It’s called “Planet Earth,” and it may be the strangest place in the entire universe. The dedicated team of trivia nuts at the Bathroom Readers’ Institute (led by yours truly, Uncle John) has spent more than 20 Earth years making Bathroom Readers. All our books are odd in their own special ways, but none has been odder than the one you hold in your hands right now (it’s even odder than a book we did a few years ago called The Wonderful World of Odd).
Quite simply, this book turns the crazy dial up to 11. We plunged deep into the depths of pop culture, current events, and all-around oddballery to bring you strange-but-true stories of everything weird under the sun…and over the moon. Just flip this book open to any page. You never know what you’ll find…
• VSPs (very strange people): Behold the man who thinks he’s a carpet, the woman who spent two years in a tree, the teenager who wants to be a zombie, and the celebrated painter who’s blind.
• Arts and entertainment: The Sinatra song to kill for, cheating on reality shows, Lady Gaga’s true gender, and that homeless bum called Superman.
• Conspiracy theories: Is the government poisoning our skies? Is there a secret “Planet X” about to lay waste to our existence? Is the food in your refrigerator riddled with deadly chemicals?
• Animal oddities: A snake with a foot, gay penguins, a bear that ate an airplane, and a doctor’s dose of medicinal parasitic worms.
• Professionals gone crazy: Lawyers, police officers, teachers, scientists, doctors, politicians, and the clergy. (No one gets a free pass.)
• Science on the edge: Human-animal hybrids, a human-caused earthquake, and a remote-control sphincter.
• Myths and legends: An elf school in Iceland, the Lemurians of Mt. Shasta, the Mayan Prophecy, alien deities, and how to capture irrefutable evidence of the paranormal. (Good luck.)
• Looking crazy good: Botox for your armpits, jewelry for your eyeballs, and bagels for your forehead.
There’s so much more we could tell you about, but you’ll have to dive in to see for yourself. And a word of warning: Some of what you’ll read may make you feel a bit…squeamish. Don’t worry—it made us feel squeamish, too. But our goal was to seek out really weird stuff and then share what we found. So have fun, but read with caution.
As we’re now mere hours away from sending this behemoth of a book off to the printer, I’d like to send a gigantic thank-you to my barely sane team of writers and editors for all of their hard work. (They were barely sane when we started. Now that we’re finished, forget it.)
But as always, I save my last and biggest thanks for all of you. It is because of your quirky dedication and support of such a bizarre book series that we get to keep coming up with new ways to entertain you. We hope we’ve succeeded!
Happy reading and…
Go with the Flow!
—Uncle John, the BRI Staff, and Porter the Wonder Dog
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