A golden pink sunset seeped through the large window of Tera’s coffee shop. Since it was open mic night, the cozy coffeehouse was packed with locals filling every table, chair and sofa. Gathered at two adjoining tables in the back corner, Tera sat with Sparrow, Melissandra, and Morgana enjoying the show. Duncan and Michelle also shared a chair at the table.
It had been five days from the time when Sabin left to “take care” of Chaos, and he hadn’t returned since. Nothing to kill a battle victory buzz like a lover gone. Not that Sparrow and the aunts hadn’t tried to drag her into party mode. But tonight was many a lime-and-a- coconut nights later, she was still missing Sabin, and the glory of kicking demons out of the Bay Area was fading quickly.
The creaky voice of a young local with hair drooping on both sides of her face crooned along with her guitar. The sad song did little better for Tera’s lovesick mood. That and her new honeymoon status friends.
Michelle’s bright blue eyes sparkled even in the darkness, her long raven hair a contrast against Duncan’s pale immortal skin. “C’mon darling, why don’t you go up there and show these girls how it’s done?”
Duncan hugged Michelle closer to him and kissed the skin along her neck. As he did so, Morgana seconded the notion. “Yes, Duncan, do go up there and sing something a bit more lively since this girl is only succeeding in putting our Tera into a depression.”
“Quit looking so mopey. Why don’t you get us a round of scones?” Sparrow poked Tera a couple times in the ribs to provoke some enthusiasm.
Melissandra swatted the hand away. “Quit being jealous just because you didn’t take your chance when you had it with that hot hunk of dragon-demon.”
Her sister smiled, the lines by her eyes crinkling faintly as she winked toward Sparrow. “He did have a nice wrist, didn’t he?”
“Oh I’m sorry,” Sparrow said sweetly before adopting a more sarcastic tone. “It’s a little hard to appreciate a good wrist-sucking when you’re on the verge of death.”
Morgana laughed and massaged her niece’s shoulders. Tera couldn’t help but smile as well. Leave it to a good ribbing to cheer her up. When the young vocalist was done with her sad song and passed the mic to someone else, she stood up to go get a round of scones and Devonshire cream from the barista.
The next local artist began to play back at the front of the store. Uninterested, she stood facing the kitchen. She stared like a zombie, counting the various teas on the wall like sheep. When the music came to a sudden halt and the coffee shop became quiet, she whipped her head toward the front door. There stood her man in all his glory.
She watched him duck under the door and a smile came to her lips immediately. Sabin was so tall he nearly hit his head as he entered. His hair fell sensually against his shoulders in a shiny silver mass and his aqua-gray eyes stood out like lightning in the dimly lit café. Her heart stopped. Obviously, the audience wasn’t quite used to seeing such a gorgeous, otherworldly specimen of a man either, judging from the silence.
She watched Sabin calmly take in the crowd around him. Turning to the woman on guitar, he extended a palm. “Play on.”
The young guitarist clumsily began her song once again, and Tera could see her blush from across the shop. Despite the crowd, Sabin was tall enough to spy her from across the coffeehouse and made his way toward her. The crowd seemed to part for him.
Ahh, l’amour. Smiling like a lovesick puppy, she let Sabin sweep her off her feet and press a needy kiss deep against her lips. Tera could feel the eyes of the barista on them as Sabin parted her lips with his tongue and took the warmth of her mouth within his own.
Tera’s heart swum with bliss, but she pulled away, bashfully aware that she had an audience. “Wow.” The barista holding the scones looked impressed. “I didn’t even realize you had a squeeze. I’d keep him locked up, too.”
“Melanie, meet Sabin.”
“Nice to meet you.” The young barista with purple hair and a lip-piercing smiled.
“Delighted to make your acquaintance as well. There is much time that I am not here. Do spread the word, Melanie, that Tera is very taken.”
Both Tera’s and Melanie’s mouth dropped, but Melanie finally managed to nod and smile, probably near comedic hysterics. “I can see that. I’ll definitely spread the word.”
Tera heated to ten different shades of red, even in the dark café. “Uh, he’s a traveling salesman from Yugoslavia. They have different ideas on etiquette and possessiveness.”
A laugh finally escaped Melanie. “No worries, boss.” With that, the barista handed over a tray full of scones and a heaping of Devonshire cream.
Sabin took the tray and wrapped an arm around Tera, guiding her back through the crowd. Once at the table, there were no empty chairs, so he scooped her upon his lap. “Good to see all my favorite ladies once again.”
The aunts fawned over Sabin as he spread some cream on a scone and fed a piece to Tera. “I fear we must eat these scones quickly though and be on our way.”
More jaws dropped. Tera looked dumbfounded. “We?”
“What?” Sparrow exclaimed.
The aunts also questioned in unison. “Why?”
Sabin laughed. “Yes, we. We as in all of us. I will take you all on a journey to the Realm of Fog, if you are up for it.” Looking around the table, he pressed, “But I would greatly recommend being up for it.”
The aunts smiled and responded quickly. “We are.”
Michelle spoke up in a concerned voice. “I thought vampires weren’t allowed to travel through the portals?” Beside her, Duncan’s eyes glinted dark, as if he were constantly prepared to deal with the implications of his violent race.
Sabin looked at him with respect. “I have discussed Duncan’s gallantry with my order and my king, and he is important for this journey as well.” Shifting his attention directly at Duncan, he extended an arm. “I have great respect for you, Duncan. And know that I think of you as a comrade for protecting Tera while I was gone. Know that I would always do the same for you.”
Duncan took his hand away from Michelle for a moment and clasped Sabin’s arm in a manly embrace that signified trust and respect, and maybe even friendship. Duncan smiled, “I have grown to love these ladies, but I am definitely grateful to have another man in our midst.” He nodded toward Melissandra playfully, “Another target for Melissandra’s butt-pinching perhaps.”
Michelle’s eyes went wide and she playfully pushed the aunt’s shoulder. “Heyyy.”
“My ladies, and gentleman vampire, we really should be going now.”
“Now?” Tera exclaimed.
“As soon as everyone has finished their scones, my love.”
At that, Sparrow and the aunts scarfed down the remaining baked goods.