Making Waves, Irving Dardik and His Superwave Principle, by Roger Lewin, 2005. The story of the man who has worked on heart rate variability inside and outside the medical establishment. Thieme Atlas of Anatomy, by Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte and Udo Schumacher, 2006. Ex- cellent illustrations of muscles, joints, nerves, with just enough text. A wonderful reference text. Trail Guide to the Body: A Hands-On Guide to Locating Muscles, Bones and More, by An- drew Biel, 2010. An excellent guide for learning where the bones and muscles are. Full of interest- ing details and a sense of humor. Trail Guide to Movement: Building the Body in Motion, by Andrew Biel, 2015. A fun book teaching all about the movement-related tissues of the body and biomechanics. Yogabody: Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Asana, by Judith Lasater, 2009. An excellent book that includes suggestions for practice and teaching in each chapter.