. . . our Mother Who Art in Heaven !"

"it is . . and you see how easy it is

for the children to image this healing Light

when they are lovingly shown the way

for, as has been stated

the Third Eyes of children are still open both spiritually

and medically — the pineal gland

is still soft and malleable . . therefore what you say

is as logical as can be"

"oh, bless those lovely people, whoever they are who first thought of treating the children and healing them in this way !"

"as has been already said . .

the Garden which will burst into flower

One Fine Day will be seeded by yourself . . also by your own Twin S-elf . . and by many others too for each has his or her own mission in this dawning of the golden Age of Aquarius"

"and, then, when true Twin Selves find each other again to once more unite ..."

"they return to Love and Light

and may then, if certain laws are followed

learn how to retain their Body Temples as long as they wish

and travel through Space to the other Eden-heavens then return periodically to Earth to help their not-yet-enlightened brothers and sisters through the magical alchemy of the miracle known as Ascension but these secrets will be revealed unto you at the allotted time

all you need know at present

is that the translation called Ascension

is accomplished through Love and Light as One"

"and when they attempt to translate through hate ?"

"they cannot translate through hate the energy vibration of hate

will not permit humans to negate each other's imperfections into purity they may use the Third Energy force to translate only through Love — never through hate

as has been taught by Jesus, of Nazareth

resist ye not evil for, to resist evil — or any polarity — is wrong"

"but to lead it into the Light . . "

"this is right"

"if all this is true . . .

if we should all love one another equally

and resist not evil

then what about the group sexual coupling

of Heinlein's Martian, Michael Valentine

that promiscuous stranger . . in a strange land ?

so many people believe today

that group sex — even if the group numbers only three

is right and healthy and progressive

they even teach it as therapy

and lately — the commercials on television

actually promote and encourage the life style of menage a trois

I know this is wrong . . but with all this emphasis

on 'loving one another as brothers and sisters'

and 'sharing love unselfishly'

Canto Twenty ^T 989

I can't seem to find the words which will prove it wrong"

"to love all alike . . friends, enemies and strangers

yes, this is truly good and right

but the physical blending or union is different

the current pattern of pornography encouraging sexual promiscuity is the most dangerous negative energy upon your planet today — for it debases Love it attacks and distorts the great eternal Truth of Oneness

remember that the sexual ecstasy of physical intimacy between true Twin Selves — is achieved only following the harmony of first blending the three necessary parts

of Love's Trinity the Mental . . . Emotional . . . and Spiritual in exquisite culmination

recall the Snowflake, split in half, eons ago each identical Twin Snowflake half of an T or '0' . . . unique . . and like no other in all Universes

when these two Snowflake halves are joined

there is created an image . . or a picture . . of great beauty

then imagine countless of these snowflake pieces, split in two which is very like unto

a jig-saw picture puzzle, as you earlier pointed out

and one may only successfully complete the puzzle thereby creating a picture of unimaginable, indescribable beauty by slowly and carefully trying each piece against the other and very gradually, then . . fitting them all together

each piece . . where it belongs

there is only one spot, one place . . each piece will fit and this must be done slowly . .

one piece at a time in the attempt to complete the picture

but if the pieces are continually scattered carelessly

thoughtlessly and promiscuously

then a final whole and complete rainbow of beauty

will never be found the electromagnetic energy of mating between those who truly love . . as has already been stated contains such glory and mystery

and as yet unguessed power that the resulting combined aura

990 <& Canto Twenty

reaches through Time and Space like a beam of brilliant LIGHT

becoming the signal for each T and *0'

who seek such a birth channel . . who are waiting

to be born into the vibration of Love . . .

therefore, this kind of pure sexual blending

is of ultimate and vital importance to the survival of your planet

one must not condemn those well-intended men and women who are trying slowly, as best they can . . to fit together two mis-matched and mis-mated jigsaw pieces

of Love's puzzle and repeatedly fail . . but keep trying

whereas, those who use pornography to seduce humans

into indulging in promiscuous mating

by inciting and arousing them to seek only selfish sensuality

motivated merely by lust lacking all tenderness and innocence

are producing thought forms of great harm

the pornographers are condemned by the righteous anger

of RA himself. . . and by Her also

for they perpetuate Earth's long dark night of the soul

in many ways . . only one of these being

to create birth channels which allow unwanted infants

to enter Earth . . and soon become pathetic statistics on your planet'

"you mean like the over two hundred thousand babies and small children . . who were recently beaten

sexually abused . . or killed in just one single year . . in Los Angeles county alone ?"

"yes, two hundred thousand beaten, abused or killed small ones — during such a brief period of time and in only one mere county upon your Earth

is a number which represents the destruction of a vast amount of Innocence

and the pronographers also produce

those thought forms which also eventually lead

to the creation of sexual birth channels

of the kind which allow the lower-evolved entities

some even from outside this Universe to enter into Earth's dimensional level these being attracted, you see, by the dull-red auras surrounding those who couple only in lust"

"but what about the First Amendment Law

protecting those pornographers . . should it be allowed to do so ?'

Canto Twenty -fr 991

"it should indeed — and those who legally protect the right of evil to exist, alongside of Truth those Earthlings who protect the legal privileges

of Satan-Set . . to tempt are performing a righteous service to all humanity

for it is not man-made law which has the power

to halt the spread of darkness

therefore, it is wrong and misguided to abolish laws

which do also protect the Truth

those Laws which protect the right of Light and Love

to also grow and teach Earthlings to know . . and so

your man-made Laws of Enlightenment

such as your Constitution's First Amendment

must be cherished — and continually protected from

extinction therefore, those who do defend the First Amendment Rights of the pornographers perform a good and worthy service"

"that sounds so much like a chaotic non sequitur

how can it be good and right

to defend the very ones who constitute one of the major causes

of the possibly approaching major Earth-changes and awful cataclysms

which may entirely destroy our planet ?"

"as has been stated . . your man-made laws

do not possess the power to stop the spread of darkness

they do possess, however, the power to protect

the shining of the Light of Truth upon such darkness

the punishment of the ones who do spread evil whether it be the evil of pornography

or of material greed — or of dangerous nuclear, hydrogen and cobalt

experimentation and use

is the punishment of those who offend Innocence and shall come from a Higher Power for, as Jesus did warn most seriously, in his time when it comes to those who do offend

the Innocence of little children meaning small in size . . as well as the innocent men and women, who contain within still . . their childhood . . . Faith

... to offend these 'small children' of all ages who hold the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is a grave sin

992 ^T Canto Twenty

the inescapable punishment of which shall be

so horrifying that, in the words of the Nazarene it would better for these offenders of Innocence that they should be drowned, with a millstone

'round their necks . . but they shall not be given such a relatively easy way out of their offenses unless they are halted . . before it is too late

no, the First Amendment is not what actually protects

your pornographers — they are protected, truly

by those Governors and Presidents . . blind politicians

Hollywood film stars . . and misguided major authors

who allow their names and power to be used

within the pages of darkness . . thereby enticing

the others who protect it in actuality

.... those men and women who purchase such magazines'

"then . . promiscuous grokking around really does short-circuit the Soul ?"

"speaking electromagnetically, this is true"

"then . . I suppose that, instead of hating

Robert Heinlein I should have just told him to . . go smell a rose ?"

"this Earthling author

in addition to writing Stranger in a Strange Land

which so offended you has also written other books of great value causing men's and women's imaginations to grow and to gradually know . . and so he fulfilled his earthly mission with sensitivity therefore, he should not only be forgiven he should be thanked as well"

"now I must make one more drawing because I left out some important things in each of the others"

"please do — and I am quite sure

that your new drawing will be nearly complete"

"only nearly

"this is what I have said, yes"

"well, whatever . . here it is

I've tried to remember everything you've taught me

Canto Twenty ^T 993

is it allright ?"

"it is very clear

Gooober will be quite proud of you

for all you have learned on this night

now your drawing is nearly complete

and very beautiful, if I may be allowed to say so'

"well, I guess Leonardo da Vinci

would not feel threatened

it is really quite amateurish, of course'

"not at all — you are mistaken

it is a beautiful drawing . . simply because

its purpose has been accomplished

that purpose being to make something . . clear

no one would comprehend that more than da Vinci

for, whether your Earthling Leonardo

was painting the Mona Lisa . . or the Last Supper

or creating one of his own drawings

through a multitude of inexplicable, scribbled sketches

his purpose was to attempt to make

a particular idea or thought form of energy . . clear

in actuality, if da Vinci were here

or to reverse the phrase — if da Vinci were here

in actuality he would most certainly agree with me for, how do you know he didn't create this drawing

himself ?"

"how could that possibly be ?"

"through you . . you see ?

"through me ?'

"by using your Mind as a channel to express in whatever Temple, far or near in which his individual '0' currently resides for this was truly the sort of sketch he did best when he was searching for an initial concept to prepare himself to create a painting

of deep beauty and mystery such as Mona Lisa's mysterious smile . . . a lovely secret which you will be taught, in a short while meanwhile, I suspect you have had some help in creating your drawing — in an astral sense — from another"

994 ^r Canto Twenty


Canto Twenty # W5

"I guess that might be true, because a friend of mine

named Roland, who is artistically talented — once taught me to sketch

and I suppose, he could have been channelling me . . .

by the way, like Gooober, Roland is a Leo"

"how very interesting ! a friend named Roland ?

when you lexigram the name Leonardo

it contains the letters of the word Leo . . and also

the name Roland therefore, with a sense of cosmic humor you might consider signing your drawings

after you awaken

with the name Leonardo"

"oh, no ! I couldn't do such a thing !

anyone who might someday later see them

would think that I had insulted and besmirched the name

of a great and important genius"

"when will you begin to refrain from being burned by this habit pattern you too often display of being so unnecessarily concerned

with what other people say ?

what innocent-wise Earthlings say

will forever-and-a-day be positive and true

just as what fearful and blinded Earthlings say

will continue to be negative and false

until the innocent-wise ones convert them

to what is true"

"I am reminded . . suddenly

that Gooober always taught me

it's not what people say that matters . . it's what people do"

"he is, indeed, a wise teacher

for, those who cruelly criticize the good intent of others are the very ones who are deeply frustrated . . because they can only say — but have not yet learned

to do

your channeled drawings would be understood by da Vinci himself

for he is intensely aware, I can assure you of the glorious importance of a sense of humor because a 'sense' of humor . . as da Vinci was one of your first Earthlings to perceive is the beginning seed of the sense of balance

996 ^r Canto Twenty

and the sense of perception

both of which are, verily . . necessary facets

of artistic conception

as well as written expression

therefore, the one who held the pen

and applied it to paper — should recognize the helper

not being overly concerned with the f-act of the matter

for, f-acts are those over-rated fragments

still casting clouds over the Third Eye, here on your Earth

there is a distinct difference between f-actual

and truth you would be wise to ponder this

I believe it was one of your Earthling actresses called Ruth Gordon . . she who possessed

a truly divine sense of humor and was a most perceptive woman

who observed . .

'to get it right, be born with luck

or make your own — never give up

a little money helps, but what really gets it right

is to never — under any circumstances — face the facts'"

"Ruth Gordon, of course !

she starred in the popular cult film, Harold and Maude

one of my favorites and she was right, because the word 'fact' lexigrams into 'act' indicating that facts are actors playing a masked role on the stage of Life

. . . beyond the fiction of Fact . . . lies Truth ?"

"also remember that . . .

eman sih dengis tsitra taerg siht

sdrawkcab gnihtyreve etorw dna, you see"

"what did you say ?"

"I said that da Vinci always signed his name and wrote everything else — backwards"

"he wrote backwards ?"

"sdrawkcab gnihtyreve etorw dna eman sih dengis

eh, sey or mirror-reversed, this is true and if odranoeL had been taught, as a child

Canto Twenty ^T 997

by your present day educational system

he would never have become the great genius and artist

your Earth now recognizes him to have been

for you see . .

the left and right hemispheres of the brain should properly function as a harmonious whole . . and all Avatars and Adepti are, therefore, able to write 'backwards' with both hands at once, in opposite directions

one should always write communicative language away from the s-elf . . and never toward the s-elf and this is obviously reversed for left-handed people whose natural tendency is to write outwards

or away from the s-elf and correctly so

which only appears to be backwards to the right-handed human yet is normal and healthy for the left-handed

when a left-handed child is forced to write in the wrong directioD it creates serious problems of introversion to be conquered just as the same would be created in a right-handed person who was forced to write backwards — or toward the s-elf

some interesting and helpful experiments

relating to the right and left facets of the human conception

have been noted in a book called

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by your Earthling author, Betty Edwards .... of course, no book existing on your planet today contains all the amazing actualities concerning this subject . . . each contains but a part, such as the Edwards observations which are most enlightening, to be sure

but . . there is much more to be learned"

"yes, and I want very much to learn it all"

"you shall . . but for now, let's glance again

at your last drawing ... in looking at it, what do you find ?"

"I find one thing which still puzzles me"

"ask and learn"

"I believe I understand

why I reversed the other initials here

which symbolize the feminine Goddess . . and others

but why did I mirror-reverse . . in my earlier drawings

the initials which represent the Universal Mind

and print them as M U — instead of U M ?"

"actually, it was unexpectedly perceptive of you to print those initials, reversed, as M U for, this relates to the lost continent

also known as Lemuria

which was destroyed, through no fault of its own

near the time that Atlantis was inundated

and the 3rd and 4th letters of Lemuria

contained the secret wisdom of that once fair land ....

... the 3rd and 4th letters of Lemuria

as a matter of actual verity

symbolize, in druid language . . all the wisdom

of that fair and innocent land

that peaceful and gentle . . . Garden of the Gods

this mystery contained

within the secrets of the druidic alphabet

you will very soon be learning . .

and so, the M U was the mystery of Lemuria's Innocence which is why they called the Truth they taught by the name of MANNU

and also why the Lemurian Priests who spread its Love and the Lemurian Priestesses who spread its Light were called 'Mannus' and 'Mannas' for reasons you will soon recall . . completely"

"is this why the Ute Indian tribes, in Colorado called their God-of-Gods by the name of Manitou ?"

"it is — however, an extremely vital

and damaging mistake

has been made, in spelling the word Manitou

with only one 'n' instead of two

for the correct form of power is spelled 'Mannitou

and the vibrations of the spelling of words

are, relating to numerology, of unrealized importance

you should also be forewarned and informed that it would be wise, in the future to always use the capital letter '0' in the word pOem as well as in the words pOet and pOetry

and there is another truth you should know

the name of the town you so love, called Cripple Creek

is the very cause of all its past and present troubles

for this name, as you are well aware

does vibrate with all the negative thought forms

of lust and greed . . and bleak despair

and only by changing its name

may this area regain its rightful glory of long ago

for the gold which is buried there

has deeper mystery and meaning than is presently suspected

and the time is swiftly approaching

when the essence of Fool's Gold will engage in conflict

once more . . in this area

with the mystical and powerful alchemy meaning

of Gold and its citizens must make a choice

of far-reaching and momentous importance concerning all this" "oh, Heathcliffe, you surely must know

that such a decision on the part of those City Fathers would nearly take a force as strong as an earthquake"

"perhaps RA will see that this does occur"

"you surely can't mean that an earthquake is destined or ordained for my flying mountains !"

"I speak not of a Nature cataclysm

for the land which lies in the benevolent shadow

of the Sangre de Cristo mountain range

will be among those areas which shall offer haven

should other parts of your planet

need to be more severely awakened

I speak, instead of an earthquake of Love and Light in the hearts of — not those City Fathers but first in the hearts of those City Mothers who are even now beginning to see the Light

and to inwardly know how to lead the men they love out of the woods where they have so long been lost in hunting and killing . . and dissipation for it is the feminine T in each woman there who will teach gently . . all the children

along with the City Fathers how one may wisely open the Third Eye"

"now that would be a miracle

truly — to end all miracles, I do believe"

"truly believe — and it shall be

have Faith, not hope — and you will see

that each citizen there will very soon

learn the difference between brass and gold"

I "Heath, you have made me remember the strangest thing . . . 'when I once said, in frustration, to Gooober | in our little crooked house, in Colorado . . . 'oh, Goob ! what in the world are we doing here ?'

he answered me | in what was, I thought, a very negative way for he simply said, with that faint smile of his

'waiting for the cataclysms' . . then came over

kissed me on the nose, and said 'magic !'

and this has always . . somehow, greatly troubled me"

"your Higher S-elf can sometimes be — quite dense

for your teacher was not referring

to a Nature earthquake

as he tried to show you when he said 'magic !'

he was, not wishing, but ordaining

through the power of the '0' of his Higher S-elf

an earthquake of Love and Light

in all hearts there — and just as a Nature quake

opens up the ground so will such a Human Nature quake open up the long sealed shut Third Eyes of the people'

"yes, I have been quite blind

to have, for all this time, believed

that Gooober would be guilty of imaging

such a negative thought form

oh, I miss him so . . when when will he return ?"

"there are two more lessons you must learn before you can expect your teacher's return and of course, you must also complete Part One of your Happiness pOem . . as you know

the first lesson you must learn is another fragment of Truth"

"what is this last Truth I must see ?"

"not the last — only one of the last, for the present and this concerns a release"

"a release ? I don't understand"

"within the Body Temple of the Carousel Bill you loved before . . and a part of whom you recognized and knew when your teacher's eyes of silvery-wise

Canto Twenty -fr 1001

first gazed on you . . . . . . within this Temple of the Carousel Bill . . he entertained strangers

let us say, visitors . . who were not all friendly

and one of these unfriendly visitors

persuaded the Mind connected to this Body Temple

to be, at times, weak — and to hurt

and finally, tragically, to drown in a vodka ocean

this visiting entity was a piece of another O's Soul

not yet evolved into wisdom as was the true Owner of that former Temple .... called Bill and you did call that unfriendly visiting stranger back

once more

into the present Temple you love ... as Goober

it's Owner-Overself '0' being the same

as the one your recognized and knew — the one

who so wanted to heal but who was prevented from healing, in the former Temple by this very visiting stranger you once more recalled"

"I called back — I recalled, into Gooober's Temple this very same unfriendly entity

who visited the him-of-him before ? oh ! how could I ever have done such a thing ?"

"by your old dreams — through remembering

and re-living all your old fears . . from earlier years

which once before fed and activated

and motivated this visitor — or Soul piece and did not help it evolve — even then

when it was a guest in that former Temple of the Carousel Bill for it truly did not belong there but you encouraged this stranger to remain by feeding it with your fearing of the shadows of fears"

'it did not belong there

"no, it did not — nor does it belong in the present Temple

guided by the wise '0' you call Gooober

the same Higher Overself as before . . who still desires

to heal this stranger-entity .... or Soul piece needs a different kind of Body Temple in which to continue growing toward eventual Light this lower-evolved piece of another Soul during a Saturn-Seven-cycle formerly wandered into the wrong house, so to speak

1002 ft Canto Twenty

and in this new Temple of the familiar one

you loved, and lost, then found again

that entity again became an unwelcome guest, you see

preventing the same wise Overself-Owner

once more . . from healing and even more importantly standing as a wall . . between your sacred Oneness"

"oh, Heathcliffe ! what can I do ?

what can I do about this visiting stranger

I recalled unknowingly into Gooober's Temple ?"

"what do you mean

"this visiting stranger no longer resides there" ?"

"this new Body Temple of the one you have always loved

who was — and is — verily, your own Twin S-elf

is made from a finer etheric substance

than that from which his former Temple was fashioned

his present flesh body — its cells and genes

having been directly inherited

from what has been termed the House of David

or the Body Temple of David although . .

there are many other Overself 'O's also presently manifesting in bodies likewise inherited from David

due to the need for more Temples or bodies of finer etheric substance

during this Aquarian Age

so that healing may be swiftly demonstrated

and age-reversal . . cell regeneration . . and other miracles

this is why there are multiple bodies on Earth today

descended — quite literally

and in actual verity — from the House of David

from that finer Temple and the one you love

who is an eternally inseparable part of your own S-elf presently resides in such a Body Temple therefore, could not long entertain such an entity so foreign to his own inner nature

and of necessity — did cast out that visiting stranger

from his flesh Temple . . some time ago

for its presence was causing him

to become mentally, emotionally . . and physically ill

and dangerously close

to becoming spiritually ill as well"

"you mean . . a fallen angel ?"

Canto Twenty ^T L003

"I do — and his own '0' then so ordained that this entity be cast out during his recent Saturn-Seven-cycle which created much physical pain . . emotional suffering and mental anguish . . in the process"

"oh, I am so sorry, so sorry

will he ever forgive me

for all the pain and suffering I've unthinkingly caused him ?'

"need you ask this ? he — who taught forgiveness to you ?

"yes, I know . . . within myself, I know he has already forgiven me but — where did this poor, lost entity go ? where is this visiting stranger now ?"

"because the one you love does not control the All

but only his own powers, which are great — but not All

he had no control over the New Temple

the entity he cast out might then choose . . . therefore

that visiting stranger logically sought — and found

a similar, nearly identical Temple

as the one from which the exodus was made"

"and . . this 'double' or look-alike

then came to me, falsely — as Gooober himself ?"

"yes — for what you should, by now, recognize

as reasons related to the Universal Law of magnetic attraction

this could not be avoided, due to Free Will

but also, this occured for other temporal, complex causes

of conspiracy, among humans, on a political level

related to Gooober's trip on a ship

those who believed they were movers in the chess game

they played, regarding your relationship

but who were, in reality, only RA's pawns, you see "

"what you are saying

is not yet completely clear to me"

"the one you love, after casting out this Soul piece which then entered, at a Saturn-Seven-cycle another Temple of nearly identical appearance . . .

was unable to then control what occured . . because of the Free Will of the Owner-Overself of the new Temple chosen by the cast out visiting stranger or Soul piece

for, in this new Temple

that lost and wandering piece of another Soul

found itself to also not be at home or welcome

1004 ft Canto Twenty

and in frustrated anger did subtly incite the '0' of this new Temple so similar in appearance to Gooober to become once more entangled in your Karma and that of the one you love by becoming an actcr on the stage of the drama of your relationship

in ways which are too complex, on both a spiritual

and a temporal level to explain at present"

"it is . . becoming more clear"

"then continue to listen — and truly hear so that you may grow to know the terrible destiny of travail which was nearly not avoided"

" . . he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends . . "

"did you make a comment ?"

"no, I was just . . remembering something . . from the Bible"

"and since that lost stranger entity piece of Soul is no more at home where it presently resides than it was in the previous two Temples it therefore . . needs to be released

even from its present residence"

"Heathcliffe, I knew

it was a different man . . I knew, I truly did !

and is Gooober, then, proud of me

for this knowing ?"

"of course . . for it shows how swiftly

you are now growing would you not be equally proud of him if he passed the same test of Love's identity involving you ?"

"involving . . me ?

oh, yes, I would . . because . . what did you say ?


are you trying to say that an identical Body Temple to my own was sent to him . . as some sort of a karmic test ? since he has been away ? is that what you are trying to say ?"

"I believe this is a truth which should be confirmed

or denied — as the case may be

by your own Twin S-elf . . and not by me"

"if such a terrible, terrible thing happened

he just BETTER have passed his test too !

oh ! he just BETTER have passed it, do you hear ?"

"I beg your pardon ? did you speak ?"

"I said . . he . . I mean . . well, that is . . "

"did you say something ?"

"what I meant to say is . . well if such a terrible temptation came also to Gooober I know he would have passed his karmic test just as I passed my own . . wouldn't he ?"

"are you asking me a question ?"

"NO ! I am not asking you I am telling you — that I know this is true Gooober would have passed his test too the same as I"

"but of course ! you are Twins in your strengths as well as in your weaknesses such as . . your momentary doubting just now your briefly wavering candleglow of Faith

in the voice of your own T

he has experienced moments

of similar torment . . and testing from his Higher '0' he has lived through ... his own Gethsemane and you must not ever forget this . . again"

'I won't — oh, I promise I won't !

"now that the one you love is free of this uninvited-by-him visiting entity if that entity could be now released

from its present Temple to continue on its own path toward soul evolvement the man you love would then be free

as he has never been free before

for, even in its present Body Temple

so startlingly similar to the Temple of Gooober himself

this visitor is still lost, confused . . and not at home

and there is always the danger . . that this stranger

may once again attempt to enter

the Body Temple of the one you love

during Gooober's next Saturn-Seven-cycle period

for, negative events which have once

been set into motion

sometimes continue their reflections repeatedly . . . like ripples in a stream"

"and all this was originally created . . or caused . . by me ?"

"by your confusing of a negative thought form

with a true dream for, they were not real dreams, in any actual sense but merely Night Mare dreams of no substance

and the difference between Night Mare dreams of un-reality seeded by the subtle and sinister Unicorn with its phallic symbol horn of the deceptive Uni-sex and the singing dreams of inspiration and true prophecy borne to the Soul upon the wings of Pegesus

falsely spelled as Pegasus

may always be detected quite simply, you see

by the negative quality of the former

and the joyful positive quality of the latter"

"then people should neither fear — nor repeat to others

their 'bad dreams' — ever

for these are not actually or truly shadows of events to come ?"

"only if they insist upon clinging to them concentrating upon them — and telling them to others

then they will surely come true for, that which one fears — and believes whether good or evil, false or true

will absolutely manifest — in Time

if one fears, therefore believes in — a bad dream

one will set into tragic eternal motion

all of its dark shadows . . like the repeated

and ever larger circles in a quiet stream

as has already been stated

and the false reality of such thought forms, then

will eventually grow into giants of actuality

within the material world of matter

this clearly demonstrated by the Unicorn

whose mystery Earthlings remain unable to fathom

Canto Twenty ^T 1007

for, the Unicorn is a powerful force for deception

in that dark world of sleep . . . called the nether regions

you will be taught and given more proof at the allotted time

of the intent . . and history of the clever Unicorn suffice it for the present to say that you must never spell the name of 'Pegesus' with an 'a', as in the false Pegasus

for this lie too, has been seeded through

woman's Earthling consciousness, coiling itself

around the still-sleeping mind

in order to make impotent the glorious powers

of this winged creature, Pegesus — designed by RA

to cause the Spirit to awaken to its mission

and this black magic may be invisibly implemented

through the deep mystery of the druidic alphabet

as you already know . . to a great degree

but must still learn more

as for now . . you must recognize

that, when your teacher known as Gooober

told you that your dreams of spring are the true reality

he meant only those dreams of Spring's soft sunlight

and happy prophecy not the nightmare dreams of darkness which are as false as false can be and may only be translated into realtiy through the powerful negative Act of Faith, called Fear

confusing these nightmares

with the dreams of true reality

is symbolized by the present and deliberate confusion

between the Unicorn and the rescuing Pegesus

through the subtle numerological distortion

of changing one simple letter of the alphabet

and transforming this winged spirit of awakening

into Pegasus, you see"

"is the true identity and origin

of the word 'nightmare', then — the Unicorn ?"

"verily, verily, it is — this is true, without equivocation the Unicorn's true name is the Night Mare

over this twilight world, he reigns supreme

and is often painted or depicted near a sleeping maiden

who embraces him, in her innocence . . and ignorance

for the Unicorn's midnight mission has ever been 1008 ft Canto Twenty

to lull . . and to keep . . each feminine T asleep

and unaware . . . unawakened

to the glory of her true destiny and hidden powers

wears he, the Unicorn, always . . garlands of flowers around his neck . . but these have no fragrance and are worn but to disguise his true intent to attact and seduce the sensitive Soul of Woman into his hypnotic, mesmerizing twilight world

of Soul-sleep

it is karmically and obviously appropriate that the Unicorn is seen today upon your planet Earth everywhere one goes . . in paintings, posters calendars . . books, sculptures — and so forth depicted in tender pastel colors . . of ethereal beauty

like swiftly multiplying cells or baobob seeds

are these sly and deceptive images of the Unicorn

rising forth to oppose the explosion of new freedom

which calls to all feminine T sleeping goddesses

to awaken ! and come forth unto their unsuspected powers"

"how upsetting this will be to all those people

who love and collect all kinds of Unicorn images

when they learn of it . . they cannot but be greatly disappointed"

"nevertheless, the hidden purpose of the Unicorn will ever be that which Set has so decreed

... to drug the feminine Soul with flowers

and gentle mystery so that the feminine Third Eye awakens not in either sex — but remains asleep in both men and women

how strange that the present feminine Individuality gives so little serious thought to those subtle messages when it is the Unicorn who keeps locked that very door to her own S-elf s karmic memory of the true design of this creature . . which is to continually discourage her from seeking the path which will lead her into the Light to take her rightful place beside her Twin '0' S-elf that they may, together, recover their lost POwers

as god and goddess"

"and by my own past Unicorn Night Mares which I mistakenly believed to be true dreams I have caused all this hurt and pain to Gooober

"and also — when he bore the name of the Carousel Hill for, when you called forth this visiting stranger to dwell

Canto Twenty * 1009

within these two separate Temples of your Twin

you created for each a living hell

causing each to project an essence which was not

what it did seem ... in each Temple's aura

this, yes, even so — caused by your old Night Mare dream

of loss . . and imagined infidelity

but now, as stated, that this entity has been cast out

and has entered a new Temple, where it still does not belong

you may only right this wrong

by releasing this stranger . . this visitor

which has, as you know, become magnetically

attracted to you"

"and if I do . . release this entity

from its present Temple — where it also does not belong

will I, then, someday meet and again know this double

the nearly-but-not-really similar '0'

of the similar Body Temple to the man I truly love ?

I am not certain that I would harmonize with him in any friendship sense"

"this is an answer only Time itself can give to you

but know that — if such a meeting did occur

and that visiting, lost piece of Soul had been released

you would quite likely feel nothing but warm friendship

and compassion ... for the '0' or Overself

of the Temple which has caused you in the past, such pain

for this man is not an evil human . . . and as you know

not responsible himself for what has transpired"

" . . seeing the root of the matter is to be found in me ... "

"did I hear you speaking ?"

". . I was remembering something

from the Bible again . . Heathcliffe, please tell me

if I now bring about this release from the Body Temple of Gooober's double . . look-alike . . or astral twin is it too late . . too late for our love to be re-born ?"

"it is not too late — for you have seen

the glowing of the knowing in each other's eyes

of silvery-wise

you have shared the memories of a long-ago Past through the burning of your Eternity ember and it would be well to also realize that the man you love, your own Twin S-elf was not completely blameless

when he allowed this visitor to once more enter

his present Temple, at your call

urged on by the sadness of your old false dreams

• •»


•* *•

no, it is not too late •*"•'

for the silvery-blue cord between you still beams and connects your hearta with an invisible cord

which will guide him back to you so that you may join together . . and teach all Earthlings the great healing power of Love and Light"

"is this related to a musical chord ?"

"you will learn more of this at a future time"

"it is done, Heathcliffe . . oh, it is done ! why did I not release this visitor long before in even that former Temple of the him-of-him I love ? ... the Carousel Bill . . . why did I condemn the healing mission and the sacred goal . . of the Mind and Soul of my own Twin . . to such a fate and cause him to be forced to wait . . so long ? I was so wrong, so wrong !

yes, Heath, I shall release all my old false Unicorn Night Mare dreams and trade them for the true dream of the Reality of our Oneness"


"so you know

I suppose I expected that you would know

through telepathy — and you are right

there is one important truth I have not yet told Gooober

but I shall do so when I next see him

and telling him this very painful . . . truth

will somehow, I know . . help us both to grow"

"though your sins be as scarlet they shall be made as white as snow

your Spirit . . and the Spirit of your Twin S-elf

are now flying flying toward a Door of Knowing

which shall soon open upon such Light as you have not yet dreamed

a Light which will bathe you both

in all the wisdom and illumination you know before

when you were god and goddess

and you will be given great pOwers once more

as will, soon — all Earthlings"

"but how will such glory come to be

in addition to the opening of each person's Third Eye ?

there must be other methods also

for such a shining goal as you have described"

"in order to step through that Door of Knowing into the angelic realms of Light it is only necessary, after the Third Eye has opened to raise or to lift one's own vibrations"

"and how may one accomplish such a lifting ?"

"the Law of existence is that all humans, all things must abide within the vibrational sphere

of their individual development"

"I still don't quite understand'

"to raise one's own vibrations

a man or woman must lift up . . must step into

the higher vibrational level

of his or her own thought forms of energy

and this process . . continually lifts one higher

. . and always higher"

"but is this Ascension process possible

while man and woman still reside within a flesh Body Temple ?"

"yes, quite possible — for in actuality, you see

one may become thus exalted more swiftly and completely

when clothed in flesh, than through any other condition

if man and woman learn to levitate or lift the flesh

in exaltation . . into a spiritual texture

then they may fly through that Door of Knowing

into Love and Light and Wisdom . . without needing to die"

"now there is a warning to give before you leave the wakefulness of your sleep and return into the sleep of your wakefulness again in the material world of matter ..."

"a warning ? what kind of warning ?"

"as has already been stated . . your Spirit is flying as is the Spirit of Gooober

1012 -fr Canto Twenty

toward that Door of Knowing and Wisdom's Light as will, soon — all Earthling Twin S-elves

yet, outside that Door,

before its threshold may be crossed lies the fearful, lonely emptiness

of death, despair and darkness

the darkness of eternal night

luring and soft-seducing the Mind and Soul

back into the swirling, muddy waters of negative doubt

.... before one may pass through that Door into the brilliant Sunrise waiting on the other side it is necessary to pass through David's Valley of the Shadow

to pass the reverse-mirror test of darkness which can magnetize one back into the false reflection of life's mirrored images"

"oh, Heath, you sound as though — by such a Doorway

you're speaking of the flesh body's death . . and then

some ethereal resurrection ....

I do not believe in such misty nothingness

yet, I am somehow chilled and frightened by your words"

"you see how magnetically seductive

such darkness is ? already you are doubting

and fearing shadows of fears . .

no, I meant not what you are thinking but verily, its shining opposite polarity

of Immortality in the same flesh Body Temple in which

you now reside

I did not refer to a departure from this Earth into some misty ethereal Space and Time I meant the mystery of becoming actually immortal and continuing your work here, on this planet for as many years — centuries or millenniums . . as you and your Twin may wish in innocence and wisdom, Love and Light with nothing changed — no loss of conscious awareness and no . . as you call it . . spooky mystical or religious state of beingness

you will, I assure you . . both leave and return

with many of your same present flaws

of personality, needing to be mended . . still flesh

still the you-of-you with no one knowing even that you have left briefly much less returned — unless you, your S-elt

Canto Twenty ^T 1013

should so choose to speak of it

"then . . what did you mean . . what was the vibration I was picking up . . from your words * which so alarmed me ?"

the dar . . .

• • ••

. . kest !

"it will be sufficient for the present

to simply caution you to remember — to not forget

that, in the microcosm human nature

exactly as in the Macrocosm Nature it is so ordained . . that it is always the darkest

before the dawn "

hour is

be - • .

fore • • the? d


n ."

• .

9 <±>

as I slowly drifted and floated back through the stars

into conscious awareness Heathcliffe was still staring at me

► " . but now only a make-believe sheepdog .

no longer playing astral leap-frog • .

• as he had in my hypnotic sleep-fog

just peeking at me ••••••• m *

through his wiggley strands of paper hair *

with his little beady eyes . . of wistful lonely

no longer burning and glowing

with knowing . . no longer silvery-wise

. but making me understand, at last, Gooober's words he wrote in his note, so long ago

that love ... is not always doing what brings pleasure love is also doing what is good for someone whatever the cost, at the moment

sometimes, it's leaving . . for awhile

and the love is shown, then, in the pain given

for pain is a lesson

best learned

from the one who loves you the most

. . . then I gathered up all his old letters

the ones written by the Bill from Carousel . . all of them . . each one and made a fire of Heaven, not hell

I placed them in the flames, the letters gently, tenderly . . as I had kissed Raggy and Algae

when I healed them . . and kissed each letter

and whispered goodbye, with my heart while tears streaked down

the cheeks of my soul

. . releasing them into the purifying fire

releasing too . . . that part of the him-of-him

and the you-of-you . . that lost entity who . . needed to go on

to climb higher . . in another Temple

and watched the fire turn from red to blue

in smoldering embers . . then die goodbye . . goodbye

Jesus, it is finished

please send Gooober back home to me his Soul, my Twin . . now free

then came a crash of thunder . . a streak of lightning zig-zagged through the pink sky of early dawn

. . and the rain poured down in great cleansing splashes . . soaking the ground outside

and beating against the window panes

RA's own tear drops . . and Hers

. God weeping with me

6 b 6


and crying too . . for you

A » *

* yes . . God's own

' A * ft

J i •

dr b o


h P

1016 -fr Canto Twenty


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The meaning of this riddled life ?

That we find

where power to cause

is very substance

and every moment, consummation ! The way ?

The way is theirs for whom love leads

their reason will and senses

into every action,

whose adjutant selves stand fast in this.

Kyril Demys (Musaios) Wings of Myrahi

Wire Sent Through Our Easter Union

FROM: Me . . New York, N.Y. TO: You

Zip Code: Loneliness 00000 somewhere . . out there

on your predestined Star Quest

oh, Gooober, Gooober, Gooober

I just heard from Ruth, who rhymes with Truth

that our dear, gentle Peace is not missing us anymore

she grew tired of waiting for us to return and love her again

and she . . went away

Ruth said Blueberry Love always stays close to home which is unusual for a male

Love never goes more than a few yards away from the house even when he runs outside to play

but Pumpkin Peace . . she said

has been wandering further and further away

each day . . until finally

they couldn't find her for nearly a week

and when she did, at last, come back

she was quiet and sad . . and refused to eat

even her favorite kitty-tuna . . Ruth said

she just lay there, forlorn and still, in Emilie's antique cradle not even chasing rainbows . . her favorite game

and yesterday morning, Gooober . . they found her


she had . . just died

we did it to her, you know we did !

she died of a broken heart

oh, Goob, if you knew . . I know you would cry

as hard as I am, right now

how could we have allowed our gentle Pumpkin Peace . . to die ?

Magic Mirror on the Wall

Gooober, guess what, guess what ? oh ! you'll never guess ! not in a trillion centuries could you guess what happened

it's been six years since that grey February day when I watched you drive away

six years . . seems like sixty

and I've been having this dream lately

more than a few times . . maybe as many as seven

in my dream, you keep telling me that you can't come home until I miraclize Emilie's head back together again . . then you whisper

"magic /" . . kiss me on the tip of the nose

and I wake up suddenly, each time

feeling your kiss on my nose, as real as real can be

"oh, you know I can't do such an impossible thing

as to miraclize her head back together again !"

I say aloud, in frustration, every time I awaken from the dream

then wonder how you can be so cruel . . .

you must know how hard I tried to glue the pieces back together

and cried . . because of the unforgivable thing I did

. . to smash her head on the kitchen floor

they just wouldn't fit, the pieces

and I had to throw them all away . . as I wrote to you

a few years ago . . in one of the letters

I had to mail in the hollow of an oak tree, at midnight

and trust the druids to deliver for me

finally I decided that my recurrent dream

was not a dream at all . . but a Unicorn-seeded Night Mare

. . . and lately . . for no particular reason I've been thinking about what we called our honeymoon weekend

that time . . in Laguna Beach

that weekend we drove there from our magic room at the Roosevelt in Los Angeles . . through all the hot and muggy-smoggy

Freeway traffic because you wanted to see, with me that spot on the lonely Laguna Beach

where I felt the pain in my tooth

at the same time you felt yours . . as I watched on the horizon your ship . . The Atlantis

sailing by . . its white sails like some giant snow-bird

against the clouding sky

you wanted to walk along that shore with me

because you believed my mystical experiences there . . were so important to Us

but the Dolphin Suite was already rented

and we couldn't stay there

so we went, instead, to the Hotel Laguna on a different beach

a mile or so north

of the toothache shore that was the weekend Emilie first came to live with us

you bought her for me from that enchanted druid, named Gladys whose teeny-tiny shop called Les Gamins

is across the street from our honeymoon hotel yes, Gladys is a secret druid

and very magical . . she didn't want to let you buy Emilie, at first because she loved her so much . . herself

and when we asked where Emilie came from . . she told us

about the strange lady, with snow-white hair

who was about twelve years old, in the Oober faith

but in illusionary Earth time, maybe about eighty five . . so very young !

she brought Emilie into her small shop one morning and said this was a doll she had received for Christmas nearly three-quarters of-a-century ago . . and loved very much but since she was moving soon . . she wasn't sure when she couldn't take all her sentimental keepsakes with her . . and so she sold Emilie to Gladys

it was only after we both coaxed her . . that she relented

and decided to allow you to buy Emilie . . for me

because, after all, we were still strangers then

though we've grown close, Gladys and I, these past six years

and she often says she wishes she had not sold, but given Emilie to us

. . . but she has since given me so many gifts of love

we took Emilie back to the hotel, with us

and do you remember the funny stares from the desk clerk

when we carried her on the elevator ? how we giggled

because he seemed so uncertain

whether or not to charge us the 'family rate' for our room ?

1022 ft Canto Twenty One

Emilie . . looked so real wrapped in a blanket

the memories of that Laguna weekend

have been wisping in and out of my mind so often lately

I decided to fly there . . to Laguna Beach

for just a few days, by myself

and walk along the beach alone where we once walked together

thinking that, maybe it might make me feel in some way . . closer to you

and of course I popped in to say hello to Gladys

whose face, all wreathed in crinkly-elf smiles and sparkles of joy

as always made me think of a beautiful painting of long ago . .

we bear-hugged each other, as usual

not mentioning right away, the forbidden subject . . of you

then suddenly, I glanced up . . and looked into the mirror of Gladys' teeny-tiny druid shop

oh, magic mirror on the wall !

for there in the mirror was reflected . . a remembered image . . of Emilie

so real, she looked .... in the mirror

but I knew it was merely a mirage I was seeing

and blinked away my tears . . then turned my head to glance back

just to be certain my hallucination had disappeared . . as all mirages do

and it had . . for when I glanced back into the mirror again

Emilie was no longer there the familiar features of her haunted, haunting face

had been only . . a lonely mirage of longing

and all I now saw reflected there, in the mirror on the wall was a colorful rainbow . . of bathing suits, scarves and blouses as the vision of Emilie

softly faded away

Gladys saw my tears, and asked me, tenderly, why I was so sad her kind-soft-grey-blue eyes filled with understanding and compassion

"oh, Gladys, I truly believed I saw

there in the mirror, on the wall . . Emilie herself

reaching her heart out to me once more, through her sad, brown eyes

and her image was so very real

I fear I'm losing control over all reality

because, for just that brief moment

it was as though yesterday had chorded back into rhyme

and I heard the melody of a song . . without words

Canto Twenty One ^r 1023

which has haunted me . . for the longest time

a kind of forgotten melody it was so very strange

like Alice-through-the-looking glass, you know ?"

and Gladys nodded, smiling . . for she knew

oh, yes, she knew all about Alice stepping through the looking glass back into Wonderland . . because she is a toy chest of faerie tales herself this adorable elfin creature, Gladys

. . she nodded, then came over

kissed me on the tip of the nose

and said . . "will you watch the store for me ?

I have an errand that won't wait . . it must be done right away

but I'll only be a few minutes"

then she was gone . . to the bank, I supposed

disappearing as quickly, it seemed . . as Emilie's mirror-mirage

and I walked back and forth, between the browsing customers of her teeny-tiny Gamin shop . . pacing . . in a numbing trance

hardly aware . . of the babbling bubble of people confusion

inside . . or outside on the sidewalk . . passing by

as I tried not to cry . . because I was genuinely afraid

that my mind had become so clouded with sadness

that it was no longer as sound and stable as before . . because

how could Emilie's features . . her faintly smiling face

have been so real to my physical vision ? when her face had clearly existed only in the mirror of my dreams imaged back through the mirror on the wall yes, only in my imagination had Emilie been there

I had only imagined her face

and such misty images should not appear so physcially real

to the sane and stable mind or how could one ever determine reality from make-believe ?

then I looked up . .

to see Gladys come floating back in through the door her long skirts swirling and billowing around her ankles the golden chains around her neck

. . . tinkling like little chimes her soft dark hair

smelling like a fresh ocean breeze

1024 <& Canto Twenty One

her eyes . . dancing with tiny sparkles of joy

as she reached out her arms to me, smiling her Gladys-gamin-grin to give me something she held, wrapped in a blanket

it was . . oh, Goob, it was . . Emilie !

Emilie, Emilie, Emilie !

not just an imitation, or a similar doll . . no ! it was truly Emilie an identical Body Temple — no duplication or look-alike with every eyelash identical, and the very same . . the very same

long, lacy-white dress the same long, shining

chestnut hair

the same strange, sad brown eyes

the same pink mouth

and the same inscrutable smile

"Gladys, Gladys" I cried "am I dreaming ? this can't be real !

oh, I must, I simply must be dreaming

for how could this possibly be ?

Emilie is dead — she can't have returned this way

with each molecule of face and body intact

she can't have returned into material substance

from out of the ethers . . from out of. . . the nowhere

what does this mean ? is this a dream ? am I hallucinating ?"

"no, you are, believe me, not dreaming, and quite sane

just this once why not allow joy to replace your pain ?

you see, miracles do happen . . and dreams come true

when you really want them to

after all, aren't these the very magics you told me

Gooober always taught to you ?

and also what you keep trying to teach to others ?

so why should you be so amazed and surprised that what you see with your own eyes . .

what you know and believe to be true really is true ?"

"but, how on Earth ... I mean

how in the world could such magic possibly be ?"

"you mean, how did it manifest itself on a material level ? what was the Earth channel for the miracle ?

well, one day . . a few months ago the same strange lady, with the snow-white hair stopped in my shop, carrying a bundle, in a shopping bag she unwrapped the bundle

and there was Emilie herself ! I admit that, at first I was every bit as shocked as you are now

because I could also see

that this was was not just a similar doll, or a look-alike

but absolutely Emilie — totally identical

then she told me the faerie tale — at least, it was to me she told me that she has an identical twin sister and on that snowy Christmas morning

nearly-three-quarters-of-a-century-ago she and her identical twin sister

each received, from Santa's elves . . identical twin dolls and she said she still remembered seeing them sitting there, beneath the Christmas tree

. . lit with candles and the excitement they both felt as she and her sister danced up and down, with joy

and now that she's finally making the move to Oregon to live with her twin sister, who has a larger home they both decided, by telephone, the previous week that there was no reason they should keep just one of the twin dolls

so, her sister asked her to sell this one for her and she thought perhaps I would like to have it too of course I said yes . . and bought it quickly . . then wondered how to get in touch with you

and this morning, here you were !

popping your head, unexpectedly, in my door you must have received some sort of telepathic message"

"oh, I did, I did !"

then we bear-hugged, and elf-danced, gamin-druid-Gladys and I and later . . we had dinner together

afterwards . . that night, before I went to sleep

in our old, comforting, memory-filled honeymoon room

Emilie and I took a walk along the shore

it wasn't quite so lonely anymore . . then each of us

made one wish on a far-away star and somehow, I knew . .

that Emilie's wish was the same as mine

I wished for you

the next afternoon, which was the day-before-yesterday Emilie and I flew back to New York together

and she's sitting here now, next to Heathcliffe

with the same long, shining chestnut hair

the same strange, sad brown eyes . . the same pink mouth

and the same inscrutable smile

now she has a head again

she has miraclized into beingness as whole as before

but she still sits silently and doesn't say a word

Forgotten Melody

that song keeps coming back . . then leaving again the melody fragment I always heard . . but later forgot when Jerry Jones smiled at me

then later . . at Aunt Maud's in the backyard . . that bee-buzzing time

when Charles Hollingswell . . handed me those wilted daisies

and sometimes the song I can't remember

yet still can't seem to forget

gets mixed up in my mind . . with the Happiness POem

I keep trying to write then tear up . . and begin all over again

maybe I'll never write it . . maybe my Happiness POem called Gooberz is only a dream itself

like the forgotten melody

that song . . without words I know my song isn't real

it's just a memory fragment

but if it isn't real

then why do these chords

keep pounding in my head ?

why do I keep hearing my forgotten melody as though it has some power of its own

some mystical mystery contained within its musical scale ?

song without words . . pOem without rhyme

from a long-forgotten time

in a far-away place my heart once knew

maybe I'll take the pieces out of the wastebasket now the torn, discarded pages of my Happiness POem tape them back together . . and start all over again

because I seem to somehow . . . know

that, only after I've learned to make sadness rhyme with gladness

only after I've recalled the alchemy of making Life rhyme

will I be able, at last . . to remember all the healing crescendos

of that music from another place . . . another time

my song without words . . haunting melody of mystery which will chord the sleeping deja vu recall

of all gods and goddesses . . reminding them musically of their forgotten POwers

so that they may then turn this . . . their Earth . . their world all green and fresh and new again

by calling back their memories

of the secret magic of Sunrise

and the unguessed mystery of Spring

Playing Post Office Again

I wrote a love letter this morning to another man

at least he has a proper address

and I didn't have to mail my letter in a hollow tree, at midnight

I dropped it into a mailbox, in the daylight, at noon

as one does, when one writes to a real human being . . not a ghost

Mr. Ralph Nader Knight-in-Shining-Armour c/o the Round Table Washington, D. C. — America

Dear Mr. Nader,

I love you

I would vote for you as Sheriff or Dog Catcher

because I know you would be kind and fair to both people and animals

when they were temporarily goofing up I would also vote for you as Mayor or Governor or Congressman or Senator or Pope or President . . especially President

I like the way you gallop around on your snowy white steed

warning General Motors to fasten their safety belts

scaring the insecticide out of the farmers

scaring Agent Orange out of the Pandora's Box, where it still hides

scaring the carbonic acid out of the soda pop people

scaring the worms out of the hot dog people

and scaring the hell out of businessmen in general

most of all, I like the way you relate to girls and women

the ones who flutter their lashes at you when you're rapping with Earthlings in public auditoriums

you never even wink back

I guess you have more urgent things to do

more important plans in mind — for willing women

than a quick tumble in the hay with a passing fancy

that's why I love you

you are one man I could really trust to be loyal and faithful forever

that is, once you had promised me, and made a commitment

but it's not our Kismet to make those vows, Mr. Nader

because . . well, you see, I'm already committed to a Lion

not a Nature Lion, an astrological one

actually, he's not so much a Lion, as he is .. a ghost

I realize that sounds spooky and ethereal and even bananas

to be committed to a ghost but a commitment is a commitment, you know ? and the ethics of love are as clearly and divinely defined as the ethics of saving Earthlings from their own ignorance

I guess maybe you feel sometimes that you're being loyal to ghosts too

for all the attention and respect some people give you

but with you, like with me — a commitment is a commitment

I believe you are a Gooober

yes, the singular is spelled with three o's

I doubt if you understand that, so I won't try to explain it all now

just take my word that it's a compliment

a kind of distinction — but it doesn't mean you're superior

because a dog can be a Gooober too it just means that you've discovered you have three eyes instead of only two . . . does that make any sense at all to you ? it's not like being included in Who's Who, on an Earth level

it simply means that you are a Who, who knows he is a Who which may have something to do

with why Brown Owls say "Who-Who-Who ?"

have you ever heard of the Oober galaxy of stars ?

do you know what a druid is ? or a Brown Owl ? or a god or a goddess ? it's sort of like that . . if you know anything about the Essenes

or the Brownies it also means that you are a stranger

in a strange land and that, I am sure, you will understand

. . it's from the Bible, you know

the reason I'm writing to you is . . well

I was wondering if you need any help, slaying dragons

and trying to spread some Light in the darkness

that is, if you need a Gal Friday, who works cheap, you can call me

I would love to help you thank green trees

and work with Greenpeace to save baby harp seals

from being clubbed on the head, and skinned alive, while their mothers

watch . . helpless and fight by your side when you need me I have my own white horse, as you can see . . so you wouldn't have to provide that

we could team up together to stop the maniacal AEC

from tormenting the tummy ache of the San Andreas fault

with the fission laxative of nuclear and hydrogen castor oil ... .

and from cobalting our atmosphere into an explosion of fire and brimstone

maybe we could even just once . . oh ! just once ?

give those people in airports, who collar strolling passengers

with their propaganda pamphlets in favor of nuclear insanity

just one small Zen-Buddha clip on the jaw ?

we could swat down pornographers and drug pushers and the oil interests

and hunters-for-sport-or-for-any-reason

like those people who shoot white-winged doves, in Texas

during open season white-winged doves, Mr. Nader


in Texas, they kill them

1030 ft Canto Twenty One

maybe we could try to find out why so many Texas Earthlings want to hurt or maim or kill anything kind and gentle

or smaller than they are of course, not everyone in Texas is cruel I'm sure there are some druids and Gooberz who live there too but how very sad and unhappy they must be . .

and we could try to stop those other lost souls

who club foxes during their annual picnic, in Holmes County, Ohio

just club them to death, for fun and sport

and all the ones who butcher animals for meat-food

which Earthlings don't need — because it makes them so ill

and they don't even realize it — and completely removes their chance

of ever owning three eyes

and all those people who torture helpless animals for medical research

without any anesthetic . . like the cosmetic companies

who drop poison, one drop at a time . . into the propped-open eyes

of innocent bunny rabbits who are strapped down, and can't move much less cry out in pain . . because bunnies don't speak like us, you know

we could take a stand against the FBI and CIA snoopers

and Big Brother's worth-less-than-plastic Social Security cards

and lead all these lost-in-the-woods Hansels and Jacks

who are so wrong, but think they are right

back on the path of truth and love and light — which may take some time

and we may have to include the AMA and the FDA

and some of the stuffier churches but we'll have to be careful when it comes to the churches, you see

because some of the newer religions have a strange list of Commandments like Thou Shalt Kill — and Thou Shalt Commit Suicide and Thou Shalt Trample Underfoot Anyone Who Persecutes Thee and if we tell them they are misguided

they may call that persecution and I'm just not ready to leave this Body Temple yet . . because I've grown sort of attached to it by now

to be perfectly honest, I do have a few habits that might turn you off

one of them being that I might not be too economical

with the stingy budget you allow yourself

I'm extravagant with money, when I'm in a hurry, or on a crusade

I have an impulsive nature sometimes I speak rashly, without counting to ten I have no Bachelor's Degree — or Doctorate — or a Master's in anything at all

and then too . . well

there's this other embarrassing thing

I don't have — I know you won't believe this

but I don't have a driver's license

. . neither did Einstein, you know

but I'm a hard worker, dedicated and committed

sincere and sensitive . . maybe a little too sensitive

and I write poetry, though it doesn't scan right all of the time

because, you see, I'm trying to make Life rhyme

and that takes lots of experience

If you should decide you can use me

I promise I won't flutter my heart, or even my lashes at you

like I told you, I'm already committed to a ghost

who also admires you, by the way and I guess that's about all I wanted to say

except . . well, there is this one thing that bothers me and has been keeping me from sleeping lately

you see, Abraham Lincoln isn't around right now

to the best of my knowledge, that is

and Howard Hughes, another man I trust as implicity, as I do Abe — and you

is out there somewhere . . hiding behind the Northern Borealis

till it's time to "come home free" . .

. . did you ever play Red Light when you were small ? and as for Gooober, he's disappeared for how long, I have no idea so it gets . . . kind of lonely at times

which is why I wanted to ask you this secret-code question

are you from Saturn or Arcturus ?

and if it's Saturn . . are you sure those rings around your home

are properly magnetized against invaders ?

because they're sneaking around, snapping candid photos now

I guess you already know that

but a word to the wise . . sometimes helps

and the most important question I wanted to ask you is . .

whether you're from Saturn or Arcturus

why, in the name of all the Holy Galaxies, did you do it ?

whatever possessed you and obsessed you to volunteer

for National Guard Duty down here

in the third dimension of this waning planet

. . so fast losing Light ? not that it matters wherever you are from . . and Whoever sent you or if you decided of your own volition . . . I'm glad you came

very sincerely


P.S. my name is Alice-Mary

and I am a Brown Owl

Where-Are-You-Where-Are-You-Where-Are-You ?

I flew back to Colorado today

because Ruth called yesterday, to say . . oh, Gooober !

did you ever receive the letter I wrote about the kittens ?

the one where I told you about Love and Peace

having two baby kitties, but one died . . and I named the one that survived

Soon ? actually, I named her Soon Love, after her father which was the same time that I named the three kitties Bones had Please . . Hurry . . and Home

so I could stand on the front porch, and call them

Please . . Hurry . . Home . . Soon . . Love . . Peace ! remember ?

well, Ruth called yesterday . . to say

that our new baby kitten named Soon . . died last week

probably because she was lonesome for her mother

she hadn't played very much since . . . Pumpkin Peace went to live in Heaven

and Ruth told me . . . that Love

hadn't eaten a single bite, since the baby kitten died

not even a sip of water . . oh, I hurried as fast as I possibly could

as fast as the plane would fly through the air . . to love him and heal him

but tonight . . just an hour before I arrived here at our little crooked house

Love . . left I was too late, too late, too late our Blueberry Love . . had already died

Gooober Gooober Gooober . . did you hear how deeply I cried ?

now our Love and Peace are both gone

and our small, fragile Soon . . their only daughter . . is gone too

what shall I do ?

what is there left to believe ?

oh ! why have you left me alone to grieve ?

they died of loneliness . . all three

yes, they did, they did, you know they did !

of loneliness and heartbreak . . and lack of human closeness

how could we expect them

to bear the winter cold without our warmth ?

without you to tickle their tummies

and cut their toe nails . . and scratch their ears ?

their deaths have brought back all my old fears

is this a symbolic message

from the Unverse . . Love's death . . . and Peace too

that our own love is dead too . . all our shared peace gone forever ?

is it, Goob . . is it ?

I forgot to say

that Bones has also gone away . . to stay

to live with friends in the country, who have a big farm friends of Ruth, who rhymes with Truth

and Bones took one of his . . I mean one of her . . babies along the one called Please, in case the farm seemed lonely

he . . I mean, she . . said to tell you goodbye and not to cry

because he . . I mean, she will be happier there

but Bones left his . .

I mean, her . . other two babies behind

the ones I had named Hurry and Home when they were first born

and I have decided to re-christen them

Rainbow and Magic

tomorrow, I shall fly back to New York

and they will remain here in our little crooked house

to play with the boys next door, who have promised to feed them

each day, while we're away

and maybe they will run in the grass and be healthy and happy . . because, I guess

I mean, I pray

that Rainbow and Magic will be stronger . . somehow than Love and Peace

. . strong enough to wait

oh, Gooober, is it too late ?

our Love and Peace are dead

but . . can we find each other through Rainbow and Magic instead ?

wherever you are . . do you still believe in rainbows and magic

and me ?

Gethsemane — The Serpent Circle of Time

how will I ever reach a 4th Dimensional Now when my mind is so imprisoned

within the pages of illusionary, yet painfully, convincingly real


called a calendar ?

how can I ignore the calendar's desultory

and at least intellectually indisputable message

that you have been gone now . . . nearly nine years ?

9 . . the number, according to the ancients

of the Alpha and the Omega . . signifying always

one of two paths either the Final Ending of an event or a situation or its New Beginning

or both ?

this morning, I awoke

with the sound of West End Avenue traffic in my ears it was just a dream

only our astral S-elves had kissed once more

but this time it was so real .... you seemed so near

oh ! I am tired of dreaming, do you hear ? tired of believing and praying

I am weary-weary-weary

of this endless hell of waiting so grey and dreary

how often have I heard it said, how often have I read

that one may not argue with God's Timetable — or Cosmic Wisdom

and that the karmic lace for testing each soul

in its own time and place should not be defied or questioned for what is Time, but an illusion ?

I know we are being soul-tested, Gooober and I but Heathcliffe, it's been nearly nine years and if he doesn't return soon, I truly believe I will die as Love and Peace died . . from a broken heart

is it always darkest before the dawn ?

true, it is in the Macrocosm of Nature

that hour, just before Sunrise, the sky is its blackest velvet

then the Sun's first rays . . rise silently over the hilltops

and this microcosm of the long night of our separation

has never been darker than now

but I see no dawning pink-gold glow, to let me know

that there will ever again be any worthwhile reason for living

what does God — what does the Universe want of me ?

I have already given Gooober the gift of forgiving and I've released that visiting entity

which kept him from healing before I call back that poor, lost soul fragment no more


I heard myself angrily shout

. . then came the faintest whisper

1036 ft Canto Twenty One

everything but the absence

of the last teeny-tiny sliver of doubt

did you speak, Heathcliffe ?

or am I hearing only the lonely echo

of my own dying faith and dreams ?

I know nothing is ever what it seems but it's so terribly dreary and dark

Heathcliffe ! did you speak . . did you bark ? please don't tell me more empty metaphysical lies

but Heath was silent

just staring at me, through his wiggly strands of paper hair with his little beady eyes of wistful wise

Piscean Persistence — Long Distance

"hello, Ruth — I called to say — I called you because

he has not returned, and it's been nearly nine years

you were wrong ! oh, Ruth, it has been so long

and I'm not strong enough to wait anymore

while he's sharing spring

with some other Butterfly, on a foreign shore"

"he will return"

"oh, Ruth, why can't you see the truth ?

will you never learn ? he is gone, he is gone, he is gone !

why can't you admit he was never real ?"

"because that is not how I feel"

"my god ! you Pisces Fish are simply too much

always drowning in mis-placed compassion

it's been nearly nine years

and he has not come back — Ruth, do you hear ?

this is the ninth endless year !"

"he is already here"

"already here ? where ?

have you gone mad ? you must be mad !"

"no, I have not gone mad

but I'm very sad

that you have so little faith"

"you make no sense at all

what do you mean, he is already here ?

he is already where ?

where, where, where ? I just don't see . . . "

"he is where you know

and believe him to be"

"oh, now I see — yes, now I see !

you're tossing my own empty words back at me

all the words I spill out to others

when they're missing children — or friends

husbands, wives or lovers

empty-empty-empty vain words I used to preach . . .

words the Masters should never have allowed me to teach

don't you see how those futile words of faith

now cut me like a knife ?

why do you say things that are so clearly not true ?"

"because I know that he's lonely too"

"you're impossible, really impossible !

is there no way I can make you comprehend my pain ?"

"why not look for a rainbow instead of the rain ?"

then we were . . . disconnected

it's no good, no use — I won't call back

the world is hopeless and black . . nine years of darkness

Ruth does not rhyme with Truth — she is wrong

I am not strong — not strong enough

to fight the frigid fact of the futility of waiting

it is finished . . it is over

he will never return

and there's nothing to learn from love . . but loneliness

0 ! my God, my God

why have You forsaken me ?

Good Friday

I have returned to our little crooked house once more to try and heal my wounds

how long can I fly back and forth across the country without an Escape Flight license ?

I'm here watching our magic mountains, who refuse to fly and trying not to cry, as I listen for the phone

just in case it might ring even though . . it's disconnected

. . it is nearly spring

although the snow is still on the ground . . . soon it will be Easter — our season of gladness

and we'll be spending it apart again . . in sadness

but . . I must expect a miracle

and not hope — but know — it shall be done unto me

as I learned, as you taught me from the OOber catechism

today . . as these thoughts flew like birds through my mind

I raised the blind of my long-suffered despair

to let in the fresh air . . of knowing

and it blew across my heart, leaving the sweet scent

of wet grass in my nose 0 ! where is a rose ? where is a rose I can smell ? I wondered

suddenly, it thundered

and I threw open the front door, to see a bright flash of lightning

an electrical storm was coming and oddly, then . . I began humming a mixed-up Mother Goose rhyme as I did that other time, so long ago . .

. . this is the day they give miracles away with half a pound of peppermint tea . .

but this was not a day that miracles were being given away only an ordinary late April afternoon

and this time I hummed alone — there was no Us to sing the lyric no miracles anywhere to see

just Rainbow and Magic . . the storm . . and me

an electrical storm ? with snow still deep on the ground ?

how strange ! I thought . . even for unpredictable mountain weather like a mixture of summer and winter

. . . like all seasons crazily blended together

as the silvery rain needles fell down on my head

I left the door open . . then came back inside

thinking . . it's too late for miracles now . . too late, too late

but . . wait !

Rainbow and Magic were playfully pushing around on the floor a lavender and pink, crumpled up ball of . . what ?

I reached over and picked it up to see

while a giddy feeling swept over me . . you naughty kittens !

where did you find this bunch of old paper flowers ?

you must have been romping in the basement

and you know perfectly well that's not allowed

then Rainbow lifted her paw, as if to tease

as Magic grabbed the flowers . . and ran under the table

and for the first time I noticed that they were

. . sweet peas once more, I walked through the door and stood on the front porch, inexplicably laughing aloud perhaps it was just feeling the cool rain on my face or a memory seeded into my mind, from some errant cloud that flashed before me, suddenly my JOY ! as a child, when an electrical storm brought a rush of feeling, so lifting and wild . . so free !

yes, lifting and wild . . and free

but I'm no longer a child

oh, Gooober, why aren't you here ?

this is nearly the end of the tenth endless year

will you never-never come back ?

then heard myself saying . . aloud

"that's not druid praying — druids pray in rainbow colors not in dreary mantras of black . . or chants of grey that's not how druids pray !"

so I grabbed Raggy and Algae, and hugging them tightly I began to sing a shiny-new-golden song pr

"... don't you understand, don't you see ?

it's only Time-out-of-focus

that makes it seem like the tenth year !

1040 ^r Canto Twenty One

Raggy and Algae, do you see ? Gooober is already here !"

such a silly, childish, make-believe, wishing song

such a meaningless rhyme to sing . . did the telephone ring ?

but it can't ring . . it's disconnected

almost instantly, I heard a knocking

at the back porch kitchen door . . a desperate, insistent

loud knocking and I thought . .

it's probably Ruth, who rhymes with Truth

just dropping by to see

if everything is allright with me

I ran quickly to the door

to tell Ruth I finally understood

what she had been trying to make me see before

that I must stop grieving

. . and start believing

but when I unfastened the lock oh ! delirious shock !


just standing there, with the rain in your hair

* * * *

* stars falling all around you * *

as they did the night I found you *


you whispered . . "Gooober, I've come back home"


I answered . . *

"I know, darling, I know"

then the rain magically changed to snow and your aura began to glow and glow

. . like snow diamonds

after awhile . .

I closed the door on your astral image for that's all it was . .

all ? oh, you were still tall !

and your eyes were still ocean green . . silvery-wise

. . . after I closed the door

I walked slowly into the den . . still alone

blew a happy kiss at the silent telephone ....

knelt down near your side of the couch

then said a joyous thank-you prayer for your return

.... for whatsoever thing you desire pray as if you had already received it and you shall surely have it !

oh, Goob . . you must have thought I would never learn !

His Rainbow . . Her Snowflakes

The New York Times carries all the news that's Fit to print . . or so they say

so I read it today

I like "Fit news"

but I also read the National Enquirer the newspaper of that frustrating blend of good and evil — positive and negative

yet the Enquirer

does succeed in reaching a surprising balance . . .

along with reporting the same nonsense

as other magazines of trivia it also reports news of vital importance

and sometimes magical power news the New York Times does not consider "Fit"

yes, along with trash and trivia the National Enquirer also prints — truth about various Aquarian Age discoveries which gradually open the long-sleeping

Third Eyes of humans news ranging from the scientific to the meta-physical occasional stories of love and compassion

also reporting upon . .

the cruel torture of our helpless animal friends by Satan's own testing laboratories

and so . . this morning

I read both the Times and the Enquirer

it was a feature story . . .

Gooober, if you were really there, as I believed you to be during that midnight vortex, when Heathcliffe

spoke with me

do you remember the discussion we had

about the visions of Fatima . . a town in Portugal

experienced by three small children

10 year old Lucia dos Santos . . and her cousins

a 9 year old boy named Francisco

and a 7 year old little girl, named Jacinta . . in the year 1917 ?

the Virgin spoke to them three times during that year and gave them three messages . . the first, on May 13th

and do you remember . .

that Heathcliffe told me

it had been ordained that the third message

the children received at Fatima would be revealed "soon" ? he was right

now it has been revealed . . by the National Enquirer the paper that tells it like it is, never mind "Fit"

I read somewhere else that the revelation was also announced in an Italian newspaper . . before it was published here in America

I'll begin by telling you

about the first two messages of Fatima — given to the children

in their first two visions . . by "the Lady in blue"

in the first one . .

the children claimed that the Virgin told them she would soon "come to take

Jacinta and Francisco with her, in Heaven . . . but that Lucia would remain on Earth

for awhile longer"

the next year, Jacinta and the boy, Francisco

caught flu . . and eventually died from it

Lucia remained on Earth and entered a convent, near Fatima

as Sister Mary Lucia

where she lived into her eighties

in the second vision of Fatima . . during the year 1917

the Virgin told the children

that the war was about to end (World War I)

and it did, the following year, in 1918

but that "another and worse war would begin

during the reign of Pope Pius XI"

this was in 1917, Gooober Pope Pius XI didn't assume office until 1922 and during his reign . . Adolf Hitler launched the offensives that heralded the beginning of World War II

if you were truly there that night when Heathcliffe and I had our mystical conversation you already know about the third message

of Fatima

the one the Vatican had promised to read to the world during the Church's celebration

of the Year of Fatima and then, inexplicably, remained silent making me wonder, at the time what could have been in that third message from the Virgin to the three children the Church felt it might be unwise to reveal ? what caused the Pope to break his promise

to announce it to the world ?

now that it has finally been revealed

I can understand why the Vatican kept it a secret

the Church Fathers evidently believed and perhaps rightly so . . that the third message was so alarming it could cause a great cloud of fear to descend upon those of all religions

the Vatican may have felt there was good cause

to keep the third message of Fatima from all of us . . . back then

but now the secret is out and I feel it's important that people know about it, Goob because the world is so near to the time

warned about by the Virgin in her prophecy to the children

how else can a warning be rightly accepted in the true sense of the word ?

1044 -fc Canto Twenty One

for, the divine purpose of any warning . . astrological

or otherwise is not to bring about negative but to prevent the warned-about negative of any vision

from manifesting into reality

and . . I especially need to talk with you about it

but you're gone . . for awhile so all I can do is write it to you in another letter I can't mail . . except in the hollow of the old oak tree and let the druids deliver it for me . . again

if that's what they've been doing I hope so . . oh ! I do hope so !

the third message from the third vision was written down, after the child, Lucia, grew up and presented to the Vatican — sealed

then they announced the Year of Fatima along with the Pope's intention to open it and read it

to the world which must have been

somewhat embarrassing to the Church

the message is . . . very scary, Goob i indisputably frightening and ominous . . even sinister but the New Age . . with our help will turn it all around at the last minute . . Aquarian-like into a happy ending

you'll see . . I'll explain how

after I've told you the message

Mahmet Ali Agca . . the convicted assailant

who tried to kill Pope John Paul II . . in 1981

on May 13th . . the same day

the Virgin first appeared to the children, in 1917

told a courtroom in Rome

that his attempt on the life of the Pope

"was connected to the Secret of the Madonna of Fatima'

practising the ancient adage that "silence is golden" to this day, the Vatican has firmly refused to publicly discuss the content of the third Fatima message probably fearing that it would be abused by a sensation-hungry press . . and other media yet, the newspaper carried a photograph of the present Pope John Paul II . . and Sister Mary Lucia and they are both smiling . . with love and trust

in one another

evidence that the present Pope John Paul

does respect this grown-up child of Fatima

and surely does not consider her to be a "flaky psychic"

or a "prophetess of doom" . . like today's current crop

of those who claim to "channel" ethereal entities or a "guide"

and who hide . . behind the endorsement

of film stars and other celebrities

ignoring the always reliable inner voice of their own Higher S-elves

according to Italian journalist Domenica Del Rio

who has covered the Vatican for many years

and has long been trusted and respected there . . .

... the contents of the third prophecy were learned in the early 1960's . . from Pope John XXIII by the Pope's good friend, Padre Pio a famed Italian monk, who is now being considered

for sainthood and journalist Del Rio was told by Padre Pio before he died in 1968 . . the text of the third Fatima message Del Rio struggled with his conscience for years before finally deciding to reveal what he had been told by Padre Pio

the Vatican refuses to either confirm or deny the text

yet many Church Prelates privately agree upon its credibility

. . . this is part of the message and remember, Gooober, I told you it was scary but I also told you how we can transmute it into a happy ending or I will tell you how . . after I quote certain parts of it

for you to meditate on now

the text written by the grown-up Fatima child, Lucia according to journalist Del Rio, who received it

from Padre Pio having originated with Pope John XXIII

says . . in part

"a great plague will befall mankind near the end of the 20th century nowhere in the world will there be order and Satan will rule in the highest places . . .

Satan will succeed in seducing the spirits of the great scientists who invent arms with which it will be possible ... to destroy a large part of humanity in a few minutes ....

and this was experienced as a vision

written down by Sister Mary Lucia decades before the nuclear arms race ....

the prophecy continues with . . .

"Satan will have in his power the powerful

who command the people . . and who will incite them

to produce enormous quantities of arms

... the great and powerful will perish along with the small and weak . . for the Church it will be the time of its greatest trial Cardinals will oppose Bishops, Bishops will oppose

one another ....

fire and smoke will fall from the sky

the waters of the oceans will become mist

the foam will rise to tremendous heights and . . . millions . . . will drown

millions will die from hour to hour . . as a huge war

erupts in the last half of the 20th century . . .

whoever remains alive will envy the dead

everywhere one turns .... there will be anguish and misery

ruin in every country

. . . because of the errors committed by the crazed and the time . . . draws nearer"

undeniably, Gooober, a frightening prophecy

which has already shown signs of manifesting on Earth

and the signs increase . . . every day, every hour

in 1980 the present Pope John Paul II

engaged in private audience with Domenico Del Rio

during which he hinted at the contents

of the third Fatima message and even used some of the very language it contained

His Holiness told the journalist that the contents

of the third vision's message . . were "impressive" . . and he added

that the text spoke of "men stripped suddenly of life

by the millions, from one minute to the next"

from the first moment I read those words

I shuddered . . . not so much from the words themselves

as from wondering how many people had read them

in American and Italian newspapers . . and in other countries

where they have also been printed

and knowing . .

what the planting of such negative seeds

Canto Twenty One -fr 1047

in the minds of millions . . . has the power to do

the power . . to bring about

that which has been multiple-imaged by so many

in the midst of my intense concern . . I had a dream one night I dreamed I was in Russia . . talking with a man

who had a kindly face and a warm smile he wore a funny felt hat, exactly like the one my dearest Guru, A.G., used to wear . . and also glasses, like him and the very same scar on his head

on the front of his coat were printed large initials: M. G. I didn't learn the name of this Russian in my dream nor could I recall a word of our conversation when I awoke but the dream left me with a sense of peace . . a sense of

"God's in His Heaven . . all's right with the world" from the verse by poet Robert Burns

Gooober, we must use the Virgin's warning wisely

we must use the warning as it was meant not to bring about . . but to PREVENT the terrors precognitively told

what must we do ?

like the laws of physics . . the laws of meta-physics

are specific and precise and tonight, I made a list of them . . of what to do to share with my Higher S-elf . . and with you

since much of my enlightenment has come to me

in my slumbers, when God sometimes speaks to us in numbers

I decided to number the "what to do" formulas

Number One: I remember what Heathcliffe told me about the several evidences that the feminine essence is superior

to the masculine

only one of these being that . . . while man can seed life only woman can permit or deny birth whether of human infants ... or of solar systems and Universes

therefore, at this time when our Earth could be "aborted" thanks to the mad men who are running the world at present

1048 ft Canto Twenty One

polluting Nature . . . and the Minds of children

we should be praying to our Mother Who art in Heaven

for, it is She who has the POwer to permit the abortion or to Ordain the protection of Her child . . our Earth

Number Two: each man, woman and child . . every Earthling must immediately stop imaging disaster

and the Gotterdammerung which most of them have been doing for decades even before the third Fatima vision

was recently revealed

each one of us must begin now to know . . not hope or believe . . but know-that the New Age is, after all, the Aquarian Age and therefore contains the Uranus essence of unexpected, sudden change . . at the last minute

we have had only three Aquarian American presidents

Abraham Lincoln . . . Roosevelt, Franklin D. . . and Ronald Reagan

each one manifesting the astrological Uranus "change", you see

those who worked to place Lincoln in the White House expected him to be tough on the South

but what did he do ? he turned "soft" on the South, as the Civil War neared its end sternly opposing the "carpetbagging" which ravaged the South

after his assassination

those who worked to place Roosevelt in the White House expected him to favor Big Business and the wealthy

but what did he do ? he turned against his backers after he was elected and became a champion of the blacks and the working class

as for our Aquarian film star president, Ronald Reagan we know that he changed from Democrat to Republican

after he married Nancy then, not long after he was calling Russia "the evil Empire" a major news magazine noted that Reagan had switched

to "kissing babies in Red Square" another change at the last minute astrologers knew would occur before he left office

and so . . we must remember

that this is the Aquarian Age . . of sudden and unexpected change and the Aquarian ruling planet, Uranus

is entirely capable of turning the Fatima prophecy into its polarity of peaceful solution

before the end of this century

Number Three:

we must realize that this is only a mirror reflection of the real world as the Tibetan monks know, when they daily chant

"this is the world of illusion" and through such realization

we can bring about the 3rd and 4th lines of the Lord's Prayer we used to recite at night before we fell asleep not every night . . but often

"Thy kingdom come . . Thy Will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven "

Number Four:

Sister Mary Lucia's third Fatima message

also contained a grave warning for the Vatican itself

"Satan will even succeed in asserting himself

at the top of the Church .... and walk among

Bishops and Cardinals . . . and the Church will be in darkness'

my Higher S-elf has channelled some counsel for Rome the Vatican would be wise to re-instate the Latin in the Mass removed some years ago . . keeping alive the ancient ritual that acts as a spiritual glue . . to keep the faithful within its folds

and would also be wise

to remove from particular Catholic altars, in some churches

the Bob Dylan-Judy Collins-Joan Baez type of "entertainment"

featuring electric guitars and folk music

in an effort to attract the "New Age Youth"

not that there is anything wrong with these people

or their music and it may, indeed, be appropriate for Protestant churches but it does not belong on the Catholic altar and is not harmonious with the magnetic ancient rituals of chanted Latin . . incense . . and candles

one recent change the Vatican would be wise to retain

and not remove is the edict pronounced in 1978 giving to Priests who read the Christmas Mass

in all Catholic churches . . . each Diocese

1050 is Canto Twenty One

permission, if they should so choose

to refer to those who followed the Star to the stable

not as "the three Wise Men"

but correctly, as "the three astrologers"

a final counsel to Rome

is to accept and endorse astrological birth control

called astro-biology which is not in any way opposed to Catholic principle perfectly safe . . and 100% reliable .... also a great blessing for those who want children, and have been mistakenly told that they are barren or sterile

astro-biology would end two enormous problems

of the Church today . . the raging controversy over birth control

and abortion causing the loss of millions of Catholics all over the world for, abortion is not an issue when there are no

unwanted births an additional blessing, of course is the solution this ancient art offers

to famine and world over-population with no offense whatsoever to Catholic doctrine and teachings

perhaps these actions in the Vatican

would have the power to negate

the Fatima warning that . . "the Church

will be in darkness . . "

Number Five:

this formula involves the true meaning of forgiveness and the lesson you taught me about so-called

dangerous, vicious Dobermans . . remember ?

it also involves the ancient adage that one must "hate the sin . . and not the sinner"

Earthlings must remember, know and realize that Satan-Set is a fallen angel

once a great god and brother to Osiris

* whatever the origin of his fall . . and his responsibility for causing darkness to fall on the Earth for the first time he later sought . . and still seeks . . forgiveness

*The origin of Satan's fall is part of the story in the forthcoming sequel to this book, with the working title of Twelfth Night Secrets

he hungers for atonement as does every single lost Soul and Spirit each and every fallen angel

Set himself regrets the forces of darkness he has let loose upon the world but he cannot stop it alone, whatever his inner desire

many people have asked me why the healing ray of the rainbow spectrum violet creates such a strange lexigram with its letters violet contains: love (and) let live

which is true and logical but the word also contains, the letters of

love evil and those who question me are puzzled about

why this should be so

it's not a puzzle to those who know

a great truth for, evil cannot ever be destroyed by either hate or fear

evil may only be destroyed by the compassion and forgiveness of Love

evil . . which lexigrams into vile and live

feeds on both hatred and fear . . and grows stronger

but evil cannot resist Love

the most awesomely powerful force on Earth

in Heaven or in hell

and so . . if any magical druid spell

is to be cast to negate the third Fatima warning

it must involve the forgiveness of Satan

and neither hatred nor fear of satanic forces

as St. Francis of Assisi's experience

with the ferocious wolf of Gubbio proved . . .

it's important to remember, Gooober

that loving evil is not synonomous with condoning evil

the two are vastly different

I'll close my Fatima meditation, darling

with a memory fragment of joy

taught to me by Heathcliffe . . about His Rainbow

and Her Snowflakes

for Their grace

has brought us safe so far and Their grace

will lead us home

SUMMER — New York

today I made some peppermint tea and drank it alone . . trying to remember Us but all I could see was

you and me separately

oh, Heathcliffe, how long, how long ?

surely you must know your little beady eyes of wistful wise told me everything else I needed to learn how long, Heath, before his return ?

doesn't he know that I've been wrong

and it was he who was strong . . in hurting himself by leaving ?

oh, doesn't he see . . that when he's hurt

it has to hurt me because I and he . . are "we" ?

I'm not seeking to be understood anymore I want to understand ! I'm not asking to be loved

I want to love !

doesn't he know that yet ?

poor Heath, your little beady eyes of lonely are wet but don't you mind . . boy dogs can cry, and not be weak

Jesus wept

and I brushed away the tear

on Heathcliffe's cheek . . with a little snowflake kiss

Gooober, wherever you are do you know how dreadfully much I miss you ? do you miss me too ? are you lonely ?

then I took a long walk . . and stopped in St. Patrick's

to light a candle beneath St. Anthony's compassionate smile

and to say hello to Francesco too as always, feeling closer to you when I'm near St. Francis

his gentle eyes cast down, hiding secrets of pain and joy

standing there, so silent and tall newly placed, by some understanding Prelate . . outside the cathedral wall where he belongs . . surrounded by grass and trees

so he can hear the songs of his beloved birds

I knelt down before him

to be alone . . and still . . and to pray

without words

after a while . . I rose . . and began walking again with nowhere to go . . just walking as a soft, rain-scented breeze tangled my hair . . and my mind

into little wispy cobwebs

. . of memory

I walked past NBC . .

and the Rockefeller fountain the Plaza . . . Columbus Circle . . and Lincoln Center

giving popcorn and Expect a Miracle cards away

to some hungry pigeons . . . and lonely, separated lovers

Earthlings, reaching for a star

who needed a miracle desperately enough

not to care if anyone saw them cry

. . but not so desperately as I

this wintry July no, not so desperately as I

when I passed the big oak tree on the corner

where the kids park their bikes . . a little girl was skipping rope

oh, no ! not that ! not a child at play

when it's too late . . when I just became three hundred

and ninety eight today then I turned, and came inside

lay down on the bed . . and cried

as I listened to the clock above the bed, over my head ticking Forever away


tock-ticking Forever away


i c k i n

g t o c k

n g

f o

r e v



a w a


How Long is Forever ?

for an hour or more . . a century or longer . . ? I lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling

hearing a faint sound . . I could not identify

so thin and trembling . . pale and wispy . . a faint echo

perhaps it was the beating of my heart . . keeping time with the clock

tick-tocking . . tock-ticking . . Forever away

tock-ticking Forever away


t o c k i

n g

1 c k


n g

f o

r e v



w a

Brother Sun — Sister Moon

was it Tagore who first said . .

Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings, when the dawn is dark ?

maybe so, but it was Francesco Bernadone, of Assissi who knew it first

listen, Francis . .

I heard him singing just now that crazy bird

from the deep depths

of the dark night of my soul

and God knows

there's no light for him to feel

no promise, even, of a Sunrise

just a few faint notes he sang not really a morning song

poor bird, I believe he's hungry

it's been so long

since I had a crumb of caring

or a morsel of memory to feed him

why does he sing ?

doesn't he know that Spring might be planning never to return and is almost certain to be late again this year ?

there ! he warbled a cadenza ! Francesco . . did you hear ?

t e o

q • n J n

, o U o b ' i " 9

t h r ° s '

I heard a trill a

but it's summer, not spring . . how could I hear a robin sing ?

then I answered the telephone though I hadn't heard it ring . . D



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c * L L ,*°


0 H ! Y O u you

oh, it was you, it was you, it was you ! you called, you called, you called !

Canto Twenty One # 1057

and never before did July ever crack open with such Liberty Bells of glorious color and light ! not even in 1776 !

like the bursting bag of fireworks I saved up for the BIG BANG ! when I was a child, in the wonderful and wild

days of Independence ! FIREWORKS !

OH ! what a sky-rocket, block-busting miracle !

* • 5 * i*i*i»*i

, RE K . r e • s '. I 1 . ! er y ' r ' works !

r- I hi «n *■ i • • v m 7 a .re

F * wt » v 0 R ' wo rk o ,, ,e . , a ...

I ! W 0 D k ! * s p n g spi n i h * ! f .llin

R K * * n q * ! re Sp g

* * ! S . c . ! ! ,, * * 9 ! fi works ! * * i ! Fire a II *


spilling all over my heart


of sputtering telephone wires !

snap ! crackle ! pop !

"hello — hello ? hello !"

"but, Ma'm, I didn't ring . . "

"oh, yes ! you rang, you rang !"

"no, I'm sorry — I did not ring . .

"oh, yes ! you did ! because I just heard a robin sing !"

"but, Ma'm, I didn't . . oh, wait ! there is someone on the line but it's a bad connection

just wait . . hello ? hello ? yes, here's your party now . . "


"hello ? hello !"


"Goob ! I'm home — I'm here ! * back from the Oober galaxy

and just wait till you hear ft what's happened ! darling . . it's me

I'm home . . I'm here !

"oh ! where are you ?"

hello ? are you there ? the connection's not clear"


* I


! * "I've missed you so, and I love you so * oh, I do, I do .. I do love you so !

* hurry, Gooob, come out here to me . . !

ft * I'm in a phone booth

! ft near a big oak tree

at the corner, where the kids park their bikes

a six year old, with rosy cheeks and pigtails tied with yellow yarn is skipping rope in front of me . . she looks

like you . . darling, hurry"

I ran out to the street

on flying feet . . like the mad woman of Chaillot

then stopped to gather soft-blue-velvet-peace around me and floated

floated floated

on little puffs of Indian smoke

to your dusty blue Bug

with the Expect a Miracle card still tucked in the windshield

the door . . . and your arms . . . were both open wide . . . you pulled me inside

! and for one pounding moment

ft silence

* !

then we trembled . . and touched *

and the whole 4th of July bright-spangled sky ft

* *

ft exploded with singing stars ! *


* ! ft * *

you wrapped me up tightly in the circle of your arms

. . your arms, your arms

tied me with pink-gold ribbons of love

and mailed me back to join your soul our scattered pieces once more whole with a long, long kiss

my knees grew weak

I smelled your cheek . . . you smelled my ear then I touched the snowflake tear on your face

and our dusty blue Bug filled up like a giant balloon with the swelling helium of tenderness

I said . . "here ! I brought Algae and Raggy to say hello . . they missed you too !"

and you hugged them

"where's Heathclifle ?"

"Heath stayed inside, to hide

his little beady eyes of restless lonely . . are wet

I think he may be crying

but he's such a proud male chauvinist animal

he doesn't want me to tell . . "

you uttered a miniature Tarzan yell

"hey, funny-face ! I almost forgot . . guess what ? I brought you an OOber forget-me-not

from across the border"

then you reached under the seat and pulled out a double surprise

1060 ft Canto Twenty One

a map of Alaska, with the word lonely written across it and a Mexican calendar, with July crossed out where you had printed the word Spring in blue

"I held back the season . . till I came home to you'

oh, thank you for loving me . . that much

I whispered inside, where you couldn't hear

but you read my mind . . and said . . low and clear

"thank you for loving me that much too"

then I heard a distant roll of summer thunder

and saw the leaves on the oak tree tremble

as a silvery splatter of raindrops

sprinkled against the windshield . . gently reminding

"I . . oh, Gooober, look . . it's raining"

and you repeated

"thank you for loving me that much too"

and so I knew

I knew it was time — and I squeezed my eyes shut feeling my heart squeeze tightly

squeezed his hand . . his nail-pierced hand

dear Jesus, give me strength and courage

you know I have to level with him now

I have to tell him like it is

Jesus, I need you so . . please stay . . don't go

oh, don't go away when I need you so

please remind him how it was with Mary, the Magdalene one

how you forgave her . . and loved her

•. Ii • *

•V&& yeS

y;':**** loved her

and Peter and Judas . . how you forgave them too oh, Jesus ! what if he doesn't understand ? oh, Jesus ! ... do you think he will ?

then I reached out again, and felt his nail-pierced hand close tightly over mine . . and thought I heard him whisper

SShh . . be still, be still

"Gooober . . oh . . "

and the tears streamed down

like a waterfall I could not control

as I heard the thunder roll . .

and the silvery splatters of raindrops

beat harder on the glass . . God's own tears . . and Hers

. . she tumbled over in the grass she was so dear, so small, . . . she fell. .

"Oh, Gooober — I have something to say I have . . . something to tell . . "

and you waited, expectantly

"that time when I caused you so much agony when I . . oh, Gooober !"

I cried once more

and his nail-pierced hand closed tighter over mine

squeezing harder than before

as I heard him, clearly, whisper softly

be still . . be still

and know that I am . . inside

be still . . I too have wept, I too have cried

"Gooober ..."

I said, quietly now

"I lied . . no star fell in New York there was no falling star"

oh, Jesus, remind him, please . . . that we were both once Essenes

and how we used to stop the rain

remind him of my old dreams . . and how they hurt . . and the pain

"there was no star — I lied"

and I tremored, like the quaking oak leaves . . as a BIG BANG of CRASHING THUNDER

smashed through the wet, fresh, sweet-smelling air bringing a niagara of water . . a drenching downpour flooding the curbs, and the empty streets and draping the car, like a curtain

. . a veil of rain . . Vail, Vail, Vail . . .

then you began to stare . . and stare . . and stare

straight inside my soul and your silvery-wise eyes began to burn

1062 -fr Canto Twenty One

with the same strange light, as on that night, so long ago

as the rainbow aura around your head began to glow like millions of delicate snowflake-diamonds . . no two alike oh ! the shimmering, sparkling, glittering snow ! bathed in the golden glow of the street lamp on that silent, holy night . . when the lost was found in Charleston ... my blue and silver rosary . .

but this was not night — it was day, and raining

then once again I heard myself say, with courage waning

"I lied to you — there was no star"

your silvery-wise eyes were burning-burning-burning, like embers like green eternity embers

and your aura continued to glow as you whispered softly . .

"yes, I know . . "

"you know ? you knew ?"

"not in the beginning . . but

when I came home from Vail, I knew"

"but that was the same time

I found out too . . that there was no star

oh, Gooober . . you knew ?"

for a moment, you were silent . . then

"I knew no star fell through the sky . . or you

oh, Little Girl Lost there was no star . . it was just a tiny prayer only your old dream, still there"

"but we wept together . . for her we wept for the little lost star . . Gooober, you cried . . and you knew I had lied ?"

then you sighed . . and said

"yes, I grieved for her . . . and cried with you she was so dear . . so small . . so new too small to stand against our winter winds

oh, can't you see ? there was no star, I knew . . but I wept once more for when she fell before did you not know that my old dream was still there too ?"

oh, little boy lost

"didn't you know I was lost, the same as you ? but I also wept with thanksgiving that I learned enough, in that other Temple not to repeat as deep a hurt to you . . "

"no, not as deep on that Thanksgiving as in your other Temple before and I do give thanks that you didn't . . again share with a stranger . . our deep"

"and I grieved for another reason

because our old pain had been repeated once more

even though it wasn't as deep as before

still, it brought back your old dream

as well as mine"

"old dreams . . yes . . there is something I need to know something long past, except for the scars a hurt of ten years ago . . and sometimes yesterday's sadness can only die . . by trying to understand why"

"if the scars have not yet healed

and I can help . . then ask me, if you feel you must"

"it's about the time I flew to California

after you drove away that day

from our little crooked house . . to find out . . well

I guess . . just to say a dignified goodbye"

"why didn't I come to the room when you called ? I really can't say . . at least not in any way that really matters anymore

after you called, I did drive over to the Roosevelt

parked the car in the lot out back

came inside . . and sat there in the lobby

for a long and lonely, endless time

but somehow, nothing seemed to rhyme and something kept me from going up to our room so I walked down Hollywood Boulevard . . uncertain wondering what I should do . .

finally, I went to Pickwick Bookstore

and just stood there where I first saw you

and where we first said hello . . with our eyes trying so hard . . so hard . . to image you rushing through the door, breathless . . smiling

the way you did before . . like an impulsive Ram"

"but — oh, Goob, I did ! I did go there

I went to Pickwick too — but it was not that night I called

it was the night before, right after I arrived"

"you see ? we were being guided — or restricted by far higher powers than our own selves because I kept thinking that . . if you came there too it would be a sign that we should try once more but after awhile, I knew . . I realized

. . the whole world was out of harmony and our telepathic communication had been . . disconnected which disturbed me so . . that I walked back to the Roosevelt climbed in the car . . drove back home stayed up all night packing

and . . . early the next morning

I left for the airport, with my heart breaking all the way"

"but . . if you didn't come to our room at all and if you didn't say 'Western Union' at the door then you see, I'm afraid that I . . . "

"say what ? Western Union ? what do you mean ?"

"oh, Goob, that's just it . . I don't know what I mean there's so much I can't seem to understand . . "

"yes . . what does it mean . . what does it all mean ?"

"I somehow feel that you know more than I about what it means . . maybe not everything but still, more than I've been able to discover"

"it seems we were entangled in a larger Karma

than our own for some higher galactic purpose . . "

"also for an earth-bound, political conspiracy purpose ?"

"yes, and one which was very dangerous . . although

it's over now, and we should be grateful

for it could have been far worse

since neither of us had any warning, in time to rehearse

the parts we had to play hardly even time to pray . . that our love would pass the test other people forced it to bear others . . as well as, perhaps, some Master OObers somewhere out there . . who are wise enough to know far more about our mission than we guessed ourselves"

"I know . . that is, I do agree

still, I am so very puzzled and confused . .

"I'm aware that you are — and I know why

not back then, I didn't know — I only learned it later

but I do understand how you must have felt then

and how you feel now about that witch's brew of double-double-toil-and-trouble as I always understand

everything you feel . .

which is why I thought, when we return to Colorado

we can sit by the fire, like two druids, and talk

and heal all those old wounds for each other

because, you see, the 'double' reason for your

winter season was later shared in all its puzzlement, also by me"

"by you ? oh ! you too ?"

"yes, and when we go home together

I'll try to explain to you all I understand myself

or at least, all I've learned — which is only a part

meanwhile, I've been waiting . . and wanting

with all my heart to tell you something

and I know these words aren't adequate . . but well, I've wanted so long just to say to you

how very sorry I am for all the hurt and humiliation others made you bear and for all the pain I've caused you too ....

please don't cry I came home to bring you a rainbow

. . not to make you cry"

"these aren't sad-tears, they're glad-tears ! because now I know why sadness rhymes with gladness you see, I've waited such a long and lonely time to hear you say . . those words"

"then let me see your old elf smile again"

I smiled

and the burning Eternity embers were glowing-glowing-glowing

somewhere behind your eyes reflecting some strange growing-knowing in my own as you stared . . . and stared at me and I gazed back into your eyes . . deeply, deep

then . . . miracle ! miracle ! miracle !

the drenching downpour, incredibly, stopped, abruptly, just stopped.

not trailing off, with a few scattered drops, or a lighter shower

as is always Nature's rule

it simply, suddenly and instantly — stopped.

and at the same exact split-second in time

the Sun burst out, with a nearly blinding light, creating a huge rainbow !

so abruptly, so unexpectedly ... I gasped aloud

as one lone passer-by also gasped, stood perfectly still . . and stared up at the sky as if expecting to see the Heavens open . . for it had been so shockingly instantaneous

"oh, Gooober, see ? look ! the rain has stopped ! see ? the rainbow ! LOOK ! YOU'VE FINALLY STOPPED THE RAIN ! you perfectly marvelous, over-grown druid . . look ! you've really-truly STOPPED THE RAIN !"

you smiled

"don't you remember, darling

the Essenic alchemy formula for stopping the rain ?"

"well, let's see . . I believe

it has something to do with stopping pain

is that right ? oh, please help me remember !"

"once you told me about the Three Monkeys see no sadness . . hear no sadness . . speak no sadness and I said the word I learned as a child was 'evil' see no evil . . hear no evil . . speak no evil

but you told me it was all the same because, you said, sadness rhymes with evil do you recall telling me that ?"

"yes, I remember that time

but . . well, evil spelled backwards is 'live' . . "

"right ! and we must live, must we not ?

and so we must know sadness — or evil

human tears . . and God's own tears, called raindrops both are sometimes sad, but not always bad for, some rain is good for the Growing things in Nature just as some tears are good for the Knowing things in human nature . . and in the heart

the laws of Nature may be interrupted for the same reason that the laws of human nature may be interrupted

interrupted meaning interference with Karma"

"and that reason ?"

"it's only when Nature's rains are so heavy that they threaten flood or destruction that they may — or should — be stopped

and it's only when the tears of the heart in human nature . . are too heavy

threatening to flood the Mind and Soul that they may — or should — be stopped

remember the rose . . and Nature's lesson a rose may only flower and open if it receives

both Sun and rain and so it is in human nature both gladness and sadness must be experienced if our Third Eyes are to be opened from their long sleep

do you see ?"

"Oh, Goob ! now I can complete my Happiness pOem because you've taught me what I've been seeking why gladness and sadness should rhyme

yes, Charlie Brown, you funny clown, I finally see

Good Grief ! grief is good, for it helps you grow to know unless it becomes too flooding and painful to bear but . . . what is the secret formula you recalled just now that made you know how . . to stop the Nature rain ? I'm sure I knew it too, when I camped out in the mountains with you and with those spooky Essenes . . . but . . "

"don't you mean . . when we camped out

in the flying mountains with those spooky Essenes ?"

"yes, flying mountains !

and learned from the druids how to interpret dreams . . "

" . . and that dreams are the true reality" 1068 iX Canto Twenty One

"yes . . the true reality

the place where we are taught the knowing-things

and what we call reality, is just a fragile bubble

where we learn the growing-things

a bubble made of reality-illusion and people confusion

only our dreams are truly real, and really true

but not our Night Mares

oh, but Gooober, tell me, tell me . . do !

tell me exactly how to stop the Nature rain

I want to learn how one may calm the storm"

"well, you see ..." you said, rather arrogantly as you donned your symbolic purple velvet robe

and golden Leonine crown and waved your invisible sceptre of Superiority and your Royal teaching authority arranging your features in your familiar, lecture-the-peasants stern frown .

"well, you see

but I didn't mind, for you are my kind

my great and wise, strong Lion

King of our Jungle — Ruler of my Pride

and Man in our house yes, Man to my teeny-tiny make-believe female mouse

of great POwers mouse-spouse that rhymes with special, unique rose . . as everyone knows

everyone but those who carry the word 'equality' spelled backwards on their Women's Lib banners

no, strong, wise Comforter Man-Lion

I shall never again resent your gentle Lord and Master mien for we were created Man and Woman . . to teach each other in precisely equal — but eternally different — ways

"Goob, quick — tell me !

how did you stop the Nature's rain ?"

then you shook your mightly Lion's mane your beautiful, toadstool-cut golden hair

with a perfectly marvelous arrogant air and answered, somewhat pedantically

and chavinistically

"Good Grief, Lucy wench !

can't you remember that simple secret ?

Canto Twenty One -fr 1069

when you've grown enough, and known enough

spunky mouse-spouse to allow your man to be boss in the house . . which is the only way to be happy, as everyone knows . . "


don't tease, now please . . tell me the formula' I interrupted impatiently

and your eyes gazed deeply into mine

"the answer relates to the difference between

the Lesser Mysteries . . and the Greater Mysteries"

"that sounds very 'heavy', in a spiritual sense

perhaps you'd better explain it slowly

one step at a time . . so I can truly understand"

"allright . . I'll explain the difference

between the Lesser Mysteries and the Greater Mysteries

slowly . . one step at a time

the Essenic formula for stopping the rain has much to do with first stopping pain . . "

you said, with such infinite compassion transfiguring your face

"the pain felt by all of God's creatures all Earthlings — humans and animals alike come, now, think — you can remember the formula

if you really try"

"it has . . . something to do with why I shouldn't cry . . "

"yes, since raindrops are God's own tears . .

the Nature rain is like unto your own secret fears"

"but how can it be stopped, the Nature rain ? you still haven't helped me remember how"

"impatience, impatience ! be still, and listen, darling'

"I'm sorry for interrupting"

"the steps are simple, actually

first, you must be able to stop the rain

in your own heart . . to still your own soul . . "

be still, my love, be still .

"then you must desire — and try — to stop the rain in the hearts of friends . . and even strangers

as well as in the hearts of our animal friends

finally, you must be able to stop the rain which causes such pain . . in the heart of your own twin soul or Twin S-elf

as the case may be . .

and when you have mastered all these lessons

you may stop the Nature rain

by simply saying . . Peace ! Be still !

however, remember that first you must learn to listen . . so that you may know Love's will"

you paused for a long, long moment

a long eternity

. . then finally said

"and you must learn to forgive — not condemn those who have lost the way

. . but forgive them"

"oh, I try to forgive the lost ones

I do, Goob, I do . . I try . . but how can anyone

forgive certain things . . like . . well, for example

those blind brutes, who call themselves human

and cheer, while the poor Bull is driven mad, then slaughtered

in the bullfight ring . . while they throw flowers

or those other blind brutes

some of them even women . . my God, women !

who sit at ringside, at prize fights

and cheer and scream and yell . . and urge the boxers on

to beat each other to a bloody pulp

yelling like insane beasts . . exactly ... oh ! exactly

like those other brutal, blind and ignorant monsters yelled

in the Roman Coliseum too blind and thick-headed to even dimly comprehend how degraded they are . . to obtain such pleasure from watching beating, brutality, injury, blood and death how can anyone forgive people like that ?

. . . and those are only two examples of the unforgivable . . on this dark planet Earth"

you continued to stare at me . . then repeated

". . . . and you must learn to forgive — not condemn those who have lost the way

. . you must learn to forgive them . . "

as you stared at me

I felt my heart begin to sway

to far-off music . \\./.»

y '*V %: '" " . . as he forgave the Magdalene"

suddenly there was a sharp loving-pain

an enormous mump-lump . . . behind my ears

while far-away tears streaked across my Soul

" . . and as he forgave Peter . . and Judas .... the soldier who pierced his side and even those who nailed his body to the cross then tossed dice for his robe"

"while his Body Temple suffered terrible agony . . yes . . oh, God

they tossed Las Vegas dice, for his robe

at the foot of the cross . . where he could see them, in his suffering"

"but he saw them with the clear vision of his Third Eye for he cried out, not in pain — but cried out 'Father, forgive them . . they know not what they do'

.... they don't know what they are doing

seeing within them, through his Third Eye's wisdom . . . .... their latent innocence"

"yes . . it was Pope Innocent himself

one of the greatest Popes of the Catholic faith

who said, to Francesco . . and to Claire, in Assisi

'my children . . . errors will be forgiven . . .

in our obsession with Original Sin

we do often forget . . . Original Innocence'

and I do believe that RA Himself did reside in

or hovered above — overshadowed — that Body Temple of Pope Innocent

for a time for the purpose of teaching this great Lesson . . . also the lesson of humility to Earthlings possessed of false pride

1072 ft Canto Twenty One

when he kissed the feet of Francis, in the Vatican when he . . kissed Francesco's mud-stained

scratched and bleeding feet while wearing his velvet, jewel encrusted robes of POwer"

"this is true, darling . . what you believe about RA and we will swim further in those deep waters later . . . but I don't believe you quite yet understand the secrets of the Lesser and the Greater Mysteries

... do you ?"

"no, not quite all . . . that is

my understanding is still incomplete

so please continue ..."

"only when one has learned, then mastered the lessons of stopping pain in the heart of human nature may one then say, 'Abracadabra !' — and stop the Nature rain as Jesus, the man, calmed the storm

and was able to walk upon the water

and he possessed these POwers over Nature because he had first mastered control of his own human nature making his Body Temple a fit place for the Holy Spirit to visit not just on holidays, and in special, loving ways

but permanently, as a Forever guest which is also why he was capable of Ascension

this being the ability and POwer to retain the same Body Temple, if one should desire and continually regenerate its cells and molecules as well as travel back and forth

between this Earth and other Earths

in all Universes and Solar Systems or create the ethers a new Body Temple if so desired . . . as all Earthlings are capable of doing themselves"

"... when they allow their Third Eyes to open

so they may once more regain the POwers they possessed

as gods and goddesses . . . each one"

"that is entirely correct, Goob . . .

you must have been engrossed in deep study while I was gone"

"oh, I was only having little raps and chats

with Heathcliffe . . . that's all

which reminds me . . Gooober, I simply must know

why God's name is mistakenly spelled — God meaning our co-Creators

do you know the correct spelling ?

and . . does it have something to do

with the first letter of Love ?"

"you are quite perceptive, darling

but I will not allow you to trick me into answering a question prematurely and . . even assuming that what you are hinting is correct . . do you not see

that such a spelling only seeds several more questions with layers of profound meaning

not yet guessed by humans especially by those in Colorado ?"

"yes, I do

because, if what I am thinking is true

then it does open up several more mysteries

to be solved . . or meditated upon"

"then let us postpone the matter of the correct spelling of God's name . . until the allotted time . . "

"oh, Goob, you sound like Heathcliffe now I am so weary of hearing that phrase 'at the allotted time 1

but you continued, ignoring

as usual, my interruption . . and repeated

"... until the allotted time

now it's important to clarify the difference between the Lesser and the Greater Mysteries because if we don't ... it may be forgotten

you see, the Lesser Mysteries must first be mastered before the Greater Mysteries unfold . . .

the initial lesson of the Lesser Mysteries is to find the lost sheep . . and bring them home

and the second lesson of the Lesser Mysteries

is to master control over one's S-elf, one's human nature

do you understand, spunky mouse-spouse ?"

'I understand, I really do'

"for the Lesser Mysteries involve Power over human nature dealing with the subjective sphere of wisdom

while the Greater Mysteries involve the POwer over Nature dealing with the objective sphere of wisdom of learning how to unfold and harmonize with . . and finally control and command . . all the capacities of Nature

the first mastery is an essential preliminary to the second that is, the Lesser Mysteries must be mastered

before the Greater Mysteries may be finally revealed

it has been so ordained that Earthlings

may not learn or know the Greater in advance of the Lesser

it is impossible to successfully command

the elemental essences of Nature until one has become a true Master over the elemental essences of one's own human nature for, discipline of the S-elf must precede dominion over Nature"

"I believe I shall italicize that

mentally and otherwise Discipline must precede Dominion

that applies to every sort of ruling, doesn't it ?

I mean, one isn't truly qualified

to rule a nation either — or a church — or a religion

until one has been able to 'Master' the discipline of one's S-elf

and, oh ! Gooober, I just real-ized

that the word 'discipline' contains the word 'disciple' !"

"yes, darling, it does — and the word 'apostle'

contains . . what ?"

"It contains the word 'lost' !

therefore, one is first an apostle, while one is still

in some ways . . lost

and one becomes a 'disciple' when one has learned

or at least started to learn . . . s-elf discipline !

isn't all this true, Goob ?"

"yes, this is true, spunky — and it contains the seed of why the druidic language is cosmically of awesome mystery one of those Greater Mysteries . . we will discuss later soon . . but later

nevertheless, what you have discovered is true

and — if you'll forgive a pun, darling — as right as rain"

"oh, I'm used to puns

Heathcliffe taught me they are very wise

and point out important hidden truths"

"Heathcliffe is a wise Gooober

I knew it from the very first day I saw him wink at me

from the shelf of that store in Pismo Beach"

"but what happens if the process is reversed ?

if humans should try to master first — the Greater Mysteries

before mastering the Lesser Mysteries ?"

"this is controlled

by a Universal Law discovered by Isaac Newton ... for every action, there is a re-action

it is not possible to successfully command Nature

unless and until one has become Master of one's own nature

because the great POwers within himself or herself

will betray him — or her — to the awesome POwers without

if one should dare attempt this and the bommerang re-action then, from such an action is so terrible as to be nearly . . unthinkable"

"you mean . . the Higher Angels of the '0' and the T

of each man and woman will betray Earthlings to the awesome POwer of the Universe if they should dare reverse their mastery of the Lesser and the Greater Mysteries . . which would result in the destruction and the destroying of their entire . . world . . and their environment ?"

". . yes, this is sadly true

and this is why there is so little time left

to spread the Light of Love and Knowing . . on Earth and this brings up something I must tell you

it was not I alone, who stopped the rain today you see, only through loving you as deeply as I do was I able to truly forgive . . then pray to find a way to stop your sadness rain

and understand your hurting-pain

but the summer storm and downpour of the Nature rain outside was stopped . . do you understand ..."

and you stared and stared

" . . it was stopped by another hand"

" . . by a nail-pierced hand ?"

you didn't answer my question directly you said . . .

"it was stopped as a mystical sign neither of us must ever forget

for I am yours, as you are mine . . and our mission is to give all Earthlings an OOber Valentine

from the Land of Love to heal them and teach them

so they may learn to heal and teach themselves

through the magic we learned long ago

when we camped out with the Essenes and the druids . . "

" . . in those perfectly marvelous flying mountains !

so all Earthlings may grow to know the JOY

of growing and expanding . . . into the Universe !"

"that is correct . . not quite told — yet

in its completeness or its entirety

but sufficiently correct . . for the present"

then the burning glow of the Eternity ember that made us both remember . . so much

left your eyes but they were still silvery-wise with deep blue velvet love . . for me

"and now, darling . . it's time to look for miracles !

now that our old shared dream of sadness is past

we will send the Morning Star

streaming back through all the distant galaxies

to tell her it's time, at last — to return !

and maybe even bring with her

this time . . simultaneously a teeny-tiny boy star to help us create a Twin-Joy on Earth !

and . . it is also time

that we may soon speak of all the knowing-things

because now we've shared together

all the necessary growing-things"

"Goob, may we really-truly make such magic together ?

may we tell the Morning Star

to stream back to Heaven with the news

that we ordain, not one miracle — but two ?"

"darling . . in a divine sense . . that is up to you"

oh ! miraculous rejoice !

thank you, thank you, God . . however you spell your name !

thank you for the growing-knowing — and thank you for the Little Prince

who tamed me into his own special, unique rose !

and thank you for the miracle that came to me on a midnight clear

on that silent, holy night in the snow . . so long ago

when the lost was found again !

this is not the 4th of July — this is Thanksgiving Day !

"oh, Gooober ! may a holiday be just any day ? any day you choose it to be ?"

and you laughed

"right on, baby ! that's how druids pray ! in RAINBOW COLORS

not mumbling mournful mantras of dreary grey"

"Orn Myoho RaHram Kiu ! let Heaven and Nature sing !"

then you slipped on my proper finger my Love is Eternal ring

"Oh, Goob, you kept it

you didn't lose it or give it away

End of Sadness and Beginning of Gladness !"

I heard myself say

"the reversal of the Alpha and the Omega !"

you answered right away . . then gave a Tarzan yell



"0 ! Gooober . . . your beard . . . it's gone you don't have a beard anymore !"

"did you only discover that now ?"

"yes . . I didn't notice it before . . I wonder why ?"

"you can channel the answer to that go on . . . just try"

"I know, I know !

I didn't notice that your beard was gone earlier

because I've finally learned to see with my Third Eye

which means that I'd know you anywhere

with or without a beard . . or however you wear your hair"

"even if my face turned green ?" you smiled

"of course ! because I know how . . now to always see only the real you-of-you I've learned so much since you've been gone but think how long it took !"

"it's like I've always told you, Lucy-wench it doesn't matter how you look

then you feigned a dizzy spin and whispered . .

"darling, I somehow sense that we are within

the vortex of a tornado and I feel a growing thunder in the me-of-me

blending with the lightning of the you-of-you and very, very soon

this golden summer afternoon is going to be translated into a violet-April Spring"

we smiled at each other, then, and miracled in joy and the happiness in our hearts . . was blessed and multiplied for we had both been crucified on the Cross of Growing and through the alchemy-magic of Forgiving we had both risen . . . into the Easter Light of Knowing !

i* |* |* i* j* i* j* i* |

then, as the Universe whirled on its axis skipped a single pulse beat

. . . and spun right-side up again

I thought of the cross I had crucified you on

and cried . . "Oh, Gooober, please will you forgive m . . . "

but before I could complete my supplication you handed me a small white card with a teeny-tiny daisy drawn in the corner by your drawf-clutched pen

. . and you had written

"all those times you suffered such pain

from the unkindness of that identical Body Temple

which only looked like me — but was not me

I cried . . because it hurt me so inside

will you forgive me for not letting you know ?"

"dear, funny druid — I knew !

from the very beginning . . my heart knew"

and you murmured, then, against my cheek " oh, the Nile is blue ... so blue"

and as the happy sky poured forth the Music of the Spheres

I smiled at you . . through the Pyramid Rainbow of millions of years

and handed you my very own special OOber surprise from this side of the border

"see, Goob ? my really-truly official Brownie card ! I found it in the attic, identifying me as a druid ! and next week, I'll be getting my driver's license !"

"I don't need those things to identify you, spunky since I've been spinning on a saucer, with Master OObers . . and I'll tell you more about that later . .

since I've been gone I've found out who I am . and who you are too"

"you have ? *^ •*•••••

oh, tell me, tell me, do !" y't :•*."**•

you are me

and *

I am you

we are eternally One . . and eternally also Two which encircles us within the magic Three of the Holy Trinity of Miracles

... do vou see ?"

then our eyes locked in a deep, deep knowing

we touched noses

and whispered

magic !



*MAGIC * MAGIC * MAGIC * magic * magic * magic * magic * !

as the earth-clouds vanished . . . and the sky opened up to shower us with sprinkles of star-flake shavings from the twinkling OOber galaxy

you said . .

"the keys to the Kingdom are teeny-tiny"

and our eyes filled with druid dust all sparkly and shiny

so we ran quickly inside, crying . .

"Heathcliffe, don't hide !

we want to give you the Reztilup prize for Love

because you gave us the last verse

of our Happiness POem !"

Heath's little beady eyes of wistful wise

glistened with pride . . and he knew what we knew too !

for he lifted his funny mop feet . . and grew and grew and grew

so tall

showing not the least bit of canine hesitation as he joined us in the miracle of Love's levitation

while all the seasons blended . . spring into summer

into winter . . into fall snow mixed with rain

JOY ! replaced pain

and wafting through the open car window . . came the scent of sweet peas

then you wrote across my heart in your squiggly dwarf scrawl . .

Gear Dooober . . I love you

and Love is All

Canto Twenty One # 1081




we've fought a long and bitter war, my Twin Self and I

lost and lonely, fallen angels — exiled

from a misty, long-forgotten OOber galaxy of stars

caught in Neptune's tangled web

wounded cruelly by the painful thrust of Mars

tortured by the clever lies of Mercury