I decided against using references or footnotes in this book for two main reasons. The first is that books in the New Naturalist series more scholarly than this one, have not done so. But mainly it is because so much of this book is based on unpublished files and papers not easily available to the reader, who would not, therefore, be in a position to verify what I have said. The main sources for unpublished or elusive material is as follows:
Published memoirs and obituaries exist in varying degrees of detail for the majority of deceased New Naturalist authors. Those found at any reference library will be the relevant volumes of the Dictionary of National Biography, Who was Who and The Times Obituaries. The most detailed and interesting are the Biographical Memoirs of deceased Fellows of the Royal Society, available as off-prints from the Society. The authors and editors listed are: H.J. Fleure, A.D. Imms, Sir Alister Hardy, Sir Julian Huxley, Roy Markham, L. Harrison Matthews, W.H. Pearsall, Sir John Russell, Niko Tinbergen, W.B. Turrill, Sir Edward Salisbury, K.M. Smith, C.B. Williams, S.W. Wooldridge and Sir Maurice Yonge. A Memoir of E.B. Ford is in preparation. Obituaries of most of the deceased ornithological authors are in the relevant volumes of British Birds and Ibis (notably Armstrong, A.W. Boyd, Buxton, Brown, Campbell, Fisher, Hosking, Murton, Nethersole-Thompson, Stuart Smith and Tinbergen). Obituaries in Watsonia include Gilmour, Lousley, Prime and Summerhayes. I list the most detailed memoirs in the selected bibliography that follows.
Allen, D.E. 1976. The Naturalist in Britain. A Social History. Allen Lane, London.
Allen, D.E. 1986. The Botanists. St Paul’s Bibliographies, Winchester.
Armstrong, E.A. 1940. Birds of the Grey Wind. Oxford University Press.
Baker, J.R. 1976. Julian Sorrel Huxley 1887-1975. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 22: 207-238.
Bath Academy of Art. 1989. Corsham. A Celebration. The Bath Academy of Art 1946-1972. Michael Parkin Gallery, London, 1989. (Contains an account of the career of Clifford and Rosemary Ellis).
Beaufoy, S. 1947. Butterfly Lives. Collins, London.
Blunt, W. 2nd ed. 1971. The Complete Naturalist – A Life of Linnaeus. Collins, London.
Blunt, W. 1983. Married to a Single Life. Collins, London. (Autobiography).
Blunt, W. 1986. Slow on the Feather. Collins, London. (2nd volume of autobiography).
Blunt, W. & Stearn, W.T. 1994. The Art of Botanical Illustration. New edition revised and enlarged. Antique Collectors’ Club in association with The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. (contains introduction by Stearn about Wilfred Blunt).
Boyd, A.W. 1946. The Country Diary of a Cheshire Man. Collins, London.
Boyd, J. Morton. ed. 1979. The Natural Environment of the Outer Hebrides. Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Boyd, J. Morton & Bowes, D.R. 1983. The Natural Environment of the Inner Hebrides. Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Boyd, J. Morton. 1986. Fraser Darling’s Islands. Edinburgh University Press. (a part biography of Darling).
Boyd, J. Morton. 1992. Fraser Darling in Africa: A Rhino in the Whistling Thorn. Edinburgh University Press.
Brown, L. 1974. A bird of prey odyssey. In: The Bird-Watcher’s Book, ed. J. Gooders. David & Charles, Newton Abbot.
Campbell, B. 1979. Birdwatcher at Large. Dent, London.
Chisholm, A. 1972. Kenneth Mellanby. The extreme English Moderate. In: Philosophies of the Earth. Conversations with ecologists. Chiswick & Jackson, London. 76-87.
Clapham, A.R. 1971. William Harold Pearsall 1891-1964. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 17: 511-540.
Clapham, A.R. 1980. Edward James Salisbury 1886-1978. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 26: 503-541.
Collins, W.A.R. 1946. The New Naturalist series. A major publishing project. The Bookseller, 18 April 1946: 588-592.
Corbet, P. 1962. A Biology of Dragonflies. Witherby, London.
Crowcroft, P. 1991. Elton’s ecologists. A history of the Bureau of Animal Population. Chicago University Press.
Darling, F. Fraser. 1937. A Herd of Red Deer. Oxford University Press.
Darling, F. Fraser. 1940. Island Tears, George Bell, London.
Darling, F. Fraser. 1955. West Highland Survey: an essay in human ecology. Oxford University Press.
Darling, F. Fraser. 1970. Wilderness and Plenty. BBC Reith Lectures 1969.
Department of Health for Scotland. 1947. National Parks and the Conservation of Nature in Scotland. Report by the Scottish National Parks Committee and Scottish Wild Life Conservation Committee, Cmnd. 7235. HMSO, Edinburgh.
Dewsbury, D.A. ed. 1985. Leaders in the study of animal behaviour. Bucknell University Press, Lewisburg. [Contains autobiographical chapter by Niko Tinbergen].
Dony, J.G. 1977. J. Edward Lousley (1907-1976). Watsonia 11: 282-286.
Elliott, J.M. & Humpesch, U.H. 1985. Dr T.T. Macan 1910-1985: a short biography. Archiv. f. Hydrobiologie, Bd. 104: 1-12.
Elmes, G.W. & Stradling, D.J. 1991. Michael Vaughan Brian (1919-1990). Insect Soc. 38: 331-332.
Elsden, S.R. 1982. Roy Markham 1916-1979. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 28: 319-345.
Fisher, J. 1940. Watching Birds. Penguin Books, Harmondsworth. New ed. 1974, revised by Jim Flegg and illustrated by Crispin Fisher. T. & A.D. Poyser, Berkhamsted.
Fisher, J. 1966. The Shell Bird Book. Ebury Press and Michael Joseph, London.
Freethy, R. 1983. Collins New Naturalist. In the Beginning. Country-side, autumn 1983, 183-189.
Garnett, A. 1970. Herbert John Fleure 1877-1969. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 16: 253-278. Gilmour, J. 1944. British Botanists. Britain in Pictures. Collins, London.
Goldsmith, E. 1978. What makes Kenny [Kenneth Mellanby] run? New Ecologist May-June 1978:77-81.
Gooders, J. ed. 1974. The Birdwatcher’s Book. David & Charles, Newton Abbot. (contains an account of the writing of NN British Birds of Prey by Leslie Brown).
Goodier, R. ed. 1974. The Natural Environment of Shetland. NCC, Edinburgh.
Goodier, R. ed. 1975. The Natural Environment of Orkney. NCC, Edinburgh.
Hamilton, W.D. 1994. On first looking into a British treasure. W.D. Hamilton celebrates the Collins New Naturalist series. Times Litt. Supp. 12 August: 13-14.
Hardy, A.C. 1967. Great Waters. A voyage of natural history to study whales, plankton and the waters of the Southern Ocean in the old Royal Research Ship ‘Discovery’. Collins, London.
Hardy, A.C. 1965. The Living Stream: a restatement of evolution theory and its relation to the spirit of man. Collins, London.
Hardy, A.C. 1966. The Divine Flame: an essay towards a natural history of religion. Collins, London.
Harrison, R. 1987. Leonard Harrison Matthews 1901-1986. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 33: 413-442.
Hayter-Hames, J. 1991. Madame Dragonfly. The life and times of Cynthia Longfield. Pentland Press, Durham.
Hinde, R.A. 1990. Nikolaas Tinbergen 1907-1988. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 36: 549-565.
Hooper, J. 2002. Of Moths and Men. Intrigue, Tragedy and the Peppered Moth. Fourth Estate, London.
Hosking, E. 1970. An Eye for a Bird. (autobiography) Hutchinson, London.
Huxley, J.S. ed. 1940. The New Systematics. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Huxley, J.S. 1942. Evolution: the modern synthesis. Allen & Unwin, London.
Huxley, J.S. 1970. Memories. Allen & Unwin, London. [Disappointingly little on the New Naturalists].
Huxley, J.S. 1973. Memories II. Allen & Unwin, London.
Imms, A.D. 1925. A General Textbook of Entomology. Methuen, London.
Kassanis, B. 1982. Kenneth Manley Smith 1892-1981. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 28: 451-477.
Keir, D. 1952. The House of Collins. The story of a Scottish family of publishers from 1789 to the present day. Collins, London. Lipscomb, J. & David, R.W. eds. 1981. John Raven by his friends. Privately printed.
Locket, G.H. & Millidge, A.F. 1979. William Syer Bristowe 1901-1979. Bull. British arachnological Society 4(8): 361-365.
Marren, P. 1999. The Observer’s Book of Observer’s Books. Peregrine Books, Leeds.
Marren, P. 2003. The Observer’s Book of Wayside and Woodland. Peregrine Books, Leeds. Marshall, N.B. 1986. Alister Clavering Hardy 1896-1985. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 32: 223-273.
Matthews, L. Harrison. 1951. Wandering Albatross. Adventures among the albatrosses and petrels in the Southern Ocean. MacGibbon & Kee, London.
Matthews, L. Harrison. 1977. Penguin: adventures among the birds, beasts and whalers of the far South. Peter Owen, London.
Mellanby, K. 1976. Talpa the Mole. Collins, London.
Ministry of Town and Country Planning. 1947. Conservation of Nature in England and Wales. Report of the Wild Life Conservation Special Committee (England and Wales), Cmnd. 7122. HMSO, London.
Moore, N.W. 1987. The Bird of Time. The science and politics of nature conservation. Cambridge University Press.
Morton, B. 1992. Charles Maurice Yonge 1899-1986. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 38: 379-412.
Mountfort, G. 1991. Memories of Three Lives. Merlin Books, Braunton.
Nature Conservation in Britain. 1943. Report by the Nature Reserves Investigation Committee. Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves, London.
Nethersole-Thompson, D. 1971. Highland Birds. Highlands and Islands Development Board, Inverness.
Nethersole-Thompson, D. & Watson, A. 1974. The Cairngorms. Their Natural History and Scenery. Collins, London.
Nethersole-Thompson, D. & Nethersole-Thompson, M. 1986. Waders: their breeding, haunts and watchers. T. & A.D. Poyser, Calton. (contains biographical preface by D. N-T.’s sons).
Nethersole-Thompson, D. 1992. In Search of Breeding Birds. Early essays by Desmond Nethersole-Thompson reprinted from the Oologist’s Record. Peregrine Books.
Nicholson, E.M. 1957. Britain’s Nature Reserves. Country Life, London.
Nicholson, E.M. 1970. The Environmental Revolution. A Guide to the New Masters of the World. Hodder & Stoughton, London.
Nicholson, E.M. 1993. Ecology and conservation: our Pilgrim’s Progress. In: F.B. Goldsmith & A. Warren eds. Conservation in Progress. Wiley & Sons, London, 3-14.
Oldham, T. 1989. The New Naturalist Series. Books, Maps and Prints, May 1989: 37-40.
Osborne, R.H., Barnes, F.A. & Doornkamp, J.C. eds. 1970. Geographical essays in honour of K.C. Edwards. Dept. of Geography, University of Nottingham. (includes a biographical introduction).
Pearsall, W.H. 1917-1918. The aquatic and marsh vegetation of Esthwaite Water. J. Ecol 5: 180-202; 6: 53.
Peterson, R.T. & Fisher, J. 1956. Wild America. The record of a 30,000 mile journey around the North American continent by an American naturalist and his British colleague. Collins, London.
Raven, J. 1971. The Botanist’s Garden. Collins, London.
Raven, S. 1982. Shadows on the Grass. Blond & Briggs, London (for portrait of John Raven).
Rothschild, M. 1991. Butterfly Cooing Like a Dove. (‘an autobiographical anthology’) Doubleday, London.
Russell, E.J. 1956. The Land Called Me. (autobiography). Allen & Unwin, London.
Russell, F.S. & Yonge, C.E. 1928. The Seas. Our knowledge of life in the sea and how it is gained. Warne, London.
Salisbury, E.J. 1935. The Living Garden. G. Bell & Sons, London.
Salisbury, E.J. 1952. Downs and Dunes. Their plant life and its environment. G. Bell & Sons, London.
Scott, P. & Fisher, J. 1953. A Thousand Geese. Collins, London.
Sheail, J. 1976. Nature in Trust. The history of nature conservation in Britain. Blackie, Glasgow.
Sheail, J. 1985. Pesticides and Nature Conservation. The British Experience 1950-1975. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Sheail, J. 1987. Seventy-five years in ecology. The British Ecological Society. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
Shorten, M. & Barkalow, F. 1973. The World of the Grey Squirrel. Yale University Press.
Simms, E. 1976. Birds of the Air. The autobiography of a naturalist and broadcaster. Hutchinson, London.
Smith, M. 1947. A Physician at the Court of Siam. Country Life, London.
Stearn, W.T. 1981. The Natural History Museum at South Kensington. British Museum (Natural History), London.
Steers, J.A. 1946. The Coastline of England and Wales. Cambridge University Press.
Stone, E. 1988. Ted Ellis. The People’s Naturalist. Jarrold, Norwich.
Summers-Smith, J.D. 1988. The Sparrows: A Study of the Genus Passer. T. & A.D. Poyser, Calton.
Summers-Smith, J.D. 1992. In Search of Sparrows. T. & A.D. Poyser, London.
Sweeting, G.S. ed. 1958. The Geologist’s Association 1858-1958: A history of the first hundred years. Colchester.
Tabor, R. 1992. Urban Trailblazer. Richard Fitter in conversation with Roger Tabor. Country-side, 27-31.
Taylor, J.H. 1964. Sidney William Wooldridge 1900-1963. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 10: 371-388.
Tenison, W.P.C., Bellairs, A. d’A. & others. 1959. Obituary. Dr Malcolm Arthur Smith. British Journal of Herpetology 2: 135-148; 186-187.
Thornton, H.G. 1966. Edward John Russell 1872-1965. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 12: 457-477.
Tinbergen, N. 1958. Curious Naturalists. Country Life, London.
Walters, S.M. 1989. Obituary of John Scott Lennox Gilmour. Plant Syst. Evol. 167: 93-95.
Walters, S.M. 1992. W.T. Stearn: the complete naturalist. Bot. Journal Linnaean Soc. 109: 437-442.
Wigglesworth, V.B. 1949. Augustus Daniel Imms 1880-1949. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 6: 463-470.
Wigglesworth, V.B. 1982. Carrington Bonser Williams 1889-1981. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 28: 667-684.
Williams, C.B. 1930. The Migration of Butterflies. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh.
Williams, C.B. 1964. Patterns in the Balance of Nature. Academic Press, London.
Wilson, D. 1988. Rothschild. A study of wealth and power. Andre Deutsch, London.
Wilson, D.P. 1935. Life of the Shore and Shallow Sea. Ivor Nicholson & Watson.
Worthington, E.B. 1983. The Ecological Century. A personal appraisal. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Yonge, C.M. & Thompson, T. 1930. A Year on the Great Barrier Reef. Putnam & Co., London.
Yonge, C.M. 1976. Living Marine Molluscs. Collins, London.