BEFORE GRAY HAIR, or crow’s-feet, or achy backs and fickle knees, there is one sign of aging that makes its appearance early enough to bewilder its young(ish) victims instead of alarming them, as it should. And so one morning a few weeks after his twenty-ninth birthday, Richard Baumbach awoke in a state of bewilderment:

Since when had the hangovers gotten this bad?

Lifting a twisted rope of bedsheet from his naked chest, Richard placed it beside him with a tenderness usually reserved for more sentient occupants of his bed, and braced himself for vertical alignment. Here goes, he thought. You can do this. Come on. One, two, three . . . go!

Nothing moved other than his brain, which beat steadily against his skull.

He tried picturing the bright green Brita pitcher inside his refrigerator door: the cool, refreshing water it contained. But the mere thought of brightness made his eyeballs retreat painfully in their sockets like hermit crabs darting inside their shells, and his stomach lurched at the suggestion of anything green. He switched to the aspirin waiting for him in his medicine cabinet: chalky-white, inoffensive, holding out the promise of an end to his misery. Two tablets was the recommended dose, but for this Hindenburg of a headache he would allow himself four . . . if he ever managed to get up.

Nothing to it, he pretended. Piece of cake, easy as pie.

Ugh, dessert-based idioms were not the way to go.

Get. Up. Now!

For one glorious moment the throbbing sensation disappeared inside the whoosh of upward momentum and he became a believer in miracles. His headache was gone; he was cured! Then his feet hit the floor and his head came to a stop, igniting in a series of fiery explosions that—even in the midst of his pain—he likened to the climactic sequence of one of those nineties action movies viewed routinely on his DVR. Thinking about his DVR only added to his pain, however, his wince deepening from minor toothache to full-blown lemonface as he shuffled to the bathroom. Just yesterday the cable guy had come at his request to take away everything, including his beloved DVR. He had no Wi-Fi now, and in a fit of martyrdom he’d even canceled his Netflix streaming account, which he supposed he could have used on his laptop in coffee shops. But he had decided the eight bucks a month was eight bucks he could no longer afford in the face of a credit card bill that had begun not so much accumulating as metastasizing from one month to the next.

Richard dumped six aspirin into his shaky palm and lapped up a mouthful of water directly from the tap. (Screw the Brita.) For one who supposedly worked in film and television, it was more than a little mortifying to lose the ability to watch films and television inside his home. But this was what his life had become.

He collapsed onto his couch, facedown, like a corpse. It was thoughts like these that had led to several rounds of homemade cocktails the night before with his “business” partner, Keith. They’d only recently begun adding the quotation marks, and when Keith had pointed out halfway through the evening that they were having a literal pity party for themselves, Richard had pretended to be amused. He turned his head aside now and eyed the Bombay Sapphire still sitting, uncapped, on his coffee table. Et tu, Bombay? he asked it silently, unable, even in his dejection, to overcome his weakness for terrible puns, which was nearly as acute as his weakness for gin-and-tonics, and for madcap plans like starting his own production company with nothing to recommend him other than his (alleged) wits and youthful audacity. Three years ago, he and Keith had quit their jobs as glorified assistants for an established film producer to strike out on their own, and Richard feared that “striking out” was precisely what they’d done. Nowadays they worked out of each other’s apartments with extended stints at a Coffee Bean in the Valley alongside all the other unemployed writers, actors, and producers whose irregular schedules ensured L.A.’s world-famous traffic would never be confined to a few simple “rush” hours in the day. True, they’d made some progress: Two Guys One Corp had sold a few feature screenplays, a pilot script or two. But despite considerable hustling and bustling, the much-sought-after green light to production remained elusive, a distant mirage always just out of reach. And until they reached it, there would be no money coming in.

Keith’s parents had been supporting him for a while now, but Richard couldn’t ask his parents for money they didn’t have, mainly for fear they’d try to give it to him anyway. He’d finally exhausted the last of his savings from his previous job; he’d even depleted his pathetic little IRA. The time had come to be a cog in someone else’s wheel again, but the Great Recession had affected Hollywood as much as any other industry, and he wasn’t even sure he could land a job as solid as the one he’d left three years ago. Was he going to have to work at the Coffee Bean in the Valley? Maybe move there too, abandon the fashionable Silver Lake neighborhood he loved so much? First-world problems, he reminded himself. And yet they were real problems; they were his problems, because he wasn’t ready to give up on the dream he’d dreamt beneath his Star Wars sheets twenty years ago in the suburbs of Boston.

Richard sat up, buoyed somewhat by the aspirin beginning to work its way through his system, but also by the blessings of a native sanguinity. So what if he had to work a soul-sucking job for a while? He’d do what needed to be done; he’d get back on his feet. Every time he contemplated his ongoing struggle to become a successful Hollywood producer, it wasn’t long before that struggle began resembling the training montage from Rocky (any of them, though if pushed, he preferred the one from Rocky IV). Now he imagined himself toiling away at some sort of backbreaking manual labor involving lumber, or slabs of concrete, and copious smudges of grease across his face. He pictured himself waking up before dawn (it didn’t matter that this had never happened in his life, not even once), putting in a hard day’s work and then conferring with his faithful business partner late into the night, too virtuous and exhausted to spend the money that accumulated—slowly, but surely—in his ravaged bank account. Each week he’d check his balance online—no, forget that, he’d be paid in cash—and every Friday he’d watch the dollar bills rise, the pile growing steadily as the weeks went by, slowly at first, then faster, until the pile became a tower, so tall that down it came, bills swirling in a seamless smashcut to the confetti at the premiere party for his and Keith’s first movie, to which he would invite all his brothers in arms from the . . . lumberyard/drilling place. And as he entered the banquet hall they’d cheer, clapping their red and calloused hands, and there might even be a few man-tears as they hoisted him on their shoulders and he looked down upon the astonished world, and beamed.

If, just then, a supernatural creature with powers of teleportation and prophecy had wiggled into view and announced that by the end of the week Richard’s money woes would be over, first, he would have put on some pants, because at the moment he was wearing only boxers and they were by no means fit for company. Second, he would have feigned disbelief, but only, third, while secretly believing that of course it was true, it had to be true. Because he was still innocent enough to believe only good things would come his way, in a life that had every appearance of stretching endlessly before him.

Richard jumped up from the couch and this time the miracle stuck: headache gone, stomach settled. He retrieved his phone from underneath a pile of yesterday’s clothes, yelping when he saw the time. 12:45, yikes. He had a meeting in less than two hours. Time to start his day.


Elizabeth Santiago looked up from her desk, suppressing with great difficulty an intense urge to roll her eyes. From the hallway outside, a muscular man in suspenders was pointing at her. She stared at his perfectly manicured fingernail.

“Time to get yo lunch on!”

Oh, hell no. She tilted her head in the direction of a thermal lunch bag sitting on one of the chairs opposite her desk.

“La Máquina strikes again!” the man bellowed, shaking his head and grinning. Elizabeth grinned back, trying not to focus on the gelled rhino-horn of hair glistening atop his head. He was a fourth-year, wasn’t he? What was his name? Jake? Jack? Jock? Why was she so terrible with names?

But it didn’t matter, because he was already on the move again:

“La Máquina, La Máquina, La Máquina!”

He sounded like Speedy Gonzalez shouting arriba arriba, ándale ándale! As his voice faded down the hallway, Elizabeth unleashed the eye-roll she’d been suppressing. She glanced at the bottom of her screen: 2 hours, 26 minutes, and 41 seconds had elapsed since she’d begun reviewing the inch-thick document lying in pieces on her desk, and she hadn’t looked up once. It was no mystery why everyone called her La Máquina (Spanish for “the Machine”). At first it was a nickname her colleagues used behind her back when she billed the most hours of any first-year associate at the firm, worldwide. (For the record: 3,352. Which was insane. And unsustainable.) At some point in her second year an accidental cc had clued her in, and it had required only a few seconds of calculation to craft a good-natured reply and sign it, “La Máquina.” No harm done. But from there, the moniker had exploded till every lawyer in every department, and even a few of her clients, were using it.

She clicked off the timer at the bottom of the screen. There were those who suspected her of inflating her numbers, so she was especially vigilant about her timekeeping. For every two hours billed, a standard corporate lawyer spent approximately three hours in the office. This ratio accounted for regular human activities such as chatting with coworkers, surfing the Internet, eating lunch, and going to the bathroom. But in a ten- to twelve-hour workday, Elizabeth billed a staggering nine to ten hours regularly. She was always polite but never friendly; most days she brought her lunch instead of eating in the Lawyers’ Dining Room with everyone else; she even made a habit of not drinking too many fluids throughout the day, thereby limiting her bathroom breaks to two: one midmorning, one midafternoon. She never went above 3,000 hours after that first year, but she routinely hit the high 2,000s.

Elizabeth knew she ran the risk of creating enemies by committing the double sin of shunning her coworkers and outpacing them, which was why she endured her nickname. It helped neutralize her otherness, which didn’t come so much from her Mexican descent as from her steely reserve, her robotic ability to block out the noise others found so enticing. She was simply “La Máquina,” the weird Latina who kept to herself and whose social life was a mystery, but who more than pulled her weight in the Mergers & Acquisitions Department of Slate Drubble & Greer, despite outweighing every female colleague in the office (stick-thin white girls, for the most part). She had become one of the family, even if she was the eccentric spinster aunt who kept to herself, an “odd duck,” as the original Drubble’s great-grandson had put it to her drunkenly one holiday party while invading her personal space. And as an eighth-year associate, she was practically guaranteed at a mere thirty-three years old to become a partner sometime in the coming year. All she had to do was keep on grinning, or nodding, or pointing whenever one of her colleagues accosted her with those two magic words she could just as easily have complained about to HR. Good ol’ La Máquina.

Elizabeth closed her door, grabbing her lunch on the way back to her desk. She was expected to keep her door open unless she had a meeting, but she reasoned that lunch was a sort of meeting—food, meet mouth—and closed it for the five minutes spent inhaling whatever it was she brought from home. Today, however, she lingered over her PB&J, staring at the hideous painting behind her desk, a cartoonishly simplistic portrait of a scowling, peach-colored career woman in an eighties-era power suit, a sleeve of which had been pulled up to flex an absurdly oversized bicep. “We Can Do It!” the woman bellowed by means of a neon-yellow dialogue bubble above her head. It was a play on the famous World War II image often incorrectly identified as Rosie the Riveter, which was how Amber Hudson had referred to it while bestowing it on Elizabeth with great fanfare. Amber was Elizabeth’s unofficial partner mentor, a woman who used phrases such as “having it all” and “you go, girl!” without a scintilla of irony, and while Elizabeth never would have chosen this ugly, distracting piece for herself (it looked like the work of an eighth grader), it had been impossible to decline. Once she made partner, her office would be hers alone to decorate. She turned away from the painting, glancing automatically at the time on her computer screen. At two thirty that afternoon she had a meeting with another lawyer, which was unremarkable except that she didn’t know the lawyer, or his firm, and had been instructed the meeting was of a “personal nature.” When she had asked for more information, she’d been told that all would be revealed in the meeting. Elizabeth did not like surprises, and had taken it upon herself to discover what little she could ahead of time.

She knew that Jonathan Hertzfeld was a partner at a boutique law firm in Century City specializing in estates planning—wills and trusts and other instruments meant to stave off or at least temper the vagaries of passing through this uncertain world. The most likely scenario was that someone had died and left her property, except that she didn’t know anyone who had died, or who was rich enough to leave her anything in the first place. Elizabeth had grown up less than twenty miles from her office in Beverly Hills, but it was a neighborhood she was willing to bet Jonathan Hertzfeld had never visited, or even passed through in his car. And there was no one from her adult life she could imagine wanting to make her a gift significant enough to require a lawyer. For at least the tenth time since setting the meeting yesterday, she wondered what it could possibly be about. A shiver might even have run up her spine in this moment if it hadn’t been thwarted by the mundane business of crunching into an apple, upon which she focused for the next minute and a half.

If that same supernatural creature from Richard Baumbach’s apartment had shimmered into view right now and told Elizabeth she would bill exactly zero hours after her meeting today and no more than eight hours total for the rest of the week, she would first have insisted on knowing through what sleight of hand the shimmering effect had been achieved and, second, she would have ushered the poor deluded creature out of her office while placing a discreet call to security. But third, she would have cursed her weakness for secretly believing the creature had spoken the truth, because its prediction would have confirmed what she had suspected since yesterday: that some form of calamity awaited her at this meeting of a “personal nature,” something to derail the quiet, orderly life she’d worked so hard to build for herself.

Lunchtime was over. Elizabeth opened her door. She restarted the timer on her screen and immersed herself once more in the work at hand.

RICHARD SQUINTED THROUGH the windshield of his used Toyota Corolla, notorious among his crew for being the only car they knew that still had manual locks and roll-up windows. His best friend Mike said it was like entering a time capsule whose contents no one wanted to remember. It was a little past 2 p.m., and still overcast: typical for an afternoon in L.A. in the beginning of June. Most other times of the year, the “marine layer” of clouds that blew in overnight from the coast would have burned off by now, if it existed at all, but anywhere from May to July, when the rest of the Northern Hemisphere was bursting into the full bloom of summer, L.A. was often shrouded in “June gloom” until the late afternoon. Like many transplants, Richard still obsessed over the weather, disappointed every time it failed to match the stereotypical perfection of sunny warmth and azure heavens. If they were headed toward a post-apocalyptic, Mad Max–ian hellscape in a few years anyway (sporadic El Niño effect notwithstanding), it could at least be sunny all the time.

Turning onto Santa Monica Boulevard, he became mired suddenly in lunchtime traffic: a single false step sinking him helplessly, like quicksand. Rather than railing uselessly against the traffic, Richard forced himself to focus on his upcoming appointment, even though it was just a general, with a lawyer he couldn’t even remember meeting. The guy had called him yesterday and asked for a face-to-face, something of a “personal nature,” which meant he had a nephew, or a neighbor, or a nephew’s neighbor, or a neighbor’s nephew who’d written a script. If he were busier, Richard would have insisted the lawyer spell it out over the phone and simply e-mail him whatever it was he wanted him to read. But what else did he have to do? Besides, you never knew where the next great script might come from. Heartened by this thought, he snagged a CD from among the debris on his passenger floor and slid it in the player (he had a tape deck too, not that he had any cassettes). It was a homemade mix and he skipped ahead to the eighth track, “Eye of the Tiger,” the vestiges of his Rocky montage still lingering inside his head, a happy dream half-remembered. He began shouting along:

“Rising up! Back on the street . . .”

The light ahead of him turned green and he lurched forward with the rest of the traffic, bleating the whole time. The light was faster than expected, however, and turned yellow while there was still one car ahead of him. Richard glanced at the intersection; it was clear, and he allowed his car to drift, head nodding along to the beat, assuming they would both keep moving forward:

“And he’s watching us all with the eeeeeeeeeeeeye—”

The car ahead of him stopped suddenly. Richard had to jam on his brakes, causing the CD to skip and leaving him to shout on his own:


He shook off this humiliation by honking a rebuke to the slowpoke in front of him, whose shiny bumper he’d missed by an inch, maybe two. Richard eyed the car; it was immaculate, probably brand-new. That was all he needed—to shell out an ungodly sum for some minuscule dent or scratch, or, worse, risk jacking up his insurance.

ELIZABETH SHRUGGED AT the filthy car behind her. It was true; she could’ve made the light. But the rule was to slow down at a yellow light, not speed up, and the fact that no one else seemed to remember this made her all the more eager to remember it herself.

A dreadlocked man who had been standing at the side of the road began shambling drunkenly between lanes, begging for change. When she lowered her window, his head swerved toward her, and he stopped so abruptly the top half of his body had to compensate in a liquid bend from the waist that reminded her of those Gumby-ish air funnels that twist and dip from the roofs of used car dealerships and secondhand furniture stores. He hurried toward her.

“Mocha chip or yogurt honey peanut? Or both?” she asked him brightly, holding out two Balance Bars retrieved from her glove compartment.

He blinked. “Both, I guess.”

“Here you go!” She handed them over. The window rose between them; he had to yank his hand back to avoid being nipped. As he stumbled toward the sidewalk, Elizabeth watched his lips working furiously in what was probably a torrent of abuse leveled at her (surely he would have preferred money), but barely a minute later, he’d ripped open one of the bars and begun devouring it.

The light was still red. Elizabeth used the extra downtime to close her eyes for five seconds, counting on her left hand with “Mississippis” in between, her way of ensuring she took enough time to acknowledge something good in her life, no matter how small. In fact, the smaller the better, and especially when it was a blessing in an otherwise unfortunate situation. A new friend of hers (yes, she thought, with the tiniest thrill of pride, La Máquina can make new friends) had inspired her recently not to ignore these destitute men and women she saw from time to time on the road, as long as she didn’t compromise her safety. For almost six months now, she’d kept her glove compartment stocked with Balance Bars for this exact purpose, and this was only the second time she’d been able to use them.

The light turned green.

RICHARD FOLLOWED THE car ahead of him through the intersection and then left onto Avenue of the Stars. But instead of proceeding to the address he’d been given, he turned off at the Century City Mall, where parking was only a dollar an hour for up to three hours. (He’d forgotten to ask if parking at the lawyer’s building would be validated, and he couldn’t afford to leave it to chance.) By the time he extricated himself from the mall’s labyrinth of a garage, jaywalked across the street, snagged an elevator, tracked down the correct suite, and supplied his name to the modelesque receptionist at the front desk, it was 2:38. He was ushered immediately into a conference room where a man and woman sat waiting in silence.

WHEN ELIZABETH HAD been shown into the room exactly eight minutes earlier, the old man she assumed was Jonathan Hertzfeld had told her they were waiting for one more, and he hadn’t said another word. He was wearing suspenders, and she couldn’t help thinking of him as an age-progressed version of Jake/Jack/Jock. When the second guest arrived, Elizabeth felt a jolt of something akin to surprise. She hardly knew what she was expecting, but it wasn’t this: a boyish-looking man sweating visibly through his T-shirt, a sizable rip in one knee of his undeniably grimy jeans. What was he, twelve? Who wore jeans to a meeting anyway? He was attractive, admittedly, but this was nothing special. So were a lot of people in L.A.

RICHARD TOOK A chair opposite the woman, who looked straight out of Working Girl with her high heels and tailored business suit. Obviously she was another lawyer. Maybe she was the one who’d written the script? On the side? Doubtful.

But she did have the best breasts he’d seen in a while.

“I’M SURE YOU’RE both wondering why you’re here.”

Richard Baumbach and Elizabeth Santiago eyed each other across the Formica vista of the conference room table.

“At this point you’re probably aware I’m an estates attorney.”

Huh? thought Richard, while the woman nodded owlishly. Like wills and stuff? His heart began to race. Someone had died and was leaving him a boatload of cash. He knew it! He was saved!

“No one has died,” said the lawyer. “I represent my clients when they die, but I represent them while they’re living, too—in particular, when they wish to dispose of property. And one of my clients is offering you five hundred thousand dollars each, if you’ll agree to spend some time together. At least once a week for two continuous hours, for one full calendar year.”

Richard’s eyebrows tilted downward in an exaggerated V that looked almost comical, like a vaudeville pantomime, but Elizabeth’s face didn’t move at all. It was her frozen mask—suggestive of horror—that made the lawyer pause, and inside this pause his brisk manner fell away. He took refuge in his notes, slipping on a rimless pair of reading glasses with a flustered, fumbling air. Though he wasn’t quite sixty-five, in this moment he looked older, almost feeble, while struggling to find his place.

“Please understand that my client wishes to remain anonymous. I can tell you nothing about this individual.”

His eyes flicked upward in apology. He forced them down again.

“Let’s see . . . a few points: There cannot be any third parties present except for incidental reasons—waiters at restaurants and so forth—and you must conduct yourselves in a substantially conversational manner. That is to say, it is not enough to merely remain in each other’s presence for the two hours. You must talk during them. But please note that conversation is the only requirement, and the subject of this conversation is immaterial.”

He removed his glasses and began polishing them on his silken tie with an air of relief.

Richard was the first to speak. He laughed: a single, disbelieving bark of a laugh.

“Half a million dollars? Each?

The lawyer nodded.

“You’re kidding, right?” Richard made a show of whipping his head around the room, as if he were looking for a hidden camera, but even now, seconds after hearing the proposal, a part of him was wondering if he could ask for an advance.

The lawyer put down his glasses and shook his head, no.

“But . . . why?” Richard asked. “I mean, we’ve never met before—”

He swung his head in the woman’s direction.


She nodded, which was the first time she’d moved since the lawyer had spoken.

“So why us? What’s the point?”

The lawyer spread out his hands. “I’m afraid I can’t give you any reasons, just the proposal itself. These were my client’s express instructions.”

Elizabeth felt as though she were watching them from inside a glass bottle, or some sort of aquarium or other transparent tank. It was hard to follow what they were saying, but she could see them perfectly, and she tracked every hand gesture and head movement now as if her life depended on it. The lawyer’s proposal was a trap, obviously, or a joke, or something equally cruel. She wanted nothing to do with it. If there was one thing she knew, it was that nothing came for free.

“I’ve made two copies of the formal agreement, which lays out in more detail what I’ve already told you, along with standard and customary supplementation: representations and warranties, a no-publicity clause, the pro rata payment schedule, and so forth.”

With a jerk of his hands, he pushed two stapled documents in opposite directions over the glossy tabletop, as if they were air hockey pucks. Richard caught his copy and turned over the pages without reading them. No matter what ended up happening, he couldn’t wait to tell Mike, who was going to Freak. The Hell. Out.

Elizabeth let her copy slide off the table and fall to the ground. She stared at it, and then at the lawyer, as if to say: that’s what I think of your proposal.

“How were we selected for this?” she asked finally, her dark eyes boring into him.

Richard looked up: yeah, how?

“I’m afraid I can’t tell you that either,” the lawyer said. “But no one has violated your privacy. And I give you my word no one ever will.”

“But we don’t know you,” said Elizabeth, her exasperation lending her voice a degree of animation it didn’t usually have. “And we don’t know who’s making the offer. You can’t seriously expect us to go along with this? Without more information?”

The lawyer stared at her.

“Would you accept this proposal?” she demanded.

“I know this is a very, ahem, unusual disclosure to receive, and in so sudden a manner,” he said. “But I thought this was the best way.”

There was a long pause, during which Elizabeth conveyed with perfect eloquence the unspoken notion that sometimes, the best wasn’t good enough. She stood up. “I have to get back to work,” she said. “It was nice meeting you both.”

The flatness of her tone couldn’t have articulated the opposite meaning more clearly than if she’d spat on them.

“You have until the end of the week to think it over,” the lawyer called out a little desperately, and Elizabeth gave him the courtesy of stopping while he continued. “I suggest you exchange contact information and talk it over in a day or two. Maybe over coffee? And of course you know how to reach me.”

Richard sprang up. He couldn’t let her go without having some way of contacting her. He pulled out a business card from his wallet and shoved it in her direction.

“Here, just in case. It’s got my cell and e-mail.”

“I don’t have any cards on me,” she said, accepting his reluctantly.

“That’s okay, what’s your e-mail?” His fingertips hovered over his phone.

She rattled off a Gmail address he hoped she wasn’t making up on the spot. And then, after an awkward pause, she swooped down to retrieve her copy of the contract, and for a moment he caught a bird’s-eye view of those spectacular breasts. The next moment she was gone. Richard rolled his contract into a cylinder, batting it against his leg while saluting the lawyer ironically. By the time he reached the elevators, she was nowhere to be seen. He opted for the stairs so as to call Mike immediately.

THE TASK WAS done, but Jonathan Hertzfeld felt no sense of accomplishment for having completed it. He walked to the window of the conference room and looked down. The Century City Mall spread out below him, the crown jewel of the neighborhood, a giant outdoor maze lined with high-end shops like Armani, Coach, and Louis Vuitton. The mall’s food court was as elaborate as a food court could possibly be without becoming something better, but it always struck him as the block of cheese reserved at the center for the lucky rats that managed to find it. Usually he pitied the hordes that scurried below him. He had no taste for shopping, and was the rare attorney who enjoyed his job. He took old-fashioned pride in spending long hours inside his air-conditioned box on high, and had been doing so for forty years. But today he envied the vermin their simple pleasures. He rubbed his tie pin between his right thumb and middle finger, a fidgety habit from prep school days. Today, he would rather be anywhere but here.

The worst of it was that he was almost as clueless as the two young people who had just left him. He had no idea why his client had insisted on making this proposal. He had no idea how two perfect strangers had been selected, neither of whom was a family relation. He had simply been given two names and an assurance that there was a connection, along with a set of instructions. And he had done his duty to the letter, as always.

Elizabeth Santiago, at least, had been a pleasant surprise. Jonathan had liked her reserved manner and businesslike attire. He had been able to admire her dark, watchful eyes and pleasing figure without feeling unwholesome, the way he did when noticing more . . . obvious women. (One of the many pitfalls of aging was how easily he could be made to feel like a dirty old man.) He guessed that her quiet brand of comeliness went largely unobserved, and forty years ago this would have been enough for him to single her out from inside a crowd, to do whatever he could to make those serious features relax into a smile. (It had been enough, though the woman, of course, had been another.)

Richard Baumbach had left a less favorable impression. Jonathan knew it was an old-fashioned term, but despite Mr. Baumbach’s careless way of dressing, he had struck Jonathan as a “playboy,” one who would have been more in his element at a nocturnal social gathering surrounded by an adoring, mainly female crowd. Such men were no more likely to be good or bad men than others, but they didn’t interest him much, and he wondered if Miss Santiago felt the same way.

But what he really wondered was what his wife would have to say about it all. Jonathan didn’t usually take Rivka into his confidence on professional matters—she had more interesting things to think about, she liked to say—but every now and then he breached confidentiality when he felt it was necessary to his peace of mind. That evening, he told her everything while they were washing up the dishes. (They owned a state-of-the-art dishwasher, but preferred, much to their grown children’s amused disbelief, to wash up together by hand—a tradition dating back to the first years of their marriage.) Rivka cackled over the folly of the proposal and predicted with sadistic glee that it would do more to harm than help the supposed beneficiaries, should they be so idiotic as to accept it. Jonathan secretly agreed, but true to his profession he played devil’s advocate now for the sake of teasing out the argument:

“I’m sure it’s perfectly innocent. I can’t see what harm will come to them.”

Rivka shook her head impatiently, setting free a cluster of soap bubbles. “With that much money? Nothing’s innocent. You be careful, Jonathan.”

She pointed a knobby finger his way, and he grabbed hold of it, kissing its shiny tip.

“Little cynic,” he murmured, causing her to blush like a teenage girl, though she too was nearly sixty-five years old. Over time this phrase had become something of an endearment. “Nothing bad will happen, except more headaches for me.”

“The way they work you,” she grumbled.

Jonathan had given up reminding her he was no longer a bright-eyed young associate but his own boss now, with the luxury of choosing how hard he worked on any task. Rivka’s scrubbing turned vicious, and he paused in his drying to admire her as she continued:

“It’s too much! But you listen to me. Those two’d better forget it if they know what’s good for them. Whatever it is connects that boy and girl, it’s got to be some trick or else they’d know it from the start. It’s meddling, and no good ever comes from that, let me tell you.”

It was, Jonathan reflected, one of the tragedies of his life that he could never prove his wife wrong. So rather than pursue a hopeless argument, he opted to pop a tiny bubble that had landed on her wrinkled cheek, and kiss the soapy remains.

“Get back to work!” she scolded him.

“I thought you said I work too hard?”

“I take it back!”

For him, this was victory enough.