
A book ten years in the making inspires a lot of gratitude. First, I am indebted to the many archivists who assisted with this project. Special thanks to Maria Mazzenga and William Shepherd at the American Catholic History Research Center at Catholic University. I am further indebted to the American Catholic History Research Center and the Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism at the University of Notre Dame for travel grants that assisted me in getting to the archives. Roanoke College has also supported my research in the form of grants and release time.

I am grateful to the many colleagues who have provided encouragement, feedback, and support through this long process. Special thanks to Mary Beth Fraser Connolly, Kathy Cummings, Paula Kane, Jim McCartin, Catherine Osborne, Jeanne Petit, Tom Rzeznik, and Charles Strauss. I am always thankful for my friends and colleagues in the Lilly Fellows program who sustain me and remind me periodically how to be my best academic self. John Staudenmaier and Mel Piehl continue to serve as my mentors even though I should have let them off the hook years ago. I couldn’t ask for better advice or greater champions. Thank you to Elaine Maisner for her work in shaping the manuscript and her endless store of patience. My colleagues in the History Department at Roanoke College have given me a warm and collegial place to teach and write, and I am profoundly thankful. I am also blessed in my parish, Our Lady of Nazareth, whose community welcomes me each week and keeps me grounded in the living church.

My family of Henolds and Carlins have been incredibly supportive as I have meandered my way through this project. My children, Ella and Hank, are a joy just because they are themselves, but also because they make life so interesting. I also appreciate how well they tolerate history lessons at the dinner table. My deepest gratitude to my husband, Tim, for his unflagging, steadfast support and his faith that I could get this done (and the knowledge that it wouldn’t matter a jot if I didn’t). Finally, thank you to my parents, Ken and Nikki Henold, who gave me the twin and ever intertwining gifts of an academic life and a vibrant faith.