Dear Reader,

When researching this book, I walked down to our local fire hall, smiled sweetly at the receptionist and asked to speak to someone—anyone, really—about how a fire hall runs. The very kind deputy fire chief cleared his throat from where he stood watching us at the doorway and said, “Can I help you out with something?”

I thought to myself, I’ve got to use that in my book. That was fantastic.

The book was born.

Not only did the deputy chief answer my questions and give me a tour, but he impressed me with his professionalism and won my respect. The firefighters who put their lives on the line to keep our communities safe deserve nothing less.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this story, and I hope that you’ll come by to see me on my Patricia Johns Romance Facebook page and my blog ( I love to connect with readers. If you message me, I’ll be sure to answer. That’s a promise...a novelist’s promise, which is significantly less romantic than a firefighter’s promise, but it’s what I’ve got.

Each and every one of you is a living, breathing story, and with God that story always has a happy ending! In the meantime, let’s stick together, ladies. The plot might thicken, but the ending is a guarantee. Let’s build each other up and show the next generation of girls that together is the best way to be.

Patricia Johns