WE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE the important assistance we received in completing this book from many good dharma friends: Andy Cooper for doing a massive editing job; Sharon Salzberg (our co-teacher and perennial inspiration in practice) for substantial editing and revision; Roger Wheeler for his initial encouragement to gather the material for this book and for his many constructive comments; Evelyn Sweeney (a most faithful dharma student) for typing and transcribing very many of our talks; Jeanne Bendik (former manager at IMS) for years of tape transcription work; Helen Parnell and Thea Snyder Lowry and Tom Lowry for the use of their homes and computer time; Timothy Sweeny, Sam Pett, and Ellen Mooney for word processing; Dan Drayson, Richard Getler, John Miller, and Wicki Sedgwick for computer assistance; Jean Conlogue and Patricia Masters for retyping much of the manuscript; Nancy Brown for her assistance; Liana and Caroline for their patient support; and Shambhala Publications, Sam, Larry, and Emily for the paramita (perfection) of ksanti (patience).

We thank the following for permission to reprint material copyrighted or controlled by them: the Kwanum Zen School for permission to quote the poem by Seung Sahn; Columbia University Press for permission to reprint “Starlight and Non-Being” from Watson, The Basic Writings of Chuang Tzu, © 1964 Columbia University Press; the Lama Foundation and Sasaki-roshi for Sasaki-roshi’s poem from Buddha Is the Center of Gravity, © 1974 Lama Foundation; the Hanuman Foundation for “Please Call Me by My True Names” by Thich Nhat Hanh, © 1983 by Thich Nhat Hanh, reprinted from Thich Nhat Hanh, Being Peace (Berkeley, Calif.: Parallax Press, 1987); John Weatherhill, Inc., for the four poems by Ryokan from One Robe, One Bowl, trans. John Stevens, © 1977 John Weatherhill, Inc.; Farrar, Straus & Giroux and Jonathan Cape Ltd. for “Keeping Quiet” by Pablo Neruda from Extravagaria, translation © 1969, 1970, 1972 by Alastair Reid.