Creating Your Own Reiki Affirmations
Affirmations are positive phrases one can easily repeat to change their mental programming about a specific life issue. Made popular by the author Louise Hay, most affirmations work on the concept that once we change a thought pattern through repeated linguistic programming, our lives will similarly change for the better. What we think is what we create. A Reiki affirmation, however, addresses the issue not only by changing the mental pattern through linguistic programming, but also by sending Reiki to the issue simultaneously. How this works is that the Reiki affirmation is empowered with its own Reiki crystal, which then is programmed to send Reiki to anyone who says the affirmation for the duration of the time they are saying it.
My book New Reiki Software for Divine Living reveals twenty-two powerful Reiki affirmations that anyone can use, whether or not they are attuned to Reiki on any level. The reason this works is because the Reiki crystal within the affirmation itself is the Reiki practitioner. The Reiki crystal inside the affirmation is sending and directing the focus of the Reiki session. These sessions are designed to last only as long as the period of time when one is saying the affirmation, so that a person is inspired to keep repeating the affirmation, which helps to change their mental programming. Below is a Reiki affirmation you can repeat to yourself just to get a sense of how they work.

I am one with Divine love. I am one with Divine love. I am one with Divine love.

Repeat the phrase aloud or semi-audibly, so that your lips are actually moving and you are doing more than just thinking the words. Say the affirmation over and over for at least a minute to get the full energetic impact, though you can certainly do this longer if you wish.
Using Reiki affirmations is a great and easy way to be able to do Reiki in very user-friendly way. They are different from full Reiki sessions in that they are not so powerful that you are likely to fall asleep or go into a deep alpha wave while doing them, which can happen in full-blown Reiki sessions. This flexible nature of the Reiki affirmation allows you to be able to do them at work, at home when doing household chores, even when taking a walk or driving to the store. A wonderful thing about Reiki affirmations as well is that you can create your own to assist you on any life issue you might be working on.
Create your own Reiki affirmation by first deciding what you want to achieve through the Reiki affirmation. Do you want to have a deeper sense of self love? Do you want more prosperity? Do you want to feel a greater sense of who you truly are? Decide first what the purpose of your Reiki affirmation should be. Then, ask your Reiki crystal to bring you into a Reiki meditation to discover the best Reiki affirmation for your purpose. Usually this will take less than a minute, as your Reiki crystal will psychically give you a sense of what the best words are for this affirmation. Know that it isn’t required to ask your Reiki crystal to do this. Some people who are good with words might write an affirmation quite easily, but I have often found that the Reiki crystal can point your consciousness to the best choice of words, so I recommend trying this technique at least once. When you have your affirmation, write it out on a piece of paper. Then, ask your Reiki crystal to empower that affirmation with its own Reiki crystal. This will take a few minutes, as the Reiki crystal inside your energetic field makes a replica of itself inside the combination of words that are the affirmation. Once this process is complete, tune in and try to sense the Reiki crystal inside of the Reiki affirmation. In order for the affirmation to work appropriately as a Reiki affirmation, you have to program the Reiki crystal using your thoughts. Imagine your psychic connection to this Reiki crystal that is inside of the Reiki affirmation, and simply intend that your thoughts are going into that Reiki crystal and telling it to send Reiki to anyone who says the affirmation while they are saying it. Feel your thoughts literally going into that Reiki crystal. Then, mentally hold the intention that whatever style of Reiki works best for this affirmation is the Reiki that will be sent. By this I mean that there are many variables and possibilities within Reiki, and the Reiki crystal can access all of these. So, intend that the Reiki crystal will pick those energetic possibilities that are in the greatest alignment with the Reiki affirmation. Send those thoughts into the Reiki crystal inside the Reiki affirmation, and then simply let go and know your work is done.
Now, practice saying your new Reiki affirmation aloud. The first time you create your own Reiki affirmation you might feel inclined to create several. Feel free to create as many as you wish, as long as you intend to make use of them personally or share them with friends and family.