Page references in bold type denote complete chapters.

Adler, Alfred
agriculture: and American help for; Bolshevik policies for; in Germany; Keynes’s economic view of; and Lenin; machinery for, imported by Russia; New Economic Policy; peasant hostility to seizure of produce; and peasant reluctance to sell produce; and peasant village communes; and Trotsky; Yuri Larin and ‘urbanization’ of
Albert Hall, London
Alexandra, Empress
Alexandrinski theatre, Petrograd
Alexandrovich, V. A.
Alexeev, Mikhail
Alexinski, Grigori
Allen, Clifford
Alley, Stephen
Allied Drug and Chemical Corporation
Allied Supreme Council, see Supreme Council (of Allies)
All-Russia Congress of POW Internationalists
Altvater, Admiral
American Railway Mission to Russia
American Red Cross
American Relief Administration
Anet, Claude
Anglo-Soviet trade treaty: ; British terms for; negotiations; timing of
Antaeus Export and Import Company
anti-Bolsheviks: anger at liaison between Reds and Allies; in Britain; coalition of politicians in Russia; Congress in Warsaw; diplomatic roles; majority in Constituent Assembly; press reports; Provisional Government and; Socialist-Revolutionary government; see also Volunteer Army; Western Allies; White forces
Antonov, A. S.
‘April Theses’ (Lenin)
Archangel: Allied occupation of; Allied occupation of: and Lockhart; Bolshevik plan for German attack on; British plan to overthrow Soviet in; evacuation of Allied troops from; importance as international port
Armand, Inessa
Armstrong Whitworth
Association Financière, Industrielle et Commerciale Russe
Austria: and armistice; Army of; and blockade of river Danube; and Bolshevik propaganda; diplomats of, in Petrograd; discontent in; ex-prisoners of war of; military and diplomatic contribution to Central Powers; and Paris Peace Conference; revolutionary outbreaks in
Azbuka (White intelligence network)
Azerbaijan: becomes Soviet republic; Congress of the Peoples of the East; nationalization of foreign companies; oil industry

Baden, Max von
Bagge, John Picton
Baker, George Barr
Bakhmetev, Boris:; access to bank accounts of Provisional Government
Baku, Azerbaijan: and attracting oil companies back; and British oil companies; and Congress of Peoples of the East; and Council for Propaganda and Action; lease of oil fields to foreigners; Lenin orders no acceptance of British help; and Nobel Oil Company; and oil companies and their assets; oil output and Germans
Baku Consolidated Oilfields
Balabanova, Angelika
Balfour, A. J.: and the Bolsheviks; and Chicherin and Petrov; and Churchill; and informal intermediaries; and Kamenev; and Litvinov; and Lockhart; and Ukraine; in Washington
Barbusse, Henri
Bashkirov, Vladimir
Bauer, Rudolf
Bavarian Council Republic
Beatty, Bessie: background; after fall of Provisional Government; in Petrograd; and Rhys Williams; and Russian language; and Trotsky; postscript
Beaverbrook, Lord
Beika, Kristap
Benckendorff, Moura (née Zakrevskaya): assistant to Gorki; and Lockhart; and Lockhart: correspondence; on Ransome; postscript
Berchtold, Count
Berkman, Alexander: deported to Soviet Russia; detained by Department of Justice in America; John Reed as witness for defence; protest about imprisonment of; and Soviet authorities
Bernstein, Herman
Berzin, Eduard
Berzin, Yan
Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von
Bevin, Ernest
Birse, Edward
Black, Dora
Bliss, Tasker
Blyumkin, Yakov
Bohemia in London
‘Bolo Liquidation Lunches’
Bolsheviks: 1; for and against; and America; and America: distrust; and America: Finnish Information Bureau; American Relief Administration; Brest-Litovsk treaty; and Britain; and Britain: counter-revolutionaries; and Britain: seizure of Archangel; and Britain: the Lockhart Plot; and Britain: trade talks; Central Committee; Central Committee: emergency session; Central Committee: power transferred to soviets; Comintern and expansionism; and diplomacy; doctrine of; doctrine of: grandiose ideas; and Eastern peoples; and European revolution; ‘fellow-travellers’; and Finnish independence; and foreign trade; and French agents; and Germany; and Germany: following Armistice with Allies; and Germany: help from; and Germany: revolution in; the Kronstadt mutiny; and Marxism; and the Mensheviks; military, see Red Army; and Murmansk landings; New Economic Policy; oil production in Baku; opposition to; see also Lockhart Plot, the; White forces and Poland; propaganda; propaganda: in Russia; and the Provisional Government; and the Provisional Government: demonstrations against; and the Provisional Government: overthrown; and rail network; and Romania; and the Romanovs; Russian Bureau of; and the Russian economy; and the Socialist-Revolutionaries; and the Socialist-Revolutionaries: concordat with; spreading revolution; spreading revolution: POWs; Stalin as leader; and subversive activity; the Tambov peasant revolt; view of information; and Western sympathisers; and Western recruits: Sadoul; see also Lenin, Vladimir Ilich (Ulyanov); Trotsky, Lev Davidovich
Bolshevik Revolution: Its Rise and Meaning, The (Litvinov)
Bolshoi Opera, Petrograd
Bonar Law, Andrew
Bonch-Bruevich, Vladimir
Bondfied, Margaret
Boyce, Commander Ernest
Boyle, Colonel Joe
Bratianu, Ionel
Breshkovskaya, Yekaterina
Brest-Litovsk: peace negotiations; treaty
Briand, Aristide
Bristow, Mrs
Britain: ; anti-war socialists in; and Archangel; blockade of German ports; Bolsheviks in; communism; diplomacy; diplomatic links with Russia; Empire; and German U-boat activity; and ‘Hands off Russia’ movement; Labour Party; Labour Party: delegation trip to Volga region; the Lockhart plot; and Murmansk; and political prisoners; press; and the Romanovs; and Russian participation in WW1; and Russian political refugees; Secret Intelligence Service; Secret Intelligence Service: and Stalin; Secret Intelligence Service: Arthur Ransome; Secret Intelligence Service: George Hill; Secret Intelligence Service: Paul Dukes; Secret Intelligence Service: Sidney Reilly; support for anti-Bolsheviks; trade with Russia; the Triple Entente; and Trotsky; see also diplomatic roles; Western Allies
British Empire
British Foreign Office: and Kamenev; and Litvinov; and the Lockhart Plot; and Western Allies support for Russia
British-Russian Club, London
British Socialist Party
Brusilov, Alexei
Bryant, Louise: and American subcommittee on Russian propaganda; background; and Bessie Beatty; booklets on Russia published; courier for Soviet government; and death of John Reed; and fall of Provisional Government; interview with Krasin; loss of job with Philadelphia Public Ledger; marriage to John Reed; and Senate Committee on Bolshevik propaganda; and Soviet propaganda in America; speech at Madison Square Gardens; travel to Russia delay; on Trotsky; and Trotsky; and Yakov Peters; postscript
Buchanan, Sir George: and Ambassador Francis; and detention of Trotsky in Halifax; granted sick leave; and imprisonment of Chicherin and Petrov; language skills of; and Lockhart; and question of support for Russia; postscript
Buchan, John
Buckler, W. H.
Budberg, Moura, see Benckendorff, Moura
Buford (ship)
Buikis, Jan
Bukharin, Nikolai: ; and changes in contemporary capitalism; and collective farms; and Comintern congress; on communism; and French offer of military assistance; ill health of; and Ioffe; and Liebknecht; and the March Action; and peace treaty with Central Powers; and planning of international communist congress; and Pravda; and repressive measures; and Spartakusbund congress
Bulak-Balakhovich, Stanislav
Bullitt, William C.: background; as emissary to Moscow; encouraged by Felix Frankfurter; and gaining information; letter to Lansing; letter to Wilson; and Lloyd George; marriage to Louise Bryant; and Nuorteva; outcome of Moscow visit; in the State Department; resignation from State Department; postscript
Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda
Buxton, Charles Roden

Cachin, Marcel
Callaghan, Margaret Reilly
Call (magazine)
Camber Higgs, William
Cantacuzène, Princess
capitalism; American view of; Bolshevik view of; Bolshevik view of, in America; Bolshevik view of, in Europe; Bolshevik view of Provisional Government; ‘finance capitalism’; and Germany; and higher standard of living; and Italy; and Marxist theory; in report of Labour delegation; and Russian economy; and Russian economy: American view of; and Trotsky
Carson, Sir Edward
Castro, Fidel
Cecil, Lord Robert
Central Committee of Bolsheviks: and Brest-Litovsk talks; and Brest-Litovsk treaty: Germany’s continued advances; and conditional support for Provisional Government; and demonstration against government policy; and discussions for socialist coalition; establishment of the Politburo; and Georgia; and intelligence activity; and Lenin; Lenin puts case for an uprising, ; majority of supporters of Lenin in; and oil concessions in Baku; and Poland; and trade with Britain; and transfer of power to the soviets
Central Powers: ; advances of; the Brest-Litovsk treaty; and France; German and Austrian diplomats in Petrograd; and the June military offensive; and Ukraine
Central Rada, Ukraine: delegation at Brest-Litovsk; and French initiative; Germans install client ruler; and Russian Provisional Government; separate peace with Central Powers; and Sovnarkom
Chaikovski, Nikolai
Cheka (Extraordinary Commission): and the Bolshevik party; and code-breaking and encryption; and counter-revolutionary activity in Bolshevist areas; and covert operations; damage to Western intelligence networks; and dictatorship; and Dzerzhinski; established; in Europe; execution of Reilly; exploitation of Boris Savinkov; and foreign military campaigns; freed from legal restraints by Sovnarkom; learns to organize intelligence; and the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries; liquidation of anti-communist groups; and the Lockhart Plot; and the National Centre; and Poland; underpressure; and Ransome; and Raymond Robins; recruiting for; and the Red Terror; release of prisoners with English names; and subversion in former Russian Empire; and the Tactical Centre; targets named in Constitution; and Trotsky; and violence; and Western politics
Chelyabinsk Soviet
Chesham House, London
Chicherin, Georgi: and Ambassador Francis; and Anglo-Soviet trade talks; appointed People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs; in Brixton prison; and Bullitt; and courier work; deputizing for Trotsky; and exchange of prisoners with Britain; and German involvement in Russia; at meeting in Genoa; and Mirbach; and peace with Latvia and Lithuania; at the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs; and Raymond Robins; repatriation issues of; retirement and death of; and subversive activity; and Turkey; and visit of British Labour delegation
Chkheidze, Nikolai
Christian Science Monitor
Church, see religion
Churchill, Winston: ; accused of deceit; asked for paper costing of military options; on Bolshevism; British-Russian Club talk; and Clare Sheridan; and the Independent Labour Party; ‘iron curtain’ reference; opposition to trade with Soviet Russia; the Paris Peace Conference; and Poland; political militant against the Bolsheviks; and supplies for White forces; postscript
Cisneros, Garrido
City of Marseilles (ship)
civil war: and the Bolsheviks; in Finland; in Hungary; in Russia
Clarke, John
Clemenceau, Georges: becomes premier; description of; and finance for White forces; and information gathering; objection to Wilson’s proposal for Russian peace; and Polish off to attack Soviet Russia; retirement of; and Russian policy of Allies; on sending French troops to Russia; and terms of German treaty at Versailles; views on Russia; and Wilson; and withdrawal of French troops from Ukraine
Clerk, Sir George
Cleveland, Grover
Coates, Albert
Code and Cypher School, British
codes: ; British Code and Cypher School
Cold War
Comintern (Communist International): ; and America; communist federations and; foundation of; and France; and Germany; and Italy; and John Reed; in Moscow; Radek’s report on; recruiting for; spreading of
Communist International, see Comintern
Communist Labor Party
Communist Manifesto, The
Communist Party of America
Communist Party of Great Britain
Congress of Peoples of the East
Congress of Soviets: and Bolshevik demonstration against government policy; and Bolshevik policies; Constitution and citizenship; and oil concessions in Baku; and overthrow of Provisional Government; and peace treaty with Germany; Trotsky’s plans for
Constituent Assembly: and Kolchak; Litvinov and; Radek and anti-Bolshevik majority; and separate peace with Germany; and Socialist-Revolutionaries
Constitutional-Democrats, see Kadets (Constitutional-Democrats)
convoy system protecting commercial shipping
Cooper, Merian (‘Coop’)
Council for Propaganda and Action
Council for Propaganda and Action, Baku
Council of Ten
Creel, George
Crispien, Arthur
Cromie, Francis
Crowley, Aleister
Cumming, Mansfield: choosing recruits; and Maugham; and Paul Dukes; and Reilly
Curzon, Earl: against the Bolsheviks; and the Curzon Line; Government Code and Cypher School; and Lockhart; and scheme of Savinkov
Curzon Line, the
Czech Corps: advance to Yekaterinburg; and General Poole; and Kolchak; and Komuch; proposed by Savinkov; in Samara; and Savinkov; and Trotsky; and the Yaroslavl uprising
Czernin, Count Otto von

Daily Express
Daily Herald:; and finance from Soviets
Daily Mail
Daily News
Daily Telegraph
d’Anselme, Philippe Henri
Dardanelles Straits
Death of Ivan the Terrible, The
Debs, Eugene
decrees of Bolshevik government: ; Decree on Land; Decree on Peace; Decree on Press; recognizing new Soviet republics; requisition of grain abolished
Defence of the Realm Act (British)
de Gaulle, Charles
della Torretta, Marchese
Denikin, Anton: and Azbuka; on Finnish independence; and Hill; and information network; and the National Centre; and the National Centre: Azbuka informant; northward attack defeated; and opinion of Herbert Hoover; and supplies; and the Volunteer Army; postscript; see also White forces
De Potere, Austrian ambassador
Désirée, Belgian minister
Diamandy, Constantin
dictatorship: American communists’ view of; and Bolshevik leadership; and Comintern; and Lenin; and Lenin: fondness for; in Moscow, Polish view of; of the proletariat; of the proletariat: in Germany; and Russian anti-Bolshevism; and Theodore Rothstein; and Trotsky
Die Fackel (later Der Völkfried)
Die Rote Fahne (newspaper)
Die Zukunft (publication)
Diplomatic History of the War, The diplomatic roles; American embassy in Archangel; and Bolshevik attempt to ease Soviet diplomacy; of Bolshevik plenipotentiaries; of Bolshevik plenipotentiaries and world revolution; of Bolshevik plenipotentiaries: loss of diplomatic bag; of Bolshevik plenipotentiaries: severance of link with Germany; of Bolshevik plenipotentiaries: use of Western press; and the Bolsheviks; see also Finnish Information Bureau, New York and Brest-Litovsk treaty; British diplomatic initiative for Russian-Polish peace; Central Powers: in Petrograd; detention of Diamandy; German diplomats and the Bolsheviks; in Germany: rejection of Soviet aid for revolution; Lenin and priority of Soviet Diplomacy; Lockhart on Allied embassies in Vologda; Mirbach in Petrograd; the Politburo and diplomatic duplicity; and proprieties; and proprieties: Britain and Litvinov; of Provisional Government; Soviet treaty with Germany: diplomacy and trade; in Switzerland and rail travel; and trade talks; and trade talks: America; and trade talks: Estonia; use of unofficial and informal methods; of Western Allies; of Western Allies and anti-Bolshevik activities; of Western Allies: gathering information; of Western Allies: safety
Don Carlos (Verdi)
Douglas, Alfred Lord
Drinker, Aimee Ernesta: marriage to Bullitt
Dukes, Paul; notes to pages
Dukhonin, General
Duranty, Walter
Dvinsk, Latvia
Dzerzhinski, Felix: background; as head of Cheka; illness and death; and Ioffe; and Lenin; and Liberman; and liquidation of enemies; and the Lockhart Plot; moral scruples of; resignation; sculpted by Clare Sheridan; and subversive activity; taken captive by Left-Socialist-Revolutionaries
Dzerzhinski, Zofia (née Muszkat)

Eastman, Max: ; memo for Trotsky and Lenin; produces booklet with John Reed
Eberlein, Hugo
Ebert, Friedrich
Economic Consequences of the Peace, The (Keynes)
Eisner, Kurt
embourgeoisement of Soviet leaders
Estonia:; and Soviet Russia; and White armies
Europe:; and the Allied Treaties; anti-communism in; and Bolshevik plans for revolution; Bolshevik subversion in; Bolshevik view of agriculture in; and grain shipments from America; labour movements in; Marxism-Leninism in; political emigrants in; revolutionary outbreaks in; Russian accounts held in; see also Great War; particular European countries; France; Germany

Fairchild, E. C.
Fardon, Private A. J.
Fauntleroy, Cedric
Faux-Pas Bidet, Charles Adolphe
Fëdorov, G. F.
Fetterlein, Ernst
Finance Capital (Hilferding)
‘finance capitalism’
Findlay, Sir Mansfeldt
Finland Station, Petrograd
Finlayson, Brigadier General
Finnish Information Bureau, New York: and the Bolsheviks; and the Bureau of Information on Soviet Russia; and purchase requirements of Soviet Russia; raided by police; see also Nuorteva, Santeri
Fischer, Ruth
Foch, Marshall
Ford, Henry
Forward (Jewish newspaper)
‘Fourteen Points’ (Wilson)
France: ; and action against the Bolsheviks; American help for; army of; army of: in Odessa; consulate of, in Russia; and the Czechs; diplomats of, in Sweden; German forces in; and the Lockhart Plot; national military and foreign policy; official visitors to Russia from; and Poland; and post-war blockade of Germany; post-war economy of; and the post-war settlements; Russian political emigrants leave; secret service of; threat of communism in; threat of communist revolution in; and trade with Russia; Treaty of Versailles; and Trotsky; and Ukraine; visit of President Wilson to; visit of Winston Churchill to; see also Western Allies
France, Joseph I.
Franchet d’Espèrey, French commander
Francis, David R.: and anarchists; appointment to embassy; appeal to ‘the People of Russia’; background; and Buchanan; death of; and diplomatic immunity; health of; and move of embassy to Archangel; move of embassy to Vologda; organizing an army; and Radek; and Raymond Robins; and the restoration of rail network; return to America
Frankfurter, Felix: ; and Bullitt
Freikorps; and Bavarian Council Republic; and projected agreement with Comintern; in putsch led by Wolfgang Kapp; suppress Spartacist revolt; unofficial armed squads
Fride, Alexander
Fride, Maria: Allied agent; operative of Reilly; sentenced to forced labour
From the October Revolution to the Brest Peace Treaty (Trotsky)

Gale, Linn A. E.
Gallacher, Willie
George V: ; and Lockhart; and Paul Dukes
Georgia: and the Bolsheviks; rejects Sovnarkom; Soviet republic proclaimed; and Trotsky
German Communist Party
German Social-Democratic Party
Germany: ; Allied intelligence in; Allied peace settlement with; armistice with Allies; the Bavarian Council Republic; blockade of; and the Bolsheviks; Brest-Litovsk treaty; and Communism; Foreign Office of; and the Freikorps; the Great War (1914–18); and the Romanovs; Russian trade with; secret service of; and the Spartacists
Gibbes, Sidney
Girshberg, Maria
Goebbels, Joseph
Goldman, Emma: ; deported to Soviet Russia; detained by Department of Justice in America; protest about imprisonment of; and Soviet authorities
gold reserves, Russian: and Kolchak; in possible trade deals; in possible trade deals: Sweden; in possible trade deals: Vanderlip; regarded as tainted; in supplementary treaty with Germans; and Trotsky: import strategy
Goode, W. T.
Gorki, Maxim
Government Code and Cypher School
Gramsci, Antonio
Graves, William S.
Great Britain, see Britain
Great War: ; and the Americans; and the Americans: aid for Russia; Archangel; blockade of German fleet; Bolshevik view of; German involvement; prisoners of war; Russian involvement; Western Allies; Western Allies: Allied Supreme War Council
Gregory, Captain T. C. C.: ; article in World’s Wealth
Grenard, Fernand: and finance for Savinkov; and Lockhart; and monarchists in Moscow; sanctuary in American consulate; tried in Lockhart case
Guchkov, Alexander
Gumberg, Alexander
Haase, Hugo
Haden Guest, Dr Leslie
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hammer, Dr Armand
Hammer, Julius
Hands Off Russia movement: and Clare Sheridan; in opinion of Milyukov; and the political left
Haparanda, Sweden
Harden, Maximilien
Harding, Warren G.
Hardinge, Lord Charles
Harper, Professor Samuel
Harrison, Marguerite E.
Hauschild, Herbert
Helfferich, Karl
Helig Olaf
Helsinki: fighting in streets of; Lenin in; naval bases
Hicks, William
Higgs, William Camber
Hilferding, Rudolph
Hill, George: at ‘Bolo Liquidation Lunches’; and Bullitt in Paris; and Colonel Joe Boyle; Cumming sets up enquiry on Reilly; and Denikin; establishes covert network; help for Orthodox Church; instructs Trotsky in aeronautics; and Latvians; and Lockhart; and the Lockhart Plot; and Ransome; and Reilly; and Reilly: in southern Russia; return to Britain for funding; Trotsky orders his arrest; and uprisings in Ukraine; works undercover; and Yakov Peters; and Zalkind; postscript
Hindenburg, Paul von
Hintze, Paul von
HMS Jupiter
Hoffmann, General
Höglund, Zeth
Hohenzollerns, the
Hoover, Herbert: director of American Relief Administration; and food relief to Central Europe; and food relief to Central Europe: and Yudenich; and Gorki’s appeal for relief; and Gregory; and Keynes; opposition to trade treaty with Soviets; and Paris Peace Conference; on Russian economic recovery; Trotsky’s view of; postscript
Hoover, J. Edgar
Horne, Robert
House, Edward ‘Colonel’: ; and Bullitt; and Sir William Wiseman
Hughes apparatus
Hughes, Charles Evans
Hungary, revolution in
Hunt, Major

Imperial government in Russia: ; and looting of German embassy; military supplies bought by; the Romanov family
Independent Social-Democratic Party of Germany
Information Service (United States): and Edgar Sisson; setting up of
International News Service
In the Claws of the German Eagle
Ioffe, Adolf: background; at Brest-Litovsk; and Chicherin; and Dzerzhinski; exchanged for Hauschild; and governance; and Gustav Stresemann; and international etiquette; and J. Keynes’ book; lack of administrative skills; and Mirbach; and oil in Baku; and ‘peaceful cohabitation’ with capitalist countries; and Poland; private life of; relays news that Germany to sue for peace; report on German offer of backing in northern Russia; and revolution; and the Romanovs; and servants; signs affidavits for Hill and Boyle; and Soviet military difficulties; Soviet mission expelled from Germany; Soviet mission in Berlin; Soviet mission in Berlin: base for propaganda for Allies; Soviet mission in Berlin: covert tasks of; and the Spartakusbund; and Trotsky; postscript
Ioffe, Nadya
Ipatev, Nikolai
‘iron curtain’
Irwin, William
Ishimoto, Keikichi
Italy: and the Allies; and Austria-Hungary; and the Bolsheviks; and capitalist instability; and communism; and revolution; Soviet links in; territorial benefits for; and Wilson’s advocacy of national self-determination; see also della Torretta, Marchese; Western Allies

Japan: ; joins the Allies; and post-war settlements; and Russian policy; and Siberia
Jewish refugees: in America; in London
Jogiches, Leo
Johnston, William H.
Journal of Revolutionary Communism
Judson, William V.
Julier, Ferenc

Kadets (Constitutional-Democrats): and Buchanan; and Kornilov; and socialist reforms; and Trotsky; and Ukraine
Kalamatiano, Xenophon Dmitrievich de Blumenthal: background; and Information Service; and the Lockhart Plot; and the Lockhart Plot: show trial; in prison; released from prison
Kalinin, Mikhail
Kamchatka project
Kamenev, Lev: and Anglo-Soviet trade; and Bolshevik uprising; at Brest-Litovsk; and the Central Committee; and Clare Sheridan; description of; detained by W hite Finns; greets returning refugees; and international communist congress; and Kronstadt; and oil concessions; prevented from travelling to France; and repressive measures; Soviet delegation in London
Kamkov, Boris
Kanegisser, Leonid
Kaplan, Dora
Kapp, Wolfgang
Karakhan, Lev: and Czech Volunteers; in delegation to Brest-Litovsk; disappearance of; and Lockhart; and Radek
Karozus, Dagmara
Karsavina, Tamara
Kaiserling, Rear-Admiral Count
Kautsky, Karl
Kedrov, Mikhail
Keeling, H. V.
Kelley, William J.
Kellock, Harold
Kelly, Sherwood
Kemal, Mustafa
Kemp, Admiral
Kenworthy, Commander J. M.
Kerenski, Alexander: and the advance on Petrograd; and agricultural troubles; and coalition plans; Milyukov ’s view of; Minister for Military Affairs; overthrown by Bolsheviks; and the Romanovs; takes over from Lvov; and the Western Allies; and W. Somerset Maugham
Kerr, Philip
Keynes, John Maynard: on Clemenceau; Economic Consequences of the Peace, The; on Herbert Hoover; on Lloyd George; on Spartacism in Berlin; Treasury consultant in London; on Versailles treaty; on Wilson
Kiel, Germany
King, Joseph
Kinmochi, Saionji
Klyshko, Nikolai
‘Knit a Straitjacket for your Soldier Boy’ (Reed)
Knox, Alfred
Kolchak, Admiral Alexander: and the Allies; and American finance; and the Americans; declares himself Supreme Ruler in Ufa; and the National Centre; retreat eastwards; and W hite force advance; and Wilson; see also White forces
Kollontai, Alexandra
Komuch (Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly): and Czech troops; govern the Volga region; setting up of; and Sovnarkom
Kopp, Viktor
Kornilov, Lavr
Kosciuszko Squadron
Krasin, Leonid: background; Bolshevik expert on foreign trade; British businessmen unhappy with; and British terms for trade; enters Britain; interview with Louise Bryant; and judgement of Mr Justice Roche; and privilege; and Senator France; and signing of contracts; and trade talks in Britain; and trade talks in Britain: agreement signed; and trade talks in Sweden; urges America to trade with Russia; and Urquhart
Krasnov, General
Krestinski, Nikolai
Kronstadt: naval garrison; naval garrison mutiny; official Soviet account of; Red Army in
Kropotkina, Sasha
Kropotkin, Pëtr
Krupp (company)
Krupskaya, Nadezhda
Krylenko, Nikolai
Kühlmann, Richard von
Kun, Béla: background; at Baku; Churchill on; and communist regime in Budapest; denied help of Red Army; and fight for Hungarian soil; and Herbert Hoover; liberated from prison; and the March Action; as plenipotentiary in Berlin; popularity of; and print job for Radek
Kursk, Russia
Kutuzov, I. I.

Labour Party, the: British Labour delegation to Russia; candidates at general election; celebration of revolutionary events; Council of Action; and Litvinov; and Lloyd George
Lafont, Ernest
Lansing, Robert: and action against Soviet Russia; and Bullitt; and German questions; and joint Anglo-American intelligence; and Nuorteva; the Paris Peace Conference
Larin, Yuri
Latsis, Martyn
Latvian Riflemen: core of Red Army; the Lockhart Plot; and Sovnarkom
Lavergne, Jean
League of Nations: Bullitt’s view of; and territorial disputes; and Wilson
Le Bulletin de la Presse (publication)
Leeper, Rex
Left Centre
Left Socialist-Revolutionaries: coalition with Bolsheviks and Cheka; concordat with Bolsheviks; denounce Sovnarkom; dislike of agrarian policy of Sovnarkom; included in Bolshevik plans; main opposition party to Bolsheviks; and overthrow of Provisional Government; protest at Brest-Litovsk treaty; sanction terror attacks in Russia; shooting of Mirbach; split from rest of party; and Ukraine
‘Lenin Boys’
Lenin, Vladimir Ilich (Ulyanov): ; advice to Rhys Williams, on learning Russian; and America; assassination attempts on; background and description; and Bertrand Russell; at the Bolshevik Central Committee; and Bolshevik revolution; and the Brest-Litovsk treaty; and the British; and Cheka (Extraordinary Commission); and Comintern; on communism and socialism; and the Constituent Assembly; death of; Decree on Peace; and European revolution; and foreign trade; and German appeasement; and Germany; independence granted to Finland by; interview with H. G. Wells; and Ioffe; and John Maynard Keynes; and the Kronstadt mutiny; and the March Action; the New Economic Policy; and the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs; and Poland; and the ‘proletarian state’; and the Provisional Government; return to Russia (1917); and revolution in Germany; and Romania; and the Romanovs; and Russian armed forces; as seen by others; and Senator France; State and Revolution, The (1917); and the Tambov rebellion; and treachery; and the Western Allies
Leopold of Bavaria, Prince
Letter to America (Ransome)
Leuenroth, Edgard
Levien, Max
Leviné, Eugen
Levi, Paul: belief in doom of capitalism; against the March Action; meeting with Radek; as scapegoat for March Action; survives Spartacist suppression
Liberman, Simon
Liebknecht, Karl: anti-war articles; description and beliefs; and Lenin; and Radek; released from prison; revolutionary plans; and Soviet mission in Berlin; violent death of
Liggett, Walter W.
L’Illustration (magazine)
‘Litbel’ republic
Lithuania: and Allied governments; gets reassurance from Kremlin; joint Lithuanian-Belorussian Soviet Republic set up; and Kolchak; and the Politburo; proclaimed borders; seizure of power in; and Sovnarkom
Lithuanian-Belorussian Soviet Republic
Litvinov, Ivy: and Alexandra Kollontai; birth of son Misha; on Bolshevik ambivalent lifestyles; and Clare Sheridan; on fall of Romanovs; on the Lockhart Plot; on Maxim’s reaction to Lenin’s policy; and Maxim’s return to Russia; the New Year party for Russian colony; and the revolutionary militants; in Russia; and social events in London; on the Soviet regime; postscript
Litvinov, Maxim: advocates revolution in Britain; and the Americans; and Arthur Ransome; attends social events with Ivy; The Bolshevik Revolution: Its Rise and Meaning (pamphlet); and British socialists; and Clare Sheridan; and Comintern; death of; and false passports; imprisoned; intelligence gathering for People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs; Ivy ’s view of; and Kamenev; and Konstantin Nabokov; and Krasin; and lifting of Allies economic blockade; and Lockhart; New Year party for Russian colony; reaction to abdication of Nicholas II, ; return to Russia; and Senator France; spokesman for Sovnarkom
Lloyd George, David: and the Allied Supreme War Council; and the Anglo-Soviet trade treaty; and the Anglo-Soviet trade treaty: timing of; and assistance for White forces; and Churchill; and the Council of Ten; description and background of; and diplomatic links with Russian Bolsheviks; and evacuation of Archangel and Murmansk; and General Sir Henry Wilson; and information gathering; and initiative for peace between Russia and Poland; and internal peace for Russia; and Lockhart; and Nuorteva; and the Prinkipo project; and the Romanovs; and Russian policy of Allies; and shipment of potatoes to Archangel; on total defeat of the Germans; and travel for Russian political refugees; and troops to Russia; and Trotsky; and Wilson’s advocacy of national self-determination; postscript
Lockhart, Jean (née Turner)
Lockhart Plot, the
Lockhart, Robert Bruce: ; on Allied ambassadors; arrest and imprisonment of; and Karakhan; memoirs and films; and Moura Benckendorff; and Reilly; on return from Russia; subversive activities; support for anti-Bolsheviks; and Trotsky
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Lomonosov, Professor Yuri
Lomov, Georgi
London Morning Post
L’Ordine Nuovo (publication)
Lovestone, Jay
Ludendorff, Erich: and armistice; and Bolsheviks; military offensive; and territorial expansion
Lunacharski, Anatoli
Luxemburg, Rosa: anti-war articles; and Bolshevik leaders; dislike of Bolsheviks; and Radek; released from prison; and revolution; revolutionary beliefs; violent death of
Lvov, Georgi: ; approval of his cabinet; cabinet divided; hands over power; and Lenin and Trotsky; and Pavel Milyukov
Lyubarski, Nikolai

MacDonald, Ramsay: guest at Downing Street; and Kamenev; and the Litvinovs; and Russia’s withdrawal from the war; and Seamen’s Union; speaker at Albert Hall revolutionary celebrations
Maclean, John
Macready, Sir Nevil
Madriaga, Salvador de
Maiski, Ivan
Maklakov, Vasili
Malinina, Lyubov
Malinovski, Roman
Malone, Cecil
Manchester Guardian: article on communism; and Kamenev; and Krasin; and Morgan Philips Price; Paul Dukes protests to; praise of Keynes; and pressure on Lloyd George; and Ransome; report of US lifting restrictions; and Theodore Rothstein
Mannerheim, Gustaf
March Action
Marchand, René: and the Lockhart Plot; and Noulens; stays in Soviet Russia; postscript
Martens, Ludwig: background; and Bureau of Information on Soviet Russia; contact with American firms; and the Finnish Information Bureau; and Senator France; spared arrest; speech at Madison Square Gardens; support for Bolsheviks in America
Martov, Yuli
Marxism and Marxists: and Bolsheviks; and Bolsheviks: case for revolution; in Britain; and Dzerzhinski; and Germany; and Herbert Hoover; and H. G. Wells; and Ioffe; and Lenin; and Lenin: interpretation of doctrine; Marxism-Leninism; and the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries; and the proletariat; and Trotsky
Mason, Frank
Masses (publication)
Maugham, W. Somerset
McCall’s Magazine
Melnichanski, Georgi
Mensheviks: and the advance on Petrograd; and the Bolsheviks; and Georgia; and Lenin; and Marxism; and negotiations for socialist coalition; and the Provisional Government; and the search for peace; and Trotsky
Menzhinski, Vladimir
Menzies, Sir Stewart
Methodist Episcopal Church, Petrograd
Meynell, Francis
Michaelis, Georg
Middle East
Military-Revolutionary Committee of Petrograd Soviet: allow first international cable from Petrograd; and Ioffe; orders occupation of strategic points; and Trotsky
Millerand, Alexandre
Miller, Yevgeni
Milner, Viscount
Milyukov, Pavel
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Minsk, Belorussia
Mirbach, Count von: assassination of; background; and Chicherin; at the Fifth Congress of Soviets; in Naval Delegation to Petrograd; and Sovnarkom; and traditional diplomacy; and Zalkind
Molotov, Vyacheslav: and American Relief Administration; calls for struggle against the Provisional government; significance of pseudonym
Morgan, J. P.
Moutet, Marius
Munich, republic declared in
Murmansk, Russia: British in occupation of; British landing in; evacuation of Allied troops from; possible German attack on; Reilly in; Soviet; western segment ceded to Finns
My Disillusionment in Russia (Goldman)

Nabokov, Konstantin: and Litvinov; at National Unification congress; and visas for emigrants
Nansen, Fridtjof
Narimanov, Nariman
Nashe Slovo (newspaper)
National Board for Historical Science
National Centre: coalition opposition to Bolsheviks; and Denikin; and Lockhart; and Paul Dukes; reject ‘artificial attempts at peacemaking’
nationalization: decrees of Bolshevik government; of foreign assets; in Hungary; in occupied areas
National Storage Company
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Naudeau, Ludovic
Nauen radio station
Neratov, Deputy Foreign Minister
Neslukhovski, General
New Economic Policy of Lenin: and agricultural harvest; an American witness to; and Anglo-Soviet trade treaty; anti-Bolshevik opposition to; confirmed; explained to peasantry; Lenin’s defence of
New Statesman
New York Evening Post
New York Times: on book of J. M. Keynes; on British trade with Bolsheviks; editorial on October Revolution; interview with Senator France; and judgement of Mr Justice Roche; and police leak on Information Bureau; and Sisson; ‘The Plot Against America’; and Vanderlip
New York World (magazine)
Nicholas II, Emperor: 11; assassination of; press reports of his abdication; and the Provisional Government
Nicolson, Harold
Niessel, Henri
NKVD (People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs)
Nobel Brothers’ Petroleum Co.
Nobel, Emil
Nobel Oil Company
Northcliffe, Lord
Noulens, Joseph: background; and Buchanan; and Diarmandy; and diplomatic immunity; and Kerenski; and Lockhart; and Marchand; and Radek; and Sadoul; and Savinkov; and Trotsky
Nuorteva, Santeri: and American subcommittee on Russian propaganda; and Bullitt; and Bureau of Information on Soviet Russia; and commercial approaches to American firms; criticizes Sisson; and deportation of ‘Russian Reds’; deported from Britain to Estonia; and Felix Frankfurter; head of Finnish Information Bureau in New York; and John Reed; and Julius Hammer; and police raid on Information Bureau; support for Bolsheviks in America

October Revolution: 1; aftermath of the fall of the Romanovs; the Allies view of; and American communists; the Brest-Litovsk treaty; and the Provisional Government; and the Provisional Government: overthrown
Odessa, Ukraine: British Foreign Office and; French troops in; French troops leave; and Kalamatiano
Odier, M.
O’Grady, James
oil industry: exports; funding for Yudenich; and Germany; nationalized British assets; and Soviet economic recovery
Okhrana, the
Old Peter’s Russian Tales
Onou, Consul-General
Ordjonikidze, Sergo
Orlando, Vittorio; at the Paris Peace Conference
Orthodox Church
Oshmyanski, Captain
Otten, Yelizaveta
Overman, Lee S.

Pacelli, Eugenio; see also Pope Pius XII
Paderewski, Ignacy
Painlevé, Paul
Palmer, Alexander Mitchell
Pankhurst, Emmeline
Pares, Professor Bernard
Paris Peace Conference
Parvus, Alexander Helphand
Pasha, Enver
peasants: and agricultural system; attack troops of Kolchak; and Bolshevism; and the Decree on Land; in Hungary; in Kandalaksha; ‘kulaks’; and land of gentry landlords; and the New Economic Policy; resentment of; and sale of grain; in slogans of Lenin; Soviet leaders and; support for Socialist-Revolutionaries; and the Supreme Government of North Russia; the Tambov peasant revolt; in Ukraine; in uniform; in view of Zalkind; and the village communes; and the Workers’ Opposition
Pétain, Marsall
Peter-Paul Fortress, Petrograd
Peters, Yakov: attitude to violence; and Cheka; the Decree on Peace; and Lockhart Plot; and Naudeau; postal communication with UK; and Western Bolshevik sympathisers
Petit, Georges
Petit Parisien (newspaper)
Petliura, Symon
Petrograd; Battle for (October 1919)
Petrograd Soviet: elected by workers and soldiers; and the Military-Revolutionary Committee; and the Provisional Government; and the Provisional Government: overthrown; in Smolny Institute; and socialist ministers; and Trotsky
Petrov, Pëtr
Phelan, Edward
Philadelphia Public Ledger
Philips Price, Morgan; Labour MP
Phillips, William
Picton Bagge, John
Piłsudski, Józef: defence of Warsaw; and Dzerzhinski; and the ‘Litbel’ republic; need to eliminate Bolshevism; and the Politburo; strategy to expand territory; tells Russian forces to leave Poland; and Ukraine; postscript
Pius XII, Pope
Plekhanov, Georgi
‘plenipotentiaries’: Béla Kun; Berzin in Switzerland; at Brest-Litovsk; and clandestine activity; Litvinov in Britain; lose use of diplomatic bags; Soviet leaders refer to German ambassador; Zalkind
Poincaré, Georges
Poland: ; and the American Relief Administration; and Germany; nationalism in
Politburo (Political Bureau):; and Central Europe; and Comintern; the Kronstadt mutiny; and the March Action; and the New Economic Policy; and Poland; and Profintern; and rural revolts; secret agents of; and trade with Russia; and the Yudenich offensive on Petrograd
Poole, DeWitt Clinton: flies Norwegian flag; and meeting with Lockhart; and Reilly
Poole, Frederick: and American embassy; and British withdrawal; and Chicherin and the Germans; in command of operation to seize Archangel; and expanding operations; plan for invasion; ultimatum to city
Pravda: Bukharin’s resignation from; and Chicherin; on conditions for working people; on German ambassador; and Lenin; on the Lockhart Plot; on possibility of German revolution; reports on foreign trade; reports on Red Army; reports on western front; reports speech of H. G. Wells
Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky, The (Lenin)
propaganda: and Albert Rhys Williams; of Bolsheviks among POWs; Bolshevik use of; Bolshevik use of: Boris Savinkov; Bolshevik use of: in Allied countries; Bolshevik use of in America; Bolshevik use of: in America; Bolshevik use of: in elections; Bolshevik use of: in Germany; Bolshevik use of: to soldiers; and Brest-Litovsk talks; and British trade talks; Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda; Council for Propaganda and Action in Baku; counter-revolutionary in Russia; in film; and Herbert Hoover; and John Reed; Litvinov refused visa because of; Litvinov’s letter to President Wilson; Ludwig Martens speech in New York; in print; in print: John Reed; in print: spilled in Germany; and Rothstein; and Trotsky; and Trotsky: among POWs; and Trotsky: his instinct for
Provisional Government in Russia: allows Trotsky’s release from Halifax; blamed by Bolsheviks for collapse of urban economy; Bolshevik Central Committee and conditional support for; Bolsheviks call for overthrow of; and collapse of urban economy; consent of Petrograd Soviet for; dependency on socialist support in soviets; diplomats of, and Western Allies; downfall of; funds remaining in Western banks; internal dispute over Ukraine; and Lenin; Lenin impressed by reforms of; Menshevik support for; October Revolution denounced by diplomats of; Petrograd Soviet and military discipline; Petrograd Soviet and war aims of Milyukov; political emigrants and opposition to; resentment against; and the Romanovs; and Russian embassy in London; takes power; Trotsky co-ordinates armed action against; trouble for; and waning power of Kerenski; and the Western Allies; and Western Bolshevik sympathisers
Provisional Revolutionary Committee, Poland
pseudonyms of Bolsheviks
Pskov, Russia
Pulitzer, Joseph
Purcell, A. A.
Putilov, Alexei

Radek, Karl: and Ambassador Francis; at Baku; conversation with Khristo Rakovski; in Department of Prisoners-of-War; description of; and diplomatic links with Germany; on German Communist Party; and Germans suing for peace; imprisoned in Germany; and information gathering; and Lenin; and Lockhart; and the March Action; and Mirbach; and Ransome; release from prison; return to Russia; and revolutionary socialism;
rivalry with Karakhan; and
Spartakusbund congress;
Radziwill, Princess Catherine
Railwaymen’s Union
Rakovski, Khristo: communication with Radek; at congress in Berlin; and Ioffe; and the March Congress; and Radek; and Red administration in Kiev
Ransome, Arthur: ; admiration of Trotsky; marriage to Yevgenia Shelepina; and Radek; and the Secret Intelligence Service; writings of
Ransome, Ivy (née Walker)
Rathenau, Walter
Ravich, Olga
Rawlinson, Henry
‘Red Ark’, the
Red Army: ; and anarchists; and the Germans; Hungarian; and information gathering; and the Kronstadt mutiny; and Poland; strength of; and Trotsky; and the White armies
Red Cross
Red Heart of Russia, The
Red Square, Moscow
Reed, John: ; interview with Trotsky; in Petrograd; and the Propaganda bureau; and Senate Committee on Bolshevik propaganda; writings of; notes to pages
Reibnitz, General von
Reilly Callaghan, Margaret
Reilly, Sidney: ; Anti-Bolshevik Congress in Warsaw; arrival in Russia; biography of; ‘Bolo Liquidation Lunches’; and forged documents; and George Hill; lifestyle in Russia; and Lockhart; and Lockhart: trial and sentence in absentia; and Paul Dukes; rumour of his being a Cheka agent
Reinstein, Boris
religion: and the Bavarian Council Republic; Bolsheviks dislike of; and Bolshevism; and the Cheka; church and state separated; and communism in Asia; the Decree on Land; and fall of Romanovs; Orthodox believers and separation of church and state; Orthodox Church and Bolshevik seizure of power; seen as under threat by ambassadors; and Sovnarkom; threat to American stability
Rhys Williams, Albert: and American subcommittee on Russian propaganda; background; and the Bolsheviks; and the Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda; after fall of Provisional Government; and Lenin; and Russian language; postscript
Ribot, Alexandre
Right Centre
Robins, Raymond: and Ambassador Francis; belief in Soviet-American links; and the Brest-Litovsk Treaty; car stolen by anarchists; and informers in Petrograd garrison; and Lockhart; at meeting of Allied military representatives; move to Vologda; return to America; and trade with Russia; and Trotsky; and western handling of Sovnarkom
Roche, Mr Justice
Roden Buxton, Charles
Roland-Holst, Henriette
Romania: and the Allies; ambassador arrested in Petrograd; and the Bolsheviks; crown jewels of; and Hungary; and propaganda; Russian troops in
Romanovs, the: abdication of Nicholas II; assassination of; effects of abdication: in America; effects of abdication: in Britain; effects of abdication: in Germany; effects of abdication: in Russia
Romberg, Gisbert von
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Elihu
Rosen, Baron
Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Rothermere, Lord
Rothstein, Theodore: advocate of Bolshevik ideas; background; and British government; and creation of Communist Party of Great Britain; and information gathering for Sovnarkom; interpreting Lenin for H. G. Wells; in Moscow; possible article by; Soviet ambassador to Tehran
Royal Navy, British: blockade of German fleet; convoy system
Russian Communist Party
Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Party
Russell, Bertrand; and Bolshevism; and Clifford Allen; and Trotsky
Russia as an American Problem (Spargo)
Russia in 1919 (Ransome)
Russia in the Shadows (Wells)
Russian Embassy in London
Russian Famine Relief (United States)
Russian Marxist colony in London: ; New Year party at the Litvinov ’s; and return to Russia
Russian Soviet Bureau
Ruthenberg, Charles
Ryan, Edward W.
Rykov, Alexei

Sadoul, Jacques: background and description; and the Bolsheviks; comment at Brest-Litovsk; at Fifth Congress of Soviets; and French embassy; French government prevents his free return to France; information on military; interviews Naudeau for Bolsheviks; and Lockhart; and Soviet leadership; staying in Russia; and Trotsky; postscript
Safarova, Varvara
St Petersburg, see Petrograd
Salvation Army
Saturday Evening Post
Savinkov, Boris: and Churchill; expelled from Warsaw; insurrection in Yaroslavl province; and Lloyd George; military advisor to Kerenski; and Noulens; and resistance to Bolshevism; and Russian Foreign Delegation in Paris; and Russian Political Committee in Warsaw; and Sidney Reilly; support for Allies; execution by Cheka
Sazonov, Sergei: anti-Bolshevik diplomat in Paris; on Finland’s independence; and Kolchak; in London; and the Russian Foreign Delegation; and the Supreme Council
Scavenius, Harald
Scheidemann, Philipp
Schubert, military attaché
Scott, C. P.
Secret Intelligence Service: and American support for war; and Arthur Ransome; and Francis Meynell; and George Hill; the Lockhart Plot; Mansfield Cumming; and Maugham; New York station; and Sidney Reilly; and Stalin; training course of
Semënov, G. M.
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Sèvres, treaty of
Shalyapin, Fëdor
Shatov, Bill
Shaumyan, Stepan
Shaw, Tom
Shelepina, Yevgenia: and Arthur Ransome; background; in Brest-Litovsk; and Lockhart; and Paul Dukes; secretarial assistant to Trotsky
Sheridan, Clare: and Churchill; drawn to Russia; and Dzerzhinski; and Kamenev; and Trotsky; return to Britain
Siberia: aid to; and the Japanese; and the Romanovs; rural revolts in; and trade; Trans-Siberian railway
Siberian Creameries Co-operative Union
Siemens-Schuckert (company)
Simons, Rev. George A.
Sirola, Yrjö
Sisson, Edgar
Skinner, H.
Skoropadskyi, Pavlo
Smolny Institute, Petrograd
Snowden, Mrs Philip, (Ethel)
Social Democratic Federation
Socialist-Revolutionary Combat Organization
Socialist-Revolutionary party; and the advance on Petrograd; and Arthur Ransome; and the Bolsheviks; and the Constituent Assembly; in elected soviets; and Komuch; and Lenin; and the Petrograd Soviet; and the Provisional Government; and search for peace; and socialist coalition negotiations; and Trotsky; and Ukraine; see also Komuch (Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly); Left Socialist-Revolutionaries
Sokolnikov, Grigori
Sokolovskaya, Alexandra
Soskice, David
soviets: as basis for government; and the Bolsheviks; in factories; and garrison troops; and Kerenski; and the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries; propaganda in elections to; and the Provisional Government; and sale of grain; transfer of power to; see also Petrograd Soviet
Sovnarkom (Council of People’s Commissars): and Allied assistance in training for Red Army; and American communists; Anglo-Soviet trade talks; the Brest-Litovsk treaty; and the Cheka; and the Cheka freed from legal restraints; Chicherin and Petrov; and Constituent Assembly; and the Czechs; defended by MacDonald; demobilization of Russian Army; and diplomatic exchange with Germany; and diplomatic recognition internationally; and diplomatic safety; diplomacy: use of ‘unofficial agents’; and economic situation and foreign trade; and Finnish independence; and former Russian Empire; forms Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army; and German and Austrian diplomats; and German high command; and German strategic interests; and intelligence activity; journalist accreditation; journalist accreditation: Decree on Press; and Komuch; lack of diplomatic service; and Left Socialist-Revolutionaries; and Left Socialist-Revolutionaries: Blyumkin kills Mirbach; and Litvinov; the Lockhart Plot; and Murmansk landings by Allies; and Murmansk: request for German help; occupation of telegraph offices; overthrows Provisional Government; POWs freed from detention camps; and propaganda; revolutionary decrees of; and Romania; and the Romanovs; and the Russian co-operative movement; and secret Allied treaties; sue for peace with Germans; supplementary treaty with Germany; and Sweden; and trade with America; and trade with America: famine relief; and trade with Germany; and Ukraine; use of couriers; and Western Bolshevik sympathisers
Spalajkovic, Serbin Ambassador
Spargo, John
Spartakusbund and Spartacists: ; leaders of; revolution in Germany
Spears, E. L.
Spies Petroleum Company
Spiridonova, Maria
SS George Washington (ship)
SS Kristianiafjord
Stalin, Joseph: and Brest-Litovsk talks; and British Secret Intelligence Service; and Churchill; and communization of Eastern Europe; and conditional support for Provisional Government; and defence of Petrograd; and federation of communist republics; health of; on the invasion of Ukraine; and recognition of new Soviet republics; and the Red Army advance into Poland; and regime of radical changes; significance of pseudonym; suspicion of ‘ bourgeois’ experts; and Trotsky; on the Volunteer Army
Starzhevskaya, Olga
Stasova, Yelena
State and Revolution, The (Lenin)
State Department, United States: and Felix Frankfurter; and John Reed; and John Reed: memo; and Nuorteva; and Soviet commercial requests; sympathisers in
Steed, Henry Wickham
Steffens, Lincoln
Stevenson, Frances
Streseman, Gustav
Strong, Anna Louise
Struve, Pëtr
Supreme Council (of Allies): and Estonian government; founded; lifts economic blockade; policies and Churchill; and Polish offer of attack on Soviets; quarantines Bolshevism
Sverdlov, Yakov: and Brest-Litovsk talks; and expenses for delegation to Germany; and international communist congress; and military apparel; and Mirbach; and news that Germany to sue for peace; and the Romanovs; takes command after Lenin shot
Swallows and Amazons (Ransome)
Szamuely, Tibor

Tactical Centre
Tambov peasant revolt
telegraphy; see also Hughes apparatus
Ten Days that Shook the World (Reed)
Tereshchenko, Foreign Affairs Minister
Thalheimer, August
Thälmann, Ernst
Theory and Practice of Bolshevism, The (Russell)
Thomas, Albert
Thompson, William B.
Thomson, Basil
Thorne, Will
Tiflis bank robbery (1907)
Tikhon, Patriarch
Times, The; and Kamenev; and Paul Dukes; as source of information
Tobolsk, Siberia
Toller, Ernst
Tolstoy, Alexei
Tomski, Head of Soviet trade union
Tornio, Finland
Trachtenberg, Alexander L.
trade agreements; Anglo-Soviet trade treaty
Trades Union Congress
trade unions: and Bolsheviks; in Britain: against military action; in Britain: Seamen’s Union; elections to; expanding network of; in Germany; in Hungary; and the New Economic Policy; Profintern as international agency for; strike by Railwaymen’s Union; and Tomski
Trans-Siberian railway
Trotsky, Lev Davidovich: on Admiral Altvater; and America; and America: American Railway Mission to Russia; and American Relief Administration; and Bertrand Russell; and Brest-Litovsk treaty; and the British; and the British: Litvinov as ‘plenipotentiary’; and the British: Murmansk landings; and the Central Committee; and Comintern; Congress of Soviets; and Czech former POWs; and diplomatic links; and the domestic economic system; and the Estonian offensive; and European revolution; exile and death; and Faux-Pas Bidet; and foreign trade; and France; and Germany; interview with John Reed; the Kronstadt mutiny; the Lockhart plot; marriage to Alexandra Sokolovskaya; and Marxism; as People’s Commissar for Military Affairs; as People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs; in the Petrograd Soviet; and the Polish offensive; political ideology; political ideology: What Next? (booklet); and POWs; and the proletarian dictatorship; and propaganda; and propaganda: Bureau of International revolutionary Propaganda; and the Provisional Government; and Raymond Robins; return to Russia (1917); on the Romanov killings; and Russian economy; sculpted by Clare Sheridan; as seen by others; and supporters in the West; and the war with Komuch; and the Western Allies; and Yevgenia Shelepina
Trubetskoi, E. D.
Truth about Russia, The (booklet)
Tsereteli, Irakli
Tukhachevski, Mikhail
Turner, Ben
Turner, Jean
Tyrrell, W. G. T.

Ukraine: agricultural troubles; Bolsheviks and; border with Russia negotiations; at Brest-Litovsk; and the Central Powers; Central Rada; covert activities in; and the French; and Poland; and the Provisional Government; and the Romanovs; trade with
Union for the Defence of the Fatherland and Freedom
Union of Russian Workers
United Kingdom, see Britain
United States of America: aid to Germany; aid to White forces; American Railway Mission to Russia; American Red Cross; American Relief Administration; and communications and information; communism and Bolshevism in; embassy consulates; and the Great War; journalists in Russia; and the Lockhart Plot; and military expeditions in Russia; the Paris Peace Conference; and Poland; and post-war planning; and the Provisional Government; and trade with Russia; and Trotsky; postscript; see also Western Allies
Uritski, Moisei: assassination of; and Lenin; and possible attack of Archangel by Germans; and transfer of Romanovs
Urquhart, Leslie

Vanderlip, Frank A.
Vanderlip, Washington B.
Varga, Jeno
Vaucher, Paul
Vaucher, Robert
Versailles, Treaty of: in book of J. M. Keynes; and German government; and German industry; signed; and Soviet leaders
Verthamont, Henri de
Volodarski, V.
Vologda, Russia: Chicherin says town unsafe; embassies move to; Noulens in; Western diplomatic corps leave
Volunteer Army: considered as danger by Stalin; and Denikin; and Denikin: defeated by Red Army; evacuation from Crimea; first of White forces; and General Poole; a3nd Lockhart; recovery and re-equipment of; Reilly on readiness of; and Savinkov
Vorovski, Vatslav

Wallhead, R. C.
War and Peace
Wardrop, Oliver
Warsaw; Anti-Bolshevik Congress in
Warsaw Pact
Washington Post
Webb, Beatrice
Webb, Sidney
Wedgwood, Josiah
Wells, H. G.
Western Allies: ; Allied Supreme War Council; and the Americans; and the Americans: aid for Russia; and the Bolsheviks; espionage and subversion; information gathering; and Lenin; and Poland; and the Romanians; Russian policy; and Trotsky; see also United Kingdom
What Next? (Trotsky)
White forces: ; and the Allies; and Britain; in Finland; and information gathering; and Kolchak; Romanian; strategic aim of; Volunteer Army
Wilhelm II
Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Williams, Harold
Williams, Robert
Wilson, President Woodrow: and action against Russia; affect of his illness on policy; and assistance to Germany; background and description; and Congress support to join Allies; establishing League of Nations; and expansionism in Europe; and ‘Fourteen Points’ speech; and information gathering; and Lenin and Trotsky; at the Paris Peace Conference; and propaganda in Russia; and Sovnarkom; and US aviators in Poland
Wilson, Sir Henry
Winship, North
Wintin, Mr
Wiseman, Sir William
Wolf, Felix
Workers’ Party of America
World’s Wealth (magazine)
Wrangel, Pëtr

Yaroslavl uprising
Yekaterinodar, Russia
Young, Douglas
Yudenich, Nikolai: and Estonia; failure of Petrograd offensive; finance from oil companies; and Herbert Hoover; information from Allies; and Poland; recruitment problem; supplies from America; postscript

Zagryazhski, Alexander
Zalkind, Ivan: background and description; and Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda; and detention of Romanian ambassador; and Kamenev; and Louise Bryant; and Mirbach; on revolution; Soviet plenipotentiary to Switzerland
Zangwill, Israel
Zeligowski, Lucjan
Zinoviev, Grigori: and Bolshevik uprising; and the Comintern Executive Committee; Congress of the Peoples of the East; and the March Action; and Petrograd offensive; return to Russia; sculpted by Clare Sheridan; support for Lenin at Brest-Litovsk; and use of couriers; postscript
Zygadłowicz, Gustaw