Dear Reader,
I’ve loved books for as long as I can remember, might actually have read every title in my elementary school library. I was one of those kids who never went anywhere without one in my hand or tucked inside my bag.
I now have three precious daughters who love them, too. One of them promises to be just like me. She’s a toddler, and she likes all books. Sits and looks at the pages, even when there are no pictures, just words. She’s fascinated and comforted by them. That pretty much sums up how I feel about stories that let me, the reader, step into other lives for a while, meet someone I think about long after I’ve finished the book.
If I can do that for someone else, I will consider that my greatest accomplishment as a writer.
I love to hear from readers. Please visit my Web site at Or write to me at P.O. Box 973, Rocky Mount, VA 24151.
All best,