Abraham, 40–41n6
Adoptionism, 158
Age of the Father, 111–12, 118
Age of the Spirit, 111–12, 118, 124, 147–51
agnostics, 149
aitia, 173
Albigensians, 129
Alexandria, 121
Alexius I, Emperor, 104
allegorical interpretation, 110
Anabaptists, 131
Annunciation, 26
apocalyptic, 114–15
Apollinarianism, 63n1
apophatic theology, 151–52
Apostolic Faith Movement, 139
Arianism, 44–45, 47nn3–4, 136, 142nn2–3, 175
Aristotle, 61
Arius, 44, 47nn3–4, 60, 77, 174
Athanasius, 45, 46n1, 47n4, 77
atheists, 149
Athenagoras I, Patriarch, 80–81
authority, 12–14, 20, 131, 153, 166
avatars, for Holy Spirit, 26–27
baptism by the Spirit, 137, 138, 142n3
Basil of Caesarea, 39n1, 43–44, 46, 46n1, 47n6, 49, 59, 61, 153, 176
Bath Qol, 22–23
beards, 170
being, 176
belief, 119–20
Benedict VIII, Pope, 78–79, 82n3
Bennett, Dennis, 147
Bezalel, 22
bishop of Rome, 95
Bogomil churches, 129
Borromean rings, as visual symbol of Trinity, 113
bread, for communion, 170, 171
Browning, Robert, 107n8
Byzantine Empire, 91, 95, 96, 103, 122
Campbell, Joseph, 149
Cappadocian Fathers, 59–61, 133n1, 175
Cathars, 129
Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, 143n6
Charismatics, 30, 31n9, 70, 133n4, 145, 150, 154n1
children of Abraham, 124
Christian Science, 142n2
Church of the Latter-Day Saints, 31n8
circumcision, 52–53
Cistercians, 39n2
cloud, 25–26
confession, 91n1
consciousness studies, 31n7
Constantine, 44, 57, 60, 95, 174
Constantinople, 91, 95–96, 102–3, 104–5, 106, 121
consummation of all things, 114
convergence, 154n5
Cordoba, 130
Council of Chalcedon (451 CE), 123, 125n3, 159, 162, 163, 174
Council of Constantinople (First; 381 CE), 47n3, 57–60, 62, 74, 123, 161
Council of Constantinople (Second; 553 CE), 162, 163–64
Council of Constantinople (Third; 680 CE), 162, 164
Council of Ephesus (431 CE), 74, 159, 161, 162, 164
Council of Nicaea (First; 325 CE), 44, 47n3, 54, 57, 74, 96, 104, 158, 161, 174, 175
Council of Nicaea (Second; 787 CE), 162, 164–65
Council of Toledo (589 CE), 77, 79, 99–100
councils, 20, 100. See also ecumenical councils
Craddock, Fred, 41n8
credemus, 91
Crusades, 104–6
culture, and theology, 171
Dark Ages, 11
Deere, Jack, 147
Demetrius, Patriarch, 81
denominations, 90
dia, 173–74
Dickinson, Emily, 40n5
Didymus the Blind, 133n1
Diet of Worms, 132
doctrine, 54, 89–90, 91n1, 128, 148
Donation of Constantine, 102
dove, 26–27
Easter, dating of, 169
Eastern Orthodox Christianity, 10, 81, 159, 165, 170
opposition to filioque, 75–76, 78, 100, 105–6
East-West divide, 81, 93–97, 99, 104, 105, 160, 165. See also Great Schism
ecstasy vs. order, 14
ecumenical, as worldwide, 63
ecumenical councils, 161–67
ek, 174
Emergence Christianity, 70, 91n1, 94, 118, 119, 142n3, 147, 150–52, 166
enigma fidei, 33
Enlightenment, 119, 135, 142n1
Erasmus, 30n4
excommunication, of Eastern leaders, 103–4
faith, and Age of the Son, 118
fasting, 169
fear, in Age of the Father, 118
Feast of the Holy Trinity, 39n2
feasts and festivals, 169
Fermor, Patrick Leigh, 65–66
Fifth Ecumenical Council. See Council of Constantinople (Second; 553 CE)
filioque, 65–70, 71n2, 75–82, 83n5, 94, 96, 105–6, 165, 173, 174
and monotheism, 122
as moral fratricide, 99–100
First Ecumenical Council. See Council of Nicaea (First; 325 CE)
Fourth Ecumenical Council. See Council of Chalcedon (451 CE)
Franciscans, 131
freedom, of Age of the Spirit, 112, 146, 148
Gabriel, 26
gender-inclusive, 91n1
Gentiles, 52–53
Gnosticism, 129
God, as activity, 153
God-reverers, 52
Great Commission, 27
Great Decline and Fall, 11, 20, 163
Great Reformation, 10, 20, 90, 131–32, 136, 167n2
Great Schism, 10, 20, 78, 80, 91, 95, 96, 100–101, 151, 165, 171
Great Transformation, 11–12, 20, 157
Great Transition, 15n2
Gregory VI (antipope), 79, 82n3
Gregory of Nazianzus, 59, 61, 111–12, 155n7
Groot, Gerard, 128
Guerra, Elena, 143n6
H2O, as metaphor for Trinity, 35
Hazleton, Lesley, 123
Heidegger, Martin, 176
Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor, 78–79, 82n3
Henry of Nordliger, 128
holiness, 137
Holiness Movement, 137
Holy Roman Empire, 78–79
Holy Spirit
as dangerous member of Trinity, 13–14
discomfort with, 28
double procession of. See filioque
as fire, 152
as hovering over creation, 21, 114
as mysterious and disorienting force, 31n5
in Nicene Creed, 59
as person, 27–28
as power not person, 136
and understanding of Scripture, 132
as wild not tame, 115
homoiousios, 175
homophobia, 91n1
hope, vs. belief, 119
“horizontal transcendence,” 114
human breath, 94
Humbert, Cardinal, 101–3, 106n4
Hyphenateds, 91n1
hypostatic union, 166n1, 175–76
icons, veneration of, 164–65, 166
imagination, 93
immigration, 148
ineffable, communion with, 152
inerrancy, biblical, 142n1, 153
“inner Light,” 131
Innocent III, Pope, 129
Inquisition, 129
institutional Church, 148
interior experience, 73
Islam, 19–20, 121–23, 130, 149, 159, 164
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 142n2
Jerome, 96
Jerusalem Conference, 52–54, 63, 166
Jesus Christ
baptism of, 22
Jewishness and humanity of, 169
two natures of, 125n3
Jewish Passover, 169
Joachim of Fiore, 109–15, 116n5, 118–20, 121, 127–28, 131, 150, 170
Johannine Comma, 30n4
John Paul II, Pope, 81
Judaism, 154n3
post-Holocaust, 148
Reconstructionist movement within, 94
Julian of Norwich, 128
Justin Martyr, 124
kadosh, 36
Kashmir, 106
kataphatic theology, 151
Khomaikov, Alexei, 100
kingdom of God, 146
Latin language, 96
leadership, destabilized and decentered, 118
Leo IX, Pope, 80, 101–3, 106n4
Lim, Peter C. H., 133n6
literacy, 135–36
liturgical Christians, 28
liturgy, 67
Lollards, 131
love, and Age of the Spirit, 118
Luhrmann, Tanya, 154n2
Luther, Martin, 132, 133n2, 133n4, 142n1, 148
Lutheranism, 167n2
Maimonides, 40n6
Mass, 170
Massacre of the Latins, 105
Maximus of Tyre, 55n2
Maximus the Confessor, 123
Meister Eckhart, 128
Mesmer, Franz, 31n7
Messiah, ruach resting upon, 22
for Trinity, 35
Methodism, 137
Meyendorff, John, 83n5
miaphysite, 125n3
Michael (VII Ducas), Emperor, 104
Michael Cerularius, Patriarch, 80, 101–3
Missional mainliners, 154n5
Mobsby, Ian, 154n6
modalism, 35–36
modernization, 29–30
Molokans, 143n4
monolatry, 37
Monophysitism, 160
monotheism, 19
Muhammad on, 122–24
monothelitism, 164
Montanism, 45
Moyers, Bill, 149
Muhammad, 121–24
Munzerites, 131
Muslims, siege on Constantinople, 104–5
mystery, 152
of Eastern Orthodoxy, 166
in Islam, 149
nefesh, 94
Neo-monastics, 91n1
neshamah, 94
Nestorianism, 158–59, 162, 164
new covenant, as Age of the Son, 111, 112, 114
new kind of Christian, 118, 150, 154n4
New Thought, 31n8
Nicene Creed, 57–58, 59, 74, 76, 81, 165, 174
Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, 58, 75, 77
Nicholas, Saint, 47n4
Nicholas I, Emperor, 143n4
“nones,” 149
non-hierarchical experimentation, 148
North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation, 81
Obama, Barack, 116n5
Oblate Sisters of the Holy Spirit, 143n6
Odo of Deuil, 107n9
old covenant, as Age of the Father, 111, 112, 114
openness, of Emergence Christianity, 148
Origen, 176
papal infallibility, 107n10
Parham, Charles F., 137–39, 141, 143n6
Paul VI, Pope, 80–81
Paul of Samosata, 60, 158, 175
Paul of Tarsus, 53
Pentecostalism, 20, 30, 31n9, 46, 70, 138, 141, 145, 150, 154n1
“peri-,” 130
peri-Emergence, 29–30, 31n8, 137, 142n2, 143n6, 147
peri-Great Decline and Fall, 130
peri-Great Schism, 130
peri-Transition, 130
Persia, 122
Peter III of Antioch, 104
Peter Lombard, 110–11
Piper, John, 40n4
Plato, 124
Platonism, 55n2
pneuma, 176–77
Porter, Martha, 47n6
post- everything, 120
prelates, 14
Presbyterianism, 167n2
Progressive Evangelicals, 154n5
Progressive Roman Catholics, 154n5
prophets, inspiration of, 22
propositional faith, 120
Protestantism, 10, 90, 106, 131
psychobiology, 31n7
Quakerism, 142n3
Qur’an, 123
rabbinic Judaism, 122
religionless Christianity, 30, 31n9
Renewalists, 154n1
Richard the Lionhearted, 116n5
Robeck, Cecil M., Jr., 143n5
Roman Catholicism, 10
Rome, 91, 95–96, 101, 103, 121
Ruysbroek, John, 128
Sabellianism, 110
saint calendars, 170
Samson, 22
Sasanian Persian Empire, 122
schisms, 80–82
Scripture, authority of, 132
second blessing, 137
Second Ecumenical Council. See Council of Constantinople (First; 381 CE)
Second Vatican Council, 80, 85–86
sees, in Christendom, 121
Seventh Ecumenical Council. See Council of Nicaea (Second; 787 CE)
Seymour, William J., 139–40, 143n6, 146
Shema, 23n1
siddur, 94
Siecienski, A. Edward, 82n1
Sixth Ecumenical Council. See Council of Constantinople (Third; 680 CE)
sola scriptura, 132, 135, 142n1, 153
Sophronius, 164
Sozzini, Fausto Paolo, 136
space, as metaphor for Trinity, 35
Spain, Islam in, 130
spirit, 93, 94, 176. See also Holy Spirit
“spiritual but not religious,” 19, 29–30, 31n9, 46, 70, 128, 150
spiritual gifts, 137
Stendahl, Krister, 117–18
subjectivity, 29, 31n7, 73, 149
Suso, Henry, 128
symbols, for Holy Spirit, 26, 27
Symeon the New Theologian, 62
Synod of Tyre (335 CE), 47n3
Tauler, John, 128
Textus Receptus, 30n4
Theosophy, 31n8
Third Ecumenical Council. See Council of Ephesus (431 CE)
Thomas à Kempis, 128
tintack, 65–66
Torah, 55n5
Transfiguration, 25
Trinity, 13, 20, 23, 60, 62, 158, 175
biological thinking about, 124, 152–53
as inexplicable mystery, 19–20, 33–40
inter-penetration and intimacy of, 176
Luther on, 133n2
Muslim objections to, 125n6
not found explicitly in Scripture, 30n4
progressive revelation of, 111–12
Thomas Aquinas on, 133n3
visual symbols of, 113
tritheism, 62
Turks, 105
Unitarianism, 31n8, 136, 142n2
universalism, 150
Urban II, Pope, 104
Vandals, 104
Vedantic philosophy, 148
Vulgate, 96
Waldensians, 129
Ware, Metropolitan Kallistos, 167n2
Weber, Max, 82n4
Wesley, John, 136–37
Wesleyanism, 137
Western Christianity, 76, 100, 160, 165, 166. See also East-West divide
William of St. Thierry, 33–34, 39, 41n10
wisdom, 22
worship, ecstatic and experiential, 137
Wycliffe, John, 131
Zoroastrianism, 122