Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Abdul-Jabar, Kareem, 40, 41, 70, 152
Africana literature, approach to subjects in, 14–15
African American ritual grounds, 167, 187n17
African Diaspora religions, 16, 186nn14–16
African traditional religions, 143
Afro-West Indian spirits, 100, 104
agency: deeper dimension of, 21; Jason and, 99; stripping of, 14, 48
All-Scholastic honors, 17–18
Alpha Big Five, 39, 46
Alpha Physical Culture Club, 37–39
Ammerman, Nancy, 9–10
ancestor spirits, 103–4
anger, 135–37
an-other, 45, 166, 185n10
arthritis, 96–97
Baker, William J., 35
Baron (informant), 16, 60–63; anger and, 135–37; Boston inner-city hoops and, 51; gangs and, 61–63, 136; T. Jones and, 137–38, 147, 149; memorial games and, 65–66, 78, 80
Barros, Big Marvin, 109
Barros, Daeshawn, 155
Barros, Dana, 54
Barros, Doris (mother of Marvin Jr.), 107, 109, 155–56, 181n8
Barros, Marvin, Jr.: Community Awareness Tournament and, 69, 73–75, 75, 118, 131, 153, 155, 158, 161; illness and death of, 69–70, 73–75, 107–9, 111, 118, 138; influence of, 4, 21, 106; “Let it Be Magic,” 70–71, 72, 131
Barry (coach), 112
basketball: ball as loyal friend, 119; Black Fives era of segregated, 43; as hope, 13, 21, 89–92, 104, 117, 125, 127–28; invention of, 35–36, 45–46; as release, 18, 20, 44, 49, 65, 94; religion, race and, 34–35; second life through, 21, 111, 127
basketball courts: as black male body, 15, 150; as church, 140; inner circle of, 16, 157; as maternal symbol, 94, 104; middle ring of, 16, 18, 155, 183n2; outer ring of, 16, 19, 20, 154; as refuge, 17, 21, 44, 47, 91, 93, 104; ritual space of, 10, 19–20, 147, 167, 169; as self-emancipation vehicle, 20; as sites of memory, 21; smell, sound and vibration of, 157–58; as space of resistance, 4, 30, 42; three rings of, 16–20, 167
Beloved (Morrison), 146
Berkeley dormitory, 2
Big Al (coach), 112
bird: bird in flight, 54, 164, 181n4; doves, 66, 133; as Holy Spirit, 181n4
Bird, Larry, 71
black athletes: civil rights movement and, 41; egoism of, 184n3; flights of consciousness, 11–12; perspectives on, 13–15; racial stigma regarding, 8; recruitment of, 31; stereotypes of, 96, 108; systemic exploitation between NCAA and, 8
black basketball: explanation of, 14; origins of, 21, 38–41
black churches, 21, 37–38, 64
black deviance approach, 13
“black is beautiful,” 185n11
black male bodies: basketball court as, 15, 150; socioeconomic forces constraining, 20
black masculinity: definitions of, 19; image of, 164; mask of, 18; visible form of, 50
black men: as generators of hope, 167–68; Mattapan murder victims, 26–27, 77; rituals, reconciliation and, 150–51; as signifying monkey, 164–68, 185nn11–12; stereotypes of, 14, 21, 165; violence against, 9, 19, 22, 84
black neighborhoods, Boston, 26–28
black players: freedom of, 10, 20, 104, 111, 140; interactions between audience and, 80–82; “known,” 15, 63, 176n13, 181n5; movement and bodies of, 11, 20, 148, 164, 166; role of, 5; as saviors, 53, 81; as tricksters, 166, 168; visibility of, 38
black religion, 180n35
blacks: black skin as cultural capital, 165; middle class, 41, 46; separate-but-equal status of, 36
blues music, 10, 22
BNBL. See Boston Neighborhood Basketball League
Bobby (friend), 137
Bobby (janitor), 56
bodily capital, 165
body: black male bodies, 15, 20, 150; black players’ movement and, 11, 20, 148, 164, 166; body language, 155, 160; as God’s temple, 36; out-of-body experiences, 12; racial uplift through bodily exercise, 36–41; religion and role of, 10; soul overtaking, 11–12; synchronicity of, 119
Booker, Paris, 65
Boston: black neighborhoods, 26–28; inner-city hoops, 50–56, 58–60; memorial games, 21, 63–85; racial inequities in, 27, 177n2; segregation in, 28
Boston Celtics, 54
Boston Globe: All-Scholastic honors, 17–18; reporter from, 56; reports in, 26–27, 83
Boston Herald: All-Scholastic honors, 18; caption slip, 58
Boston Marathon bombing, 19
Boston Neighborhood Basketball League (BNBL), 64
Boston Shootout Tournaments, 54–55
Boston street basketball: ethnographic study of, 10–21, 27; experience of, 4–5; journey from, 2; Yale University men’s basketball compared to, 5
Boston TenPoint Coalition, 64
Boston University: graduate school at, 18; King memorial at, 133
Bourdieu, Pierre: on bird in flight, 181n4; on habitus and internalization, 29–30, 178n7; on interviews, 49; on learned ignorance, 165, 184n7; on living memory pad, 19, 178n7; on objectivist point of view, 176n11; on self-reflexive approach to ethnography, 10; on symbolic domination, 185n11; on symbolic violence, 20, 165, 176n15, 185n8
Bromley-Heath Street projects, 82–83
Bukowski, Charles, 25
Bundchen, Gisele, 165
celebration: in sports, 184n3; street basketball and, 22, 66, 161, 163–68
ceremony, compared to rituals, 144–45
Chamberlain, Wilt, 43, 70
“Change Is Gonna Come, A” (Cooke), 74
Cheetah, Larry, 45
chest: displaying, 79; pounding and pointing to, 164–66, 168; puffed out, 18
Chicago Bulls, 46
Chill Will Tournament, 65–66, 67
church: basketball courts as, 140; black churches, 21, 37–38, 64
civil rights movement, 41, 44, 150
C.J. (childhood friend), 21–22, 139, 147; Community Awareness Tournament and, 152–53, 158–60, 168; drugs and, 110–11, 122–24, 127; incarceration, 21, 109–11, 115, 121, 124–27; reuniting with, 106, 109–11; toll of death and violence and, 112–19
clothing, 16, 63, 153
cloud or wave, 12
C-Murder Tournament, 82
coaches: Barry, 112; Big Al, 112; RJ, 162; role of, 5, 16, 59
collective injury, 9, 22, 131, 146–47
collective love, 154
collective text, 5
college, 96–100
Columbia University, 38
Community Awareness Tournament, 69, 73–75, 75, 118, 131, 152–63, 168
community centers, 43, 53
consciousness: double, 168; flights of, 11–12; Jason and, 97, 99; religious, 21, 176n16
Cooke, Sam, 74
Cool Herc, DJ, 42
Copeland Street playground, 4
Corey, 154–55, 158
Couliau, Kevin, 180n31
crack, 31, 91–92, 133, 135
critical inheritance, 4–5
Crooks, Shannon, 55
crossover dribble: Jason’s, 89; sleight of hand of, 14, 17
cultural capital, 165
Dagara funerals, 148–49
dance: during Community Awareness Tournament, 158; sports, music and, 40, 42, 46, 179n23, 180n31; views on, 5, 163
Daniel, Everart, 38
dead, the: communication with, 21, 104; “empty chair” inhabited by spirit of, 69; grief for, 11, 33–34; names and images of, 9, 28, 146, 155; spectral presence of, 14; substitutions for, 30. See also memorial games, Boston
death: crisis of, 145–46; toll of violence and, 112–19
deception, 5; edifying, 152
dehumanization: effects of, 20, 38, 114; resistance to, 166, 168
demons, 92–93
Department of Social Services: group homes, 135–36; Jermaine and, 140
DePina, Jonathan, 55
Derrida, Jacques, 4–5
Desmond, 137
dialogue, 144, 147–49
divination, 148
documentaries, 50, 180n31
Doin’ It in the Park: Pick-Up Basketball, NYC (Garcia and Couliau), 180n31
Dora (lady of God), 99–100, 156–57
double consciousness, 168
Douglass, Bob, 39
doves, 66, 133
dreams: dreaming and pursuit of, 4; of dying and being reborn, 33; hoop, 13, 34, 49, 55; Marlon’s, 133; xanu, 148
Dre’s Tournament, 66
drive-by shooting, 66
drugs, 31–32; C.J. and, 110–11, 122–24, 127; crack, 31, 91–92, 133, 135; Jamal and, 134–35; marijuana, 61, 78, 94, 111, 121, 132, 154; Marlon and, 132–33
Du Bois, W. E. B., 25, 168
dunk: analysis of, 160–61, 164–65, 168; as archetype, 22; as prototypical symbol, 152; as shared experience, 82
Dupont Prep, 134
Durkheim, Émile, 53
Dyson, Michael Eric, 152
eat, 94
edifying deception, 152
ego: ego-displacement technique, 144; egoism of black athletes, 184n3
elders: absence of, 147, 149–50, 169; closing grief rituals, 149–50; during grieving process, 22, 147; power of, 143; wisdom of, 19
Eldridge, Courtney, 55
Elegba (trickster), 12, 185n12, 186n14
Ellison, Gregory, II, 22, 167
emotion: expression of, 74, 101, 140–41; freeing mourner from, 146; hiding, 19; playing without, 6
Erikson, Erik, 167
Erving, “Dr.” Julius, 43
Esu (trickster), 12, 185n12, 186n14
Ewing, Patrick, 54
existential questions, 84–85
Fathers Are Champions Too Tournament, 15–20, 83, 85
Faulk, Rufus, 64
feminine energy, 104, 151
Ferrel, Amos, 116–17
field notes, 48–49
flights of consciousness, 11–12
forgiveness, for murderers, 150–51
freedom: of black players, 10, 20, 104, 140; desire for, 40
Freud, Sigmund, 145–46
gangs, 15–18, 163; Baron and, 61–63, 136; Boston inner-city hoops and, 50–53; memorial games and, 64–66, 73, 78, 81–83; as role models, 29; students as targets of, 17
Garcia, DJ Bobbito, 180n31
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 166, 185nn11–12
Gates, William “Pop,” 41
G-Big, 17, 109, 139
Geertz, Clifford, 5
ghetto: escape as gangster, rapper or ballplayer, 17; resilience to hardships of, 4; transportation beyond confines of, 166
ghosts: haunting and, 14; restless energy of, 146
God: benevolence of, 74; body as God’s temple, 36; glory of, 35; influence of, 2–3, 21, 45, 69–70; Jason and, 94–95, 98–101, 103–4; lady of, 99–100, 156–57
good sportsmanship and fair play, 60
gorillas, 165
gratitude, expression of, 149
grief catharsis, 148
grief rituals, 22, 141–51; awareness of humanity during, 168; closing, 149–50; crisis of death and, 145–46; dialogue in, 144, 147–49; separation in, 144, 145–46; structure of, 143–45; threshold in, 144, 146–47
grieving process: blessing received during, 150; elders during, 22, 147; elements missing from, 142
habitus, internalization and, 29–30, 178n7
Hall, David, 9
Hall, James, 75
Hammond, Joe “Helicopter,” 43
Harlem Globetrotters, 40–41, 46, 54
Harlem Rens, 39–41, 46
Harvard University’s Franklin Summer Program, 73
healing, 10; model of, 142; women as catalyst for, 151
heart: heart disease, 27; pain in, 56; putting out, on asphalt, 94, 120–21; significance of, 165–67
hip-hop generation, 42
HIV/AIDS, 70–71, 132
hoops: Boston inner-city, 50–56, 58–60; flying, otherness and joy of, 163–64; hoop dreams, 13, 34, 49, 55; Jason’s hoop ritual, 104
hope: basketball as, 13, 21, 89–92, 104, 117, 125, 127–28; black men as generators of, 167–68; definition of, 167
hopeful self, 167
Horace Prep, 121, 123–24
“I’m Missing You” (Ross), 74
improvisation, 30, 178n9
incarceration, 28; C.J., 21, 109–11, 115, 121, 124–27; Kirkland, 46; prison as microcosm of streets, the, 125; Shorty, 31–33
“Inner Life IV, The: The Flow Between the Inner and the Outer” (Thurman), 165–66
integration, 41
internalization, habitus and, 29–30, 178n7
interviews, 49–50
invocations, 146–47
Isaacs, John, 40
Jackson, Jamal, 54
Jamal (Dupont Prep ball player), 133–35
James, LeBron, 165
James, William, 21, 176n16
Janesbe Memorial School, 114, 116–17
Jason, 21–22, 89–105, 127, 143, 149; agency and, 99; college and, 96–100; Community Awareness Tournament and, 152–53, 156–60, 162–63, 166–68; consciousness and, 97, 99; crossover dribble of, 89; God and, 94–95, 98–101, 103–4; great-grandmother’s spirit, 91–94, 97–99, 101, 104; hoop ritual of, 104
Jealous, Benjamin, 41
Jermaine, 12, 52–53, 139–40
Jessie, 156–57
Jim Crow, 36, 46
John (Haitian ballplayer), 12
Johnson, Claude, 38–39
Johnson, Earvin “Magic,” 70–71, 72, 131
Jones, James, 3
Jones, Jim, 73
Jones, Nathaniel (Papa Chilli), 142, 145, 147–51
Jones, Ty, 137–38, 147, 149
Jordan, Michael, 71, 81
J-Rod, 4–5
Julie (Sticks’s white girlfriend), 153–54, 158, 168
jump, 179n23
Kane, 33–34, 147
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 3, 108, 133
Kirkland, Pee Wee, 43, 44–46
“known” black players, 15, 63, 176n13, 181n5
Kuchen, Dick, 3
leagues: BNBL, 64; Malcolm X League, 64; Manny Wilson Basketball League, 55, 58–60, 59, 113; National Basketball League, 41; tournaments compared to, 181n6
learned ignorance, 165, 184n7
Lee, Spike, 81
Legba (trickster), 185n12, 186n14
“Let It Be Magic” (Barros, M.), 70–71, 72, 131
Lewis, David, Jr., 64
limbo, 145
lived religion, 9–13, 63, 104, 128, 151, 169
Lived Religion in America: Toward a History of Practice (D. Hall), 9
living memory pad, 19, 178n7
Long, Charles H., 1, 10
Louis Saunders Tournament, 75–77, 76, 77
Lundy, 153, 158
Mack, Monty, 55
Malcolm X League, 64
Malcolm X Park, 4, 26; memorial games at, 64–65, 77–82; twenty-one game at, 67
Mallozzi, Vincent, 43
Malone, Moses, 70
manliness: definition of, 36; expectations of, 105
Manny Wilson Basketball League, 55, 58–60, 59, 113
Marathon Athletic Club, 38
Marbury, Stephon, 54
marijuana, 61, 78, 94, 111, 121, 132, 154
Marley, Bob, 3
Marlon, 11–12, 131–33
Marques, 78–80
Martin, Jaewon, 83, 84
Martin, Trayvon, 179n28
masculinity: black, 18, 19, 50, 164; white, 36
Mason Street team, 78
master of ceremonies (MC): at Community Awareness Tournament, 161–62; role of, 16–17; as tricksters, 16, 161
maternal symbol, 94, 104
Mattapan murder victims, 26–27, 77
MC. See master of ceremonies
McDonald’s All-American game, 54
Melvia Wright Patten Tournament, 82–83
memorial games: Baron and, 65–66, 78, 80; Boston, 21, 63–85; failure to be more than palliative, 150, 169; gangs and, 64–66, 73, 78, 81–83; at Malcolm X Park, 64–65, 77–82; Paul, Chris, 142–51
memory: basketball courts as sites of, 21; of deceased loved ones, 4, 146–47; living memory pad, 19, 178n7
Miller, Reggie, 81
minorities, 6–7
Mizz, 5
Morrison, Toni, 146
Murphy, Joseph, 186nn14–16
muscular Christianity, 21, 35–36
music: blues, 10, 22; as communal heartbeat, 16; as medicine, 158; rap, 42, 168, 180n31; sports, dance and, 40, 42, 46, 179n23, 180n31
Naismith, James, 35–37, 45–46
National Basketball League, 41
National Basketball Players Association, 142
NBA Eastern Conference finals, 81
neighborhood: black, 26–28; symbolic reading of itself, 5
netherworlds or underworlds, 28, 178n6
Neville, Robert, 8
New York City, 178n6
nigger, 114–17
Noel, James, 22
Norman brothers, 37
objectivist point of view, 14, 176n11
On the Shoulders of Giants (Abdul-Jabbar), 40, 152
Papa Chilli. See Jones, Nathaniel
Patten, Marvin, 82–83
Patten, Melvia Wright, 82–83
Paul (Stone Hill projects player), 78, 80
Paul, Charles, 142
Paul, Chris, 142–51
Paul, C.J. Charles, 142–43
Paul, Robin, 142
Paulding, Eric, 118–20; Community Awareness Tournament and, 69, 73–75, 75, 118, 153, 158, 161
Paulding, Russell, 69, 73–74, 131, 153, 183n2
physical-culture clubs, 36–39, 46
“Picked Me Up” (Withers), 90
Pierce, Paul, 54, 102
points: scoring, 147, 149; style compared to, 161
possessed, 9
prayer, 10, 64
preacher-politician, 19
premonition, 12
Princeton game, 3
prison. See incarceration
prison games, 125–26
proximity, between researchers and subjects, 15, 48
psychological pathology, 13
race: collective injury of, 9, 22, 131, 146–47; discrimination, 22, 28, 41, 46; inequities, 27, 177n2; religion, basketball and, 34–35; stigma regarding black athletes, 8; uplift through bodily exercise, 36–41
racial injury: history of, 27; as term, 177n3
racism, 14, 114–16, 173
rap music, 42, 168, 180n31
refuge, basketball courts as, 17, 21, 44, 47, 91, 93, 104
release, basketball as, 18, 20, 44, 49, 65, 94
reliable others, 167–68
religions: basketball, race and, 34–35; black religion, 180n35; definition of, 181n3; lived religion, 9–13, 63, 104, 128, 151, 169; Long on, 1, 10; rituals of African traditional, 143; role of body in, 10; study of philosophy and, 1, 3, 8; tricksters in African Diaspora, 16, 186nn14–16
religious consciousness, 21, 176n16
religious phenomena, 10
resistance: basketball courts as space of, 4, 30, 42; to dehumanization, 166, 168; expression of, 185n11
Rhoden, William, 31, 40
rituals: African American ritual grounds, 167, 187n17; of African traditional religions, 143; black men, reconciliation and, 150–51; ceremony compared to, 144–45; communication with spirit and, 143, 147–49; doves in, 66; failure of, 134; Gennep’s stage theory of, 144; grief, 22, 141–51; Jason’s hoop ritual, 104; for T. Jones, 137–38, 147; during Louis Saunders Tournament, 76; slaves’ ring-shout, 10
ritual space: of basketball courts, 10, 19–20, 147, 167, 169; closing, 149
RJ (coach), 162
Robinson, Jackie, 41
role models, 29, 42, 53, 133
Ross, Diana, 74
Roxbury Community College, 92
Rucker, Holcombe, 42–43
Rucker Park, 44–45
Rucker Tournament, 43
rules, external conditions predetermining, 14
Russell, Bill, 70
sacred and profane: center point as meeting place between, 83; Durkheim on, 53
Sacred Stories, Spiritual Tribes: Finding Religion in Everyday Life (Ammerman), 9–10
Sanders, Tyrus Elijah, 73
Saunders, Anthony, 75
Saunders, Louis, 75–77, 76, 77
Save R Streets Summer Classic, 60–61, 66–67, 68, 69, 139
saviors, black players as, 53, 81
Scud Webb, 55
Sea Island Series (Weems), 69
second life, through basketball, 21, 111, 127
segregation: Black Fives era of, 43; in Boston, 28; Jim Crow, 36, 46
self: authenticity and rootedness of, 144; definitions of, 20; devastation to, 182n2; hopeful, 167
self-emancipation vehicle, 20
self-esteem, 31, 39
self-expression, 4
self-reflexive approach, to ethnography: Bourdieu on, 10; use of, 14–15
separation, 144, 145–46
sexual prowess: assumption about, 96; gestures of, 165
Shorty, 26, 28–34, 147
signification, acts of, 166, 186n13
signifying monkey, 164–68, 185nn11–12
slaves’ ring-shout rituals, 10
Smart Set Club, 38
sociology of practice, 10
Some, Malidoma Patrice, 131, 143–50
something more, 20, 176n16
sorrow songs, 10
souls: communication with deceased, 178n6; doves as symbols of peace for, 66; overtaking body, 11–12
speedskater, 30
spirits: Afro-West Indian, 100, 104; ancestor, 103–4; bird as Holy Spirit, 181n4; crisis of death and separation for, 145–46; dialogue with, 147–49; “empty chair” inhabited by, 69; impacts of, 9; Jason’s great-grandmother’s spirit, 91–94, 97–99, 101, 104; rituals and communication with, 143, 147–49
sports: celebration in, 184n3; dance, music and, 40, 42, 46, 179n23, 180n31
“State of Black Boston” (Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts), 27
St. Christopher’s Club, 38
St. Cyprian Athletic Club, 38
stereotypes: of black athletes, 96, 108; of black men, 14, 21, 165; of whites, 116
Sticks, 153–55, 158, 160–61, 168
Stone Hill projects team, 78
street basketball: Boston, 2, 4–5, 10–21, 27; celebration and, 22, 66, 161, 163–68; choreography and flow of, 4, 21, 22; as collective love, 154; ecstatic dimensions of, 152; emergence of, 41–43; haunting and ghosts in, 14; interactions between audience and players in, 80–82; lived religion of, 9–13, 63, 104, 151, 169; Mecca of, 43, 64; in New York City, 178n6; “out of joint” dimension of, 13, 162; professionals against, 43; Rucker and rise of, 42–43; university culture compared to, 20; violence and spiritual essence of, 44–47
streets, the: identity of, 79, 119, 122; narratives of, 30; prison as microcosm of, 125; as socializing institution, 42, 46, 50, 180n30
street style, 4
structural violence, 177n3
students, as gang targets, 17
style: points compared to, 161; street style, 4
Suave Life Tournament, 26, 28, 77–82
subjects: Africana literature approach to, 14–15; proximity between researchers and, 15, 48
symbolic domination, 185n11
symbolic violence: Bourdieu on, 20, 165, 176n15, 185n8; lives determined by, 144
tattoos: kissing of, 138, 146, 149; Last Ones Left, 34; of names and initials, 9, 138
Taylor, Buddy, 140–41
Teal, James Lee, 73
Tee, 55
Thomas, Isaiah, 71
threshold, 144, 146–47
Thurman, Howard, 150; “Inner Life IV, The: The Flow Between the Inner and the Outer,” 165–66
time, moving in and out of, 11–13
tournaments: Boston Shootout Tournaments, 54–55; Chill Will Tournament, 65–66, 67; C-Murder Tournament, 82; Community Awareness Tournament, 69, 73–75, 75, 118, 131, 152–63, 168; Dre’s Tournament, 66; Fathers Are Champions Too Tournament, 15–20, 83, 85; first, 38; focus and design of, 63–65; leagues compared to, 181n6; Louis Saunders Tournament, 75–77, 76, 77; Melvia Wright Patten Tournament, 82–83; Rucker Tournament, 43; Save R Streets Summer Classic, 60–61, 66–67, 68, 69, 139; Suave Life Tournament, 26, 28, 77–82; World Professional Basketball Tournament, 40–41
transcendent meanings, 14
trash talking, 5
tricksters: in African Diaspora religions, 16, 186nn14–16; black players as, 166, 168; Elegba, 12, 185n12, 186n14; Esu, 12, 185n12, 186n14; Legba, 185n12, 186n14; MC as, 16, 161; Yoruba trickster gods, 12, 166, 185nn11–12, 186n14
truths, internal, 3
Tunstall, Dwayne, 144
Turner, Wayne, 54
twenty-one game, 67
Tyshawn, 11
uniforms: military precision of, 161; names and pictures on, 9, 138
university culture, 20
University of Kentucky Wildcats, 54
Upchurch, Anthony, 83
Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts, 27, 177n2
van Gennep, Arnold, 144
Veal, Willie “Chill,” 65
violence: against black men, 9, 19, 22, 84; cycle of, 21, 146; street basketball spiritual essence and, 44–47; structural, 177n3; symbolic, 20, 144, 165, 176n15, 185n8; toll of death and, 112–19
Vitale, Dick, 2
vouching, 63, 181n5
Wacquant, Loïc, 176n11, 185n11, 187n20
Wake Forest University, 143
Weems, Carrie Mae, 69
West, Cornel, 1
White Men Can’t Jump (film), 184n3
whites: masculinity, 36; stereotypes of, 116; white paternalism, 6; white supremacy, 21, 40; Yale University men’s basketball teammates, 5–6
“Who’s Got Next?” (Woodbine, R.), 170–72
Wilson, Manny: death of, 55–56, 113–14, 118, 138; influence of, 4, 21, 58–60, 112–13; Manny Wilson Basketball League, 55, 58–60, 59, 113; Yawkey Club and, 69, 112
Wilson, Ms., 4, 55, 58–60
Wilson, William Julius, 41
wise men, 18–19
Withers, Bill, 90
women: as catalyst for healing, 151; with “Chicken Gawds” shirts, 168; role of, 16, 18, 39, 96, 163; value of, 104
Woodbine, Onaje, 57
Woodbine, Robert, Jr., 170–73
World Professional Basketball Tournament, 40–41
xanu (dream), 148
Yale alums, 8
Yale Daily News, 2–4, 8
Yale University men’s basketball: Boston street basketball compared to, 5; decision to quit, 1–4, 6–8; experience in, 1, 18; intrasquad scrimmages, 5–6; Princeton game against, 3; white teammates on, 5–6
Yawkey Club, 53–56, 58–60, 110; Wilson, Manny, and, 69, 112
YMCA. See Young Men’s Christian Association
Yoruba trickster gods, 12, 166, 185nn11–12, 186n14
Young, Hershini, 9, 14–15
Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), 35–37, 46