Afterword: Ready for More?

Depending on when exactly you picked up this book, you were a scared, tired, and substantially uninformed dad. Hopefully now that you have digested the contents of the book, you are only scared and tired! We have covered a lot of ground within these pages, and I hope you have found some value in the facts and figures coupled with the real world experiences I have shared with you. The fact that you are actively working to learn more about your role as a father is wonderful and moves you right to the head of the class. Remember that change is constant in the parenting world, and that the best thing you can do for your child is provide a stable environment for him and let him know with both your words and your actions that he can count on you. Not every minute of every day as a parent will seem magical to you; just know that it’s the norm. The magic of parenting to me is thousands of special moments that occur over time that weave a special relationship between you and your child. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to put down the book and go enjoy being with your family. Best of luck!