Chest and Lungs


Have patient sit, disrobed to waist.

Technique Findings
Chest and Lungs
Inspect front and back of chest
See thoracic landmarks.  
EXPECTED: Supernumerary nipples possible (can be clue to other congenital abnormalities, particularly in white individuals).
EXPECTED: Ribs prominent, clavicles prominent superiorly, sternum usually flat and free of abundance of overlying tissue. Chest somewhat asymmetric. Anteroposterior diameter often half of transverse diameter.
UNEXPECTED: Barrel chest, posterior or lateral deviation, pigeon chest, or funnel chest.
UNEXPECTED: Clubbed fingernails (usually symmetric and painless; may indicate disease, may be hereditary), pursed lips, flared alae nasi.
UNEXPECTED: Superficial venous patterns. Cyanosis or pallor of lips or nails.
UNEXPECTED: Malodorous.
Evaluate respirations
EXPECTED: Breathing easy, regular, without distress. Pattern even. Rate 12-20 respirations/min. Ratio of respirations to heartbeats about 1:4.
  UNEXPECTED: Dyspnea, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, platypnea, tachypnea, hypopnea. Use of accessory muscles, retractions.
UNEXPECTED: Air trapping, prolonged expiration.
Inspect chest movement with breathing
EXPECTED: Chest expansion bilaterally symmetric.
UNEXPECTED: Asymmetry. Unilateral or bilateral bulging. Bulging on expiration.
Listen to respiration sounds audible without stethoscope
  EXPECTED: Generally bronchovesicular.
UNEXPECTED: Crepitus, stridor, wheezes.
Palpate thoracic muscles and skeleton
EXPECTED: Bilateral symmetry. Some elasticity of rib cage, but sternum and xiphoid relatively inflexible and thoracic spine rigid.
UNEXPECTED: Pulsations, tenderness, bulges, depressions, unusual movement, unusual positions.
EXPECTED: Symmetric expansion.
  UNEXPECTED: Asymmetric expansion.
EXPECTED: Nontender sensations.
UNEXPECTED: Crepitus or grating vibration.
EXPECTED: Great variability; generally, fremitus is more intense with males (lower-pitched voice).
UNEXPECTED: Decreased or absent fremitus; increased fremitus (coarser, rougher); or gentle, more tremulous fremitus. Variation between similar positions on right and left thorax.
Note position of trachea
Using index finger or thumbs, palpate gently from suprasternal notch along upper edges of each clavicle and in spaces above, to inner borders of sternocleidomastoid muscles. EXPECTED: Spaces equal side to side. Trachea midline directly above suprasternal notch. Possible slight deviation to right.
UNEXPECTED: Significant deviation or tug. Pulsations.
Perform percussion on chest
Percuss as shown in figure below. Compare all areas bilaterally, following a sequence such as shown in figures on p. 98.  
See table on p. 98 for common tones, intensity, pitch, duration, and quality.  




Technique Findings
EXPECTED: Resonance over all areas of lungs, dull over heart and liver, spleen, areas of thorax.
UNEXPECTED: Hyperresonance, dullness, or flatness.
EXPECTED: 3-5 cm (higher on right than left).
UNEXPECTED: Limited descent.
Auscultate chest with stethoscope diaphragm, apex to base
EXPECTED: See expected breath sounds in table on p. 101.
UNEXPECTED: Amphoric or cavernous breathing. Sounds difficult to hear or absent. Crackles, rhonchi, wheezes, or pleural friction rub, as described in box on pp. 101-102.
EXPECTED: Muffled and indistinct sounds.
UNEXPECTED: Bronchophony, whispered pectoriloquy, or egophony.



Subjective Data Objective Data
Pleural Effusion
Cough with progressive dyspnea is the typical presenting concern. Pleuritic chest pain occurs with an inflammatory effusion. Findings on auscultation and percussion vary with the amount of fluid present and with the position of the patient. These include dullness to percussion and tactile fremitus, which are the most useful findings for pleural effusion. When the fluid is mobile it will gravitate to the most dependent position. In the affected areas, the breath sounds are muted and the percussion note is often hyperresonant in the area above the perfusion.
Lung Cancer
Cough, wheezing, a variety of patterns of emphysema and atelectasis, pneumonitis, and hemoptysis. Peripheral tumors without airway obstruction may be asymptomatic. Findings are based on the extent of the tumor and the patterns of its invasion and metastasis. With airway obstruction a postobstructive pneumonia can develop with consolidation. A malignant pleural effusion may develop with corresponding findings.
Rapid onset (hours to days) of cough, pleuritic chest pain, and dyspnea. Sputum production is common with bacterial infection (see table on p. 104). Chills, fever, rigors, and nonspecific abdominal symptoms of nausea and vomiting may be present. Involvement of the right lower lobe can stimulate the tenth and eleventh thoracic nerves to cause right lower quadrant pain and simulate an abdominal process. Febrile, tachypneic, and tachycardic. Crackles and rhonchi are common with diminished breath sounds. Egophony, bronchophony, and whisper pectoriloquy. Dullness to percussion occurs over the area of consolidation.
Episodes of paroxysmal dyspnea and cough. Chest pain is common and, with it, a feeling of tightness. Episodes may last for minutes, hours, or days. May be asymptomatic between episodes. Tachypnea with wheezing on expiration and inspiration. Expiration becomes more prolonged with labored breathing, fatigue, and anxious expression as airway resistance increases. Hypoxemia by pulse oximetry.
Chronic Bronchitis
Dyspnea may be present, although not severe. Cough and sputum production are impressive. Wheezing and crackles. Hyperinflation with decreased breath sounds and a flattened diaphragm. Severe chronic bronchitis may result in right ventricular failure with dependent edema.
Dyspnea is common even at rest. Cough is infrequent without much production of sputum. Chest may be barrel-shaped, and scattered crackles or wheezes may be heard. Overinflated lungs are hyperresonant on percussion. Inspiration is limited with a prolonged expiratory effort (i.e., >4 or 5 sec) to expel air.


Sample Documentation


A 45-year-old woman presents with cough and fever for 4 days. Cough is nonproductive, persistent, and worse when she lies down. She feels ill and short of breath. Her chest feels “heavy.” Fever up to 38.3° C (101° F). Taking acetaminophen and nonprescription cough syrup without relief.