“There’s a place on Third Street in Austin that has the best craft pizza...the best in the state,” she said, unable to contain the excitement in her voice.
“That’s where I took you on our first date, then,” he said with a glimmer in his eyes that caused her stomach to free-fall.
“It was a perfect night,” she said, continuing on with the cover.
“I knew the minute you ordered the special that there was something different about you,” he said. His eyes lit up. His expression softened. The way he spoke about their fake date, almost like it was real, was incredibly sexy. “I never believed in love at first sight, but I sensed you were going to be important in my life.”
Well, now she really was transfixed.
“The same was true for me,” she said. “There was something about sharing that first slice that made my whole future flash before my eyes. Us. Kids. A house.”
Quint cleared his throat, as if it had suddenly dried up.