


“Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power.”

— Shirley MacLaine

•  When we experience a major loss or feel overwhelmed with stress in our lives, our natural instinct is to want to shut things down—shut people out, shut noises off, and shut out the chaos going on around us. In order to survive, our mind and body instinctually want to shut doors instead of opening them.

•  Right now there is no need to surround yourself with unneeded noise or demanding people who take away energy rather than provide comfort or support. Negativity and stress is all around us; it may be very helpful to find ways to set good boundaries around yourself so that negative information does not keep coming at you.

•  You might consider turning on the television less often or taking a hiatus from the daily news or newspaper. Violent videogames, movies with depressing storylines, and the dystopian books that are so popular right now may be things you want to eliminate for at least a few weeks. If there are people in your life who seem to always complain or focus on what is wrong rather than what is good in the world, minimize your contact with them for a bit. Going to places that are busy and chaotic, such as the mall or restaurants, may also be something you want to take a break from. Try it and see if your days feel less heavy when negative or depressing information is not coming at you.

•  Spend time with people who have positive and warm energy. Spend more time in places where you know others are going to be sending you messages of hope, life, and light.


Make a list of the sources of negativity in your life. How can you give yourself a break from these people, places, or experiences?