All knitting patterns use abbreviations to save time and space. These may seem a bit daunting if you are not familiar with the terms, but you will quickly pick up the language. Below is a list of all the abbreviations used in the patterns for this book.
The rows and rounds in the patterns in this book are numbered sequentially throughout each pattern piece so that you can easily identify your place.
approx approximately
beg beginning
cm(s) centimetre(s)
cont continue
dec decrease
DK double knitting
g gram(s)
in(s) inch(es)
inc increase
k knit
k2tog knit the next two stitches together (decrease by one stitch)
k3tog knit the next three stitches together (decrease by two stitches)
kfb knit into front and back of the same stitch (increase by one stitch)
MC main colour
mm millimetre(s)
n needle (with the needle number: needle 1, needle 2, etc.)
oz ounce(s)
p purl
p2tog purl the next two stitches together (decrease by one stitch)
p3tog purl the next three stitches together (decrease by two stitches)
patt pattern
pfkb purl into front and knit into back of the same stitch (increase one stitch)
picot cast on one/more stitches, then bind off the same number of stitches (the number of stitches is given as picot 2, picot 5, etc.)
psso pass the slipped stitch over (decrease by one stitch)
rem remaining
rep repeat
rnd round
skpo slip one, knit one, pass the slipped stitch over (decrease by one stitch)
sl slip
sl 1 slip one stitch
st(s) stitch(es)
st st stockinette stitch (stocking stitch)
tog together
yon yarn over/yarn over needle (increase by one stitch in lace pattern)