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Adams, Abigail (Nabby) see Smith, Abigail Adams
Adams, Abigail Louisa (Abbe; Mrs. Alexander Johnson)
Adams, Abigail Smith (Mrs. John Adams): birth and family background
on Burr, Aaron
characteristics and descriptions; early years; later years; middle years
children: daughter stillborn; education and upbringing; pleasure and involvement; smallpox inoculation
children—Abigail (Nabby); concern over family and attempts to help; family visits and stays; her illness and death; involvement and marriage to Col. William Smith; involvement with Royall Tyler; and son-in-law, Col. Smith
children—Charles; and daughter-in-law, Sally
children—John Quincy; companionship and sadness at separation; his political appointments; involvement with Mary Frazier; marriage to Louisa Catherine Johnson; in Russia; Ghent peace negotiations; as senator
children—Thomas Boylston
credo; importance of religion
death; will
on the diplomatic career
education; learning French; self-education
in England (and comments on life and customs)
English, criticism of and dislike
Europe, voyage to
finances; in England; in France; goods imported and traded; importance to a marriage; problems and struggles
in France (and comments on life and customs)
and Franklin, Benjamin
French, criticism of and distrust
grandchildren; Abbe Adams; Charles Francis Adams; George Adams; John Adams; Susan Adams; Caroline Smith; John Smith; Thomas Hollis Smith; William Steuben Smith
health (chronic problems and illness); smallpox inoculation
illness and death of family and friends
infancy and childhood
and Lovell, James
on Madison, James
marriage; courtship; her death; pain and loneliness of separation; as partnership and collaboration
and Monroe, James
Netherlands, travel
portrait by Benjamin Blyth
portrait by Gilbert Stuart
as President’s wife; attacks on and criticism; before assumption of office; defeat for second term and those elected; Philadelphia (and en route); Washington
retirement of husband from public office
siblings see Cranch, Mary Smith; Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw; Smith, William
as Vice-President’s wife; criticism; New York; Philadelphia
and Washington, George
and Washington, Martha
women’s role and rights
see also Adams households and residences
Adams, Abigail Smith—correspondence
Adams, Charles
Adams, George
Adams, John (grandson)
Adams, John (husband): during Continental Congress; during courtship; early years of marriage and on law circuit; in France and Netherlands and en route; as President; as Vice-President
Adams, John Quincy
Adams, Louisa (Mrs. John Quincy Adams)
Adams, Samuel
Adams, Thomas Boylston
Cranch, Betsy
Cranch, Lucy
Cranch, Mary
Cranch, Richard
Cranch, William
Cushing, Hannah
Gerry, Elbridge
Harrod, Ann (Nancy; later Mrs. Thomas Adams)
Jefferson, Thomas
Johnson, Catherine
Lincoln, Hannah
Lovell, James
Macauley, Catharine
Monroe, James
Peabody, Elizabeth Shaw
Quincy, Hannah
Rush, Richard
Shaw, Elizabeth see Peabody, Elizabeth Shaw above
Shaw, William
Shippen, Alice Lee
Smith, Abigail (Nabby)
Smith, Caroline (later Mrs. John P. De Windt)
Smith, Isaac, Jr.
Smith, William (cousin)
Smith, William Stephens (son-in-law)
Thaxter, John
Tufts, Dr. Cotton
Tyler, Royall
Warren, Mercy
Welsh, Harriet
Adams, Ann Harrod (Nancy; Mrs. Thomas Boylston Adams)
Adams, Charles
emotional and financial problems; alcoholism and death
and brother, John Quincy
infancy and childhood; in Europe
marriage to Sarah (Sally) Smith
and mother, correspondence
as young man
Adams, Mrs. Charles see Adams, Sarah Smith
Adams, Charles Francis
Adams, Elihu
Adams, Elizabeth Welles (Mrs. Samuel Adams)
Adams, George Washington
and grandmother
infancy and childhood; England; with relatives
Adams, Henry
Adams, John: in American Philosophical Society
Boston Massacre
on Boston Tea Party
characteristics and descriptions
children; daughter stillborn; education and upbringing
children—Abigail (Nabby): her death; involvement and marriage with Col. William Smith; involvement with Royall Tyler; relationship; and son-in-law, Col. Smith
children—John Quincy; and daughter-in-law, Louisa; father’s politics defended
Committees of Correspondence
Continental Congress; see also Declaration of Independence below
Declaration of Independence
diplomatic career
early life and family background
education; efforts to master French
England, as minister; criticism of; desires appointment; presentations at court
in England for reunion with family
Europe and Africa, commercial treaties
farming, love of; see also Quincy, Adams households
France, as commissioner
France, as minister; and allegations against Deane; Peace of Paris and negotiations; treaty of alliance
Franklin, Benjamin, dislike and criticism
French, criticism of and distrust
government/governing, ideas on; British political system supported; as public service; supposed advocate of hereditary government; usurpation by personality feared; voting rights; see also writing below
Hamilton, Alexander, political rivalry
health: daily walk; problems
and Jefferson, Thomas see Jefferson, Thomas: Adams, Abigail and John
law career; Chief Justice of Massachusetts; General Court; state constitutions, work on; see also writing below
marriage; courtship; death of Abigail; pain and loneliness of separation; as partnership and collaboration
Netherlands, as commissioner and minister
politics as career, as gradual decision
portrait by John Singleton Copley
portrait by Gilbert Stuart
as President; Alien and Sedition Acts; attacks on and criticism; defense forces established; election; examines possibility; final appointees; France, relations with; inaugural; nomination for second term; loses election; politics before assuming office
Quincy, Hannah, romance with
retirement after presidency
Sons of Liberty
as teacher
as Vice-President; criticism of and problems; reelection
M. Warren’s History and defense of position
and Washington, George
women’s role and rights
writing; autobiography; Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States; Discourses on Davila; A Dissertation on the Feudal and Canon Law; Thoughts on Government
see also Adams households and residences
Adams, John—correspondence
Adams, Abigail see Adams, Abigail Smith—correspondence
Adams, John Quincy
Adams, Louisa (Mrs. John Quincy Adams)
Adams, Samuel
Adams, Sally
Cranch, Richard
Dana, Francis
De Windt, Caroline Smith
Dexter, Samuel
Gerry, Elbridge
Jay, John
Jefferson, Thomas
Lafayette, Marquis de
Lee, Arthur
Mather, Cotton
Monroe, James
Palmer, Gen. Joseph
Rush, Dr. Benjamin
Smith, Abigail (Nabby)
Smith, William Stephens
Stiles, Rev. Ezra
Thaxter, John
Tufts, Dr. Cotton
Tyler, Royall
Warren, James
Warren, Mercy
Washington, George
Waterhouse, Dr. Benjamin
Adams, John (father-in-law of Abigail Adams)
Adams, John (grandson of Abigail Adams): and grandmother
infancy and childhood; England; with relatives
Adams, John Quincy: and brother, Charles
and brother, Thomas; correspondence
characteristics and descriptions
correspondence: Bridges, James; Johnson, Joshua; Madison, James; Waterhouse, Dr. Benjamin
in England: as minister; with parents
finances: allowance by parents; problems and concerns
in France and Netherlands (with father and then family)
health, problems with
infancy and childhood
involvement with Mary Frazier
and Jefferson, Thomas
law career; Supreme Court appointment refused
Madison, James, support for
marriage to Louisa Catherine Johnson; correspondence; courtship and involvement; as his secretary
Netherlands, as minister
and parents, relationship; father’s politics defended; mother’s illness and death; will; as young man; see also Adams, Abigail Smith—correspondence
politics as career
Prussia, as minister
Russia: as minister; as secretary to minister Dana
as Secretary of State
on Sedition Act
as senator
and sister, Nabby: brother-in-law and Miranda expedition; close relationship; correspondence
War of 1812, mediation
writing, as “Publicola,”
Adams, Mrs. John Quincy see Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson
Adams, Louisa
Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson (Mrs. John Quincy Adams)
characteristics and descriptions
children; infant Louisa and her death; miscarriages and deaths
emotional instability and financial sensitivity
in England and France with parents and family
in Europe (Russia/France/England)
health, problems with
and in-laws; Abigail’s illness and death; correspondence with Abigail; correspondence with John
Jefferson, Thomas, dislike of
marriage; correspondence; courtship and involvement; as husband’s secretary
in Washington
Welsh, Harriet, correspondence
writing: The Adventures of a Nobody; Record of a Life; or, My Story
Adams, Peter Boylston
Adams, Samuel
Adams, Abigail, correspondence
Adams, John: comparison with; correspondence
allegations against Deane examined
Committees of Correspondence
Continental Congress
warning against hereditary political powers
Adams, Mrs. Samuel see Adams, Elizabeth Welles
Adams, Sarah Smith (Sally; Mrs. Charles Adams)
Adams, Susanna (Suky; daughter of Abigail Adams)
Adams, Susanna Boylston (Mrs. John Adams, later Mrs. John Hall; mother-in-law of Abigail Adams)
Adams, Susanna Boylston (Susan; grandchild of Abigail Adams)
Adams, Thomas Boylston
and brother, John Quincy; correspondence
choice of career
infancy and childhood
marriage to Ann (Nancy) Harrod
and mother: correspondence; her illness and death; her will
as young man
Adams, Mrs. Thomas Boylston see Adams, Ann Harrod
Adams households and residences (and their maintenance): Boston
New York
Philadelphia: as President; as Vice-President
Quincy (formerly Braintree); during hostilities; John Quincy’s help in management; after retirement; tenants; Vassall-Borland property purchased
Addison, Joseph
Alden, John
Alexander I, Czar
Alien and Sedition Acts
Amelia, Princess
American Daily Advertiser
American Prohibitory Act
army, establishment and maintenance
colonial army
Arnold, Benedict
Articles of Confederation
Augusta, Princess
see also Bache, Benjamin Franklin; Duane, William
Austria: and France
Bache, Benjamin Franklin: Adams family criticized in Aurora
see also Aurora
Baker, Polly
ballet, Abigail Adams on
balloon ascensions, Abigail Adams on
Bancroft, Edward
Barclay, Thomas
Bass, Hannah
Bath (Engl.), Abigail Adams on
Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de
Bernard, Francis
Blair, Rev. Samuel, Jr.
Blenheim Palace, Abigail Adams on
Blount, William
Blyth, Benjamin: portrait of Abigail Adams
Bonaparte, Napoleon see Napoleon
Adams households
British evacuation
British troops, incidents and fighting
defense during War of 1812
smallpox epidemic
Boston Centinel
Boston Gazette
Boston Massacre
Boston Patriot
Boston Port Bill
Boston Tea Party
Boston Weekly News
Boudinot, Elias
Bourne, Sylvanus
Bowdoin, James
Boylston, Nicholas
Boylston, Thomas
Boylston, Zabdiel
Braintree see Quincy
Brattle, Gen. William
Bridges, James
Briesler, Esther Field (Mrs. John Briesler)
as Adams family servant: England and Europe; France; Philadelphia; remembered in Abigail’s will
Briesler, John
as Adams family servant: England and Europe; France; New York; Philadelphia; Washington
Brown, Mather: portrait of Thomas Jefferson
Buchan, William
Buck, Daniel
Bulfinch, Charles
Bulfinch, Dr. Thomas
Bumstead, Thomas
Burgoyne, Gen. John
Burke, Edmund
Reflections, rebuttal in Paine’s Rights of Man
Burns, Robert
Burr, Aaron
Adams, Abigail, on
and Hamilton, duel
Hamilton’s paper on Jefferson
presidential election (1796)
presidential election (1800), and Vice-Presidency
Col. Smith possibly involved with
Byron, Lord
Callender, James Thomson
The Prospect Before Us
Campbell, John
Quebec fighting
Carmarthen, Francis Godolphin Osborne, Marquis of
Charles III, King of Spain
Charlotte, Queen
Chase, Samuel
Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of: Letters
Chronicle (Independence Chronicle & Universal Advertiser)
Church, Benjamin
Church, Edward
Clark, Dr. John
Clarke, Charles Thomas
Clay, Henry
Clay, Matthew
Claypool, David C.
Clinton, George
Clopton, John
Cobbett, William (pen name Peter Porcupine)
“Coercive Acts,”
Collins, Stephen
Collins, William
Columbian Centinel
Committees of Correspondence
Constitution (Massachusetts)
Constitution (U.S.)
Continental Association
Continental Congress
Articles of Confederation
committee meets with Howe
debts incurred
Declaration of Independence
Cooper, Dr. Samuel
Cooper, Thomas
Copley, John Singleton
portrait of John Adams
Copley, Mrs. John Singleton
Copley family
Cornwallis, Lt. Gen. Charles
Cosway, Maria
Cranch, Anna Greenleaf (Mrs. William Cranch)
Cranch, Elizabeth (Betsy)
Cranch, John
Cranch, Lucy see Greenleaf, Lucy Cranch
Cranch, Mary Smith (Mrs. Richard Cranch)
Adams, Abigail and John; correspondence with Abigail
correspondence: Adams, Louisa; Smith, Isaac, Jr.
illness and death
and Tyler, Royall
see also Cranch family below
Cranch, Richard
and Adams, Abigail; correspondence
Adams, John, correspondence
illness and death
Tyler, Royall, reference for
Cranch, William
Cranch family (Richard and Mary): Adams, Abigail, lends money
Adams, George and John, as boarders
smallpox inoculation
Tyler, Royall, as boarder
Creek Indians
Cunningham, James
Cushing, Hannah
Cushing, Thomas: Continental Congress
Custis, Eleanor
Custis, John Parke
Dalton, Tristam
Dana, Francis
Dana, Mrs. Francis
Davie, William R.
Davila, Enrico Caterino: History of the French Civil Wars, and John Adams’s Discourses on Davila
Davis, Edward
Deane, Silas
France, mission to; Lee’s allegations against and censure
Declaration of Independence
De Windt, Caroline Amelia Smith (Mrs. John P. De Windt)
and grandparents
infancy and childhood
De Windt, John P.
Dexter, Rebecca (Mrs. Richard Dexter)
Dexter, Samuel
Dickinson, John
Diggs, George
Dilly, Edward
Dormer, Sir Clement Cotterel
Draper, Richard
dress and fashion, Abigail Adams on: London
Duane, James
Duane, William (and Aurora)
Duché, Jacob
Dumas, Charles William Frederic
Dunlap, John
Du Pont, Victor Marie
East India Company: tea destroyed in Boston
Edes, Benjamin
education and upbringing of children, Abigail and John Adams on
Elizabeth, Princess
Ellsworth, Oliver
Embargo Act
Eppes, John Wayles
Eppes, Mrs. John Wayles see Jefferson, Mary
Esther see Briesler, Esther Field
Farmer, Edward
Fauchet, Joseph
Fenno, John
Field, Esther see Briesler, Esther Field
Findley, William
Fitzherbert, Maria Anne
Fordyce, Rev. James
Foster, Mr.
Fox, Charles James
Fox, Gilbert
France: Adams, Abigail: her criticism and distrust; on life and customs
Adams, John: as commissioner; his criticism and distrust; as minister; as President
and American colonies; aid
and Austria
Directory overthrown
Franklin, Benjamin, as commissioner and minister
Gerry, Elbridge, as commissioner
Jefferson, Thomas: as minister; mutual admiration
land in North America
Murray, William Vans, as minister
and Russia
and Switzerland
trade: Adams and renegotiation of treaties; Madison and embargoes
treaties with U.S. and others; Franco-American Alliance (Treaty of Amity and Commerce); Peace of Paris
see also French Revolution; Napoleon; Paris
Francis II, Emp. of Austria
Franklin, Benjamin
Adams, Abigail and John, dislike and criticism
Articles of Confederation
Continental Congress
Declaration of Independence
France, as commissioner and minister; censure by Congress; peace and commercial negotiations with England; reports of assassination and death; social activities
and Paine, Thomas
theory of colds
Franklin, William
Franklin, William Temple
Frazier, Mary: involvement with John Quincy Adams
French Revolution
Fries, John
Gage, Gen. Thomas
Gallatin, Albert
Galloway, Joseph
Gazette of the United States
Genêt, Edmond Charles Edouard
George III, King
Adams, Abigail, presentations at court (and her opinions)
Adams, John, presentations at court (and his opinions)
birthday celebration
characteristics and descriptions
Gerry, Elbridge
Adams, Abigail and John: correspondence with Abigail; correspondence with John; dispute with Jefferson; dispute with Mercy Warren
correspondence: Jefferson, Thomas; Lovell, James
France, mission to
as Vice-President
Gill, John
Godfrey, Martha
Great Britain: Adams, Abigail, comments and criticism; during hostilities and war
Adams, John, as minister; desires appointment
Adams, John, and support of political system
Adams, John Quincy, as minister
American colonies: Boston Massacre; Boston Tea Party; cost of maintaining troops; events leading to hostilities and war; hostilities and War of Independence; see also Continental Congress; Peace of Paris
embargo and impressment; see also War of below
Jay’s Treaty
land in North America
and Russia
War of; peace negotiations
see also Canada; George III; London
Greenleaf, James
Greenleaf, John
Greenleaf, Lucy Cranch (Mrs. James Greenleaf)
Grenville, George
Gridley, Jeremiah
Griswold, Roger
Hall, John
Hamilton, Alexander
Adams, Charles, in law office
Adams, John, political rivalry
as army second-in-command
and Burr, duel
death, Abigail Adams on
as Secretary of the Treasury
and Washington, George
Hamilton, William
Hancock, John
Handel, George Frederic
Harrod, Ann (Nancy) see Adams, Ann Harrod
Hauteval, Lucien
Haven, Rev. Jason
Helvétius, Madame Anne
Hemings, Betty
Hemings, James
Hemings, Sally
Henry, Patrick
Hill, John (pseud. Juliana Seymour)
Holbrook, Dr. Amos
Hopkinson, Joseph
Hottinguer, Jean Conrad
Houdon, Jean Antoine: sculpture of George Washington
Howe, Adm. Sir Richard
Howe, Gen. Sir William
Humphries, Col. David
Hunt, Shrimpton
Hunter, William
Huntington, Samuel
Hutchinson, Thomas
Inches, Henderson
Izard, Ralph
Jackson, Andrew
Jay, Sir James
Jay, John
Adams, John, correspondence
Chief Justice, Supreme Court
peace negotiations with England
possible further political office
as secretary for foreign affairs
Col. Smith passed over for New York post
Spain, as minister
see also Jay’s Treaty
Jay, Mrs. John
Jay’s Treaty
Jefferson, Lucy
Jefferson, Martha (Patsy)
Jefferson, Mary (Polly; Mrs. John Wayles Eppes)
Jefferson, Thomas
Adams, Abigail and John: Abigail’s death; correspondence with Abigail; correspondence with John; friendship; political rivalry and enmity; political rivalry and enmity: his introduction to Paine’s Rights of Man; political rivalry and enmity: presidential election; rapprochement with death of his daughter
and Adams, John Quincy; writing as “Publicola,” defends father’s politics
on aging
correspondence: Eppes, John Wayles, Gerry, Elbridge; Madison, James; Rush, Dr. Benjamin
death of daughter, Polly
Declaration of Independence
France, as minister and trade commissioner in Europe; and England
French, admiration for
Notes on the State of Virginia
portrait by Mather Brown
as President; reelection
press freedom and Kentucky Resolutions
as Secretary of State
Col. Smith implicates in Miranda expedition
as Vice-President
Jeffries, Dr. John
Johnson, Alexander
Johnson, Mrs. Alexander see Adams, Abigail (Abbe)
Johnson, Caroline (Kitty)
Johnson, Catherine (Mrs. Joshua Johnson): Adams, Abigail, correspondence
see also Johnson family
financial and job problems
see also Johnson family
Johnson, Louisa Catherine see Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson
Johnson, Samuel
Johnson, Thomas
Johnson family
Jones, John Paul
Kentucky Resolutions
King, Rufus
Knox, Henry
Knox, Mrs. Henry
Lafayette, Marquis de
Adams, John, correspondence
Lafayette, Marquise de
La Harpe, Jean-François de
La Luzerne, Chevalier Anne César de
Latrobe, Benjamin
Laurance, John
Laurens, Henry
Lee, Arthur
France, mission to; allegations against Deane and censure
Lee, Gen. Charles
Lee, Richard Henry
Lee, William
Leib, Dr. Michael
Leonard, Daniel
Létombe, Joseph-Philippe
Lincoln, Gen. Benjamin
Lincoln, Hannah
Livingston, Catherine W.
Livingston, Robert
Livingston, William Edward
Lloyd, James
Logan, Dr. George
London: Adams residence
descriptions of city
dress and fashion, Abigail Adams on
social customs and entertaining: Abigail Adams on; Louisa Adams on; Nabby Adams on
stage entertainment and concerts, Abigail Adams on
London Chronicle
Louis XVI, King
Louis XVIII, King
Louisiana Purchase
Lovell, James
Adams, Abigail, friendship and correspondence
Lunardi, Vincenzo
Lyde, Nathaniel Byfield
Lyon, Matthew
Macaulay, Catharine Sawbridge
McHenry, James
Madison, Dolly (Mrs. James Madison)
Madison, James
correspondence, Adams, Abigail; Adams, John Quincy; Jefferson
as President; candidacy; reelection
as Secretary of State
Virginia Resolutions
Malcolm, Samuel B.
Marie Antoinette, Queen
Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of
marriage, Abigail Adams on
Marsh, Rachel
Marshall, John
Chief Justice, Supreme Court
France, mission to
Massachusetts Centinel
Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Weekly News-Letter
Massachusetts Spy
Mather, Cotton
Mazzei, Philip
Mercure de France
Miranda, Gen. Francisco de: expedition and Col. Smith’s involvement
Molasses Act
monetary system and banking
Bank of the United States chartered; renewed
Dutch loans
Monroe, James: correspondence: Adams, Abigail; Adams, John
as President
Monroe, Mrs. James
Morris, Marcia White (Mrs. Robert Morris)
Morris, Robert
Morse, Royal
Morton, Perez
Murray, William Vans
Nabby see Smith, Abigail Adams
Elba exile; return; defeat
Switzerland invaded
navy, establishment and maintenance
Netherlands: Adams, Abigail, on
Adams, John, as commissioner and minister
Adams, John Quincy, as minister
loans to U.S.
trade with American colonies
New, Anthony
Newcomb, Mrs.
New Orleans: War of
New York City: Adams residence
defense during War of
as nation’s capital
social customs and entertaining: Abigail Adams on; John Adams on
Nicholson, John
Noailles, Viscount Louis Marie
Noël, Dr. Nicholas
Nonimportation Bill
Nonintercourse Bill
North, Lord
North American Land Company
Ogden, Samuel
Osgood, Samuel
Otis, Harrison Gray
Otis, James, Jr.
Otis, Samuel Allyn
Packard, Rev. Asa
Paine, Robert Treat
Paine, Thomas
Common Sense
The Rights of Man: Jefferson’s introduction and rift with John and John Quincy Adams
Palmer, Gen. Joseph
Palmer, Mary (later Mrs. Royall Tyler)
Paris (and environs): Adams residence
descriptions of city
dress and fashion, Abigail Adams on
social customs and entertaining: Abigail Adams on; John Adams on; Thomas Jefferson on
stage entertainment and concerts, Abigail Adams on
Parsons, Theophilus
Patty (servant)
Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw (Mrs. Stephen Peabody)
Adams, Abigail, and family; correspondence; grandchildren as boarders
Smith, Isaac, Jr., correspondence
widowed and remarried
Peabody, Rev. Stephen
Peace of Paris (and negotiations)
British violations and ill will
Pennsylvania Packet
Peter Porcupine see Cobbett, William
Philadelphia: Adams residences: as President; as Vice-President
Continental Congress
dress and fashion, Abigail Adams on
as nation’s capital
religion, John Adams on
social customs and entertaining, Abigail Adams on
stage entertainments and concerts, Abigail Adams on
Washington’s birthday celebrated
yellow fever epidemic
Phips, David
Phyle, Philip
Pichon, Louis André
Pickering, Timothy
in Congress
as Secretary of State
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth: France, mission to
as presidential candidate
as vice-presidential candidate
Pinckney, Thomas
Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham
Pitt, William, the Younger
Plutarch: Lives
Pope, Alexander
Porcupine Gazette & Daily Advertiser
see also Cobbett, William
Port Act
Porter, Robert Ker: Travelling Sketches
postal system, establishment of
press, freedom of
Hamilton, Alexander, on
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
Sedition Act
Washington attacked
see also Aurora; Bache, Benjamin Franklin; Callender, James Thomson; Cobbett, William; Duane, William
Preston, Capt. Thomas
Princess Royal
Princeton, John Adams on
Adams, John Quincy, as minister
Public Advertiser
Pulteney, Lord
Quincy (family)
Quincy, Edmund
Quincy, Elizabeth Norton (Mrs. John Quincy)
Quincy, Hannah
Quincy, Hannah (Mrs. Samuel Quincy)
Quincy, Joanna Hoar (Mrs. Edmund Quincy)
Quincy, John
Quincy, Josiah
Quincy, Nancy
Quincy, Norton
Quincy, Samuel
Quincy (formerly Braintree): Adams households; during hostilities; John Quincy’s assistance in management; after retirement of John Adams; tenants; Vassall-Borland property purchased
social customs and entertaining, Louisa Adams on
Vassall-Borland property owned by Royall Tyler
Ramsey, Capt.
Randolph, John
Randolph, Peyton
Randolph, Thomas Mann
religion: in France: Abigail Adams on; Thomas Jefferson on
importance to Abigail Adams
in London, John Shebbeare on
in Philadelphia, John Adams on
Revere, Paul
Rice, Nathan
Richardson, Ebenezer
Richardson, Samuel
Richmond Recorder
Ridley, Matthew
Rivington, James
Robbins, Jonathan (Thomas Nash)
Roberdeau, Daniel
Rohan, Cardinal de
Rollin, Charles
Rotch, Francis
Royal Gazette
Rush, Dr. Benjamin: correspondence: Adams, John; Jefferson, Thomas
Nabby Smith’s tumor diagnosed
Rush, Richard
Russell, Rachel Wriothesley Vaughn, Lady: Life and Letters
Adams, John Quincy: as minister; as secretary to minister Dana
Rutledge, Edward
Rutledge, John
Sadler’s Wells
Schenke, P. A.
sea travel: Adams, Abigail, on
Adams, John and John Quincy
Sedgwick, Theodore
Sedition Act
Shakespeare, William
Shaw, Charles
Shaw, Rev. John
Shaw, Mrs. John see Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw
Shaw, William
Adams, Abigail, correspondence
Shays, Daniel (and Shays’ Rebellion)
Shebbeare, John
Sherman, Roger
Shipley, Bishop Jonathan (of St. Asaph)
Shippen, Alice Lee
Siddons, Sarah
inoculation for
Smith, Abbe
Smith, Abigail Adams (Nabby; Mrs. William Stephens Smith): and brother, John Quincy: close relationship; correspondence
characteristics and descriptions
Cranch, Elizabeth, correspondence
in England: joins husband and children; with parents
Europe, voyage to
in France
illness (cancer); death
infancy and childhood
involvement with Royall Tyler; correspondence; his satirical play
marriage; courtship and involvement; husband’s Miranda expedition; reunited in Chenango
and parents: father, correspondence; father, relationship with; mother, correspondence; their concern and attempts to help; visits and stays
as young woman
Smith, Caroline Amelia see De Windt, Caroline Amelia Smith
Smith, Catherine Louisa (Mrs. William Smith)
Smith, Elizabeth (Betsy) see Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw
Smith, Elizabeth Quincy (Mrs. William Smith)
illness and death
Smith, Isaac, Jr.
Smith, John
and grandparents
Harvard and law study
infancy and childhood; with relatives
in War of
Smith, Justus Bush
Smith, Louisa
in Adams household and as companion to Abigail; in Abigail’s will; Louisa Adams mentions her jealousy
Smith, Mary see Cranch, Mary Smith
Smith, Nancy
Smith, Thomas Hollis
Smith, William (brother of Abigail Adams)
Smith, William (cousin of Abigail Adams)
Adams, Abigail, correspondence
Smith, Rev. William (father of Abigail Adams)
and son, William
Smith, William (son of cousin of Abigail Adams)
Smith, Mrs. William see Smith, Abigail Adams; Smith, Catherine Louisa; Smith, Elizabeth Quincy
Smith, Col. William Stephens (son-in-law of Abigail Adams)
business ventures and financial problems
characteristics and descriptions
in Congress
and in-laws; as aide in Europe; correspondence with Abigail; correspondence with John; their concern for his future and attempts to aid
marriage to Abigail (Nabby) Adams; courtship and involvement; her illness; reunited in Chenango
Miranda’s military expedition
and Washington, George: as aide; appointments
Smith, Mrs. William Stephens see Smith, Abigail Adams
Smith, William Steuben (grandson of Abigail Adams): father and Miranda expedition
father’s name defended posthumously
and grandmother
infancy and childhood; with relatives
secretary to John Quincy Adams in Russia
Snider, Christopher
social customs and entertaining: London (and England): Abigail Adams on; Louisa Adams on; Nabby Adams on
New York City: Abigail Adams on; John Adams on
Paris (and France): Abigail Adams on; John Adams on; Thomas Jefferson on
Philadelphia, Abigail Adams on
Quincy, Louisa Adams on
Washington: Abigail Adams on; Louisa Adams on
Sons of Liberty
debt owed by U.S
see also Louisiana; New Orleans; Peace of Paris
Spiller, Mr.
stage entertainment and concerts, Abigail Adams on: London
Stamp Act
Sterne, Laurence
A Sentimental Journey
Steuben, Baron Friedrich von
Stevens, Joseph
Stiles, Rev. Ezra
Stoddert, Benjamin
Storer, Charles
Stuart, Gilbert: portrait of Abigail Adams
portrait of John Adams
Suffolk Convention
Sugar Act
Sullivan, Gen. John
Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, Duc de
Swift, Jonathan
Switzerland: and France
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de
peace negotiations and attacks on shipping
Temple, “Sir” John
Temple, “Lady” (Elizabeth Bowdoin; Mrs. John Temple) and
Thaxter, John: correspondence: Adams, Abigail; Adams, John
to Europe with John Adams’s party
Thayer, Ebenezer
Townshend, Charles
Townshend Acts
Treaty of Paris see Peace of Paris
Trumbull, John
Tudor, William
Tufts, Dr. Cotton
and Adams, Abigail and John; correspondence with Abigail; correspondence with John; financial and family matters handled
Nabby’s involvement with Royall Tyler
Tufts, Cotton, Jr.
Tufts, Lucy Quincy (Mrs. Cotton Tufts)
Tyler, Royall
Cranch family, as boarder
involvement with Nabby Adams; correspondence; correspondence with Abigail Adams; correspondence with John Adams; writes satirical play, The Contrast
Palmer family, as boarder
Vassall-Borland property owned
Vassall-Borland, Leonard
property bought by John Adams; see also Quincy (formerly Braintree): Adams households
property owned by Royall Tyler
Vergennes, Count Charles Gravier de
Adams, Franklin, and peace negotiations
Villard, Joseph
Virginia Resolutions
Wales, Prince of (later George IV)
War of
peace negotiations in Ghent
Warren, Henry
Warren, James
correspondence with John Adams
Warren, Dr. John Collins
Warren, Dr. Joseph
Warren, Mercy Otis (Mrs. James Warren)
and Adams, Abigail; correspondence
and Adams, John: correspondence; her History and his defense of political role; mediation; rapprochement
Warren, Winslow
Washington, George
and Adams, Abigail; on his death
and Adams, John
and Adams, John Quincy: appointed minister to the Netherlands; son named for
birthday celebrated
as commander-in-chief; colonial army
and Hamilton, Alexander
and Indian tribes
Lafayette’s son named for
Paine’s Rights of Man dedicated to
as President
sculpture by Jean Antoine Houdon
and Col. Smith: as aide; appointments
Washington, Martha (Mrs. George Washington)
and Adams, Abigail
portrait by John Wollaston
as President’s wife
Washington, D.C.: Abigail and John Adams in President’s House
burning, invasion, and destruction
as nation’s capital; site chosen
social customs and entertaining
Waterhouse, Dr. Benjamin
Watts, Isaac
Welsh, Harriet: Abigail and Adams family; correspondence with Abigail
Adams, Louisa, correspondence
Welsh, Dr. Thomas
Nabby Smith treated for tumor
Welsh, Mrs. Thomas
West, Benjamin
White, Rev. William
Willoughby, Westel
Wolcott, Oliver
Wollaston, John: portrait of Martha Washington
women: in ballet, Abigail Adams on
in England: Abigail Adams on; Nabby Adams on
in Philadelphia, Abigail Adams on
prostitution in London and Paris, Abigail Adams on
their role (independence and rights): Abigail Adams on; John Adams on; Mercy Warren on
see also dress and fashion; social customs and entertaining
writs of assistance