The knit stitch

The most basic stitch in knitting is called, not surprisingly, the knit stitch. It can be used completely on its own, when knitting in the round, to produce stockinette stitch (stocking stitch). When it is used on its own for working back and forth along rows, it produces garter stitch.


1 The working stitches will be on the left-hand needle. Take the right-hand needle and insert the tip from right to left into the first loop on the left-hand needle.


2 Wrap the yarn from back to front around the tip of the right-hand needle.


3 Slide the needle down to catch this new loop of yarn. Slip the loop off the left-hand needle and onto the right-hand needle. This is your first stitch. Repeat the process until all the stitches have been knitted off the left-hand needle onto the right-hand one.
