Carrie Hannigan and Lee Wade, your support and understanding of Figgrotten were, in turn, support and kindness for me. Each of you, equally, nurtured this book until it stood on its own two feet.
Deep gratitude to the following people for their guidance, friendship, patience, and laughter:
Sara, Sheila, Kari, Nora, Tory, Judith, Michael, Tammy, Elizabeth, Mary Kay, Ellen, Jackie, Valorie, Olive, Eliza, Alex, Marcia, Steph, Jeanne, Katie, Jacque, Gregg, and Gina.
And of course, thank you to my family: Sam, for always being one step ahead of me; Willa, for your insight and your beautiful empathetic heart; and Sandy, lifelong editor, encourager, stabilizer, and best friend.