
So often we are touched in ways that seem small and insignificant at the time, but which prove to be wonderful catalysts and blessings later. It is with great joy, love, and gratitude that I dedicate this book to the following:

To Quenda Healing Woman for her love, her very dear and treasured friendship, and her sharing of Owl Medicine,

To Ann Konik who with contagious enthusiasm opened the splendor and joy of hawking to me,

To Kin Quitugua who shared with me the power of HAWKQUEST and the magic of birds of prey in educating the public,

To Brukner’s Nature Center and all who work there for the opportunity of more intimate contact and educational experiences with animals and nature. To them also goes a special thanks for permission to photograph the animal residents and use the photographs in this book.

A special thanks goes to Mark Mazzei, Debbie Brill, and Terri Menoche of Brukner Nature Center for their help and guidance.

To my sister Theresa for her love for and work with animals.

To Pagan Alexander for her indexing assistance and input on such short notice.

To Constance Hill for her creative designs and editorial work.

Especially to the one who knew that the white bear on this book would take you “East of the Sun and West of the Moon.”