another new energetic session, and one I highly recommend. What happens is that the Reiki crystal is sending Reiki directly into your DNA to raise your energetic vibration at the genetic level. This may seem like an unnecessary adjustment to make, since our DNA is often thought of as being something that is fixed or permanent. Yet much new research about DNA shows that there are markers in our DNA code that can be triggered under certain circumstances. This is how spices like turmeric aid in the battle against cancer, by triggering latent aspects of DNA code that already exist. So, when doing a DNA blueprint upgrade, don’t think that it’s going to change your DNA in the sense of growing wings or
an extra finger. It is merely energetically triggering what already exists so that the DNA is spiritually performing at an optimum level.
I have done such sessions on my son Dylan, and though I do not think these sessions can take full credit for him being such a magical and healthy little boy, I do think they are a contributing factor. Each time we take him in for his check-ups at the pediatrician they say he is exceptionally healthy. They say he is more alert than other babies his age, stronger, and beautiful. The compliments seem endless. Again, much of that can also be attributed to how he was cared for while in the womb: the nurturing diet his mother had and all the love she and I both gave to him while he was developing in utero. But, I do think the energy healing sessions have also been a part of the equation that has made him so exceptionally healthy.
Try this session on yourself now to experience it by following the template below:
I invite my Reiki crystal to send me a Reiki DNA blueprint upgrade session now.
Then, sit back and relax and allow the session to fill all the DNA in all of your cells with this Divine Reiki light. To send such a session to another person, simply adapt the above phrase as follows:
I invite my Reiki crystal to send (name of the person) a Reiki DNA blueprint upgrade session now.
Using this type of session on yourself or others is highly recommended. You can incorporate it into more layered advanced sessions, which are shown in the chapters that follow.