
Protection against Evil
or Restless Spirits
from the Other Side

Many spontaneous negative psychic phenomena occur especially at night to those who are most vulnerable and open to such experiences. This includes children, teenagers, younger people up to the age of thirty, those who are pregnant, those who have just given birth, and those in times of crisis precisely because those are the times when we are most psychically open. Nighttime is when our conscious defenses are down and the unconscious psychic mind most active.

Demonic Encounters

These accounts of being paranormally attacked, usually sexually and especially by incubi (male sexual entities), have been recorded for hundreds of years and seem to be on the increase, perhaps because of the huge earthly sexual pressures on young people as well as the flood of demonic and vampire material widely available to the young. Thomas Aquinas wrote of sexual demons in his thirteenth-century book Summa Theologica and said that “the same demon who acts as a succubus for a man becomes an incubus for a woman.” Succubi are female sexual demons that traditionally attacked mature men, especially those sworn to celibacy, as well as adolescents, and were associated with Lilith, first wife of Adam, and her demon daughters, the Lilim. Modern alien abduction accounts, especially of women, tell similar stories of sexual attacks, albeit more clinically carried out.

Here are just a few demonic attacks I have been told of in my travels throughout the world:

• Carol, who lived in Liverpool in North West England, was eight months pregnant. Just before her son was born, one night while she was in bed a black thing sat on her chest: “It was trying to strangle me.”

• When Steph from North Queensland was a teenager, for several nights she was “crushed by a black monster with horns, like a bull man with hot breath,” as she lay in bed. He only disappeared when she said the Lord’s Prayer of her childhood.

• Jessica, who lived on a remote Scottish island, saw her attacker “with a pair of horns, robust ones, too big for a sheep or goat and sort of straight, not curled.” She was terrified it was an evil sprite of the island or some ancient animal spirit.

• Jill from the Home Counties of England “had an awful vision of the devil” when she was fourteen. She said, “He had huge horns like a ram and a horrible face. His face was dark and half ram, half human. I think I said a prayer. I felt a physical force. He was trying to crush me. I was absolutely terrified. It lasted ten or fifteen seconds, I suppose, but it was like eternity.”

• When she was sixteen, Janet from near London woke “to find a heaving weight on my chest choking the life from my body. The room was freezing. I was fighting to breathe as it grasped me and pressed my neck. At last it went suddenly, leaving me shaking and exhausted. This happened on two occasions. The second time I said the Lord’s Prayer, and the fiend, as I thought of it, never came back.”

• Diane from Gwent in Wales, a young mother, said, “I felt someone holding me on the bed. I could feel a leg over my leg and an arm pressing my arm. It happened a second time when I was on my own, and the following morning I had finger marks and scratches under the skin on my inner thigh.”

• Sylvia was much older and living in the Midlands of Birmingham when she said that suddenly there was a great weight, as if someone had jumped on her bed. Then the whole weight was pressing down on her body and she couldn’t move. She thought she would be crushed, though she could see nothing. Then it was gone. She had been ill and was feeling very low psychologically.

Not all demonic attacks are sexual. Here are a few more accounts:

• Sally from North West England was in her early thirties when a “black and very dense, malevolent, squat, little person was standing there in my bedroom and wanting to possess my soul, but I would not let it. At last it went.”

• Paul is a sixteen-year-old boy from the Far North of Australia, who has Asperger’s, and he confided in me about a hideous demon with distorted female features, huge decaying teeth, and immense strength who did not attack him sexually but crushed and throttled him and left him shaking. Luckily his mother believed him, and she helped him bless his room with water with salt in it, in which they drew a cross and asked Archangel Michael to stand guard.

• Anna, an experienced religious education teacher, told me that a fifteen-year-old boy in her class confided in her that whenever he looked in the mirror, he saw the face of the devil over his shoulder. He was frightened, as he couldn’t talk to his parents about it.

Dealing with Demonic Attacks

What is significant is that almost all the attackers described to me have characteristics of the stereotypical demonic form with horns, the traditional way the devil was portrayed from the fourth century CE as half goat or ram with horns and cloven hooves. This of course was an attempt by the Church fathers to demonise the pre-Christian Horned God of the Animals that was and still is a feature of indigenous hunting societies. He was also based on a Graeco-Roman goat god of nature, Pan. This is the image still imprinted in church by some more formal branches of religion and has become the stereotype of evil even among those of no faith.

Of course you should act with caution and listen seriously if a young person of either sex tells you of these paranormal attacks (most keep the experiences secret for years). Some accounts may be ways of expressing actual sexual abuse, especially in a child or younger teenager. However, the majority are definitely paranormal, and many seem to occur to women in adolescence, their teens, their twenties, and their thirties and to mothers. Not surprisingly they occur at night when the woman is half-asleep and are rarely spoken of openly because the women are too often accused of having sexual fantasies or an overactive imagination. Often those who suffer are very sensitive, are usually psychic, and may be under a lot of stress in their lives. It is vital that younger people can talk about these experiences to parents, teachers, carers, and coworkers and not have them dismissed as fantasy, as the fears are very real and magnify with isolation.

Then it is important that they decide what they want you to do to help, such as a ritual, a chat with a priest, making a crystal angel or cross to sleep with, even leaving on the landing light, a change of bedroom, or making sure bedtimes are not preceded by violent computer games or unsuitable TV.

Often you can do a blessing ceremony yourself, especially calling upon the archangels or angels of the night, and I have described a number of rituals you can use or adapt in this and the following chapter. Usually this will be enough to remove the nastiest presence from your life or that of a younger person and protect you and them against psychic attack during sleep, and you can follow this with psychic shielding.

However, if things are really bad and you feel you need support, approach your local Spiritualist church or priest, even if you are not a churchgoer. They will be experienced in dealing with these phenomena, which are magnified by fear, or they will refer you to an expert, as every parish has an exorcist.

But as a society we should perhaps question whether the cult of vampire, demon, and paranormal fiction in films, books, and computer games is not only feeding our young people’s minds with material that should only be dealt with by responsible adults trained in the paranormal, but whether they are actually, as I believe, attracting not the blood-dripping demons of the movies but low-life nasty spirits who are taking advantage of what is the deliberate flooding of modern society with evil material. These spirits are masquerading as demons (especially, as we will see in the next chapter, when people play with Ouijas) and, as I know from my own research, they are definitely dramatically increasing. They are all too ready to play ball with those who call them up (see chapter 11).

Sacred Fire and Water Spell to Cleanse Demonic Forces and Malevolent Ghosts

Ingredients and Tools

A small bowl of salt

A small bowl of water

A silver-coloured letter opener

A red drawstring bag

Herbs of Mars and the powerful Samael, archangel of cleansing fire: copal resin, dragon’s blood powdered incense, dried lavender, cinnamon powder, and spiky whole cloves (If you cannot obtain all these, you can use one or two, and cinnamon powder and whole cloves are, for example, easily obtainable from the culinary section of any supermarket.)

A bowl

A mixing spoon

Four white candles


An hour before bed

The Spell

Arrange the bowl of salt to the left, the bowl of water to the right, the letter opener in between, and the four candles in a square around them. Light the four candles clockwise and, taking the letter opener in the hand you write with, touch first the surface of the salt and then the surface of the water with the blade, saying for each,

Deliver me from evil spirits, poltergeists,
and all the powers of darkness.

Add nine pinches of salt to the water bowl. Swirl the water bowl clockwise nine times and make a cross on the surface, repeating the words. Pass the water bowl clockwise four times over each candle, repeating the words.

Now mix all the herbs in the bowl and stir them nine times counterclockwise, again saying the same words.

Add sufficient herbs to almost fill the bag, and secure the top with three knots, saying,

One binds against evil spirits, two banishes poltergeists,
three shields from the powers of darkness.

Leave the candles burning till you are ready to go to bed.

Put salt water drops on either side of the bedroom doorframe, along window ledges, on the four corners of the bed, and on the centre of your brow.

Place the bag next to your bed.

Four Angels of Quiet Sleep Nighttime Blessing

This is a gentler ritual for sensitive adolescents or those who are very vulnerable. It is helpful if you or a young person are being spooked or are scared at night. If you are doing the ritual on behalf of someone else, you can adapt the words. If the person is present, they can carry out the candle lighting, etc. The ritual should take place in the room where the disturbances occur, and it includes these angels:

• Jeduthan is the angel of the evening and of the twilight heavenly choirs, with an indigo halo and wings. He brings peace into the home in the evening, encourages a quiet transition between sleeping and waking, and protects against paranormal nighttime intruders.

• Memumah is the angel who sends sleep and soothing dreams if you call on him. He is a misty silvery angel and will relieve nightmares or psychic or psychological attacks while you sleep.

• Muriel, a healer angel, brings beautiful dreams to those who are afraid of the dark and of ghosts or evil spirits. She wears pink and lilac and is surrounded by moonbeams.

• Natiel is a lilac-winged angel who keeps away harm and night terrors from younger people and all who are vulnerable to psychic attack.

Ingredients and Tools

Four tall white candles, one for each angel

A small bowl of salt

A large mirror

A small table placed in front of the mirror, to hold the salt and the candles (if possible, in the room where the disturbances occur)


As darkness falls

The Spell

Place the candles in a row on the table so that you can see them reflected in the mirror, and stand between the candles and the mirror.

Light the candles left to right, naming an angel for each. Sprinkle salt into the first candle flame, saying,

Jeduthan, kind angel of the night,
Turn back the phantoms with your light,
That I may sleep till dawn comes bright.

Sprinkle salt into the second candle flame, saying,

Memumah, kind angel of the night,
Turn back the phantoms with your light,
That I may sleep till dawn comes bright.

Sprinkle salt into the third candle flame, saying,

Muriel, kind angel of the night,
Turn back the phantoms with your light,
That I may sleep till dawn comes bright.

Sprinkle salt into the final candle flame, saying,

Natiel, kind angel of the night,
Turn back the phantoms with your light,
That I may sleep till dawn comes bright.

Blow softly into each candle in turn, left to right, naming the angel to whom you dedicated the candle. Afterwards say,

Jeduthan, Memumah, Muriel, Natiel, angels all,
Hold me in sleep, that I may not fall
Prey to the spectres of the night.
Keep me safe till dawn comes bright.

Leave the candles to burn through. Say before sleep each night and if you wake afraid in the night,

Jeduthan, Memumah, Muriel, Natiel, angels all,
Hold me in sleep, that I may not fall
Prey to the spectres of the night.
Keep me safe till dawn comes bright.


Poltergeist means “noisy ghost” in German, but it has come to signify those spirits with either malevolent intent or disruptive results from their actions. Disturbances typically include strange noises; banging; rapping; or ornaments, furniture, or stones being thrown by an unseen force. Objects may disappear and reappear, sometimes in different locations; beds shake; small fires start spontaneously; or water appears in pools on the floor from no obvious source. There may be a shadowy presence, a feeling of malevolence, and even verbal and physical attacks from the invisible aggressor.

Friendly Noisy Ghosts: Finding an Explanation

However, by no means are all noisy ghosts malevolent, so don’t assume your noisy ghost means harm, as very few are actual poltergeists. Indeed, if you understand why a paranormal event is happening, then it loses much of its power to frighten you.

The simplest and most benign explanation for items being moved and bangs and crashes around the home are those of a noisy departed former resident whose psychic imprints or actual presence is activated by the present residents, especially children. These noisy but quite benign hauntings tend to follow a regular and explicable pattern: for example, footsteps from one room to another at a time when the deceased occupant of the house would have been checking on or caring for a sick relative or child. This can sometimes be verified by elderly neighbours. It may also be an elderly, fussy relative of your own who is keeping an eye on things, and you will know if you do not sense evil that you have a noisy, not a malevolent, ghost. However, constant ghostly noise can be disturbing and worry children. The following spell will not banish your ghost but will merely establish a few house rules. Remember, the home is yours and even a former resident or passing relative is a visitor, but you may need to establish the boundaries.

Spell to Quieten a Noisy but Friendly Ghost

Ingredients and Tools

A purple candle


Before bed for seven days

The Spell

Each night in the room where the ghost is heard most strongly, light the candle. If you know the identity of the ghost, name him or her, or if you just sense a benign presence, call the ghost “friend.” Say, at normal speaking volume,

Friend (or name ghost), welcome you are,
As long as you would stay.
Guardian kind of my home,
I send you not away.

Reduce the volume of your voice, gradually saying the following words softer and softer till they become a whisper and fade into silence:

But quieter be,
That we may live in harmony,
Not noisily,
Nor loudly.
Side by side, we can abide,
Living peacefully.
Guardian, welcome be.

Blow out the candle, sending blessings to your (hopefully) no longer noisy ghost, and place a bunch of fresh flowers where you hear the ghost most, renewing these regularly. You will find that the ghost becomes cooperative and that household luck increases.

Unfriendly Ghosts

You can tell if you have any negative phantoms even if you have not seen a ghost. Animals will growl in certain rooms, and children may complain of a dark figure that scowls at them or tells them to go away. You may feel you are being watched, or items go missing only to reappear in the place you left them hours or days later.

The negative presence will be felt or seen most clearly at night. In most cases the ghost is not bad, but unhappy. He or she may not be deliberately spooking you, but may have been hurt by people during life or may feel that you are invading his or her home.

Occasionally, when there seems to be malevolence by the ghost, the cause can be attributed to unfinished business. Earthbound spirits who have died may not have yet crossed to the other side, whether this is from the trauma of dying suddenly or with an injustice that is unresolved. While some are just impressions creating negative energy waves, others just want their story to be heard, like the ghost who appeared to Maggie on the Isle of Wight in her sixteenth-century cottage always wringing his hands by the fireplace, weeping and saying over and over, “I was murdered; they lied.” After Maggie spoke back and said how sorry she was and how unfair it was, then the spirit no longer appeared.

An imagined injustice can also cause a restless spirit. For example, Jan’s elderly mother died swearing revenge for what she saw as her daughter’s neglect. Jan, who lives in the Home Counties near London, said this was totally unfair, but whatever she had done for her mother was always wrong. At every family gathering Jan organised after the old lady’s death, beginning with the funeral tea, glasses would fly off the sideboard, crockery would smash as though hurled by an invisible hand, and furniture would tip over. Doors and windows rattled even when there was no wind. Ironically, the same old lady would announce her presence to her favourite granddaughter by the scent of roses.

You may, however, be living on a subterranean ley or energy line, and the energies may have soured or may simply be too powerful and attract wandering ghosts who seem to feed on the energy of the lines. It was believed ghosts travel along straight lines. If they died before your dwelling was built and lived on the land, they may get trapped in the house, not realizing it is there. This is especially so on lines such as the ancient Australian Aboriginal song lines, along which the deceased pass as they did in their lifetime on their trail between sacred sites.

I have come across many accounts of Aboriginal spirits, especially mischievous teenagers entering a modern homestead in Australia built on these lines, who have created havoc. (I describe negative energy lines in detail in chapter 12.) Brian, who had a small ranch in New South Wales in Australia, described crashing and banging round his home, especially at night, with ornaments smashing, lights going on and off, and the television and music centre suddenly blaring. His little girl had been frightened by a little boy with dark eyes who hid in the shadows and jumped out when she went to the bathroom.

I suggest a spell for removing these spirits after the next account.

The Suffering Ghost Who Followed Pat Home

We can also unwittingly attract a restless spirit if we visit a haunted place or ancient site, and I suggest you don’t bring home stones or wood from these places because there can be a spirit attached, quite apart from the fact that sites can become depleted of their very fabric by souvenir hunters.

Pat, who is in her forties and lives in Bromley near London, explained that she went to Ightham Mote, an historic house, with her sister. In one room, she felt the most terrible sorrow and a strong frightening presence. There was a huge inglenook fireplace in the room, and on impulse she took a piece of loose stone home as a souvenir.

When Pat got up the next morning, all the chairs in her dining room were tipped over, and the back of her watch was smashed in. That was where she’d left the stone. Then she smelled a dreadful odour like rotting flesh—the smell you get when meat has gone off. And then she saw a woman all dressed in black whose hands were torn and bleeding. “Please help me,” the woman cried over and over again. “They shut me behind the wall though I did no wrong.”

There is an escape route for priests behind a chimney in Ightham Mote, and the skeleton of a woman was found in a cupboard behind a walled-up doorway in the tower. The body was discovered in 1872 by workmen.

“I threw the piece of fireplace away,” Pat said, “but it was no use.” The next morning, six crystal glasses were smashed, and the stems stood in a row on the table. Each day something was destroyed. On the sixth day, two precious ivory statuettes were destroyed. Her husband was frightened though she didn’t tell him about the woman she had seen.

“On the seventh day, I found my amethyst necklace I always wore round my neck was missing and had been ripped in half,” Pat explained. Soon afterwards her marriage ended, and she moved out of the house. So far, she said, the woman hasn’t followed her. “But her cries still haunt me.”

As with many poltergeist cases where a spirit is not only noisy but destructive, it would seem that tension in the home somehow triggers paranormal activity, caused in this case by removing what amounts to a cursed stone, filled with the suffering of the woman, from the place of the tragedy.

The following spell is very effective for getting rid of any negative spirits, especially those who may be trapped in your home for whatever reason.

Spell to Remove a Troublesome
Trapped Spirit from Your Home

Ingredients and Tools

A white candle

An incense stick in any fragrance, in a holder

A small bowl of salt

A medium-sized bowl of water

A silver-coloured knife


Sunday morning

The Spell

Light a white candle and set it on a small table in a room as close to the centre of the home as possible, saying,

By this bright flame, go now into the light.
No longer stay here by day or by night.

From the candle, light the incense stick, saying,

By the power of air, go where
Your loved ones seek you.
Your time trapped here is through.

Into the bowl of water drop three pinches of salt, swirl the water three times in each direction, and then draw a cross on the surface with a knife, saying,

By water and by earth, no longer remain here.
Go to those waiting to whom you are dear.

Beginning in the room where you have the table, walk clockwise, starting at the main door, sprinkling water droplets around the floor and along window ledges, saying,

May only goodness and light remain here.
Friend, depart in peace to those who wait for you.

Spiral the incense stick around the walls and over windows clockwise, repeating the same words.

Finally, walk around the room clockwise, holding the candle and repeating the words.

Open any windows and leave any internal doors open. Repeat this in every room and hallway of the home.

Carry the water to the front door, making a water-drop trail. Open it and throw out the water, saying,

Go now to the light.

Carry the candle to the front door, step outside with it, and extinguish it, saying,

Go now to those who wait.

Do the same with the incense, but leave it to burn outside, saying,

Follow the trail to the sky.
With blessings, I bid you goodbye.

Shut the front door, firmly close it, and then close all windows.

Repeat this weekly for two or three weeks if you still sense the presence. But the first time is generally enough.

Making the Removal Fit the Scenario

In removing unwelcome spirits, you should carry out a spell no differently from how you would practically remove any unwelcome earthly visitors, politely but very firmly. Devising your own ritual for your circumstances, adapting one of mine if you wish, means it fits exactly your needs.

Indeed, I was asked to help exorcise an historic pub in Central Australia where incredibly noisy disruptive ghosts were harming business, not only by frightening staff and clients in the pub and bottle store, but also by interfering with the electronic tills. They were also picking on the younger staff by jumping out at them, making them spill drinks and drop food.

So the landlady, her daughter, and her staff, including the ones being harassed, sat down with me, and we devised a ritual that they could all share. They went round the whole pub and into each corner with incense and candles, and we banged saucepan lids together and called,

Time gentlemen, please—you may no longer drink here;
on your way and don’t come back.

It took two or three circuits, but the problem stopped. Noise, especially that of bells, is very effective in removing unwanted spirits. Because there is often an excess of bad behaviour and people who are addicted to alcohol and spend all their time there, pubs seem to attract low-life spirits who most likely spent much of their lifetime in alehouses and—especially regarding older inns—may return to where they were once happy.

The landlady reclaimed her territory, and the most vociferous ghostbuster was the young Irish girl most terrified by the ghosts. If she even sensed one was back, she would pick up the billiard cue, her choice of weapon in the original cleansing, and chase the phantom out of the door.

Institutions such as prisons and mental hospitals as well as pubs and clubs, especially where there is drug dealing, can also attract malicious spirits who never lived, but they can be dealt with in the same way as ghosts who lived (see the poltergeist ritual later in the chapter).

Poltergeists and Psychokinetic Energy

One theory cites the cause of much poltergeist activity as emanating from a present member of the household, usually a young adolescent. Often they are the focus for family tension, and their psychic energy, at its height at this age, is expressing unconsciously repressed anger if the parental relationship is troubled.

However, from my own albeit anecdotal research talking to victims and their families over more than thirty years, it would seem the psychic energy released, often through a teenager but which reflects collective family tension, fuels or activates a low-level spirit. This may be a spirit thought form, whether created from the family tension that has taken on an independent form or an elemental spirit called up during a magical ritual, perhaps many years ago, who was not dismissed at the end of the ritual and so hangs around the earth waiting to be fuelled by the concentration of family energy. Family tensions are implicated in every case I have studied.

Such creatures that feed on this accumulated family energy never lived, which is why in poltergeist cases I would always do a poltergeist banishing ritual as well as trying to sort out the earthly issues, as both are necessary.

Sophy’s Poltergeist

Sophy is now a twenty-one-year-old trainee accountant but recalled for me the bad experiences she had when she was thirteen. She said they are as vivid now as when they occurred, though her family still becomes angry if she tries to discuss them. She grew up in a large house in Perth in Scotland with her mother and father. Sophy’s parents had been experiencing problems in their marriage for some time, and there had been many late-night arguments that greatly distressed her. She told me if there was an unhappy atmosphere when she sat down to breakfast, plates and ornaments would start to move and fall off shelves and smash. In the evenings when everyone was in bed, doors would slam and the smoke alarms would go off without reason. Her parents accused her of playing tricks and took her to a psychologist who said she was seeking attention, but Sophy said she was often the target. More than once she was pinched and slapped when she was in bed, even though she locked her bedroom door, and was several times pushed downstairs by invisible hands, once hurting herself quite badly, but again her parents said she did it deliberately.

The paranormal activity stopped when Sophy’s father left home.

Jane’s Poltergeist

Jane’s first poltergeist manifested itself early (childhood is another very psychically active time) when the family moved to a new house in Hampshire, on the south coast of England. When she was four years old, she started to complain about the wardrobe doors opening, books and toys leaping out of her wardrobe and hitting her, and staring eyes piercing from the darkness. Once an unlit light bulb exploded for no apparent reason, and the pieces shattered directly on to her bed, although the bed was not near the light. Jane moved out of the room to share with her older brother. The experiences stopped.

Jane’s mother witnessed some of the action.

When Jane was fifteen, the experiences began again, and books were hurled from the top of her wardrobe, although it was a different wardrobe and indeed a house almost two hundred miles away from her former home. A pottery theatre mask would often turn up in the middle of Jane’s bed even when no one had been home, the family had been out together, and the mask had been anchored firmly to the fridge downstairs with a magnet when they left.

Strangely, Jane’s boyfriend Dave’s family also had a poltergeist in their house, which was built on what was formerly priory land. It created many disturbances in the house before Dave met Jane, particularly in Dave’s room. When Dave’s father was sitting in the bath one night, the shower suddenly exploded, sending glass from the cabinet flying everywhere and cutting him quite badly. The shower was not in use at the time. On another occasion Dave was telephoning Jane when he was alone in the house, and suddenly all the plates flew out of the cupboard and smashed. Dave was terrified.

Often it is hard to isolate the paranormal from the psychic, and it may be that what is a malevolent ghost is activated by the psychic energy emitting from a child or adolescent, because both Jane and Dave had ongoing marital disharmony in their homes. Initially, it is important to remove the spirit and, if there are underlying family tensions, to resolve them if possible. One remedy without the other rarely works, though it did in the case of Sophy. The following worked well for Jane’s family, who also had counselling for the marital issues, but Dave’s family refused to acknowledge the problem, and so as far as I know it continued.

Spell to Remove a Spiteful Spirit
or Poltergeist Causing Trouble

Remember to speak firmly. Low-life spirits are petty bullies.

Ingredients and Tools

A lemon, lavender, or pine-scented candle, all excellent for strong spirit defensive work

A frankincense or sandalwood incense stick

A bowl of garlic salt

Six pointed amethysts (Amethysts are potent against spirits and negative earth energies and bring balance where there has been psychic disturbance.)

A bell or a pair of Tibetan bells or ones hanging on a red cord


Tuesday around sunset

The Spell

Arrange the points of the amethysts outwards, in a circle around the garlic salt. Inside the circle place the bell or bells. At a table, light the candle and from it the incense, saying,

Burn, candle, burn.
You, spirit, are not welcome here,
Depart; do not return.
Your presence for me/us, holds no fear.
Turn away.
You cannot stay.

Write the following round and just above the garlic, the bell or bells, and the amethysts in incense smoke letters in the air, and at the same time say slowly but firmly as you write them,

You must depart in peace.
Your presence I release.
Trouble now must cease.
Be gone;
Your time here is done.

With the incense in the hand you write with, walk through all rooms in a straight line and any passageways and halls, from the back of the house to the front, making counterclockwise spirals so you end at the front door. (Ghosts don’t like spirals, as I describe in the spirit traps in chapter 11.)

Return the incense to the spell table and ring the bell throughout the house, again from top to bottom and back to front of the house, including passageways as before, and again ending at the front door, saying the same words as when you spiralled the incense.

Sprinkle just a grain or two of garlic salt (it smells foul but banishes troublesome spirits) in the candle flame, saying,

Spirit, you are not welcome here.
Depart; do not return,
Turn away.
You cannot stay.

Holding the garlic in the hand you do not write with and the candle in the other, make a third journey through the house, but this time open the front door, go outside, and blow the candle out over the garlic. Tip the garlic away outside.

When the incense has burned out, place each amethyst on an indoor window ledge inside your home.

Wash them weekly and replace them, saying,

May nothing enter here
That is not from the light.
Gone is all fear.
Evil, be banished from my sight.

Using Angelic Forces against
Unwanted and Undesirable Spirits

I believe just as there are angelic forces, even though they may not be winged beings as we visualise them, so there are negative entities who never experienced life and who just want to cause trouble for humans. Therefore, angelic protection is powerful against them as well as any earthbound spirits or evil ghosts. You can also use these invocations against ill-intentioned spirits unwittingly summoned by people as part of a Ouija session or séance.

I have described earlier in the chapter an angel protection for younger people who are afraid to sleep at night because of negative psychic experiences. Here we work with the “big boys and girls” of the cosmos, the archangels.

Whether or not you belong to a religion that believes in angels, in the modern world, as in ancient times, archangels form the ultimate psychic defense against even the most malevolent spirit.

The Archangel Invocation or Calling

In this ritual four archangels are called, representing the four directions, the four elements, and four unique powers for our defense. In magic these four are the most commonly used together in defensive rituals. I have listed more protective archangels throughout the book and in Appendix A.


Archangel of the sun, Michael is the archangel of light and the warrior angel. He appeared to Moses as the fire in the burning bush and saved Daniel from the lion’s den. As commander of the heavenly hosts, Michael, usually pictured with a golden sword and wearing red or gold armour, drove Satan and his fallen angels out of the celestial realms.

According to the Koran, the Cherubim were created from Michael’s tears. Michael’s traditional position is in the south with the noonday sun and signifies the element of fire.

Michael traditionally stands in the south. If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, you have the option of putting Michael in the north and changing the position of the other archangels, but often with angelology, since it is symbolic, you may prefer to keep the traditional Northern Hemisphere associations. Do whatever feels comfortable.

His colour is gold and his crystal is amber, orange carnelian, or pure crystal quartz. His incense or oil is frankincense or orange.


Gabriel is the archangel of the moon, the messenger archangel, and the heavenly awakener. She is often given a female focus and appears many times in the Bible, visiting the Virgin Mary and her cousin Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, to tell them that they were to bear sons who would lead humankind to salvation. She is usually pictured holding a sceptre or lily and wearing silver or deep blue robes covered in stars. To the followers of Islam, Gabriel is the spirit of truth who dictated the Koran to Muhammad. She is very powerful against phantoms of the night.

Gabriel traditionally stands in the west and signifies the element of water. In the Southern Hemisphere you have the option of placing Gabriel in the direction of the largest body of water. You may need to adapt the words of the invocation slightly.

Her colour is silver. Her crystal is the moonstone, pearl, or opal, and her incense and oil is jasmine or myrrh.


Raphael is the archangel of medicine, all forms of healing and science, and the planet Mercury. He healed the earth, gave Noah a medical book after the flood receded, and also healed the blind Tobit in the Christian Holy Scriptures. Raphael gave King Solomon a magical ring to help him in building his great temple. He is also archangel of the four winds and travellers, especially the young and vulnerable who are far from home.

Raphael is usually depicted with a pilgrim’s stick, a wallet, and a fish, showing the way and offering sustenance to all who ask. He wears the colours of morning sunlight.

He stands in the east and signifies the element of air. In the Southern Hemisphere you have the option of positioning Raphael in the direction of the nearest mountain range or wide plain.

His colour is yellow, his crystal is citrine or amethyst, and his incense is lavender or lemongrass, which protects against human snakes.


Uriel, whose name means “fire of God,” is associated with earthquakes, storms, and volcanoes but also protection of the earth with his flaming torch that melts the winter snows. He is often associated with the planet Saturn or, alternatively, Mars. He is the archangel of salvation. He warned Noah of the impending flood and led Abraham out of Ur. Believed to have given alchemy to mankind, he also imparted the wisdom of the Kabbalah to Hebrew mystics. He wears dark purple, burnished gold, and indigo robes.

Uriel stands in the north and signifies the element of earth. In the Southern Hemisphere, if you wish, position him in the direction of the Antarctic.

His colour is indigo or deep red, his crystal is garnet or rutilated quartz, and his oil or incense is copal or patchouli.

The Archangel Calling

The directions can be approximate, although you can use a compass if you prefer. You can use this ritual if you have a trapped spirit you wish to send to the light, as the archangels will do it for you.

Stand facing east looking upwards, with your arms wide, chest high, and palms uppermost. Say as you stand motionless,

Before me stands Raphael, who never rests and protects me from all harm in this world and from harmful spirits from the other realms.

Behind me is enfolding Gabriel, who takes away all fear and protects me from all harm in this world and from harmful spirits from the other realms.

On my right hand is the warrior Michael, who crushes dragons beneath his feet and protects me from all harm in this world and from harmful spirits from the other realms.

On my left hand Uriel, with his blazing torch of fire, protects me from all harm in this world and from harmful spirits from the other realms.

Raise your arms and say,

And so I fear nothing.
The circle of light encloses me,
And above me is the shining star of the angels.

As you say each line, picture each archangel joined in a circle of light and, above, a six-rayed star whose light shimmers in all directions.

Feel yourself filled with light as it passes down your body as white starlight, joins with the red light of the earth, and so mingles and becomes pure gold within you.

Now with your hands create a doorway of light above your head and ask the archangels to take through any troublesome spirit to where she or he may be healed.

Then cross your hands above your head to close the doorway and say,

I thank you, wise archangels, for your protection.

During this invocation, if you wish, you can light the appropriate colour candle and burn an incense stick for each archangel in their fragrance: yellow and lavender or lemongrass incense for Raphael, silver and jasmine or myrrh incense for Gabriel, indigo and copal or patchouli incense for Uriel, and gold and frankincense or orange incense for Michael.

Leave all to burn through.

The Archangel Calling Using Pentagrams

If the spirit is particularly vicious or hard to move or if you fear it is trying to enter you, try this alternative version of the invocation.

The pentagram is a five-pointed, protective, and empowering ancient magical symbol. It has none of the weird spooky symbolism you see in B movies and represents the union of the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water), each of which is represented by one of the four lower points of the five-pointed star. The fifth and uppermost point symbolises spirit, the point where the four elements unite and which in magic symbolises the goddess energy.


The Pentagram and the Elements

The energy of the pentagram, whether protective or empowering, depends on the direction you draw it. Each of the elements has its pair of pentagrams. In this archangel ritual it is the banishing earth pentagram that is used, and this form is the most commonly used in protective magic.

Looking at the diagram on the next page, practise drawing the banishing pentagram on paper and in the air if you are unfamiliar with pentagrams. Drawing one in front of you in any place of danger or even picturing one in white, violet, or gold light will defend you against any paranormal harm. You can draw the shape invisibly on the windows and doors of your home, on property, and on possessions. Practise drawing it in the air with your elbow bent in front of you, using your index and second fingers together, your whole hand, the hand you write with, your fingers together, or a pointed clear quartz crystal.

Start the bottom left-hand point level with your left hip and move your hand or wand upwards in a single stroke to draw the top point level with your head. Now draw the downwards point to level with your right hip.

Then go diagonally halfway across to draw the middle point level with your left elbow, straight across horizontally to the right and down again to join the point where you started. You have now made your banishing earth pentagram.

Picture your pentagrams as made of white, violet, or golden light, or if you need powerful protection, as flames.


Banishing Earth Pentagram

Pentagram Archangel Calling

Face east and draw a banishing pentagram in the air in front of you with your elbow bent, saying,

Archangel Raphael, deliver me from all evil,
both human and from harmful spirits.

Turn to the south and draw another banishing pentagram in the air in front of you, saying,

Archangel Michael, deliver me from all evil,
both human and from harmful spirits.

Face west and draw another pentagram in front of you as before, saying,

Archangel Gabriel, deliver me from all evil,
both human and from harmful spirits.

Face north to create your final pentagram, saying,

Archangel Uriel, deliver me from all evil,
both human and from harmful spirits.

Face east again and raise your arms, looking upwards and saying,

And above me, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel,
and Uriel is your radiant star. I fear no evil.
