Where to start? There are so many who have made this happen. First and foremost are the legions of readers and faithful advertisers who have supported SOF from the beginning and continue to do so, without which we would have never been able to continue our journal over the last four decades. And those amongst our readers and advertisers who supported our Afghan Freedom Fighters Fund, El Salvador/Nicaraguan Defense Fund and our First Amendment Defense Fund.
Vann and I would like to thank those who gave us input, guidance, sugges tions and clarification and all of those who gave us interviews, some lasting hours or days in the last few years. Our thanks to Mark Berent, Robert “Bac si” Bernard, Alan Brown, Marty Casey (deceased), Harry Claflin, Jim Coyne, John “Boom-Boom” Donavan, Derry Gallagher, James Gebhardt, Galen Geer, Phil Gonzales, Bill Guthrie, Gerry Merceria, Hugo Hartenstein, Harry Humphries, Harold Hutchison, Lynn Kartchner, Sheldon Kelly, Jim Lyons (deceased), Peder Lund, Peter Kokalis, Jay Mallin, Pat Mackley, Malcolm McConnell, Jim Monaghan (de ceased), Jim Morris, Jerry O’Brien, John Padgett, Michael Pierce, Colonel Mike Peck, USA (Ret.), Dr. John Peters, Mark Pixler, Columbus Smith, Dick Swan, David Truby, Steve Schriener, Steve Sherman, Major General John Singlaub, USA (Ret.), and Richard Venola, Darrell Winkler and others who I may have inadver tently missed who helped in this project.
I especially thank Lt. Col. Michael Lanter, who assigned me to my A-Team, and my sainted mother who kicked my ass to work harder, harder and harder.
Special mention goes to Vann Spencer who twisted my arms, not one but both, to focus on completing this too-many year project. Spencer’s objective re straint, insight and vast knowledge of world events, familiarity with the world of soldiers of fortune and mercs were invaluable. Without Spencer’s persistence and years of doggedly listening to my stories over and over again, interviewing, record ing and writing and rewriting and rewriting again, the project would not have happened.
Casemate publisher David Farnsworth and editors Steve Smith and Libby Braden deserve high praise.
A last minute note: Quoted conversation by no means are to be construed to be precise. They simply reflect the flavor of words spoken decades ago. As anyone that knows me knows, I do not have precise recall.