Above all, there are three people whom I cannot thank enough: Chris Schillig, my brilliant editor at HarperCollins, for her clear vision and unwavering commitment; Miles Chapman, who helped edit this book with exceptional intelligence and finesse, and who got me to write when I felt like giving up; and Barbara Colaciello Williams, my extraordinarily dedicated researcher, sounding-board, and sister.

I am also deeply grateful to: Tina Brown, editor-in-chief of Vanity Fair, for her patience and support; my agent, Morton Janklow, for his faith and guidance; São Schlumberger, for a month in Tangier, where I wrote my prologue and first chapter; and Kevin Farley, for a summer in Rhode Island, where I wrote the next eleven chapters.

The following people were kind enough to give me interviews: Glenn Albin, Lady McCrady Axom, Brigid Berlin, Bruno Bischofberger, Susan Blond, Sam Bolton, Douglas Cramer, Ronnie Cutrone, Katy Dobbs, Robert du Grenier, Rose Erde, Mica Ertegun, Cornelia Guest, Halston, Victor Hugo, Barry Kieselstein-Cord, Fran Lebowitz, Sarah Lee, Benjamin Liu, Daniela Morera, Paul Morrissey, Glenn O’Brien, John O’Connor, Philip and Dorothy Pearlstein, Keith Peterson, Stuart Pivar, Paige Powell, Joan Quinn, John Reinhold, Rupert Smith, Jessica Strand, Geraldine Stutz, and Gregor von Rezzori; in Pittsburgh, Mary Bradenton, Tilly Cohen, John and Helen Elachko, Joseph Fitzpatrick, Lillian Gracik, Stanley Greenfield, Mrs. Thomas Kunsak, Robert Lepper, Ann Elachko Madden, Mary McKibbon, Catherine Metz, Dean Akram Midani, Don Miller, Dorothy Pauley, Michael Roman, Sr., Michael Roman, Jr., Chester Stanek, Tinka Swindel, Donald Warhola, John Warhola, Michael and Kay Warhola, Paul and Ann Warhola, John Zavacky, Anna Zeedick, and Albert Zionts; in Lyndora, Pennsylvania, the Reverend Ronald Borsak, Julia Gavula, Eugenia King, Amy Passarelli, Noel Passarelli, Alan Soley, Andy and Christine Soley, Tina Soley, Matthew and Paula Vavro, Emil Zavacky, Mark Zavacky, Olga Zavacky, and Sally Zymboly.

I am appreciative to the following for everything from fact checking to moral support: Walter Anderson, Thomas Ammann, Lily Auchincloss, Irving Blum, Georgina Brandolini, Marie Brenner, Mathias Brunner, Pat Buckley, Margaret Campbell, Virginia Cannon, Peter Castro, Marina Cicogna, Gustavo and Patty Cisneros, Scott Cohen, Dagny Corcoran, Charles Cowles, Dr. Denton Cox, Consuelo Crespi, Barbara de Kwiatkowski, Barry Diller, Sean Driscoll, Frederick and Isabel Eberstadt, Fernanda Eberstadt, Harold Evans, Vincent Fremont, John Fries, Ina Ginsburg, Eric Goode, Florence Grinda, Pat Hackett, Prentis and Denise Hale, Ed Hayes, Holly Hayes, Joy Henderiks, Reinaldo and Carolina Herrera, Brooks Jackson, Bianca Jagger, Angela Janklow, Linda Janklow, Hugo Jereisati, Jed Johnson, Lana Jokel, Howard and Susan Kaminsky, Nan Kempner, Calvin and Kelly Klein, Jesse Kornbluth, Kenny Jay Lane, Wayne Lawson, Leo Lerman, JoAnn Lewis, Iris Love, Bill and Wendy Luers, Christopher Makos, Pam McCarthy, Patrick McCarthy, Patrick McMullan, Liza Minnelli, Chris Murray, Jeremiah Newton, William Norwich, Judy Orbach, Walter Owen, Ronald and Claudia Perelman, Laughlin and Jennifer Phillips, Paloma Picasso and Rafael Lopez Cambil, George Plimpton, Lee Radziwill, John Richardson, D.D. Ryan, Julio and Vera Santo Domingo, Jane Sarkin, Marina Schiano, E.B. and Maureen Smith, Liz Smith, Ray Stark, Wendy Stark, Jean Stein, Diane von Furstenberg, George Wayne, Jann Wenner, Mark Williams, Paul Wilmot, Lynn Wyatt, Louis Zeffran, and Jerry Zipkin. Unfortunately, some of the people who encouraged me most are no longer with us: Paulette Goddard, Elizinha Gonçalves, Adriana Jackson, Jonathan Lieberson, Steve Rubell, and Diana Vreeland.

At HarperCollins, I am grateful to Matthew Martin, for his savvy legal reading; Karen Mender and Steven Sorrentino for their inspired promotion; Joseph Montebello, for his stylish design; Nancy Peske, for always pitching in; and Rena Kornbluh for her diligence and care.

At Janklow & Nesbit Associates, I am indebted to Anne Sibbald, for her good cheer under pressure; Bennett Ashley, for his sage counsel; Cynthia Cannell, for her overseas diplomacy; and Michael Kunkel, for xeroxing above and beyond the call of duty.

Special thanks to Denise Auclair, typist extraordinaire.

Thanks also to Ann Schneider, a great photo researcher, and to all the photographers whose work appears on these pages. We have made every attempt to locate each photographer and give proper credit; I apologize to any photographer whose name does not appear on this list: Peter Beard, Mark Cafferty, Otto Fenn, Mel Finkelstein, Betty Burke Galella, Ron Galella, Burt Glinn, Tony Guzewicz, Robert Hayes, Ken Heyman, Frank Kolleogy, Christopher Makos, Philip Pearlstein, Paige Powell, Brian Quigley.

And many thanks to Sam Bolton, for his cover photograph of Andy with that holy terror smile; and Annie Leibovitz, for taking the best photograph of me since Andy snapped that Polaroid in 1970.

For this Vintage edition I have changed the photographs which are now all by me. I would like to thank my editor, Shelley Wanger, Russell Perreault, Catherine Tung, and Juhea Kim for all their help in getting this book back into print. I am thrilled that a new generation of readers may learn a little more about the goings on at Andy Warhol’s Factory in the 1970s and 1980s.

Bob Colacello