The Taran Intergalactic Pilgrim Vessel Iona is an ion-hyperspace exploration vessel suitable for both in-flight and landing configurations. The basic propulsion system is ion-hyperspace drive powered by matter/antimatter conversion generators. Energy is created during the matter/ antimatter conversion cycle and is utilized for propulsion, life-support, and defense systems. The mass created on the energy conversion cycle is used by the gravity-pods located on each deck, and the excess goes back into a breeder reactor, which holds it for emergency use in the conversion engines.

The life-support system maintains a total internal environment, and basic protein is produced in the hydroponic farm. The communication system consists of multiple banks of telepathic neuron transmitters that amplify and modulate the total telepathic capacity of the members of the crew. Weaponry consists of CDLs of varying sizes, located at strategic points. These Capacitor/Discharge/ Lasers are fed energy from the basic power generators.