For the Lion, Robert A. Brewer

the co-author of this book from the Alpha to the Omega

who transmitted it to me through the wakefulness of his sleep, on a higher level of awareness, spanning Time and Distance, until it was conceived within the sleep of my wakefulness . . . then grew into his likeness . . . and was born at its full term in the form of words, which left me then, as now, with but little conscious memory of their shaping.

as always .... also for

Robert and Annette Kemery — and Pauline Goodman

and my own four elves

Sally ... Bill .. . Jill ... and Michael

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there is

out there


a golden haired and magical messenger of the gods, named Victor Z.

who is from the OOber galaxy of stars, by way of Mars

a galactic poet and sculptor of truth, who knew that I would write this book

and when and why — what it would tell — and much more too

long before I ever guessed or knew

and the light shineth in the darkness

and the darkness comprehended it not

John 1:5

I believe that he — or that part of him who knew

has returned to his own asteroid . . .

so I take this way of telling him that I do know now

yes, I know who

and also when . . . and how

why it took so long for me to learn . . .

and to let him know, in druid talk that the Little Prince will soon return

"If some people think Love and Peace is a cliche that should have been left behind in the '60's, that's their problem. Love and Peace are eternal."

John Lennon December, 1980

I would like to thank

Sam O. Goodman

without whom I could not have channeled this book for he spent many patient hours helping me look within myself, for answers


Ruth Cook

who does not know the exact time of her birth but who definitely has her Moon in Sagittarius . because she believes in telling the Truth so help you God — even though it may kill you

Aaron Goldblatt

A Sun Sign Sagittarian, who also preaches and teaches that one should tell the Truth, no matter how much it hurts

even about the carelessness of St. Peter . . . and who reminded me, from time to time

not to forget my rhyme and meter

Nona Stodart

an Aquarian apostle of druidic Oneness with Nature

and devoted protector of Francis of Assisi's beloved birds

who taught me that Truth must be discovered alone

in silence before it can be shared with others

through words


Dr. Charles Muses whose wisdom never fails

a special acknowledgement to him . . .

he, who said:

'suffer the little ones to come unto me

and forbid them not for of such as these ... is the kingdom"

and a bushel of bunny hugs


Toby and Wendi

because in such as these small druids

. . are the teeny-tiny seeds of magic planted to grow into tomorrow's kingdom of miracles on Earth . . . even as it is in Heaven

it it if it if

also for


it it

it Com Com druids it


John Rehus i^ Ruth Davitt i^ Christopher Hickey

if it it if

and their leprechaun helpers Tina Berg, Jerome Tauber, Michael Dichysyn, Alice Wimmer who waved their magic wands with awesome efficiency and saintly patience if it

if it


"... the writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not the master — something that, at times, strangely wills and works for itself.

Be the work grim or glorious, dread or Divine, you have little choice . . . but quiescent adoption. Your share in it has been to work passively under dictates you neither delivered not could question — which would not be uttered at your prayer, nor suppressed at your caprice.

If the result be attractive, the world will praise you, who little deserve praise; if it be repulsive, the same world will blame you, who almost as little deserve blame.

He wrought with rude chisel, and from no model but the vision of his meditations."

Charlotte Bronte as Currer Bell

from her description of the work, Wuthering Heights, written by her sister, Emily Bronte, under the pen name of Ellis Bell, in 1847

Spring owes me something

so far, she's pulled off a few splendid sparklers a plump, rosy angel, who stayed for awhile a make believe tree house and once, a shiny gold ring

but not a real Sky-Rocket-Block-Buster Miracle like she always promised . . .

maybe this year, unexpectedly

from The Song of the Ram

Linda Goodman's Love Poems published by Harper & Row

for those curious reviewers and readers who will inevitably question whether or not this work is autobiographical the answer is : partly yes, and partly no

I found this tale told itself more smoothly by using the first person narrative form

the events themselves did actually occur and are as real as the paper of the page you now hold in your hands but . . to whom did they occur ?

it shouldn't matter about whom the truth is written as long as what is written is truth

so never mind who !

this book may — or may not — have been written about me but it very well may have been written

about you

it is properly classified by its author as fiction because the dictionary defines fiction as . .

an invention of the imagination

of course ! isn't Life ? isn't Love ? isn't Death ? isn't everything on Earth, in reality

an invention of the imagination ?

it is

and that simple, unguessed mystery of magic is what this book is really all about

the simple secret of all magic and wonder each of you once knew yourselves when you were gods and goddesses

possessing great powers you have too long forgotten

L. G.