Head and Neck

Ask patient to sit.

Technique Findings
Head and Face
Observe head position
  EXPECTED: Upright, midline, still.
UNEXPECTED: Tilted, horizontal jerking or bobbing, tics, nodding.
Inspect facial features
EXPECTED: Variations according to race, sex, age, body build.
UNEXPECTED: Change in shape. Unusual features: edema, puffiness, coarsened features, prominent eyes, hirsutism, lack of expression, excessive perspiration, pallor, or pigmentation variations.
EXPECTED: Slight asymmetry.
UNEXPECTED: Facial nerve weakness or paralysis, or problem with peripheral trigeminal nerve.
Inspect skull and scalp
EXPECTED: Symmetric.
UNEXPECTED: Lesions, scabs, tenderness, parasites, nits, scaliness.
EXPECTED: Bitemporal recession or balding over crown in men.
UNEXPECTED: Random areas of alopecia or alopecia totalis.
Palpate head and scalp
EXPECTED: Symmetric and smooth with bones indistinguishable. Ridge of sagittal fissure occasionally palpable.
UNEXPECTED: Indentations or depressions.
Palpate hair
EXPECTED: Smooth, symmetrically distributed.
UNEXPECTED: Splitting or cracked ends. Coarse, dry, or brittle. Fine and silky.
Palpate temporal arteries
Note course of arteries. UNEXPECTED: Thickening, hardness, or tenderness.
Auscultate temporal arteries and over skull and eyes
image EXPECTED: No bruits.
Inspect salivary glands
UNEXPECTED: Asymmetry or enlargement. Tenderness. Discrete nodule.
Inspect neck
EXPECTED: Bilateral symmetry of sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles.
UNEXPECTED: Asymmetry, torticollis webbing, excessive posterior skinfolds, unusually short
  neck, distention of jugular vein; prominence of carotid arteries, or edema.
EXPECTED: Midline placement.
Evaluate range of motion
Have patient flex, extend, rotate, laterally turn head and neck. EXPECTED: Smooth.
UNEXPECTED: Pain, dizziness, or limitation of motion.
Palpate neck
EXPECTED: Midline position.
UNEXPECTED: Deviation to right or left.
EXPECTED: Smooth. Moves during swallowing.
EXPECTED: Distinct.
UNEXPECTED: Tug synchronous with pulse.
Palpate lymph nodes
UNEXPECTED: Enlarged, matted, tender, fixed, warm.
Palpate thyroid gland
UNEXPECTED: Asymmetry. Enlarged and visible thyroid gland.

EXPECTED: Lobes small and smooth. Gland rises freely with swallowing. Right lobe as much as 25% larger than left. Tissue firm and pliable.
UNEXPECTED: Enlarged, tender nodules (smooth or irregular, soft or hard); coarse tissue; gritty sensation.




Characteristic Classic Migraine Medication Rebound Cluster Hypertensive Muscular Tension Temporal Arteritis Space-Occupying Lesion
Headaches are one of the most common concerns and probably one of the most self-medicated. They are not always benign. A history of insistent headache that is severe and recurrent must always be given attention. Sometimes the underlying cause is life-threatening, such as a brain tumor. Sometimes it affects daily activities. The patient’s history is fully as important as the physical examination in getting at the root of a headache. Various kinds of headaches can be compared as follows:
Age at onset Childhood   Adulthood Adulthood Adulthood Older adulthood Any
Location Unilateral or generalized Holocranial or diffuse Unilateral Bilateral or occipital Unilateral or bilateral Unilateral or bilateral Localized
Duration Hours to days Hours ½ to 2 hours Hours Hours to days Hours to days Rapidly increasing frequency
Time of onset Morning or night Predictably begins within hours to days of the last dose of the medication Night Morning Anytime, commonly in afternoon or evening Anytime Awakening from sleep
Quality of pain Pulsating or throbbing Dull or throbbing Intense burning, boring, searing, knifelike Throbbing Bandlike, constricting Throbbing  
Prodromal event Vague neurologic changes, personality change, fluid retention, appetite loss
Well-defined neurologic event, scotoma, aphasia, hemianopsia, aura
Daily analgesic use Personality changes, sleep disturbances None None None Aggravated by coughing or bending forward
Precipitating event Menstrual period, missing meals, birth control pills, letdown after stress Abrupt discontinuation of analgesics Alcohol consumption None Stress, anger, bruxism None Develops in temporal relation to the neoplasm
Frequency Twice a week Gradual increase in headache frequency to daily Several times nightly for several nights, then none Daily Daily Daily Progressive
Sex predilection Females Females Males Equal Equal Equal Equal
Other symptoms Nausea, vomiting Alternate or preventive medications fail to control the headache Increased lacrimation, nasal discharge Generally remits as day progresses None None Vomiting, confusion, abnormal neurologic findings, gait abnormality, papilledema, nystagmus


Sample Documentation


Held erect and midline. Skull normocephalic, symmetric, smooth without deformities. Facial features symmetric. Salivary glands not inflamed or tender. Temporal artery pulsations visible bilaterally, soft and nontender to palpation. No bruits.