Your Breasts Are
Your Superpowers
(Two of Them, Anyway)
One of the best parts of my job as a tantric educator is that I get to work with couples. Harmonizing the energies of the masculine and the feminine requires deep trust, love, and patience. It’s wildly fulfilling to witness a couple overcoming their challenges to fuse a bond that is tighter than ever.
One couple that I worked with was intent on bringing the spark back into their lovemaking. I had worked with them for several sessions, but nothing was quite clicking yet.
All that changed when I asked the woman about her relationship with her breasts. She told me that there really was none, that she never saw the value in that relationship.
I gave her some exercises to start to become more conscious of her breasts, to start opening up all of the energy that exists within them. She went home and tried the exercises. A couple of days later, she reported back. She told me that by tapping the energies of her breasts, she was able to access sensations and depths that she had never known existed. It was like she finally tapped the core of her whole, beautiful, vibrant self.
I told her to take these exercises, to take that feeling of connection to the breasts, and apply it to her lovemaking. Once she did that, she and her partner had the breakthrough they were looking for. That tiny adjustment worked wonders.
And beyond that, she was able to use this adjustment and apply it outside of lovemaking. The energy of the breasts is not meant to be kept under lock and key, used only for sexual purposes. The energy of the breasts is a rejuvenating one; it’s what binds you to the feminine and to your wild, ecstatic nature. To situate yourself in that energy, and then to use that power in all you do, brings about tremendous results.
The breasts are an extension of your heart chakra, two lush flowers springing from your chest, dripping of cosmic nectar and the buzz of possibility.
Why are the breasts so powerful?
For one, every woman’s breasts and chest area contain a great amount of high-voltage prana. Lines of energy cross and bend within your chest, your nipples, and your mammary glands. These lines of energy cannot be seen by the eyes, but they can be felt. Spinning, whirling, flowing. Like someone turned on the power to a billion watts of energy. It just takes tuning in and expanding your levels of awareness to access it.
Life Begins in the Breasts. Really.
They say that life begins in the womb. This is an accurate statement, but I’d also like to add that life’s truest origins lie in the breasts. That is where the energy of love lives, and the energy of love is what sparks the forces of birth and creation.
The breasts exist in deep union with the heart. Loving them and fixing your attention upon the lines of sensual energy that exist within them has the power to shake awake the goddess that exists within you. Below the surface, your breasts are tingling with sensual feminine qualities, and they contain the river through which deep orgasm flows.
As a woman, your body is primed to naturally act from the qualities of compassion, connection, and intimacy. Your strength, every woman’s strength, starts in the heart chakra. You are at your best when you are thinking, feeling, speaking, and moving from this place. In your truest and most authentic state, you are like a faucet that is overflowing, gushing with love. Spilling love in all directions. Tasting love in every bite.
The force of love is so great within us that we sometimes create, both consciously and unconsciously, stories about all the ways in which that love might be taken away. We do this in our allegiance to fear. We close up shop and ignore the vibrancy, the electric confidence of the breasts.
It’s no wonder that so many of us don’t even stop to truly consider all of the power and energy that is available there.
Right there. Inside of you.
You don’t have to take a single step to find it. You don’t have to hop on a plane and scour the planet for it. It’s in you. It’s available at all times. Pulsing and radiating below the surface.
This is energy that can be harnessed. That can be used to create, to make love, to accomplish our goals, to liberate ourselves from the clutches of every rigid expectation that would ever attempt to strangle the unique truth of what we are.
Please know that if you, for whatever reason, don’t have breasts—maybe you lost them in surgery, or you’re a trans woman, or you aren’t cisgender and weren’t born with breasts—you can still plug into this energy. Since the breasts are an extension of the energies that exist in the heart, you can melt into your heart space in order to bring these powerful sensations to the surface. So dive in and whenever you see me mention the word breasts, substitute the phrase heart chakra. And remember, when working with your heart chakra, don’t just limit yourself to that small part where the actual heart itself is present. The heart chakra actually encompasses the entire chest, so you’ve got a lot of area to work with. Take advantage of that!
How to Make Love through the Breasts
When we make love, we tend to concentrate solely on the vagina, or yoni. We pump all of our focus and expectational fervor into the yoni, when in fact, the yoni and the breasts have a very divine relationship with one another. They are both a part of the same equation. Take the breasts out of that equation and the yoni will not be nearly as open, warm, or inviting.
If you instead submerge yourself in your breasts, allowing yourself to feel the pleasurable and palpable energies that are there, your yoni will automatically open, like a flower. There will be no forcing, no mental effort. Then, orgasm becomes ever expansive; it consumes your entire being.
The best way to understand this idea is to put it into action.
Make love through the breasts (or heart chakra).
Subtract your focus from the yoni.
Have no concerns when it comes to being wet enough, open enough, or turned on enough. Stop riding your expectations and instead settle into the all-encompassing energy of the breasts.
There’s power there. And it will carry you. Trust in that, because it’s your birthright.
Let the journey become meaningless to you. Exist in the now and be with the experience from the breasts.
Stay centered in the breasts by breathing into them, training the eye of your mind onto both breasts at the same time.
Breathing deeply will help you to get into this practice. It will help to situate you directly in your feminine knowing so that you are anchored so completely from a place of love and fire.
The yoni will gift you with her warmth and openness as a result of this. And you will awaken something deep and alive within you.
This is the truth of everything that you are.
Pleasure. Vibrancy. Aliveness. Passion. Endless possibility.
But all of these things become difficult to gather into our awareness when we’re stuck pursuing a very masculine way of engaging with our breasts, our yonis, and our sex lives. The masculine way tends to neglect the deeper energies of love and pleasure, skating along the surface of a vast and infinite ocean.
When you perform from a place of expectation, denying the expression that is present in the breasts, succumbing to a structure that denies women the opportunity to experience pleasure in a deeper, more powerful way, you walk around feeling displaced. As if you’ve been forced out of the warm and glorious home of your body, disconnecting yourself from the wild ebbing and flowing of emotions, memories, and insights.
Do you really want to deny yourself of all that?
If you’ve been feeling displaced and disconnected from the power of your magnificent being, the breasts can lead you back home, whether that’s related to sexual pleasure or not.
Throwing heaps of attention onto the breasts should not solely be reserved for when you’re having sex. This is your life force energy. Your Shakti. This energy should be open and available to you at all times.
If it’s only reserved for sex, it will never be the fullest that it can be. You’ve got to make love through your breasts during your every moment.
Then, every particle of your life will be drenched in love and power. You will find yourself in a deep state of intoxication by the mere raising of a hand up toward the sky.
Your body will feel alive, lit up by a force so deliriously resplendent that at times you will feel as if all of the universe is inside of you. Quivering. Waking you up to the wonder of what you truly are.
You Are Worthy. Your Breasts Are Worthy.
Pay attention to your breasts. Rub and massage them. Gaze at them in the mirror. Don’t settle for ratty old bras; adorn your breasts with bras that are luxurious, that feel good to you.
Treat your breasts like they are something holy and sacred. Don’t give them over to just anybody to touch or be rough with. Be conscious of who you let in to penetrate your heart.
You are worthy. Your breasts are worthy. They are like precious stones. Love on them a bit each day. Soak them in warm oils. See the beauty in them.
After some time, you will begin to notice a feeling within.
This feeling will be small at first. It will be like kindling a fire. You’ve got to pay attention if you want to know this feeling. The more you pay attention, the more this feeling will expand. It will spread across your breasts, your chest, your heart. You will feel it, like a wildfire. Emboldening your every aspect. And you will know the power you have.
Power cannot be simply mental. It cannot be found solely by expressing grit or staying positive or shattering preconditioned constructs by raising your voice. There is a place for all of that, but no, it doesn’t just end there.
Power, true power, must be felt within.
It must marinate in your heart and soul. It must be liberated by movement, by awareness, by inner peace. By the courage that is found when one surrenders to love.
The framework of power as something selfish, unkind, loud, crushing, and unapologetic must be batted down. It must crumble, it must become dust. Because women are creating a new paradigm. We are moving out of the shadows. We are embracing our true selves. We are demanding to be heard, to be felt. We are linking arms. Dismantling misogyny and owning every marvelous part of who we are.
If it seems crazy to you that one could get to that place just by giving the breasts a little attention, then you must start experiencing this for yourself!
power exercise for
Preparing for the Exercise
Go into a private, quiet space and lie down.
Doing the Exercise
Be still.
Focus all attention on the breasts.
Let everything around them melt away: the back, the legs, the face, the arms and shoulders.
Let there only be the breasts.
Feel them from the inside, both at the same time.
If you can get still enough, you will start to feel a vibration emanating from the breasts.
Be very mindful of any kind of sensation that gets stirred up by this meditation. The key is to become aware. If you can do that, you will start to feel the Shakti that is present there.
Once you’ve uncovered it, surrender your attention even more deeply, even more precisely to it.
Finally, narrow your focus a bit. Put your attention onto the nipples, both at the same time. Be careful not to merely meditate on the surface or the outside of the nipples. Experience them from the inside, both at the same time, being careful not to get caught up on just one nipple, as this will dull the experience.
If you don’t feel anything at first, don’t get frustrated. Try this for at least ten minutes.
As you do this, and even long after you finish, you might notice a new buzz of aliveness streaming through you.
healing exercise for
If you had breasts but lost them to surgery, this exercise was created especially for you, dear sister.
When a drastic change or a severe loss occurs within the feminine body, it feels as if there is a negation. Something has been taken, altered, removed. Driving us to suddenly know ourselves as less than complete, as if we are now resigned to a perpetual state of lack.
But this is not the case.
Regardless of the ways in which your body changes, regardless of the feminine parts you currently have or don’t have, you are still whole and powerful.
Mourn the change. Grieve the loss. Give yourself time to heal and adjust. And when you’re ready, come back to the power of what you inherently are.
Enough chitchat. Here we go …
Preparing for the Exercise
Lie down on your back and get comfortable.
Doing the Exercise
Take deep belly breaths. With each exhale, feel your body melting into the ground beneath you.
Now, focus on the space where your breasts used to be. Breathe into whatever sensation you feel there. Allow your breath to align and to soothe this space with its life force–giving qualities.
Next, feel the energies of the heart rising to fill the space that has been left empty. Imagine that the heart is expanding out beyond your body and that it is taking on the contours of new, more vibrant breasts. Feel your expanded heart as your breasts. Breathe in the wisdom of your truth, which goes beyond what your physical self can touch.
Extra Badass Tip:
Even after you’ve completed this exercise, spend the day walking around and feeling your heart energy spreading into your breasts. Allow that energy to heal, restore, and nourish you from the inside out.
power exercise for
Waking up the Sensual Goddess Within through Breast Massage
Do this exercise to wake up the sensual goddess within.
Note: For this one, if you use essential oil, be mindful of possible allergic reactions› like rashes or other irritations. Please do your homework on any oils that you use.
Preparing for the Exercise
To prepare, go someplace private where you can lie down comfortably.
Make sure you have some oil that you can use to massage yourself. It can be a basic massage oil, or you can create your own by using a couple drops of essential oils; for example, lavender with a carrier oil like almond oil.
Note: If you don’t have breasts, you can do this massage over the entire chest area.
When you’re ready, dive right in …
Doing the Exercise
1. Lie down and make yourself comfortable. Take off your blouse and your bra, if applicable.
2. As you lie there, take a moment to close your eyes. Breathe deeply a few times, in and out of the mouth. Allow yourself to relax.
3. Next, take your oil in your hands and start to very gently massage the oil onto your breasts. Be sure to massage the chest as well, to encourage the energy to move freely. For this massage, you want to create light circles, spiraling outward. Make sure the pressure is not too firm as you do this. Take five to ten minutes here … or longer, if you’re really feeling it!
And here’s a big tip: You want both hands to be doing the same thing on each side/breast at the same time! You want to keep the energy balanced between both, and this will help you experience even deeper pleasure than you could ever imagine.
4. Next, place your left fingers on the left nipple and right fingers on the right nipple. Very slowly start to create circles on the nipple area, and continue to breathe through an open mouth. As you make these circles, do your best to focus all of your energy on the nipples. Give yourself up to the sensations that are being stirred there. Make this into a deep meditation of sensual awareness. Let this juicy part of the process go for as long as you need it to! You might feel some very deep orgasmic sensations start to flood into your body. If that’s the case, go with it. Tune your attention even more finely to these sensations. Whatever you focus on grows, so allow the sensations to expand with your awareness.
When you’re ready, you can move on to the next step …
5. Next, take the left breast in the left hand and the right breast in the right hand. Continue to breathe deeply through an open mouth. Gently start to squeeze and release the breasts together, at the same time, and start to sync the breath with the movement. As you squeeze the breasts, take a deep inhale. As you release the breasts, take a deep exhale. Do this for as long as you like!
6. And finally, rub your breasts, chest, and neck with your palms. The pressure can be firmer here, and not as gentle as your previous touches. Also, let the hands randomly brush over the body. The left and the right don’t need to be doing the same exact things in tandem, as they were doing before.
Perfect. You did it, fierce mama!
Place your hands over your heart and thank yourself for that breast massage! And then just lie there for a moment and drink in the feeling. Feel the powerful, sensual, and erotic goddess that you are filling up your entire being and making you dizzy with some wild love energy.