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- Abernathy, Ralph
- Abram, Morris; Wofford and
- Adams, Sherman
- Allen, Ivan, Jr.
- American Jewish Congress
- American Legion
- AmeriCorps
- Anderson, Trezzvant
- Angola (Louisiana State Penitentiary)
- anti-Semitism
- AP (Associated Press)
- “Appeal for Human Rights, An”
- Ashmore, Ann
- Atlanta, Ga.; King’s return to; Nixon’s appearance in; Republicans in; voters in
- Atlanta Constitution, The
- Atlanta Daily World
- Atlanta Inquirer, The
- Atlanta Journal, The
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The
- Atlanta Life Insurance Company
- Atlanta Prison Farm
- Atlanta Student Movement
- Atlanta University
- Baker, Ella
- Baldwin, James; “My Dungeon Shook”
- Balkcom, R. P.
- Barnett, Claude
- Barry, Marion
- Bass, Jack
- Bassett, Jim
- Belafonte, Harry
- Bell, Griffin
- Bevel, James
- Big Rock Jail at Fulton Tower
- Biko, Steve
- Birmingham campaign
- Black, Charles
- Black Man in the White House (Morrow)
- Black media and journalists
- Black Republicans and the Transformation of the GOP (Farrington)
- Blackshear, Otis
- Black soldiers
- Black voters; Blue Bomb pamphlets and; Democratic Party and; Eisenhower and; election turnout of; in Georgia; JFK’s campaign and; Nixon’s campaign and; Republican Party and
- Blair, Ed
- Blue Bomb pamphlets
- Bond, Julian; Hollowell and; Lonnie King and
- Bondurant, Joan
- Booker, Simeon
- Bowles, Chester
- Brando, Marlon
- Brazier, James
- Brinkley, David
- Broome, C. J.
- Brown, Benjamin
- Brown v. Board of Education
- buffalo soldiers
- Calhoun, John; Hartsfield and
- Califano, Joseph
- Carter, Jimmy
- Case of Martin Luther King, The (Blue Bomb pamphlets)
- Castro, Fidel
- Cavanaugh, John
- Celler, Emanuel
- Chamberlain, Wilt
- Chapin, Dwight
- Charlton, Matthew
- Chicago, Ill.
- Chicago Daily Tribune
- Chicago Defender, The
- China
- Christian Science Monitor, The
- Church, Roberta
- Civil Rights Act of 1957
- Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Civil Rights Commission
- civil rights movement; Birmingham campaign; Democratic Party and; Eisenhower and; Freedom Rides; jail and; JFK’s campaign and; JFK’s presidency and; King’s Birmingham jail letter and; March on Washington; Montgomery bus boycott; National Conference on Constitutional Rights; Nixon’s 1960 campaign and; Nixon’s true feelings about; Selma to Montgomery march; SNCC and; “We Shall Overcome” in; women’s centrality to; women’s suffering of sexual violence during; see also segregation and integration; sit-ins
- Civil Rights Section (CRS); Blue Bomb pamphlets of; conservative elements and; Dawson in; King’s imprisonment and; Nixon telegram proposal and; Reeves-Lawson rivalry in; see also Martin, Louis E.; Shriver, Sargent; Wofford, Harris
- Clark, Kenneth
- Clayton, Charles
- Clayton, Xernona
- Clement, Rufus
- Committee on Appeal for Human Rights
- Congressional Record
- Congress of Racial Equality
- Connor, Bull
- Conquest of Violence (Bondurant)
- Corporation for National and Community Service
- Craig, Calvin
- Cross, Lonnie
- CRS, see Civil Rights Section
- Crusade for Citizenship
- Cuba
- Curry, Constance “Connie”
- Daley, Richard
- Dawson, William
- Decatur, Ga.
- DeKalb County, Ga.; King released from; King’s court hearings in; King’s sentence appealed in; King’s sentencing in; King’s traffic citation in; Republicans in; white voters in
- DeKalb County Jail
- Democratic National Committee (DNC)
- Democratic National Convention
- Democratic Party, Democrats; Black voters and; civil rights and; King’s imprisonment and; segregationist; southern
- Depression, Great
- desegregation, see segregation and integration
- DeWolf, L. Harold
- Dexter Avenue Baptist Church
- Dobbs, John Wesley
- Dorsey, Thomas
- Douglass, Frederick
- Du Bois, W. E. B.
- Duke University
- Ebenezer Baptist Church; King’s “Eight Days Behind Bars” sermon at; King’s funeral at
- Ebony
- Edelman, Marian Wright
- Edelman, Peter
- Ehrlichman, John
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Black voters and; civil rights and; JFK and; King’s imprisonment and; Morrow and; Nixon and; Nixon’s campaign and
- Eisenhower, Mamie
- Evers, Medgar
- Farrell, John
- Farrington, Joshua
- Farris, Christine King
- Farris, Isaac
- Fauntroy, Walter
- Finch, Robert
- First Amendment
- Flanigan, Peter
- Forty Years a Guinea Pig (Morrow)
- Fourteenth Amendment
- Frank, Leo
- Franklin, Aretha
- Freedom Crusade Committee
- Freedom Rides
- Fulton County, Ga.: Big Rock Jail at Fulton Tower; Fulton County Jail; voters in
- Galbraith, John Kenneth
- Gallup
- Gandhi, Mahatma
- Georgia; Atlanta, see Atlanta, Ga.; Black voters in; criminal justice system in; Decatur; DeKalb County, see DeKalb County, Ga.; Fulton County, see Fulton County, Ga.; State Prison in Reidsville, see Reidsville, Georgia State Prison in
- Georgia Council on Human Relations
- Georgia State Board of Corrections
- Ghana
- Goldwater, Barry
- Goodwin, Richard
- Gordy, Barry
- Granger, Lester
- Graves, John Temple, II
- Gray, James
- Gray, William
- Haldeman, H. R.
- Harris, Louis
- Hartsfield, William; Calhoun and; desegregation negotiations of; King’s imprisonment and; King Sr. and
- Harvey’s Restaurant
- Hatcher, Andrew
- health care
- Hermann, A. B.
- Herter, Christian
- Hesburgh, Ted
- Heston, Charlton
- Hill, Jesse
- Hoffa, Jimmy
- Hollings, Fritz
- Hollowell, Donald; Bond and; Brazier and; Johnson and; King and students represented by; in King’s court hearings; and King’s imprisonment at Reidsville; King’s release and; King’s traffic citation and; Mitchell called by; Nash and; in World War II
- Hollowell, Louise
- Holmes, Hamilton
- Holt Street Baptist Church
- Hoover, J. Edgar
- Hopkins, Gerard Manley
- Hotel Theresa
- Howard University; JFK’s appearance at
- Hoytt, Marilyn Pryce
- Humphrey, Hubert
- Hunter, Charlayne
- India
- India Afire (Wofford and Wofford)
- integration, see segregation and integration
- Jackson, Jesse
- Jackson, J. H.
- Jackson, Mahalia
- Javits, Jacob
- Jefferson Memorial
- Jenkins, Herbert
- Jet
- Jewish Labor Committee
- Jews
- Jim Crow; see also segregation and integration
- Johnson, Ernest
- Johnson, Lyndon B.; and Civil Rights Act of 1964; King’s assassination and; Martin and; Shriver in administration of; War on Poverty
- Johnson, Nathaniel
- Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
- Jones, Clarence
- Jones, Raymond “Silver Fox”
- Jordan, Vernon
- Justice Department, U.S.
- Kansas City Times, The
- Kelley, John
- Kennedy, Caroline
- Kennedy, Ethel
- Kennedy, Jacqueline
- Kennedy, John F.; assassination of; back surgery of; Catholicism of; civil rights and presidency of; Coretta King called by; Eisenhower and; elected president; funeral for; illnesses of; inauguration of; Irish heritage of; King on; King’s Birmingham campaign and; King’s meetings with; March on Washington and; Nixon’s relationship with; presidency of; racism as viewed by; RFK’s character contrasted with; The Strategy of Peace; Vandiver called by; Wofford’s meeting of; in World War II
- Kennedy, John F., presidential campaign of; Black voters and; Blue Bomb pamphlets in; and Bowles’s call to Coretta King; civil rights and; debates with Nixon; Election Day; hectic schedule in; Howard University appearance; JFK’s call to Coretta King; JFK’s final televised statement in; King and; King’s father and; King’s imprisonment and; King’s lack of endorsement for; National Conference on Constitutional Rights and; Nixon telegram proposal and; Robinson and; Troutman and; Wofford recruited for; see also Civil Rights Section
- Kennedy, Joseph, Jr.
- Kennedy, Joseph; Shriver and
- Kennedy, Robert F.; assassination of; Blue Bomb pamphlets and; Coretta King visited by; JFK’s assassination and; and JFK’s call to Coretta King; JFK’s character contrasted with; King’s assassination and; at King’s funeral; King’s traffic citation sentence and; Martin and; Mitchell called by; presidential campaign of; Rachel Robinson and; on racial inequality; Stewart and; Vandiver and; Wofford and
- Kennedy, Rose
- Kennedy, Ted
- Kennedy Library
- Kenya
- Khrushchev, Nikita
- Killers of the Dream (Smith)
- King, A. D.
- King, Alberta Williams
- King, Alice
- King, Bernice
- King, Christine
- King, Coretta Scott; Blue Bomb pamphlets and; Bowles’s call to; early life of; JFK’s call to; Martin’s assassination and; Martin’s court hearing and; and Martin’s imprisonment in Birmingham jail; and Martin’s imprisonment following Rich’s sit-in arrest; Martin’s letter to; Martin’s marriage to; Martin’s release and; Martin’s sentencing and; Nixon’s visit to; and release of Rich’s sit-in protestors; RFK’s visit to
- King, Lonnie; Bond and; death of; early life of; imprisonment of; Jordan and; and King’s assassination and funeral; King’s release and; in Navy; off-duty police incident and; post office job of; in Rich’s sit-in
- King, Martin Luther, III (“Marty”)
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.; arrest and incarceration in Montgomery; assassination of; Atlanta return of; Birmingham campaign of; in Birmingham jail; and Civil Rights Act of 1964; Coretta’s marriage to; funerals for; grandmother of; humility and guilt of; “I Have a Dream” speech of; Jackson and; on jail; on JFK; JFK’s campaign and; JFK’s meetings with; leadership, fame, and prestige of; Lee as body man for; in Montgomery bus boycott; name change of; on Nixon; Nixon’s campaign and; Nixon’s relationship with; Nobel Peace Prize awarded to; political neutrality of; radio interview of; in Rich’s sit-in; as SCLC head; sit-in movement and; SNCC and; stabbing attack on; Stride Toward Freedom; tax indictment of; voting problem of; wiretapping of; Wofford’s relationship with
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., imprisonment of: arrest; bail refusal and; bond payment and; The Case of Martin Luther King (Blue Bomb pamphlets); Coretta and; court hearings and; in DeKalb County Jail; and dropping of charges; Eisenhower and; in Fulton County Jail; Hartsfield and; homecoming from; JFK’s call to Coretta on; JFK’s call to Vandiver on; JFK’s campaign and; King’s fasting during; King’s letter to Coretta during; King’s sermon on; King’s television interview during; King’s written statements during; “leave the premises” trespassing charge in; media condemnation of; Mitchell’s decision reversal and; Nixon’s campaign and; plot against King’s life in; prisoners’ notes to King in; Reeves and; in Reidsville; release from prison; and release of fellow protestors; RFK’s call to Mitchell on; sentencing in; in solitary confinement; telegrams sent to JFK and Nixon about; traffic citation and; traffic sentence appealed; Vandiver and; visits during; Wofford and
- King, Martin Luther, Sr. (“Daddy King”); Blue Bomb pamphlets and; Coretta and; early life of; Hartsfield and; and JFK’s call to Coretta; and JFK’s Catholicism; Martin’s assassination and; Martin’s court hearings and; Martin’s imprisonment and; Martin’s imprisonment at Reidsville and; Martin’s sentencing and; Martin’s traffic citation and; name change of; Nixon’s visit to; Rich’s sit-in and
- King, Yolanda “Yoki”
- Klein, Herb
- Kuhn, Clifford
- Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
- labor camps, see prison farms and labor camps
- labor unions
- Lawson, Belford
- Lawson, James
- Lawson, Marjorie; Reeves’ rivalry with
- Lee, Bernard; as King’s body man
- Lee, George W.
- Levison, Stanley
- Lewis, Anthony
- Lewis, John
- Life
- Lincoln, Abraham
- Little, R. E.
- Little Rock, Ark.
- Lodge, Henry Cabot; pledge on Black cabinet member made by
- Long, Carolyn
- Los Angeles Sentinel
- Louisiana State Penitentiary (Angola)
- lynchings
- Mackay, James
- Making of the President, 1960, The (White)
- March on Washington
- Marshall, Burke
- Marshall, Thurgood
- Martin, F. M.
- Martin, Gertrude
- Martin, Louis E.; Black elected officials mentored by; Black voter outreach by; Blue Bomb pamphlets and; Carter and; Conference on Constitutional Rights and; Dawson and; death of; FDR and; JFK’s assassination and; and JFK’s call to Coretta King; Johnson and; King’s assassination and; at King’s funeral; King’s imprisonment and; on King’s Reidsville experience; King’s sentencing and; and Lodge’s pledge of Black cabinet member; Nixon telegram proposal of; racism confronted by; RFK and; and RFK’s call to Mitchell; Shriver and; at University of Michigan; Wofford and; see also Civil Rights Section
- Martin, Toni
- Martin Luther King Day
- Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
- Mays, Benjamin
- Meany, George
- McCarthy, Eugene
- McDonald, Dora
- McGill, Ralph
- McGovern, George
- media; Black; King’s imprisonment condemned in
- Metropolitan AME Church
- Miami, Fla.
- Michigan Chronicle
- Ministers’ Alliance
- Mitchell, Clarence
- Mitchell, John
- Mitchell, Oscar; decision reversal and release of King by; Hollowell’s call to; in King’s hearings; RFK’s call to; Stewart and
- Montgomery bus boycott
- Moore, Howard
- Morehouse College
- Morrow, Catherine
- Morrow, E. Frederic; Black Man in the White House; Eisenhower and; Finch and; Forty Years a Guinea Pig; King and; Nixon and; Nixon’s presidential campaign and; Robinson and; White House staff appointment of
- Moss, Otis, Jr.
- Mount Moriah Baptist Church
- Mount Zion Second Baptist Church
- Mussolini, Benito
- “My Dungeon Shook” (Baldwin)
- NAACP; King’s sentencing and
- Nash, Diane
- Nash, Willie
- Nation, The
- National Conference on Constitutional Rights
- National Guard
- National Newspaper Publishers Association
- National Urban League
- Neely, Frank
- New Deal
- New Republic
- New York Amsterdam News
- New York, N.Y.; Harlem; National Conference on Constitutional Rights in
- New York Post
- New York Times, The
- Nigeria
- 1984 (Orwell)
- Niven, David
- Nix, Robert
- Nixon, Pat
- Nixon, Richard; civil rights movement as viewed by; Coretta King visited by; early life of; Eisenhower and; Finch and; at JFK’s funeral; JFK’s relationship with; JFK’s surgery and; King on; King’s funeral and; King’s relationship with; Martin’s telegram proposal and; Mexico trip of; Morrow and; 1968 presidential campaign of; 1972 presidential campaign of; presidency of; segregation condemned by; Six Crises; southern strategy of; Watergate and
- Nixon, Richard, 1960 presidential campaign of; Atlanta appearance; Black journalists and; Black voters and; civil rights and; debates with JFK; Eisenhower and; Election Day; Finch and; Harlem and; Howard University forum and; King and; King’s father and; King’s imprisonment and; and Lodge’s pledge of Black cabinet member; Morrow and; Nixon’s closing appeal in; Quinn Chapel invitation and; Republican National Committee and; Robinson and
- Nixon Library
- Northwestern University
- Obama, Barack
- O’Brien, Lawrence
- O’Donnell, Ken
- Orbert, Agnes “Blondean”
- Orwell, George
- Parchman Farm
- Parks, Rosa
- Paschal’s Restaurant
- Patterson, John
- Peace Corps
- Person, Charles
- Pittsburgh Courier, The
- Politics of Injustice, The (Niven)
- Poor People’s Campaign
- Pope, Roslyn
- Powell, Adam Clayton
- presidential election of 1960; as close contest; Election Day; Electoral College count in; JFK’s victory in; King’s neutrality on; polling on; voter turnout for; see also Kennedy, John F., presidential campaign of; Nixon, Richard, 1960 presidential campaign of
- presidential election of 1968
- presidential election of 1972
- presidential election of 1976
- prison farms and labor camps; Atlanta Prison Farm; King sentenced to
- Proctor, Sam
- Pryce, Marilyn
- Ramsay, Richard
- Randolph, A. Philip
- Reeves, Frank; King’s imprisonment and; Lawson’s rivalry with
- Reidsville, Georgia State Prison in; guards at; King at; King’s release from; plot against King’s life in; prisoners’ notes to King in
- Republican National Committee (RNC)
- Republican Party, Republicans; in Atlanta; Blacks and; in DeKalb County; South and
- Rich, Dick; charges against King dropped by
- Rich’s department store; Crystal Bridge; Magnolia Room; Sam Nunn Federal Center at site of
- Rich’s department store sit-in; arrests of protestors; imprisonment of protestors; King in; King’s arrest in; King’s court hearing and; King’s imprisonment following, see King, Martin Luther, Jr., imprisonment of; “leave the premises” trespassing charges in; Lonnie King in; planning of; release of protestors
- Rickey, Branch
- Robeson, Paul
- Robinson, Jackie
- Robinson, Rachel
- Rockefeller, Nelson
- Rogers, Jewel
- Rogers, William
- Roosevelt, Eleanor
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano; Martin and; New Deal of
- Rush Church
- Russell, Bob
- Russell, Richard
- Ruwe, Nick
- Safire, William
- Salinger, Pierre
- Sam Nunn Federal Center
- Saturday Review
- Schlesinger, Arthur M.
- Schley, Bobby
- segregation and integration; Brown v. Board of Education; Democrats and; Hartsfield’s negotiations on; JFK’s administration and; Jim Crow; in Little Rock; of lunch counters; Nixon on; Nixon telegram proposal and; States’ Rights Council of Georgia and; Vandiver and; in workplace break rooms; see also civil rights movement; sit-ins
- Seigenthaler, John
- Selassie, Haile
- Selma to Montgomery march
- Semple, Cecil
- Sengstacke, John
- Shriver, Eunice Kennedy
- Shriver, Maria
- Shriver, Robert
- Shriver, Sargent; Blue Bomb pamphlets and; Catholic faith of; Conference on Constitutional Rights and; JFK’s assassination and; and JFK’s call to Coretta King; in Johnson administration; Joseph Kennedy Sr. and; at King’s funeral; Martin and; Peace Corps and; presidential campaign of; RFK’s assassination and; Special Olympics and; Wofford and; in World War II; see also Civil Rights Section
- Siegel, Jacob
- sit-ins; Atlanta newspapers on; Hartsfield’s negotiations on; Nixon on; at post office break room; at Rich’s department store, see Rich’s department store sit-in; at Terminal Station restaurant; trespassing law and; voter registration
- Six Crises (Nixon)
- Smith, Jack
- Smith, Lillian; King’s driving of
- Sorensen, Ted
- South; Democrats in; Nixon’s strategy for; political realignment in; Republicans and
- Southern California–Nevada Council of Churches
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
- Southern Regional Council
- Soviet Union
- Special Olympics
- Spelman College
- States’ Rights Council of Georgia
- Stevenson, Adlai
- Stewart, George; Mitchell and; RFK and
- Stossel, Scott
- Strange Fruit (Smith)
- Strategy of Peace, The (Kennedy)
- Stride Toward Freedom (King)
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
- Sullivan, Herschelle
- Supreme Court; Brown v. Board of Education
- Talmadge, Herman
- Taylor, Gardner
- Temple University
- Tenth Cavalry
- Terminal Station restaurant
- Till, Emmett
- Time
- Thoreau, Henry David
- Thurman, Howard
- Thurmond, Strom
- Today
- Trevor Arnett Library
- Troutman, Bobby; Wofford and
- Truman, Harry
- Tubby, Roger
- Tuck, Bennett
- unions
- United Nations
- United Press International
- University of Georgia
- University of Michigan
- U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
- Vandiver, Betty
- Vandiver, Ernest; JFK’s call to; King’s imprisonment and; RFK and; Stewart and
- Vietnam War
- Viva Zapata
- voting rights and registration
- Wagner, Robert F., Jr.
- Walden, A. T.
- Walker, Wyatt Tee
- Wallace, George
- Walsh, Lawrence
- Ward, Horace
- Wardlaw, John
- Washington, Val
- Washington Post, The
- Watergate
- Watters, Pat
- Webb, James
- “We Shall Overcome”
- Wheat Street Baptist Church
- White, Byron
- White, Theodore
- Whittier College
- Wilkins, J. Ernest
- Wilkins, Roy
- Williams, Franklin
- Williams, Samuel W.
- Wilson, Norma June
- Wilson, Woodrow
- Wittenstein, Charles
- Wofford, Clare
- Wofford, Daniel
- Wofford, Harris; Abram and; and appeal of King’s sentence; Blue Bomb pamphlets and; Conference on Constitutional Rights and; Dawson and; death of; Gandhi admired by; health care and; JFK’s assassination and; and JFK’s call to Coretta King; JFK’s meeting of; JFK’s meetings with King arranged by; King’s assassination and; at King’s funeral; King’s imprisonment and; King’s relationship with; King’s sentencing and; and Lodge’s pledge of Black cabinet member; Martin and; Obama and; Peace Corps and; recruited for JFK’s campaign; remarriage of; RFK and; and RFK’s call to Mitchell; Senate campaign of; Shriver and; Troutman and; Viva Zapata watched by; see also Civil Rights Section
- Wofford, Susanne
- Wonder, Stevie
- work camps, see prison farms and labor camps
- World War II; black soldiers in; Hollowell in; JFK in; Shriver in
- Wright, Jeremiah
- Young, Andrew
- Young, A. S. “Doc”
- Young, Whitney