You Can Create
Whatever You Want
The paintings of Frida Kahlo, the books of Maya Angelou, the billion-dollar empire that Oprah has constructed. All of these creations have just one thing in common: They didn’t exist at one time. They had to be created, visioned into form, in order to become emblazoned onto this material plane.
Now, I know this is obvious, but it’s worth drawing your attention to. Because as women we tend to doubt our dreams. To render them impossible and stuff them away in a drawer somewhere.
But I’m here to remind you: If there is a dream in your heart, you can make it a reality. You have that ability. That power.
What you want to create for yourself might not exist physically in the world yet. But don’t let that discourage you. Don’t let it stop you. If Frida Kahlo, Maya Angelou, and Oprah had gotten too discouraged to continue moving toward their dreams, imagine all the beauty and joy that our world would have never known.
If you shut off your inner light (because that’s what you’ll essentially be doing if you choose not to go for your dreams), the world will miss out on all the wonder that you were born to express within it.
Let the discouragement go. Set down your fears, shed all of the disappointments. Stop working against yourself, stop fighting the natural wisdom you carry within. That natural wisdom wants to be fully expressed in the world, and a huge part of that expression comes from you living out your dreams, full force.
Ready to Go There?
The first step is to be courageous enough to carve out the vision. To even go there. Because so many of us don’t. So many of us give up before even taking the time to see, or create in our minds, what is possible.
Every creation starts inside of you.
Fragments of a book, the textures of a painting, the half notes of a song. Ideas for launching a business or inventing something. That call, from deep within, to light the match and start the rebellion that tips the scale.
Whatever it is you’d like to manifest, the energy of creation must dwell within before it can be realized out on the physical plane. Before your creation can be birthed, it must be cultivated and nurtured in the body, mind, and heart.
When a woman becomes pregnant, she first nurtures the baby in her womb, so that it can grow and develop. As her body does this sacred work, she holds the vision of what her new life will look like. She plans. Imagines. Cultivating this dream that is evolving inside of her. Relying upon her heart to feel her way through this exciting process. The magic that is happening within her stirs and stirs, until it is ready to be birthed.
Whatever it is you would like to create, that magic is there, waiting for you to stir it. And by stir it, I mean lock into the vision of what you desire. If you can see it, it can be yours. If you can’t see it, if you can’t do the work of imagining, without limits, what you can do and create, then it will be difficult to procure it.
Without a vision, without something to lock into, the electricity of creation will fizzle out. The landscape of your mind will lack the clarity to create or to drive you into meaningful action.
To lock into the vision of what you desire means to imagine exactly what that vision looks like once it’s made into a reality. The first thing you must do is to see beyond the lack so that you can welcome in the possibility. The potential.
If you get stuck on all the reasons why what you want to create will not work, this will kill the vibe. You’ll lower your frequency. The energies of creation cannot bloom upon feelings of lack and fear, or on excuses. Creation needs fertile ground to work with. Your mind becomes fertile ground when it’s focused on holding the vision of that thing you are determined to create.
Let’s say you want to write a book. You’ve got to see the finished product. The cover design, the layout, the crisp, white pages. The size of the book, the way the font looks. All of the thousands of words filling up the pages. That’s the vision.
If you’re tempted to start visualizing yourself at book signings or speaking engagements, you can do that, once in a while. But I encourage you to stay focused on the finished product, on what you have the power to create. This will refine and sharpen your ability to make it tangible. You’ve got to make sure not to lose your vision of what the finished product will look like. This will help you honor the high-vibrating creative powers that you possess within. This will wake up something deep inside of you. It will tangle you up in that feeling of anything being possible. And that feeling—right in the middle of that precious feeling—is where you want to be.
The Future Is Pregnant with Possibilities
If anything is possible, if you truly believe that, then you can take empty space and actually fill it with something. You can take your hands, which are full of so much potential, and you can mold something from nothing.
You can do it. You were born to create. In order for you yourself to be created in this world, creative energies had to be used by the Source, the Creator, or God (take your pick).
Can you imagine?
Stop and breathe that in for a moment.
What power there must be inside of you.
You were created from the greatest source of love and light that there is, and that doesn’t just dissipate when you’re born. That creativity is still there, swirling within your beautiful being. You are lit up by it. One with it. This is why there is a yearning, a pull, toward creating, always. This is why you are always looking at the pieces and imagining what can be. It’s why you are always looking for ways to express yourself, to shape and beautify, to bring new color and life to the world around you.
affirmation for
Creativity comes so naturally to me
I breathe it in and out,
I sway to the rhythm of the cycles that hold me
I bow to the line of women that came before me
I feel their heartbeats synchronized with my own
I feel my body, as a river
Of Creativity and Manifestation
I feel the Source of all Creativity
Deep within me
Nudging me toward expression
Toward expansion
I have the ability to create all I desire.
The possibilities are endless.
It’s No Accident That We
Know Nature as “Mother”
When you’re out in nature, when you get so lost in it that you feel yourself merging into it, that is the power of creation and the feminine’s role in that creation. The contours of your feminine body hold endless mysteries and codes. The womb, the spine, the heart. The energies of creation are ever present and available in the receptive and flowing body of woman.
She gives life, she nurtures, she nourishes, she grows, she roots downward and transforms upward. She is an all-powerful force. A fierce alchemy of love and acceptance. Shattering what is safe to create what is sacred.
The vision is what sets all this in motion. Cultivate the vision of what you want to create, and the bridge between the unseen world and the seen one will reveal itself to you. It will beckon for you to walk across it, to boldly express the things that press against your heart. To mold, bend, shape, color. To give form to something. To liberate the forces that dance below the surface, at the core of everything that is.
To start the creative fire, I will end this chapter by sharing with you one of my favorite ways to visualize.
Warning, though: this is some powerful stuff.
power exercise for
Preparing for the Exercise
Find a quiet, private space. Grab a pen and a journal.
Doing the Exercise
1. Start out by writing down what it is you want to create. Is it a play, a sculpture, a clothing line, a nonprofit organization, a tech company? What one thing is calling to your heart right now, demanding to be born? List all of the details, ideas, and flashes of brilliance that come into your head. This could be based on appearance, how you’d like your creation to feel, what elements your creation consists of. Anything that can help to shape or inform what this new birthing could look like. Go crazy here and let it flow. Not all of these ideas will stick in the end, and that’s okay. You’re just now opening yourself up to the possibilities.
2. After you’ve described the many facets of this creation, of this dream, close your eyes. In your mind, start to build the picture of what this creation will physically look like. The words you wrote down might help you with this, or you might find that you go down another track entirely. Whatever feels right to you is always the best thing to run with. If you want to open up your own yoga studio, start to see the physical place. The walls, the floors, the doors. See the people coming into this space and filling it with warm, palpable energy. Dare to go there. Create that world in your mind. See it as if it were something that already existed. Paint the details of all things in the space.
3. As you stay locked in this visualization, feel into your heart space. Feel the sensation of your heart, totally fulfilled. Feel the creative energies there crackling with affirmation. Know, deep within, what it feels like to not only hold this vision, but to live it, as if it were really happening. And you know what? It is really happening inside of you. The world within is wrapped up in meaning and energy. It is a vibrant plane of possibility. Don’t take this world for granted. Soak yourself in it. Let the juices of it marinate within you. Once you start to believe that your inner life is just as valid and worthy as the one outside of you, then you will really begin to open up the possibilities. You will feel the energies of deep fulfillment, and these energies will attract you to the vibration of the thing you’d like to create for yourself in the outside world. Harness the feeling. Get lost so completely in your visualization that the feeling will spontaneously arise within.
4. After getting drunk off of this feeling, you can either go about your business, or if the time is right, start creating. If you start creating, you will feel the creative power within you. It will be moving full force, flowing through your hands and your heart and your mind. It’s a refreshing joy to create from this place, when your energy, your vibration, is so high. Use it and you’ll see!
If you’re unable to create after this exercise, then go about your day, anchored in the feeling of fulfillment. Stay anchored there, as much as you can. If you find it slipping, try to visualize your finished product again to spark the feeling. Once you have it, hook into it and stay situated in it throughout the day. This will keep you inspired. It will help to bring greater power to your creations, once you’re ready to take action. It will also fill your mind with ease and help you to stay in the flow of thoughts that are nourishing and empowering.
That’s all it takes. A little seeing and feeling. Opening up the mind, expanding the heart into what could be. Barreling through the endless space that has been waiting to be filled by you.