Sarah A. Corbet
S.M. Walters, ScD, VMH
Prof. Richard West, ScD, FRS, FGS
David Streeter, FIBiol
Derek A. Ratcliffe
The aim of this series is to interest the general reader
in the wildlife of Britain by recapturing the enquiring
spirit of the old naturalists. The editors believe that the
natural pride of the British public in the native flora
and fauna, to which must be added concern for their
conservation, is best fostered by maintaining a high
standard of accuracy combined with clarity of
exposition in presenting the results of
modern scientific research.
‘The New Religion’, the unofficial title of an oil painting of four naturalists by L.J. Watson, 1946. The four are (from top left, clockwise): A.G. Tansley, A.S. Watt, Cyril Diver and E.B. Ford. A bystander, observing the quartet, asked what they were doing. ‘Don’t you know?’ replied Watson. ‘It’s the new religion!’ (Photo: Peter Wakely/English Nature)