I wasn’t always a hunter. In fact, for years I was against hunting, yet I had no problem eating steak, a burger, or store-bought chicken. As I grew into my career as a chef, I became increasingly aware of where my food was coming from and how it was raised, and my outrage at the way animals were raised for our nation’s food system prompted me to go out and hunt for truly organic protein myself.
Now, as a hunter, I know exactly where my food comes from, I don’t take more than I need, and I have so much more appreciation for what I eat. I take part in all aspects of my harvest, from field dressing to the finished dish on the plate, with my hands on that animal throughout the whole process. So, as you can imagine, I make sure to prepare and cook my harvest as perfectly as I can.
While my background as a chef is in fine dining, I readily admit that I don’t get to eat like the guests I served every day. When I was starting out in professional kitchens, my meals were often leftovers or random items thrown together in a bowl that I could eat quickly so I could return to my shift.
When I became a mom, I wanted better, and that is how this book came about; its purpose is to show how you can make delicious meals in a short amount of active cooking time and with simple ingredients. It is possible to have a delicious dinner on the table, take care of your family, and not use every pot in your house for one meal. Let appliances like the slow cooker, pressure cooker, and grill, as well as your stovetop and oven, do all the work for you.
I know you’re busy, so use this book to help bring a delicious meal to your table in no time.