Chapter Five
By the time Maia was able to find what she wanted, Chloe had found and bought five times the number of items to add to her stack of purchases. And it wasn’t until they were on their way back that Chloe said anything that was remotely interesting.
“He’s asked about you.”
Maia hadn’t been listening to anything she’d been saying up to that point and was perfectly content with counting cars and cracks on the sidewalk. “Who?”
“Alex Girard.”
Trust Chloe to bring up the one person she didn’t want to think about. “Why?”
“How should I know? He asked what I knew about you.”
Thankfully, Chloe didn’t know very much about her past. Or her life in general. Maia shrugged. “So I guess you told him you know nothing about me?”
“I told him what I know. That you were anti-relationship and you never have fun.”
“Great.” Perfect. Maybe that would put him off from trying to get closer.
Chloe shrugged. “It’s only the truth. What I don’t get is why he even wants to know?” There was a pause just before her lips curved and a gleam appeared in her eyes. “I wonder if he’s one of those guys who are into the chase. That would explain why he’s curious about you.” She looked Maia up and down. “Then again, he could be worried that you’ll attack him with something worse than champagne next time.”
“He doesn’t have to worry about that. I just want to do my job and get out of here.”
Chloe grinned. “I guess I don’t have to worry about competing with you. Not that I did in the first place.”
Maia didn’t know why Chloe was so hostile toward her and she didn’t care. She wasn’t going to get into an argument with her and she sure as hell wasn’t going to fight with her over a man. Least of all, Alex.
“Nothing to say?” Chloe shifted her bags. “Why did you throw the champagne at him anyway?”
Thankfully, the hotel was in view and Maia quickened her pace. “I tripped.”
“We both know that’s a lie.” She twisted her lips. “The truth will come out soon enough.”
Not before she got out of there and never had to see Alex again. “Whatever. I’ll see you at dinner.” Maia stalked off. It was going to take solitude and maybe even a bath to get her head ready to deal with the coming evening.
* * * *
It took a large glass of very expensive wine, a warm bath laced with oils provided by the hotel in tall, elegantly carved bottles, and several wardrobe changes before Maia was ready. She probably would have changed the earrings one more time but a knock at her door stopped her.
Alex stood on the other side, dressed impeccably in a dark suit and white shirt. Only this time there was no tie and the shirt’s top button was undone. Maia’s eyes were drawn to the exposed skin for an extended moment.
“Are you ready?” His gaze traveled the length of her body.
Not in the least. Didn’t he say he was going to wait for her at the desk? She had at least ten minutes by her count. But Maia didn’t question it. The less said, the better.
“Just let me get my shoes.” Maia quickly dug a pair of simple black Manolos out of her suitcase and slipped them on. With one last look in the mirror, she grabbed her purse and nodded to him. “Ready.”
Keeping pace with him, Maia stayed stubbornly quiet as they walked down the hall. She wanted to look at him and kept sneaking peeks at him when she was sure he wasn’t looking. Not that he would be. What did he care if she did? She’d just be one of many.
Maia thought glumly of the gorgeous woman who had been with him at the restaurant. He was probably dating her, and possibly a string of others now anyway.
By the time they reached the entrance, Maia’s spirits were at an all-time low, even for this trip. The last thing she wanted to do was go to a party.
“You’re quiet.”
It took her a second to realize that Alex was talking to her. And another to notice that he’d stopped while she’d kept going. “I have a lot on my mind. With the assignment and all,” she finished lamely. Why did she have to explain herself to him anyway? She owed him nothing.
Something that appeared to be like concern curved his lips downward. “Don’t feel obligated to come to the party just because my father asked. If you’re not up for it, just say so.”
She’d already thought about it, but had decided it would be best to go. “I already told him I was going to attend. I don’t want to let him down.”
Alex simply shrugged and started walking again.
Maia followed.
They didn’t have far to go. On the circular path just outside the foyer doors waited a sleek black car that could have been something out of the future.
Alex quickly opened the passenger side door and held out his hand. Maia took it and slid into the seat, pulling her hand back the moment she was in. He circled around and was about to get in his side when a clatter of heels and a flash of blonde dashed toward him.
“Alex! I’m so glad I caught you. I tried calling for a cab but, unfortunately, they’re all tied up right now. So I was wondering…” She nibbled on her bottom lip and batted her lashes.
Chloe really had no shame.
Alex shrugged. “There’s no room for you in this car, I’m afraid.” He glanced pointedly at his seat then at Maia in the other.
Chloe leaned over and made a show of spotting her coworker. “Oh, hi, Maia. Didn’t see you there.”
“You know what? You take Chloe. I’m going to get some work done. Maybe swim a few laps.” Or crawl into bed and sleep until the nightmare was over.
Alex circled around and dutifully helped her out. “I have a solution that will get us all there. After all, didn’t you say you didn’t want to disappoint my father?”
Alex might have been an ass, but Guillaume didn’t deserve to be let down.
She didn’t get to answer. He’d already pulled his phone out and was directing someone on the other end. Maia spared Chloe a glance to see the blonde’s triumphant expression.
Congratulations. Chloe had gotten her out of a situation she didn’t want to be in in the first place.
Within minutes, a black limo pulled up. The driver quickly opened the door and Chloe was the first in. Maia followed then Alex.
Then started the most awkward limo ride Maia had ever experienced. Most of the time, she enjoyed not having to drive herself and appreciating the view from a limo wasn’t the worst way to travel. But now she sat stiffly in her seat, her knees angled toward the door as she did her best to disappear. Chloe, on the other hand, eyed the little refrigerator and Alex with equal interest even though the man took no notice of her.
He’d chosen the seat next to Maia. Though he didn’t encroach on her space or engage her in conversation, Maia was still overwhelmed. She could smell the spice of his cologne. Feel the heat emanating from him. Awareness flooded her body like molten honey in response and it twisted her insides into knots.
She did her best to avoid contact, to ignore him. That was until the car turned sharply, sending her toppling into Alex’s solid body. Maia’s brain blanked the moment his strong arms closed around her.
He held her against his hard form for a second before easing her back to study her. “Are you okay?”
Her brain kick-started back to life and she slid away, as far from him as she could. “I’m fine. Thanks.”
“I’m good too, you know.” Chloe watched them with blatant interest.
“Good.” Alex didn’t even glance at her. His eyes stayed on Maia until Chloe started talking again.
She smirked at Alex. “I guess I should stop wasting my time with you, huh?”
He turned his gaze to her, but he said nothing.
“I don’t know what’s going on between you two but there’s definitely something.” Chloe narrowed her eyes suspiciously. She looked as though she had been going to say something else but had thought better of it.
And knowing Chloe, she had a lot to say.
Maia sat stiffly against the door until the car eventually slowed and stopped. Alex exited first and helped her and Chloe out of the car respectfully.
She wasn’t sure what she had expected to be walking into when she had been invited to a party at Guillaume Girard’s home, but she was greeted by a dozen people all chatting and mingling inside and out of the gorgeous villa. Alex led them through while Chloe disappeared into the crowd almost immediately.
Maia saw the moment Guillaume spotted them. He wove through the crowd to them with a big grin on his face. “Alex! Maia! So glad you’re here.”
He clapped his son on the shoulder and kissed Maia on one cheek then the other. “Come, I have some people for you to meet.” He waved at a waiter, who immediately approached with a silver tray heavy with gleaming glasses of champagne.
Maia took one with no intention of drinking any of it. It probably would have tasted like sawdust anyway. She noticed that Alex refused a drink. He followed along quietly as Guillaume made a beeline through the throng.
She couldn’t keep names straight as he introduced her to one person after another. Alex seemed to know everyone. Men and women alike were eager to snare him in conversation. She listened while he made what she assumed was polite conversation in half a dozen languages. Maia smiled and chatted, and actually began to enjoy herself. That was until Chloe made her way back over.
“Maia! You’ll never guess what just happened to me!”
The huge grin on her face made Maia’s stomach roll. And when she saw who Chloe dragged behind her, it fell to her feet.
“I was telling this gorgeous man what I do for a living and that I was here with the stunningly fabulous Maia Reynolds and apparently he knows you!”
Tall, broad, handsome, dirty blond. Tonight he wore a navy suit and a delighted grin at seeing her. Of course she knew Tomas Baer. They’d dated for a few months before he’d decided he wanted to take things further and she had done the only thing she could think of at the time—run.
If he was angry, it certainly didn’t show. He took her hand and squeezed. “Maia. How good to see you again.”
“Tomas. What are you doing here?” Her heart threatened to pound its way out of her chest as she felt Alex step up next to her.
“Why don’t we leave these two to catch up, Alex?” Chloe beamed up at him as she linked her arm through his and pulled him away.
Alex glanced at Maia as if he was making sure she was okay. When she managed a nod, he let Chloe lead him through the crowd.
“Imagine my surprise when Chloe told me she worked with you.” Tomas’ vivid blue gaze roamed down over her and back until his eyes met hers again. “You’ve been keeping well.”
“You look…” Great. Fantastic. “Good too.” After Alex, Tomas was the closest anyone had ever gotten to her heart. She gently pulled her hand from his grip. “So what are you doing here?”
“I’m an investor with the Girard Group. Chloe mentioned you were working on an article about the refurbishment of their most luxurious hotel. What a coincidence.”
Quite. “It’s strange how things work out, isn’t it?”
He smiled just as Guillaume waved everyone into the dining room. “It seems that dinner is served.”
Everyone convened at the huge, elegantly set table. Maia couldn’t help but notice the beautiful place settings. Whomever Guillaume had hired to set up the tables had done a spectacular job.
The theme, it seemed, was the ocean. The greens and blues of the plates mixed well with the cream-colored tablecloth. Along the center of the table were several centerpieces constructed of seashells of every size, variety and color set around whorled candle holders that looked like waves lit from within.
Maia would have been enchanted if she hadn’t been so stressed out.
Alex and Guillaume took the ends. Maia sat next to Alex and Tomas claimed the seat on the other side of her before anyone else could. Chloe sat directly across from them looking as though she’d claimed a front row seat to a championship match.
So much for her somewhat enjoyable evening.
The food was wonderful, or so everyone kept saying. She was sure it was. The meal looked incredible. To keep with the theme, every variety of seafood she could imagine was appealingly presented. Lobster, jumbo shrimp, fish, clams and oysters were served up in a mindboggling number of ways.
Too bad Maia just didn’t have much of an appetite and what she did manage to get down tasted like straw. To add to her distress, Tomas, for whatever reason, decided to act like the doting boyfriend and placed morsels of food onto her plate that she ‘just had to try’.
Not wanting to cause a scene, Maia just let him. He never even noticed that she didn’t touch a thing he’d given her.
Alex, on her other side, barely said a word, but she sensed the tension in him. She wondered what he might be thinking. After all the things he’d accused her of, this probably was the proof he needed to peg her as a lying gold-digger.
What did she care if he did? He could think whatever he wanted.
She speared something green on her plate and stuck it in her mouth, chewing it as if it was another one of Alex’s crazy accusations.
Then Maia nearly choked on it when he gently put his hand on hers. “Maia?”
His touch snapped her attention back to the present. Everyone looked at her, clearly waiting for an answer to a question she hadn’t heard. Her eyes immediately went to Alex. What had she missed?
Guillaume’s gaze was on their joined hands before it slid up to meet hers. “I asked how you were coming along with the article, my dear.”
“Oh.” She tried to pull her hand away from Alex’s, but his grip tightened. Maia gave up and let it lay limp beneath his. “I’ve been sifting through the information that Alexandre gave me. The rebuild of the hotel and the glamor of it then and now is remarkable. It definitely won’t be hard to write the article. I think it’ll be a great one once I’m done.”
“Maia always writes great pieces,” volunteered Chloe. “Her whole life revolves around work so it’s not like she has anything to distract her.”
Maia could feel all eyes turn to her again. The ones from either side of her burned the most. What surprised her was Tomas had a response to that.
“If you knew Maia at all, you would know that there is more to her than work. People are icebergs. You only ever get to see a tiny bit on the surface when the true person is the larger part hidden below. Especially if you don’t take time to get to know them.” He then continued to eat as if the exchange hadn’t even happened.
After what she’d done to him, Tomas was the last person she would expect to come to her defense.
Maia kept the wan smile on her face as she made another attempt to eat. Thankfully, Alex had taken his hand from hers. She snuck a glance at him to find that he was already watching her with speculating interest and a mysterious half smile.
The rest of the meal went by without Chloe saying anything else snide about Maia. Instead, she did her best to turn the conversation to her favorite topic—herself. Maia was relieved. With everyone focused on Chloe, she’d be too occupied to make any more comments.
As the meal came to an end, people drifted off into separate little groups. Maia took advantage of Tomas and Alex being distracted by other guests who vied for their attentions. Fully intending to use the moment to catch her breath, Maia edged toward the veranda.
“I hope you’re enjoying yourself, Maia.” Guillaume approached her with a friendly smile.
Caught, she forced a cheery grin. “I am. Thank you for inviting me.” What else could she say?
Guillaume motioned to the bar laden with dozens of bottles. “Can I make you anything?” When she shook her head, he smiled and walked them to the veranda as if he knew that she needed space more than anything else right now.
Maia inhaled the cool night air, enjoying the blended scents of sea and exotic wild flowers. Another two breaths and she felt almost normal.
“So Alex tells me that you two have a past.”
Maia nearly choked on her next breath. He’d spoken to his father about her? It wasn’t too hard to believe considering the champagne incident. It would only be natural to wonder why it had happened.
It took her a long moment to formulate her reply. “That’s just what it was. The past.”
“I see.” He brooded quietly for a moment. Maia blinked. It was like she was getting a glimpse of Alex in the future. “Can I tell you something, Maia?”
Maia’s heart fluttered. Did she really want to hear what he had to say? She nodded stiffly.
“Alex and I didn’t have the greatest relationship when he was growing up. I’m sure you can see he’s quite bull-headed and single-minded in his determination.” He chuckled when Maia only stared back wide-eyed, unwilling to respond to that. “He was much worse when he was younger. He resented having doors opened for him. He was very determined to make it on his own, hence his move abroad for his schooling.”
Maia remembered he never really mentioned his parents when they were together. Whenever they came up, he’d tense up and change the subject.
“Alex refused to come home for the holidays. He didn’t even want to talk to us on the phone. I don’t think he planned on coming back until he’d made his first million. But then his mother grew ill.” Guillaume’s smile waned a little and he cleared his throat. “After the accident, Alex became a different person. It was almost as if he lost a part of himself along with the memories. He became hard. Distant. His studies, then afterward work became his life.” He looked at her as if he recognized something in her eyes.
Maia knew what it was he saw. She was the same. After Alex left, she’d closed herself off, focused on her studies and, after graduation, did nothing but work. “Why are you telling me this?”
His voice was soft. “I think that you two can help each other.”
“I don’t think that we can.” Maia gripped the stone railing with both hands. “I don’t think I can.”
“I don’t mean to push.” Guillaume put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Or pry. I just see the way you two look at each other.” His smile widened when she whipped her head around to gape at him. “There is still something there.”
Alex saw his father and Maia talking on the veranda and wondered what they could be discussing. From a glance at Maia, he’d have to say it wasn’t about the article. When a pained expression briefly darkened her exquisite features, he had a sneaking suspicion that they were talking about him.
He took a step toward them with a sudden, but inexplicable need to coax the look off her face.
Tomas approached with a glass of brandy in each hand.
“Tomas. Good to see you again.” He took the offered drink. For a long while, the two men stood silently taking stock of each other.
“So you and Maia, huh?” Tomas waded into the conversation slowly, between sips of the golden liquid. “Sorry if I stepped on your toes at dinner. I didn’t know you and she were a thing.”
Alex wasn’t sure why he didn’t correct his friend. He didn’t dwell on it. Instead, he focused on what he saw between Tomas and Maia. “You two were together once.”
The blond man nodded. “About a year ago.” He smiled sadly. “I have to admit when I first saw her this evening, I thought this was my second chance. I guess I thought wrong.”
Alex shrugged nonchalantly, but he studied the other man, his words, his actions as he spoke of Maia. He clearly still had feelings. “Why did you two break up?”
“She left me. It was my fault. I knew Maia had a problem with commitment.” He sighed. “To put it in the most basic terms, I pushed and she ran.”
He said it so simply. So plainly. As if he were stating that her hair was brown, or that her eyes were hazel. It seemed that Chloe’s assessment of her coworker was accurate enough.
“You don’t seem to hold a grudge.” Alex wasn’t sure he could be so magnanimous if their roles were reversed.
“Like I said, it was my fault.” He looked Alex up and down again. “I’ve been waiting for her, but I guess it’s pointless now that you two are together.”
Again, Alex let his friend’s assumption pass. “Did you ever find out why she was so reluctant to settle down with you?”
Tomas downed the last of his drink and shook his head. “Not exactly. I’m sure you’ve noticed that Maia doesn’t like to talk about feelings. It wasn’t until just before she left that she confided that she’d been hurt in the past and was afraid and unwilling to open herself up that way again.” He shrugged. “I was the idiot who drove her away. Only I had hoped she would find her way back to me. You’re a lucky man, Alex.” Tomas clapped his friend on the shoulder.
Alex felt a pang for his friend. “Things don’t always work out the way we want. I’m sorry, my friend.” Not really.
“I’ll be fine. Just glad she didn’t end up with a creep who will take advantage of her.” He chuckled humorlessly. “Or someone like the arschloch that messed her up so badly.”
Something that felt faintly like guilt twisted at his gut. Was he the one to turn her into the commitment-phobic woman she now was? If so, it was up to him to make things right. “Did she mention what he did to her?”
Tomas shook his head. “That was one thing she would never talk about. Whatever it was it made her stop trusting men with her heart.” He smiled. “Perhaps you will be the one to shatter that shell.”
Not likely if he was the one who had put it there.
Tomas took a healthy sip of the amber liquid as he regarded Alex. “So how are the projects in Asia coming along?”
Alex smiled. At last. Something he knew and could discuss with some intelligence.