- abortion, 25, 74, 96, 144–45, 148, 153
- Adams, John Quincy, 69, 105
- Adelson, Sheldon, 160
- Adesnik, David, 16
- AE. See American Exceptionalism
- AEI. See American Enterprise Institute
- Afghan War, 64
- Alger, Horatio, 48–49
- Allitt, Patrick, 88
- Alt-Right, 7, 109–21, 132
- Amash, Justin, 79
- American Conservative, 77
- American Dream, 126
- American empire, 18
- American Enterprise Institute (AEI), 3, 23, 63, 155
- American Exceptionalism (AE), 9, 126–27; commitment to, 15; doctrine of, 13–14; perspective of, 20; tribute to, 19
- American identity, 14
- Americanism, 177n1
- American Revolution, 33, 40
- Anglicanism, 35
- Anglo-American Protestant liberalism, 85
- anti-Communism, 22, 125
- anti-Communist activists, 1
- anti-Semitism, 23, 24, 73, 124, 129, 154, 160
- anti-Zionism, 23
- Anton, Michael, 82, 104–5
- armed doctrine, 13
- Arnn, Larry, 100
- Attack the System, 5
- authoritarianism, liberalism and, 95
- authority, establishing, 14
- avant-garde practices, 111–14
- Bacevich, Andrew, 76
- Bailyn, Bernard, 35
- Beck, Glenn, 16, 135–36
- Bennett, William J., 15, 26–31, 94, 123, 159
- Benson, Guy, 127
- Berlin Wall, 68
- Berns, Walter, 60
- the Bible, 57, 60
- Bilbo, Theodore, 29
- bipartisan consensus, 80
- Bismarck, Walt, 112, 115
- Black Lives Matter, 131
- Black Power movements, 22
- Bloom, Allan, 19, 40, 100; The Closing of the American Mind by, 15, 57–58, 127; democratic universalism and, 53–61; Grant compared to, 55–56
- Bolshevik Revolution, 17
- Bolton, John, 76
- Bonaparte, Napoleon, 28
- Boot, Max, 132
- bourgeoisie, 35–37
- Bradford, Melvin E., 5, 8, 122–25; campaign against, 29–30; education of, 25–26; NEH nomination of, 26–28, 31, 155; as ostracized, 156–59; as traditionalist, 128
- Bradford affair, 5, 23
- Breitbart, Andrew, 135
- Brimelow, Peter, 157
- Brookhiser, Richard, 73
- Brooks, David, 20
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 92
- Buchanan, Patrick, 3, 6, 18, 68, 126; American Conservative founded by, 77–78; as architect of foreign policy, 81; attacks on, 158; campaign of, 72–75; commentary on, 155; A Republic, Not an Empire by, 75–76
- Buckley, William F., 21, 26, 40, 74, 161–62; commentary on movement of, 153–54; publication by, 122; as unpatriotic, 78
- Bukharin, Nikolai, 124
- Burke, Edmund, 5, 10–11, 14, 32; Reflections on the Revolution in France by, 36; writings of, 35
- Burnham, James, 22, 42, 45, 68, 69
- Busch, Andrew E., 74
- Bush, George H. W., 6, 26, 68, 72–74
- Bush, George W., 76, 81, 102; foreign policy of, 23–24; presidency of, 93–98
- Bush, Jeb, 81
- Buttiglione, Rocco, 91, 180n34
- Byrd, Harry, 130
- Caesarism, 43
- Calvinism, 45, 57
- Cantor, Eric, 138
- capitalism: bourgeois origins of, 48; history of, 50; Kristol, I., and neoconservative, 47–53, 101–2, 125–26; liberalism and, 57; Novak and neoconservative, 47–53; opposition to, 96; as threat, 168n32. See also specific types
- Carlyle, Thomas, 50
- Carter, James Earl, 92
- Catholic Intellectuals and Conservative Politics in America (Allitt), 88
- Catholicism, 85–90, 91, 177n2
- Catholic neoconservatives, 6, 85–86, 91–98
- Ceaser, James W., 54, 74
- Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 65
- Center Left, 4
- certainty, 10
- Charen, Mona, 137
- Chavez, Linda, 19, 157
- checks and balances, 50
- Cheney, Dick, 76
- Chodorov, Frank, 154
- Chomsky, Noam, 110
- Christianity, 57–60, 87–90
- Churchill, Randolph, 37
- Churchill, Winston, 4, 68
- civic republicanism, 7
- civil rights, 25, 86
- Civil Rights Act, U.S., 122
- Civil War, American, 2, 25; dehumanization and, 70; as irrelevant, 30; play about, 29–30
- Clarke, Jonathan, 123
- class, 15, 34
- Clinton, William Jefferson, 4, 68, 76–77, 92
- The Closing of the American Mind (Bloom), 15, 57–58, 127
- Codevilla, Angelo, 19
- Cohen, Eliot, 63
- Colbert, Stephen, 135
- Cold War, 6, 22–23, 68; as central issue in politics, 72; Communism during, 80; geopolitics of, 21
- Coleridge, Samuel, 33, 50
- Communism, 22, 47, 124, 154; during Cold War, 80; defeat of, 91
- Communist Party USA, 8, 124
- Communists, American, 8
- Conservatism in America (Gottfried), 4141
- The Conservative Mind (Kirk), 40, 123
- conservative movement, 1; audiences of, 31; commanding positions in, 3; establishment within, 30; leadership of, 23; neoconservative wing of, 6
- The Conservative Movement (Gottfried), 67
- Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC), 73
- conservative purges, 8, 152–62
- conservative realism, 83–84
- Constantinism, 90
- Constitution, U.S., 16, 105
- Constitutional Debate, 106
- constitutional federalism, 30
- constitutionalism, 82, 122
- containment policy, 69–70
- Converse, Philip, 138–39
- Cooper, Barry, 34–35
- Corker, Bob, 130
- Corn Laws, 36
- corporations, 43–44, 48, 49
- CPAC. See Conservative Political Action Committee
- CSIS. See Center for Strategic and International Studies
- cultural nihilism, 53
- Cuneo, Michael W., 179n20
- Dart, Ron, 37
- Davidson, Donald, 25
- Debord, Guy, 114, 117
- Declaration of Independence, U.S., 14, 16–17, 100–108; equality in, 126; learning from, 20; truths of, 36
- Deep State, 128
- defeatism, 77
- dehumanization, 70
- DeMint, Jim, 157
- democracy, 11; applicability of, 58; capitalist, 5, 32, 38; equality, natural rights and, 17; perspectives on, 14; promotion of, 54; spreading of, 18
- democratic capitalism, 5, 32, 89; promoting, 98; state capitalism compared to, 47
- democratic globalism, 18
- Democratic Party, 4, 9, 23, 125; modern, 140; South abandoned by, 129–30
- DeMuth, Christopher, 63–64
- Derbyshire, John, 153
- Diefenbaker, John, 33, 39, 46
- Dietze, Gottfried, 28
- Dionne, E. J., 154
- Dispensationalism, 131
- Disraeli, Benjamin, 5, 32, 37–38
- Dole, Robert, 74–75
- Dorrien, Gary, 3, 123, 129, 158
- D’Souza, Dinesh, 16
- Dulles, John Foster, 92
- Dyncorp International, 64
- East, John, 25–26, 123
- economic policies, 62, 142–43
- economic populism, 75
- egalitarian politics, 12
- Ehrlich, Paul, 87
- Eisenhower, Dwight, 4, 92
- electoral behavior, 138–40
- Ellis, Christopher, 141
- The End of Racism (Taylor), 157
- An End to Evil (Frum), 29
- English-Speaking Justice (Grant), 55
- Enlightenment, 34, 42, 89
- Enlightenment political theory, 95
- entailed inheritance, 12
- epistemological presuppositions, 9–10
- equality, 11, 16; in Declaration of Independence, 126; freedom and, 33, 53; natural rights, democracy and, 17
- Erickson, Erick, 136
- Ervin, Sam, 130
- ethnicity, 15
- European Union, 80
- Evans, M. Stanton, 26
- extremism, 1
- FAIR. See Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
- fairness, 56
- Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), 65
- faith in prescription, 12
- Fathers of Confederation, 35
- Faulkner, William, 25
- Federal Reserve, 80
- feminism, 127, 160, 162
- Feulner, Edwin, 158
- First Gulf War, 3
- First Things magazine, 91, 97
- Foner, Eric, 30, 159
- foreign interventionism, 6
- foreign policy, 2, 5, 146–47; architects of, 81; of Bush, G. W., 23–24; history of, 70; neoconservative, 68, 76; as obsession, 24; Trump on, 82
- Founding, Straussian, 100–108
- Fox News, 4, 15–16, 129, 155
- Framers, 122, 130
- Francis, Samuel T., 26–27, 42, 45, 78, 123, 126; on ideologies, 54; as ostracized, 156, 161
- Franck, Matthew J., 16
- Frank, Thomas, 63, 144
- Franklin, Benjamin, 103
- freedom, 11, 38, 127; equality and, 33, 53; of individual, 34; leisure and, 42; personal, diminishing of, 169n74; principles of, 58; right to, 54; tradition and, 44
- free enterprise, 46
- free trade, 6
- French Revolution, 11, 17, 24, 37
- Friedersdorf, Conor, 136
- front-line activists (sensebreakers), 113–18
- Frum, David, 29, 71, 77–78
- Fukuyama, Francis, 17
- fusionism, 44–46, 147
- Gabbard, Tulsi, 176n54
- gay marriage, 25, 127, 144–45, 148, 160
- gender, 15
- General Dynamics, 64
- General Motors, 48, 51
- General Social Survey (GSS), 141
- George, Robert, 93
- Giuliani, Rudy, 78–79, 160
- Gladstone, William, 38
- Glazer, Nathan, 18
- globalization, 5, 32
- Goldberg, Jonah, 16, 127, 135, 153–55
- Goldwater, Barry, 33–34, 38–39
- Gordon, David, 28–29, 63, 123
- Gottfried, Paul, 41, 67, 123, 125–26
- Graham, Lindsey, 19, 105, 130–31
- Grant, George, 5, 37–39; Bloom compared to, 55–56; capitalism treatment by, 42–44; capitalist democracy and, 32; on capitalist leadership, 47–51; doubts of, 53; English-Speaking Justice by, 55; on faith, 59–61; Lament for a Nation by, 32–36, 46, 52, 54; Strauss compared to, 54–57; Vietnam War opposed by, 58
- Great Depression, 39
- Great Society social programs, 33–34
- Greenberg, Paul, 19
- GSS. See General Social Survey
- gun laws, 145
- Gutierrez, Luis, 19
- habit, tradition and, 11
- Hagee, John, 131
- Hagel, Chuck, 24
- Haidt, Jonathan, 116
- Haley, Nikki, 131
- Halper, Stefan, 123
- Hamilton, Alexander, 36, 103–6
- Hamowy, Ron, 154
- Hanson, Victor Davis, 129
- Harrington, Michael, 42
- Hart, Jeffrey, 26
- Hartz, Louis, 34, 41
- Heflin, Howell, 123
- Heimbach, Matthew, 109
- Helms, Jesse, 25–26, 123
- The Hemisphere of Liberty (Novak), 6
- Heritage Foundation, 3, 23, 65–67, 155
- Heschel, Abraham Joshua, 86
- heterogeneity, plutocracy and, 99
- Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 41–42
- Hitler, Adolf, 28, 123, 137
- homogenization, 54, 102
- homophobia, 158
- homosexuality, 3, 96
- Hooker, Richard, 33
- Horowitz, Gad, 34
- human rights, 2, 13, 127, 160; advancing, 90; belief in, 60
- Hume, David, 10–11, 105
- Hume, Tory, 11–12
- Humphrey, Gordon, 132
- Hussein, Saddam, 77, 94
- Hutchinson, Thomas, 35
- identity, 1, 10
- Ideology in America (Ellis and Stimson), 141
- Ignatieff, Michael, 60
- immigration, 2, 6, 24–25; advocates for, 157; enforcement of laws for, 99; Trump policy on, 100–106
- imperialism, 20, 58–59
- In Defense of People (Neuhaus), 87
- individualism, 53, 100
- industrialization, 37
- intellectuals (sensegivers), 113, 118–20
- internationalism, 2, 124
- interventionism, 82–83
- Iraq War, 29, 68, 77–78, 94
- isolationism, 22, 24, 75, 80–81, 161–62
- It Usually Begins with Ayn Rand (Tucille), 78
- Jacobins, 24, 40
- Jacobite rebellion, 37
- Jaffa, Harry, 26, 100
- Jay, John, 102
- Jay Lovestone (Morgan), 124
- Jefferson, Thomas, 14, 100, 106
- jihadists, 95
- John Birch Society, 22, 154, 161–62
- John Paul II (Pope), 6, 92–97
- John Paul II (Szulc), 92
- Johnson, Greg, 111
- Johnson, James Turner, 94
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 21, 32–34, 38
- Kagan, Frederick, 64
- Kagan, Kimberly, 64
- Kagan, Robert, 76–77, 95, 102
- Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, 27
- Kengor, Paul, 180n39
- Kennan, George F., 6, 68–69; as architect of foreign policy, 81; military-industrial complex developed by, 69–72
- Kennedy, John F., 33, 38
- Kesler, Charles, 100
- Kilpatrick, James J., 122
- King, Mackenzie, 46
- King, Martin Luther, 3, 25
- Kirk, Russell, 10, 12, 25, 37, 126; The Conservative Mind by, 40, 123; defense of capitalism by, 40–44; publication by, 122
- Krauthammer, Charles, 16, 18
- Kristol, Irving, 15, 18, 26–29, 40–42, 85; neoconservative capitalism and, 47–53, 101–2, 125–26; Two Cheers for Capitalism by, 47–48
- Kristol, William, 76–77, 136
- Lament for a Nation (Grant), 32–36, 46, 52, 54
- Landess, Thomas H., 28–29, 122
- Laws of Nature, 104, 179n25
- leadership: of conservative movement, 23; Grant on capitalist, 47–51; positions of, 2
- Lee, Robert E., 4, 131
- Lefebvre, Marcel, 96
- legitimization: through propaganda, 53–54; seeking, 59–60
- Lehrberger, James, 27
- leisure, freedom and, 42
- Lenin, Vladimir, 124
- Leviathan and Its Enemies (Francis), 52
- Levin, Mark, 135
- Levinson, Sanford, 185n34
- Lewin, Kurt, 114
- LGBT rights, 2
- liberal democracy, 15, 19, 35
- liberalism, 33–35; authoritarianism and, 95; capitalism and, 57; capitalist, 37, 38; managerial, 46; secular, 57; voice of, 43
- Liberal Party, 33
- libertarianism, 46
- Lieberman, Joe, 77, 160
- Likud Party, of Israel, 24
- Limbaugh, Rush, 151
- Lincoln, Abraham, 5, 14, 16, 25, 28, 104
- Lindblom, Charles, 49
- localism, 108, 128
- Locke, John, 35, 89
- Lockheed Martin, 65–66
- Lovestone, Jay, 124
- Lowry, Rich, 4, 16, 153
- Loyalists, 35–36
- The Loyalists in the American Revolution (Van Tyne), 36
- Luttwak, Edward N., 71–72
- Lytle, Andrew, 26
- Madison, James, 7, 36, 71, 99, 103–7
- Mahoney, Daniel J., 76
- Making Patriots (Berns), 60
- Mansfield, Harvey, 100
- marijuana, 145, 148
- Maritain, Jacques, 85
- Marx, Karl, 33, 55–56, 168n32
- Marxism, 39, 53, 162
- Marxists, 37, 126–27
- Massie, Thomas, 79
- Masters, Edgar Lee, 28
- McCain, John, 76–77, 95
- McCarthy, Gene, 43
- McCarthy, Joseph, 88
- McClure, James A., 26
- McConnell, Scott, 77
- McDonald, Kevin, 77–78
- McGovern, George, 23, 26
- mechanic philosophy, 11
- Medved, Michael, 136
- memory, 7
- Meyer, Frank, 22, 40, 44–46, 140, 198n22
- military, power and spending of, 68
- military-industrial complex, 69–72
- military intervention, 20, 22
- Miller, John, 157
- modernity, 38
- de Montesquieu, Baron, 105–7
- Moore, Russell, 132–33
- morality, Rationalists on, 12–13
- Morgan, Ted, 124
- Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 22
- multiculturalism, 59
- Murdoch, Rupert, 155, 160–61
- Murray, Charles, 157–58
- Murray, Douglas, 17–18
- Murray, John Courtney, 85
- Muslims, 2
- Nader, Ralph, 42
- NAFTA. See North American Free Trade Agreement
- Nagle, Angela, 110
- The Naked Public Square (Neuhaus), 89–90
- Napoleonic Wars, 24
- National Election Survey (NES), 140–41
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), 5, 25, 129; Bradford nomination for, 26–28, 31, 155; founding of, 21; heads of, 30–31
- nationalism, 14, 39, 46; enlightened, 76; liberal, 54
- nationalist populism, 6–7
- nationality, 17
- nativism, 102
- NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- natural law theory, 181n49
- natural rights, 14, 17, 40
- Navarro Valls, Joaquin, 92
- Nazis, 70
- NEH. See National Endowment for the Humanities
- Nehlen, Paul, 129
- The Neoconservative Mind (Dorrien), 3, 158
- NES. See National Election Survey
- Neuhaus, Richard John, 86–92, 97
- New Deal, 21, 25, 38, 46
- Newman, John Henry, 50
- New York Times, 4, 20
- Niebuhr, Reinhold, 87
- Niebuhrian realism, 87
- Niemeyer, Gerhart, 26
- Nietzsche, Friedrich, 41, 55
- 9/11 terrorist attacks, 76
- Nixon, Richard, 34, 130
- noninterventionism, 69
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 74
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 72, 80, 83–84
- Novak, Michael, 40, 86, 91; The Hemisphere of Liberty by, 6; neoconservative capitalism and, 47–53; The Rise of the Unmeltable Ethnics by, 98; The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism by, 6, 47, 89; Writing Left to Right by, 87
- nuclear weapons, 80
- Oakeshott, Michael, 10–12, 50
- Obama, Barack Hussein, 19, 79, 81, 95, 146
- Obergefell v. Hodges, 130–31
- Oliver, Revilo, 154
- opportunism, 23
- organization men, 45
- Ornstein, Norman, 75
- O’Sullivan, John, 73, 157
- Overton Window, 112, 116
- pacifism, 59
- Paine, Thomas, 40
- Palestinian Authority, 77
- Pangle, Thomas, 100
- partisanship, 149–50
- party identification, 139–43
- party lines, 1
- paternalism, 37
- patriotism, 14
- Paul, Rand, 79–81, 83
- Paul, Ron, 68, 78–80, 151
- Pavlich, Katie, 137
- Pax Americana, 54
- Peterson, Jordan, 116
- Petraeus, David, 64
- Pinker, Steven, 109–10, 113, 116
- pleasure, privacy of, 46
- pluralism, 46
- plutocracy: diversity and, 106–8; heterogeneity and, 99
- PNAC. See The Project for the New American Century
- Podhoretz, Norman, 3, 26–29, 74, 85, 125
- political knowledge, 13
- political science, debate with, 138–40
- Ponnuru, Ramesh, 75–76
- The Population Bomb (Ehrlich), 87
- populism, 46
- postmodernists, 95
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 95
- postwar reconstruction, 46
- Powell, Colin, 63
- Prager, Dennis, 15–16
- precedent, 12
- prejudice, 12
- Preserving the Constitution (Ervin), 130
- Preston, Keith, 159
- presumption, 12
- progress, opposition to, 33
- progressivism, 9, 17, 59
- The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), 76–77, 94
- propaganda: legitimization through, 53–54; of Republican Party, 4
- propositional knowledge, 12
- propositions, 13–15
- protectionism, 37, 73, 75
- The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Weber), 89
- Protestantism, 57
- PTSD. See post-traumatic stress disorder
- The Public Discourse (Franck), 16
- Putin, Vladimir, 2
- race, 15, 34
- racism, 24, 78, 129, 132, 159–61
- radicalism, 85–87
- Raimondo, Justin, 77
- Rand, Ayn, 22, 154
- Rationalism, 10
- Rationalists, 9–10; characterization of, 11; on morality, 12–13; style of, 15
- Ratzinger, Joseph, 95–96
- Rawls, John, 55–56
- Reagan, Ronald Wilson, 16, 23–25, 85, 92; supporters of, 30; Vietnam War and, 88
- Reflections on the Revolution in France (Burke), 36
- Reform Party, 75
- religious right, 30
- A Republic, Not an Empire (Buchanan), 75–76
- Republican Party, 9, 23; conversion of, 101; as defeated, 32–33; fusionist wing of, 68; propaganda of, 4; support for, 150
- Republican voters, 7–8, 134, 140–41; consistency within, 147–51; policies considered by, 140–51
- Rice, Condoleezza, 63
- Richwine, Jason, 157–58
- Riddle, Donald W., 28
- Rights of Man, 11, 17
- The Rise of the Unmeltable Ethnics (Novak), 98
- Roberts, Paul Craig, 24
- Rockwell, Lew, 157
- Roe v. Wade, 144
- Rogers, Will, 28
- Romney, Mitt, 79
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 16, 25, 38, 43; New Deal and, 46; works of, 55
- Rothbard, Murray, 22, 154, 157, 159
- Rubin, Jennifer, 102
- Rumsfeld, Donald, 76
- Russell, Richard, 130
- Ryn, Claes, 24
- Salem Broadcasting, 15
- Sanders, Bernie, 79
- Scheunemann, Randy, 77
- Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 43
- Schmitt, Carl, 71
- Schwartz, Stephen, 125
- sensebreakers (front-line activists), 113–18
- sensegivers (intellectuals), 113, 118–20
- sensemakers (silent majority), 113, 120–21
- sexual revolution, 52
- Shachtman, Max, 22
- Shapiro, Ben, 18, 127
- Shulsky, Abram, 101
- SI. See Situationist International
- silent majority (sensemakers), 113, 120–21
- Simon, William E., 26
- Simon, Yves R., 85
- Singer, Paul, 160
- Situationist International (SI), 111–21
- Smith, Kyle, 4
- Sobran, Joseph, 77–78, 123, 156–57
- social cohesion, 13
- Social Democrats USA, 22
- social injustice, 38
- socialism, 42, 169n67
- Social Security, 143
- social theory, 112
- social vices, 45
- Southern Baptists, 131–32
- Southern heritage, 133
- Southern position, 122
- Southern traditionalists, 7
- Soviet expansionism, 21–22
- Sowell, Thomas, 136
- Spencer, Richard, 109–11, 115–18, 121
- Spengler, Oswald, 36–37
- The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism (Novak), 6, 47, 89
- Stalin, Joseph, 124
- state capitalism, 32, 38, 168n44; adherence to, 39; defense for, 42; democratic capitalism compared to, 47; Kirk defense of, 40–44; principles of, 61; rise of, 48; traditionalism and, 44–46; treatment of, by Grant, 42–44
- Stephens, Bret, 101
- Stewart, Corey, 128–29
- Stimson, James, 141
- Strauss, Leo, 6; Founding according to, 100–108; Grant compared to, 54–57
- structural realism, 83
- Students for Liberty, 79
- subversive cultural producers, 113
- Sullivan, Andrew, 94
- Supreme Idea, 14, 20
- Swift, Jonathan, 33
- symbols, 4
- Szulc, Tad, 92
- Taylor, Jared, 112, 117–19, 157
- Tea Party movement, 79, 143, 147
- technical knowledge, 10
- Tell, David, 74–75
- Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), 65
- terrorism, 77, 147
- THAAD. See Terminal High Altitude Area Defense
- Theodoracopulos, Taki, 77
- Theory of Justice (Rawls), 55–56
- think tanks, 62–66
- Third Reich, 3
- Thompson, E. P., 37
- tolerance, movement for, 162
- Tories, 32, 36–38
- Tory Democracy, 37
- Toryism, 33–34, 36–37, 39, 54
- trade policies, 83
- tradition, 10; freedom and, 44; habit and, 11
- traditionalism, 41, 44–46
- Traditionalist Worker Party, 109
- transgenderism, 53, 96
- Trotsky, Leon, 22, 101, 124
- Trudeau, Pierre, 34
- Truman, Harry S., 25
- Trump, Donald, 6–7, 19, 81; agenda of, 65; attack on, 135–38; attacks by, 79; campaign of, 68, 81–84; election of, 62–63, 151; on foreign policy, 82; immigration policy of, 100–107; loyalists to, 67; as mocked, 152; public disagreements surrounding, 161; Reform Party and, 75; slogans by, 82, 99; South influenced by, 132
- Trumpism, 101
- Tucille, Jerome, 78
- Two Cheers for Capitalism (Kristol, I.), 47–48
- The Tyranny of the Politically Correct (Preston), 5
- unassisted reason, 173n175
- universalism, 53–61
- universalization, 54
- utilitarianism, 12
- values, 1, 16, 54, 127
- Van Tyne, Claude H., 36
- veil of ignorance, 56
- Vidal, Gore, 29–30
- Viénet, René, 115
- Vietnam War, 22, 34; Catholics and, 86; Grant opposing, 58; Reagan and, 88
- Voting Rights Act, U.S., 3, 122, 162
- Wallace, George C., 25, 27–30, 123
- Waltz, Kenneth, 83–84
- Warren, Elizabeth, 129
- Washington, George, 103–5
- Watergate, 130
- weakness, fundamental, 48
- Weaver, Richard, 122, 171n129
- Weber, Max, 89
- Weekly Standard, 4
- Weigel, George, 6, 86–91, 92–96
- Welch, Robert, 161
- welfare capitalism, 143
- West, Thomas, 104
- What’s the Matter with Kansas (Frank), 144
- white supremacy, 191n18
- Will, George, 27–28, 127, 135
- Williamson, Kevin D., 135, 152–53
- Willmoore, Kendall, 28
- Wilson, Clyde, 122
- Wilson, Edmund, 28
- Wilsonianism, 70
- Winthrop, James, 103
- Wolfowitz, Paul, 76, 102
- World War I, 2
- World War II, 5, 7, 22, 32, 58
- Writing Left to Right (Novak, M.), 87
- Young Americans for Liberty, 79
- Zionism, 23
- Zionists, 2, 23