Saul Kent: Saul was one of the original cryonics pioneers. Saul exerts much control over happenings at the facility, financial and otherwise. His other enterprises include his Life Extension Foundation, through which he sells vitamins and supplements. Saul also founded CCR, Critical Care Research (aka 21st Century Medicine), in Rancho Cucamonga, California.

Sid Horwitz: The attorney representing Alcor in the lawsuit brought against me following publication of Tom Verducci's Sports Illustrated article.

Steve Bridge: The Alcor board member and ex-president who objected, via teleconference, to my becoming COO, because, to his knowledge, I wasn't an official Alcor member.

Steve Harris, MD: A CCR employee during my tenure at Alcor, Steve conducted animal experiments and research there. Steve was the medical doctor who took Dora Kent into his care just before her son, Saul, took her ft-om her nursing home and brought her to die at Alcor's facility in Riverside, California.

Steve Rude: A local mortician Alcor hired to collect and cremate members' bodies when they were not signed up for full-body suspensions.

Tanya Jones: The Alcorian who drew up the syringe Mike Darwin allegedly used to end John Dentinger's life, Tanya Jones replaced me as acting COO and was eventually promoted to president.

Ted Williams (A-1949): An American hero and sports legend whose remains, sadly, are still ft-ozen inside Alcor. In his will, Ted left instructions for his body to be cremated and his ashes "sprinkled at sea off the coast of Florida where the water is very deep."

Thomas Donaldson: The Alcorian who unsuccessfully sued CaHfornia in an attempt to achieve a premortem, "elective cryo-preservation." Thomas wanted Carlos Mondragon to euthanize him to have his body frozen before his cancer further damaged his brain.

Todd Huffman: An active Alcorian and member of the Los Angeles-area volunteer response team. Todd was twenty years old when I met him and had already been working with Alcor for several years.

Tom Verducci: The Sports Rlustrated writer who worked with me on the article that was my first step in making Alcor's misdeeds public.


First, the word "cryonics" is commonly confused with "cryogenics" and "cryobi-ology," so to be clear:

Cryogenics: The study of low temperatures and how they affect materials. A branch of physics, cryogenics is defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica as the production and application of low-temperature phenomena. Many people mistakenly use the term "cryogenics" when they are really referring to cryonics.

Cryobiology: The study of the effects of low temperatures on biological matter or organisms. The definition from the Society for Cryobiology Web site reads: "The word cryobiology literally signifies the science of life at icy temperatures. In practice, this field comprises the study of any biological material or system (e.g., proteins, cells, tissues, or organs) subjected to any temperature below normal (ranging from cryogenic temperatures to moderately hypothermic conditions)."

Cryonics: The application of the cold-temperature sciences with the intention of freezing people or animals in the hopes of one day reviving them. Alcor's Web site defines cryonics as "the speculative practice of using cold to preserve the life of a person who can no longer be supported by ordinary medicine. The goal is to carry the person forward through time, for however many decades or centuries might be necessary, until the preservation process can be reversed, and the person restored to full health."

Other Terms:

Alcor Life Extension Foundation: Alcor's full name; I worked there from January to August 2003.

Alcorian: The name the more dedicated Alcor members have given themselves.

Anticoagulants/heparin: After icing the head and body, the first step in cn^onic suspension protocol is to inject anticoagulants such as heparin, to stop the blood from clotting, so that the subsequent injections of cr\^o-preservants can circulate throughout the body.

A-number: A-numbers are how .Alcor refers to patients, especially the majority who wish to remain anonymous outside the facilit}' and keep their membership secret. It is Alcor's version of a social securit}' number; for instance, my number was A-2032. The 'A" stands for .\lcor, and the following four digits are for identification.

Barbiturates: A class of drugs that depress the central nervous system, achieving effects ranging from mild sedation to anesthesia. Dora Kent's toxicolog)' report revealed toxic levels of two barbiturates, pentobarbital and secobarbital, the exact drugs used to euthanize people and animals, as well as execute criminals sentenced to lethal injection.

Blaylock: According to Alan Kunzman, the dummy corporation created by Jerry Leaf while Alcor was in Riverside, California, through which they made a profit by renting stolen UCLA medical equipment to film and TV studios for use as on-camera props.

Blood w^ashout/partial washout: The process by which Alcor replaces a deani-mated member's blood with anticoagulants and cryo-preservant chemicals in the hopes of protecting body tissue during cooling to extremely low temperatures during his or her long-term storage.

Cannulation: The process of attaching tubes to arteries so that chemicals can be pumped into the bloodstream.

CCR (Critical Care Research), aka 21st Century Medicine: Although I refer to this facilit}^ as CCR throughout this book, many know it as 21st Centur)^ Medicine. CCR, in Rancho Cucamonga, California, is run by Saul Kent and staffed by cryonicists who are also cry^obiologists whose research focuses on improving Alcor's crs^onic suspension techniques and chemical formulas. It was here that I witnessed Dr Steve Harris perform what I believed was senseless and cruel animal experimentation. Recently deanimated Alcor patients from

Southern California often lay over at CCR when being transported to the Alcor facility in Scottsdale, to begin the "blood washout"—replacing the patient's blood with anticoagulants and/or cryo-preservative chemicals—the initial stages of Alcor's cryo-suspension procedure.

Cephalic isolation box: The Plexiglas box in Alcor's OR inside which newly decapitated Alcorian heads ("cephalons") are screwed into a "halo" and begin the freezing process.

Chatsworth Incident: The name cryonicists have given to the unfortunate series of events when cryonics pioneer Bob Nelson eventually could not afford to replenish the dry ice keeping his first suspended bodies frozen, and allowed them to thaw and melt into each other.

Church of Venturism (renamed the Society for Venturism): Prominent Alcorian David Pizer formed this "religion" based on "the physical pursuit of immortality" Venturists believe mankind will eventually achieve immortality, and they are the ones—the elite visionaries—who deserve to Hve forever. Pizer owns and operates the remote Arizona desert resort known as the Creekside Preserve Lodge, although Pizer and his devotees refer to it as "Ventureville" and use it regularly for Venturist and Alcorian seminars and training sessions.

Cool-Down Bay: The large room inside Alcor that houses the cooling machines— such as the CryoStar and LR-40—where heads and bodies are cooled down to super-low temperatures before storage. "Patients" normally stop off inside the Cool-Down Bay for several days on their way from their decapitation surgeries in the OR, to their long-term cold storage in the Patient Care Bay.

CPS (as opposed to CPR): Since Alcorians do not want patients to resuscitate, when they perform chest compressions to circulate chemicals through the bloodstream of a deanimated body, they call it cardiopulmonary support as opposed to cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Crackphone: A modified electrocardiogram machine/computer rig Alcor uses to measure the inevitable brain cracking that heads endure while cooling down to -321 degrees Fahrenheit. The computer measures "acoustic events" from microphones drilled into the skull and resting on the brain. The readouts look like earthquakes on a seismograph. Cryonicists believe that by mapping these incidents, scientists in the future may be able to repair the damage sustained during the freezing process.

Cryonic suspension: The process of icing, injections, surgery, freezing, and cold storage through which Alcor prepares its deanimated members to await re-animation in the future.

Cryo-preservatives/cryo-protectants: Chemicals or substances used to protect biological tissue from freezing damage.

CryoStar: Alcor's malfunctioning Cr\'oStar looked like a big blue, waist-high ice chest, maybe five feet in length and three feet wide—like a refrigerator lying on its side. Alcor obtained its fault}- Cr\'oStar from CCR. It was never intended for storing human heads—which are highly susceptible to temperature changes. Still, Alcor kept two heads in their CryoStar without even testing it first. One of these heads was "A-1949." For fear of someone coming to carr\-away its celebrity' head, Alcor protected the Cr\'oStar with a thick chain and padlock.

CryoWars: The name .Alcorians have given to their internal power struggles.

Deanimation: Since they consider their frozen patients to still be alive, Alcor officials do not call their patients dead (though they are clinically dead). They refer to them as being "deanimated," and the event of "death" is called "deanimation."

Dewar: A large container for storing extremely hot or cold substances, consisting of two flasks, one inside the other, separated by a vacuum. Most famously used in the distilling of Scotch whiskv; the tall silver dewars are used at .Alcor for the long-term storage of frozen bodies.

Diprivan: A sedative agent commonly used for the induction of general anesthesia. Seeing Diprivan stored at Alcor was at first a mystery to me—why would anyone need to sedate a corpse?

Document of Gift: The mechanism (paperwork) for donating organs under the Uniform .Anatomical Gift Act.

Femoral cutdown: A procedure in which veins in the legs are opened and tubes slid in, one in the femoral vein, one in the femoral arterv: The tube in the vein pumps the cryonics chemicals in; the one in the artery sucks the blood and chemical mixture out.

First life cycle/second life cycle: Alcorians believe this current life is only the first of several "cycles." What others call death, Alcor calls the end of the first life cycle. Alcorians believe they will one day be unfrozen and reanimated into their "second life cycle."

Life Extension Foundation: Saul Kent's company that provides paid members with what I would call dubious medical information, while offering supplements and vitamins for sale.

Liquid nitrogen: The cooling agent Alcor uses to bring heads and bodies down to -321 degrees Fahrenheit. Back in the early days, pioneer cryonicists like Bob Nelson used dry ice.

LR-40: A cylindrical aluminum cooling tank that was pumped full of liquid nitrogen and then, through a process of fans and valves, cooled heads down to optimal cryonics storage temperature.

Mannitol: A sugar alcohol commonly used to treat head trauma, and as a cutting agent for street drugs such as heroin (referred to in illegal drug culture as "baby laxative"). I never knew why Alcor stored Mannitol but Detective Alan Kunz-man's informant alleged that some Alcorians had run an international cocaine smuggling venture.

Neuro Can: A stainless steel container that Alcor used to store heads. It looked like a lobster pot to me.

Neuro Vault: About three feet per side, Alcor's silver Neuro Vault was a cylindrical cold-storage tank accessed by a lid on top. The company kept heads, samples of patients' DNA, and frozen animal parts in it.

Neuro vs. full-body suspension: Alcorians had the choice to either store only their heads (referred to as a neuro-suspension) or their entire bodies (full-body suspension).

Oil-stained note: The highly contested scrap of paper and John Henry Williams's alleged proof that Ted Williams wanted cryonic suspension for himself

Paralytic drugs: A class of drug that does just that: paralyzes the patient. When paralytics are administered, patients cannot breathe on their own. They can be

fully awake and experience pain but will be unable to move. Vecuronium, stored at Alcor, was a paralytic drug.

Patient: Since Alcor considers the clinically dead people cryonically suspended on premises to be still "alive," what most people call a corpse, Alcor refers to as a patient. To Alcorians, the frozen people in the dewars are equivalent to patients in hospital beds.

Patient Care Bay: The room inside Alcor where the dewars and Neuro Vault are—where frozen Alcor members "reside," awaiting the day future technology will advance to the point of being able to reanimate them.

Perfusion: The process by which chemicals are delivered into the bloodstream. At Alcor, this meant connecting tubes to arteries and pumping in the cryo-protectant chemicals.

Reanimation: To Alcorians, reanimation is another word for their rebirth, perhaps centuries from now, after doctors of the future thaw them out and revive them. They will be "reanimated."

TimeShip: A proposed humungous "Cryotorium" facility large enough to store 10,000 or more cryonauts and transport them into the future. It was compared to an Egyptian pyramid, only much bigger, complete with amusement park-type attractions.

Tuna can: Alcor uses aluminum BumbleBee tuna cans as pedestals, placing upside-down human heads on them so they don't fall over and stick to the bottom of the freezer.

UAGA (Uniform Anatomical Gift Act): In the United States, the legal foundation upon which human organs and tissues are donated to science or medicine for transplantation or research. Alcor uses the UAGA as the legal "justification" for members' leaving their bodies to Alcor.

Vecuronium: A paralyzing agent commonly used to induce skeletal muscle relaxation during surgery or mechanical ventilation (intubation). Seeing vecuronium stored at Alcor was a warning flag to me—when vecuronium is administered, a patient becomes paralyzed immediately and will stop breathing within seconds. Why would anyone need to paralyze a corpse? I wondered.

Vitrification: A process of converting a material into a glasslike solid that is free from any crystalline structure. Alcor and CCR are working on a vitrification process to replace their current freezing process. The benefit would be the removal of water crystals that cause great cellular damage during freezing. I encourage those who read up on Alcor's vitrification process to keep in mind they may be exaggerating their results.



First and foremost I would like to thank my coauthor and friend, Scott Baldyga. From the first time we met at Clancy's in Glendale, California, I knew (even in my paranoid state) I was in the presence of a very talented and caring individual. I was on the run from a group of fanatics and frightened beyond imagination, but he quickly gained my trust. Here (I'm lifting my beer glass) is to the hundreds of hours we sat and discussed my experiences at our frequent hangouts, Starbucks in Studio City and Killer Shrimp in Marina del Rey You listened to my stories with great interest and enthusiasm and never lost sight of my desire to simply tell the truth in the form of a book. Next, I would like to thank my agent, Shar-lene Martin, of Martin Literary Management, another truly talented person. An assiduous worker who continually encouraged me during this project, you are the true definition of determined and hardworking. Thanks so much for all of your support and for believing in me and in this book.

My sincere thanks go to my publisher, Roger Cooper, and to his dedicated staff at Vanguard Press, especially Georgina Levitt. Special thanks go to my publicist, Justin Loeber, and to our film agent, Jody Hotchkiss.

To my parents, thank you for your profound love and support. I would also like to thank attorney John Heer for the sound advice you gave me through my "hell year." Even though I sometimes did not listen to your advice, we quickly became friends and to this day share a common bond. I want to thank Larry Cano and some of the special members of the Ted Williams family, Gino and Andrea Lucero, and Mark and Bobby-Jo Ferrell. My heartfelt thanks go to some of my close fiiends who helped me keep my sanity during some trying times. Thanks go to Bryan and Emma Bledsoe, Rickey Reed, John Osborn, Marie and Wanda, John Wilson, and Sharon Henry. Oh yes, by the way, Sharon, you were right. A word of gratitude goes to a sports memorabilia dealer who wishes to remain

anonymous: Thank you for your support and advice; words cannot describe how much I appreciated your help.

I want to thank the media personalities who treated me in a fair and dignified manner throughout a harrowing event. The hst is long; however, I feel I need to mention a few: Tom Verducci and Lester Munson of Sports Illustrated, Bill Redeker of ABC and Diane Sawyer of Good Morning America, Bill Madden of the New York Daily News, and Richard Sandomir of the New York Times. Other newspaper writers and editors I would like to thank are Peter Corbett, Bill Bertolino, Greg Hard-esty, Phil Riske, and Peter Kerasotis. You guys are fantastic. To Alan Kunzman (author of Mothermelters) and to Jack Polidoro (author of Project Samuel and Brain Freeze —321), thank you for publicly sharing your insight. To anyone who wants to find out more on this subject, I strongly suggest you pick up Alan's and Jack's books.

Finally, to my lovely wife, Beverly. Thank you for your love, patience, and support during some of the worst experiences of your life. I know this has not been easy for you. You have gone through more than any individual can be expected to endure. I love you!


Larry, thanks so much for your courage in coming forward with this story, and for trusting me to help tell it. Most of all, thanks for your friendship.

Beverly, thanks for your hospitality and your strength.

I strongly echo Larry's thanks to our tireless literary agent, Sharlene Martin, for sticking with us through so many obstacles. I am extremely grateful to have had her at the rudder these long years.

Thanks also to Justin Loeber and his staff at Mouth Public Relations, and to Jody Hotchkiss and his staff—for believing in this project, and for all their hard work.

After having several publishing companies back out of our contracts because, ultimately, they were afraid of Alcor, I cannot say a strong enough thanks to Vanguard Press and the Perseus Books Group. Thanks to everyone there. Your support was a lifeline for this book. As for our intrepid publisher, Roger Cooper, and his hardworking associate Georgina Levitt, I remain appreciative for their talent and energy. Individual thanks also go out to Amanda Ferber and Renee Caputo. A few weeks after our initial meeting in New York, it struck me one night exacdy what it means when someone says their book "finally found a home" with a publisher. Thank you.

And a big thank-you to our editor, Philip Turner. From his very first notes, I realized—after five and a half years—we finally had someone who'd help take

this book to a higher level. This book—and my writing—are both the better for Philip's knowledge, experience, and hard work.

I'd like to extend overdue, special thanks to Mark O'Connor, Father Frank Murphy, and Larry Cano.

Thanks to Alan Kunzman, John Heer, and members of Ted Williams's family for everything they shared with us.

There are a few talented people who took great time and care in reading this book during its creation and were extremely helpful to me. I hugely appreciate their input, and this book is better for their comments: MB, RS, TG, OG, PW, George P., Todd L., and K. . . thanks!

Above all, thanks to my parents for their support. In the face of all adversity, my dad never stopped telling me, "Follow your bliss." And Mom: You're the one who never lost hope. With all my heart, thanks.


Larry Johnson has over thirty years of experience as a street paramedic, flight paramedic, and clinical director for major-city 911 services. He was chief flight paramedic at the Waco, Texas, Branch Davidian siege; has served as keynote speaker at national medical conferences and was a contributing author for Prentice Hall's 2005 Critical Care Paramedic, the most widely used textbook of its kind. After blowing the whistle on Alcor in late 2003 and receiving multiple death threats, Larry went into hiding.

Scott Baldyga grew up in West Springfield, Massachusetts. After graduating from Boston College in 1991, Scott spent four years as a volunteer, teacher, and professional musician in Kingston, Jamaica. Living in Los Angeles since 1996, Scott has written screenplays for hire and worked as a writer, script supervisor, casting associate, development assistant, editor, and composer for both film and TV Frozen is Scott's first book. Visit him at

For further information about Frozen, visit


Some references are made to Web pages hosted or posted by Alcorians and other cryonicists. Wherever possible, we have copied these original Web pages and posted them on our Web site, This is in the event that the people who originally posted them decide to take them off the Internet after, perhaps, reading this book.


16 ... celebrity Alcor members: Charles Piatt and Jerry Lemler

mentioned all these names to me many times. Lemler would call them out while giving tours of the facility to visitors. Here are some other sources.

Larry Flynt and his late wife, Althea: Christine Quigley Modern Mummies (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1998), 145; and Michelle Green, "Her Death Ends the Improbable Love Match of Porn Merchants Althea and Larry Flynt," Peopie, July 20, 1987, / archive / article / 0„20096764,00.html.

Don Laughlin publicly admits to Alcor membership in interviews: Antonio Regalado, "A Cold Calculus Leads Cryonauts to Put Assets on Ice," Wall Street Journal, January 21, 2006, p. A-1; Charlie Vascellaro, "Waiting to Awake," AZ Business Magazine, August-September 2007, 2007/ABAS07/ABAS07_l.html; and videoplay?docid=8801182148349147478&q=cryonics&hl=en.

Charlie Matthau also publicly admits to membership: Richard Sandomir, "Please Don't Call the Customers Dead," New York Times, February 13, 2005, business/yourmoney/ 13freeze.html.

Timothy Leary's interest in and then backing out of Alcor is well documented, including:

http: //;; and, as well as numerous other postings.

Peter Sellers and Walt Disney are familiar names on lists of celebrities who expressed early interest in cryonic suspension; see, for example, "Cryonics: Freezing for the Future?" BBC News World Edition, July 18, 2002,

Michael Jackson s interest in Alcor was something Charles Piatt and Jerry Lemler told people about proudly. Those two, especially, were ver)^ quick to name celebrities associated with Alcor, even ones I personally never saw documented. For example, though I never saw any proof to support it, Lemler told my wife, Beverly, all about Michael Jackson's interest in Alcor at a luncheon—the one time Beverly attended an Alcor function.


35 / kill dogs and I hurt them . . . enormous pain: Michael Darwin, "The Lone Wolf,", October 27, 1999, www. cryonet. org / cgi-bin / dsp. cgi?msg= 12648.


54 "The ice had been gathered ... dressed silly": Jerry Lemler, "'Twas the Night of My Suspension," Cryonics, 4th quarter 2000, 49.

54 At the end of his second chapter. . . JFK's funeral services: Jerry Lemler, Alcor Life Extension Foundation: An Introduction (online book),, 1, 14, 16, 18, 73, 83-87.

63 It got pretty heated between Rick and Alcor at times .. . dug a little too deep:

Threat to Rick's suspension: 291677/message/1097115572/they+are+using+Rick+to+get+to -l-Alcor.

Online sparring between Rick and Group of Six: www.network54 .com/Forum/291677/message/1090857558/The+Fall+of+Cryon et+Cafe,

1094396914/I%27ve+dedded+to+take+Group+of-f6+seriously (same posting is archived at 20050517023437/ / message?forumid =291677&messageid= 1094396914), and Forum / 291677/message/1094260048/Group+of+Six.


70 "the present rickety human model. . . give service indefinitely": Robert F. Nelson, We Froze the First Man (New York: Dell, 1967), 8.

71 Cryonics is "the most profound revolution in human history". . .his contribution to mankind, Ettinger claimed: ibid., 7-9.

71 Certainly if a person isill. . . the freezing process as well: ibid., 35. 73 Ettinger appeared on Steve Allen . . .Johnny Carson was host: ibid., 52. 73 After the first suspension was completed, Life magazine was going to make it a lead story: ibid., 95, 111.

73 about 2 million copies of the magazine . . . had the story run in full: ibid., 113-118.

74 "Some day," Nelson wrote, "in the not too distant future.. .the team of Karloff and Lugosi": ibid., 38.

76 the day when you would defrost a blonde. . . when you shut the refrigerator door: ibid., 91-92.

77 "Some went headfirst, some went feet first, and as an Alcorian later put it, 'it was like putting together a Chinese puzzle'": R. Michael Perry, "Suspension Failures: Lessons from the Early Years,"

http: / / (The article in its original form appeared in the "For the Record" column in Cryonics, February 1992.)

78 "Only with excellent vision . . . vision as regards life extension": Jerry Lemler, Alcor Life Extension Foundation: An Introduction,, 98.

78 Some mythologies do not paint the star Alcor kindly. . . amputated to protect the whole: Constellations of Words, "The History of the Star Alcor,, citing Richard Hinckley Allen, Star-Names and Their Meanings (New York: Stechert, 1889), 445.

79 "To see the flaw in this system . . . This is your brain on cryonics": Dr. Michael Shermer, "Nano Nonsense 3C Cryonics," Scientific American, September 2001, 09 / nano-nonsense-and-cryonics.

80 "Believing cryonics could reanimate somebody who has been frozen, is like believing you can turn hamburger back into a cow": quoted in Andrew Stuttaford, "Frozen Future," National Review, July 9, 2002, flashback-stuttaford070902.asp.

80 "This doesn't pass the straight-face test," says Kenneth Goodman, director of the University of Miami's Bioethics Program: Robert L. Steinback, "Frozen In Time," Miami Herald, September 17, 2002. Reprinted: / dsp.cgi?msg=20112.

80 The president of the National Council Against Health Fraud, William T Jarvis PhD, calls cryonics "quackery's last shot at you": Stephen Barrett, MD, "Is Cryonics Feasible?", September 2, 2005, / 04ConsumerEducation /

QA/cryonics.html, citing Jarvis's words in K. Butler, A Consumer's Guide to "Alternative" Medicine (Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1992).

81 The pursuit of cryonic suspension is "supreme egotism," said John Baust ... that they would want them": Steinback, "Frozen In Time."


85 "I have never seen a public statement.. . Fortunately no journalists have investigatedJL's Tennessee background": Charles Piatt, "A Petition to Alcor's Board of Directors" (memo distributed to Alcor officers), July 30, 2003, 14.

85 The Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners Docket No.... controlled substances: "Lemler, Jerry: Licensure Verification," Official Web Site of the State of Tennessee— Department of Health, http: / / Discipline.ASP?prof=1606&licnum=9048.

87 I found a movie "Written ^ Directed" by Michael Riskin ... "prior to acquiring licensure and board certification": "Our Experts" page, adult video retailer, ?productid=D608 and .aspx?id=l.

87 "multimedia masturbation": quoted in Robert Anton Wilson, "The Future of Sex," futuresex.htm.

87 "The sexual superwoman . . . continuous state of multiple orgasm": Robert Ettinger, Man into Superman (1972), p. 88, reproduced at

90 "Back in college, he peeled the layers of his own scrotum off with a razor": Mike Perry voluntarily shared this information with a psychologist who published a paper on self-mutilation that included Perry's own account of mutilating himself: John Money, PhD: "The Skoptic Syndrome: Castration and Genital Self-Mutilation as an Example of Sexual Body Image Pathology," Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality 1, no. 1 (1988): 113-128. A reprinted excerpt from Perry's account in the Money article: The story of Perry's self-castration is also corroborated by Alan Kunzman, former Riverside County deputy coroner, who read many of Mike Perry's handwritten letters, notes, and diaries. (See Kunzman's Mothermelters, Bloomington, IN: 1st Books, 2004, pp. 176-177.)

91 Greg was a cryohiologist who used to work for the Red Cross in Bethesda, Maryland: Cryonics newsletter, August 1986,

92 "They do a good deal of animal experimentation here at CCR," Charles explained: In a 1997 posting. Dr. Steve Harris elaborated on the subject: "I've frozen my share of dogs. We're hell on dogs, I admit it" (

94 she looked to me like a mentally retarded dog that had had a stroke . . . Charles told me her name was Dixie: Looking back, this would have made Dixie over twenty years old when I met her, an awfully long life for a German shepherd. Maybe Charles was somehow mistaken or maybe in the old days Alcor used to rename their lab dogs "Dixie." Either way, it didn't really matter. The important thing was what they were doing to these dogs.


104 "So, like I said, that Emmy Award ... Isn't that exciting?": As

mentioned and noted in Chapter 2, Charles Piatt and Jerry Lemler were fond of naming celebrities who had joined or expressed any interest in becoming Alcor members. They could have exaggerated. Some specific references:

104 "The famous publisher Larry Flynt is a member": By this time, Larry Flynt may have given up membership in Alcor but I was present

numerous times when Jerry Lemler would perhaps exaggerate about who was and wasn't still an Alcorian.

105 "Larry King — the CNN talk show host — has talked seriously to ns about cryonics": Saul Kent claimed, on CryoNet among other places (, that Larry King had interviewed him twice over the years. According to Kent, King told him during breaks that he was interested in cryonics for himself. That was enough for Jerry Lemler to use the name Larry King on tours.

105 "Many science fiction writers . .. have been interested and sympathic to cryonic suspension .. . Gore Vidal": These are among the names listed in "Cryonics: Freezing for the Future?" BBC News World Edition, July 18, 2002, and at wvv^

109 After the interview, Charles circulated a memo ... "we need a little more cooperation around here": Charles Piatt, "CBS from LA" e-mail, April 9, 2003.


119 "Dr. Munson had been a long-time Alcor member ... willing to be

associated with cryonics": Charles Piatt, "Thomas Munson, MD: 1922-2003 (a personal account by Charles Piatt on behalf of Alcor)," Alcor News Bulletin, no. 9 (February 26, 2003), Library / html / alcornews009.html.


136 "The patient was delayed overnight by mortuary paperwork problems ": Charles Piatt, "Alcor's Oldest Member Enters Cryopreservation," Alcor News Bulletin, no. 10 (March 10, 2003), Library / html / alcor newsO 10. html.


145 Charles told me he was compiling a list of Jerry's bad decisions . . . "He wants to look good on a grand scale. . . . seem trivial and demeaning compared with his ambition": Charles Piatt, 'A Petition to Alcor's Board of Directors," memo, 18.

146 Hugh Hixon believed that due to the long delays, clotting had occurred and the perfusion . . . was not as su£cessful as in other cases: ibid., 22.

152 The Venturists had a Web site . . . "abolition of death and the

establishment of a free society of immortals": Society for Venturism,

152 Elsewhere, in their Web site's "About Us" section . . . "for example, of a physical threat to a cryonics.patient)": Society for Venturism,

152 he'd be, according to what he told the Wall Street Journal, "the richest man in the world": Antonio Regalado, "A Cold Calculus Leads Cryonauts to Put Assets on Ice," Wall Streetfournal, January 21, 2006, p. A-1.

153 "I'd like to come back and buy a big spaceship . . . maybe you could even get out of this galaxy": ]ohn Dickerson, "Frozen Assets," Scotudale Times, March 2006,

154 Bobby fune was "not entirely happy to be woken since he had been up partying for most of the night": Charles Piatt, "Yet Another Unexpected Case in Southern California," Alcor News Bulletin, no. 11 (March 23, 2003),,cgi?fhame=Library %2Fhtml%2Falcornews011 .html.

11. ALCORIAN A-2032

158 I read comments on cryonicists' online bulletin boards . . . Alcor had sued the coroner's office and won settlements totaling $120,000: Mike Darwin, "Keystone Coroners," Cryonics, October 1988, 8-16, and Mike Perry "Alcor's Legal Battles," Cryonics, 1st Quarter 1999,

162 Jerry Lemler had written the following for the Alcor News Bulletin . . . "part-time status after he resigned from that position, has left the organization": jerry Lemler, Alcor News Bulletin, no. 1 (December 13, 2002), alcornewsOO 1 .html.

162 in Charles's words, two of those four ex-employees had "left Alcor under controversial circumstances, and subsequently initiated an expensive dispute." The third was fired for failing a drug test.: Charles Piatt, "A Petition to Alcor's Board of Directors," memo, 9.

164 / learned that Jerry Lemler had convinced Alcor's board to pay Haworth a retainer of $10,000 a month for promotional services . . .he'd endangered

the lives of the patients inside for a photo shoot: Charles Piatt, "A Petition to Alcor's Board of Directors," memo, 8-9.

168 / read an article ... It sure was distasteful to read about the Alcorians fighting Dick's will in order to keep his money for their company and away from his family: James S. Kunen and Marie Moneysmith, "Reruns Will Keep Sitcom Writer Dick Clair on Ice—indefinitely," People, July 17, 1989, people / archive / article / 0„20120770,00.html.

168 Timothy Leary ... didn't want to "wake up in 50 years surrounded by

humorless men with clipboards": quoted in R. U. Sirius, "Can Web Site Have a Life after Leary?" Wired, August 25, 1997, http:/ /www.wired •com/culture/lifestyle/news/1997/08/6302).

168 Charles Piatt was working with CryoCare at the time.. . Leary was so famous that his involvement would benefit all of cryonics: Charles Pratt, "The Strange Case of Timothy Leary," CryoCare Report no. 8, July 1996, http:/ /<:url= ccrpt8.html#LEARY.

169 On the inside cover of every Cryonics magazine . .. "easily restored to health": "What is cryotransport," inside cover of numerous Cryonics magazines, including 4th Quarter 2002, vol. 23, no. 4.

169 On the very first page of the Alcor Web site ... "restoring the individual back to good health": home page,, February 1, 2003, http: / /

169 "Cryonics may seem like a radical idea, but really it's just another way of giving people what they are already trying to get, and what they have wanted for thousands of years: a longer, healthier life": home page,, January 19, 1998, 01.html.

170 "Imagine the possibility of having more time ... limitations of a twentieth-century lifespan": "Cryonics and the Alcor Life Extension Foundation Electronic Brochure,", 1996, http://web

170 "The Alcor Foundation is your ambulance to that future of advanced

medicine": home page,, May 12, 1997, http://web.archive .org/web/19970512081559/

170 On the back of those Cryonics magazines was an advertisement. . . stops cancer cells from dividing: "Life Extension Foundation"

advertisement, back cover of numerous Cryonics magazines, including 4th Quarter 2002, vol. 23, no. 4. Original emphasis (bold) preserved.

172 a posting on CryoNetfrom Mike Darwin explained, "She was not cryo-preserved because she was autopsied with subsequent refusal of the ME [medical examiner] to release her brain": Mike Darwin, "SCI.CRYONICS: Cryopatients autopsied and cryopreserved," posting on, January 9, 1997, / dsp. cgi?msg=7463.

172 On Web site, More posted . . . "Flip past the lovely

Victoria to p.43 and you'll find it. Have fun":, January 21, 2006,

172 they had a habit of changing their emergency phone numbers and then not telling their members: Apparently this continued to be a problem at Alcor even after I left. For instance, in 2005 Mike Perry reported: "Unfortunately, we are occasionally notified that an emergency number on an ID tag doesn't work." ("Medic-Alert ID Phone Numbers," Alcor News Bulletin, no. 37, April 8, 2005,

www. alcor. org / Library / html / alcornews03 7.html.)

And in a 2007 posting on CryoNet, one Alcorian reported: "The cryonics system is far ft-om perfect. Alcor Phone Number not working in Canada. Alcor should contact every Canadian and change their bracelet for new and good phone number." (Jonano, 'Alcor Phone Number Not Working in Canada,", January 15, 2007,

173 Several articles were written about it: e.g., Alec Wilkinson, "The Cryonic Castle," New Ybrfeer, January 19, 2004.

173 Typically, there was much Alcorian bickering over the TimeShip: Brent Fox, "Pizer's comments on Piatt's comments re: TimeShip," posting on, August 27, 2001, / dsp. cgi?msg= 17402.

173 "For those of you with a short memory. .. the first state to allow pre-death suspensions": David Pizer, "More on Piatt's comment on TIMESHIP,", August 26, 2001, 17388.

173 Always at the center of any controversy, Charles chimed in . .. "Why not invest that money in perfecting the vitrification process^": Charles Piatt, "TimeShip,", August 25, 2001, / dsp.cgi?msg= 173 78.


175 Jerry Lemler told a Miami newspaper that before Ted Williams . . .

"raised the public's consciousness about cryonics": Robert L. Steinback, "Frozen In Time," Miami Herald, September 17, 2002.

1 76 Throughout his life, Ted Williams dedicated himself to the pursuit of perfection. . . . "John Henry, goddamn it, you finally did something right": I've been a Ted Williams fan all my life and have read many-articles and books on the Splendid Splinter. The main source I drew on in compiling this short biography was Leigh Montville, Ted Williams: The Biography of an American Hero (New York: Doubleday 2004).

Apart from numerous online articles I read, other books I referred to while writing this short biography of Ted Williams include:

Bill Nowlin, Ted Williams at War (Burlington, MA: Rounder Books, 2007).

Ted Williams and David Pietrusza, Ted Williams: My Life in Pictures (Kingston, NY: Total / Sports Illustrated, 2001).

Ted Williams and John Underwood, The Science of Hitting, rev. and updated (New York: Fireside, 1986).

Ted Williams with John Underwood, My Turn at Bat: The Story of My Life (New York: Fireside, 1988).

John Underwood, It's Only Me: The Ted Williams We Hardly Knew (Chicago: Triumph Books, 2005).

1 77 At the end of World War II, Ted had been promised . .. Ted grumbled about it, but he went: Nowlin, Ted Williams at War, 90.

178 senator John Glenn, who has said, "Ted only batted .406 for the Red Sox. He batted a thousand for the Marine Corps and the United States": Nowlin, Ted Williams at War, 301.

178 As one description of the book Ted Williams at War recounts:. . .

"devoted nearly five full seasons to serving his country":

"Product Description" of Nowlin's Ted Williams at War,

Nowlin/dp/1579401252. 178 John Glenn has echoed that thought: "I was well aware of Ted Williams,

of course, and his records in baseball. Who knows what those records

might have been if he hadn't had two hitches in the Marine Corps?":

Nowlin, Ted Williams at War, 313.

178 John Glenn has also said, "There's nohody, I swear, there's nobody that served in the Marine Corps that is any more proud of having been a Marine than Ted Williams": ibid., 324.

179 "When Ted Williams died America lost one of her greatest heroes. Without Ted and the rugged code of honor he lived by, baseball is a lesser sport": Chip Ballard, "Baseball Great Ted Williams: An American Hero," DeSoto Sun-Herald, September 8, 2006, / NewsArchive4 /100806 / tpl Ode 10.htm?date

= 100806a<:story=tp 1 Ode 10.htm.

180 "my little girl, Bobby-Jo. You should see her An iddy-biddy little thing, pretty and sweet, just as sweet as she can be. . . . Is she smart! She can do anything, that iddy biddy little thing. . .the most important thing in my life is my little girl": Montville, Ted Williams, 192.

180 During his high school years at the Vermont Academy prep school, John Henry was caught robbing a video game on school property . .. ended up in a burn ward himself: ibid., 388.

181 Coach Winkin said of John Henry, "You had to watch him like a hawk. . . . I thought he was a sneaky guy": ibid., 391.

181 John Henry even failed at an Internet porn business: Lynn Burke, "Porn Scammers Calling the Shots," Wired,

182 John Henry actually used to boast that he could forge his father's signature. . .no way to tell it wasn't the real thing: Darren Rovell, "Williams Memorabilia Floods onto Market,", July 9, 2002, http:/ / 1403337.html.

182 "/ would bet my life that there are autographs that he has authenticated and sold that he signed himself": ibid.

193 "Security in the operating room during this case was grossly negligent. . . and most of the photographs (possibly all of them) have been stored outside ofAlcor": Charles Piatt, 'A Petition to Alcor's Board of Directors," memo, 5-6.

196 The bloodied surgical team waited in the OR . . . convince John Henry that his father really should be decapitated: Charles Piatt later described this tremendous mistake in his 'A Petition to Alcor's Board of Directors" memo (p. 5). Although he wrote, "The surgeon waited with the scalpel in his hand" while Lemler "placed a hasty phone call to the son"—perhaps intending it to be inferred that surgery had not yet begun—privately, Charles told me the full

story, of how the decapitation procedure had already progressed to the point I've described before Hayes walked into the OR.

203 "In trying to figure out what I can say and not say — which I suppose is going to he par for the course if I continue to write about cryonics — I concluded that it's okay to talk about what a piece of junk the Cryostar is": Rick Potvin's July 14, 2003, comment is quoted in Charles Piatt, Alcor News Bulletin, no. 14 (August 1, 2003),

www. alcor. org / Library / html / alcornewsO 14. html.

204 Potvin surmised, "So the moral of the story is don't get your head caught in a fluctuating temperature Cryostar freezer": Rick Potvin, "If Ted's Head Was Vitrified, Was It Also Stored at Intermediate (Optimal) Temp?" Cryonics Cafe, July 16, 2004, Forum/54032/message/l089991435/If+Ted%27s+head+was+vitr ified%2C+was+it+also+stored+at+intermediate+%28optimal%2 9+temp-.

204 "a technician visited Alcor and noted that the ambient temperature. .. even with Alcor's industrial-strength air conditioning running constantly": Charles Piatt, Alcor News Bulletin, no. 14 (August 1, 2003), v^


235 "New Chief Operating Officer — With the resignation of Charles Piatt wish him well, as we all do here in Scottsdale": Jerry Lemler, Alcor News Bulletin, no. 13 (July 1, 2003), / html / alcornewsO 13 .html.


240 / asked Joe about Keith Henson, a former Alcor board member ...

considered a hero by most Alcorians, including Joe Hovey, for his battles with Scientology: I found out later that Canada didn't get around to denying Henson's asylum petition until 2005, at which point he slipped back into the United States and eventually landed in Prescott, Arizona—coincidentally about five miles from David Pizer's Creekside Preserve—where he lived until Arizona authorities caught up with him in early 2007 and sent him back to California for a four-month stint in jail.

See Susan Gamble, "Scientology Foe Seeks Refugee Status Here," Brantford Expositor (Ontario, Canada), July 2, 2005, See also Mike Zapler, "In Jail for Protesting Scientology, Man Seeks Pardon, San Jose Mercury News, July 7, 2007, ?idd=25586&:sec=45&:cont=all and the Religious Freedom Watch Web article at ww^w^ anti-religious-extremists/keith-henson/. For information from Keith Henson's daughter, see

240 / had also heard talk . . . child molestation: As for the child molestation allegations, in 2007, after Henson's release from jail, one of his daughters, Valerie Aurora, went public with her own corroboration of his molestation of "at least four girls," including "at least two" of her sisters. Some of the victims didn't want to relive the experience, she claimed, and had refused to testify in court at the time. According to Valerie, Henson confessed to a therapist and his wife that he had molested the girls. His wife, however, had refused to testify because she didn't want Keith assaulted in prison when other inmates learned he was a child molester. For more information from Keith Henson's daughter, see

257 "A-1949 has had nine cracking events in the first 35 hours of cool-down." Later, he wrote that A-1949's head suffered a total of sixteen cracks during the cooling ^process: Hugh Hixon, e-mail messages to Alcor staff, subject: "Re: A-1949 and Cryostar problem," July 17, 2003, and subject: 'A-1949," July 18, 2003.


272 Charles sent me an e-mail saying I should contact him immediately: "I am prohahly the only person whom it is safe for you to talk to at Alcor right now," he wrote: Charles Piatt, e-mail message to Larry Johnson, subject: "Oh Larry!" August 13, 2003.


277 Of the more than 620 Alcor members signed up for cryo-suspension at the time: Alcor membership was 629 as of the end of the first quarter of 2003, according to Alcor's Cryonics, vol. 24, no. 1 (2003): 23, . alcor. org / cryonics / cryonics2003 -1 .pdf


291 "SECTION 8, ARTICLE 11. PRESERVATION, TRANSPORTATION, AND DISPOSITION OF HUMAN REMAINS" ...At such time as it is further buried, cremated or removed, a disinterment permit shall he obtained: State of Arizona Administrative Code—Agency, Board & Commission Rules, Title 9, Article 11, R9-8-1102, / Public_Services / Title_09 / 9-08 .htm# Article_l 1.

291 B. When being removed, disinterred remains shall be deposited in a casket. . . shall not be opened for viewing of remains, except in cases involving medical or legal investigations: ibid., R9-8-1108.

292 On request of an interested person, on or after the donor's death, the person in possession shall allow the interested person to examine or copy the document of gift—Ariz. Rev. Stat. Section 36-847(B): Arizona State Statutes, Title 36, Chapter 7, Article 3, archive is online at http://v^^

293 STATE OF FLORIDA 2002 STATUTES, SECTION 165.512 . . . shall not accept the gift: Florida Civil Rights Code Section 765.512—Health Care Advance Directives, archive is online at

294 During my research I ran across a very similar court case . .. The judge's final ruling was: "The will. . . must be honored": ]udgt Philip W Marking, Superior Court County of Santa Barbara, ruling for Sharon Fields v. Laurence 0. Pilgeram, State of California, Second Appellate District, Division Six, ruling filed January 29, 1994.

298 When Ted had been faced with the idea of open-heart surgery .. . "If I have to die on an operating table, so be it": Montville, Ted Williams, 432.

299 Furthermore, a nurse who was present at Shands Hospital ... to correctly date the oil-stained paper: ibid., 464-465.

300 In one CNN interview, Lisa Bloom of Court TV pointed out that normally in disputes like this . . . "an amendment to the will, to memorialize, in writing, his change of mind": Wolf Blitzer Reports, CNN, July 16, 2002, transcript online at http: / /transcripts, video online at

302 "Finally we must emphasize, contrary to news reports, that Alcor has

never collected 'DNA samples'from its cryopatients. Obviously Alcor has no need to collect 'DNA samples,' since a neuropatient already contains

billions of DMA molecules: Alcor News Bulletin, no. 15 (August 13, 2003),

302 "Alcor does, however, encourage its members to deposit a DNA sample in its dewars, and we even went so far as to send out sample kits to all our members some years back.. .. There are hundreds of those samples logged and stored in our vaults": Tanya Jones, Alcor News Bulletin, no. 19 (December 7, 2003), .html.

302 Phil Riske of the Arizona Capitol Times interviewed Rudy Thomas, director of the Arizona Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers.. .. "That to me is mutilation, if it happened," Mr. Thomas said: Phil Riske, "Some Officials Want State Regulation of Cryonics Firm," Arizona Capitol Times, February 20, 2004. Article has been archived at http:/ / and is referred to/refuted on another CryoNet posting:


311 Dora Kent's suspicious death was one of the most persistent mysteries I had encountered at Alcor. .. . Underneath the caption was a single handwritten word: "Thanks": This Dora Kent information is taken from my conversations with Alan Kunzman, from his book with Paul Nieto, Mothermelters (Bloomington, IN: IstBooks, 2004), from conversations I had with my Alcor coworkers, and from my online research. Specific references to Mothermelters follow.

312 She always thought he visited his mother on a "prescription label schedule": Kunzman and Nieto, Mothermelters, 2.

313 In his book, Alan Kunzman wrote, "Once Dora was wheeled inside. .. died without ever knowing what had happened to her": ibid., 6.

315 I had found an online account written by Mike Perry. .. experiment on them with a new chemical perfusion formula: Michael Perry, "Our Finest Hours: Notes on the Dora Kent Crisis," Cryonics, October 1992,

319 Meanwhile, the pathologist who had recently performed the autopsy on Dora Kent told Alan, "Concerning the incision I would say that the individual or individuals that did this were very sloppy, very messy. Amateurish. Didn't know what they were doing": ibid., 87.

326 In his account of the Dora Kent case I had found in the online Alcor archives .. . "meaning I caused the death of Dora Kent": ibid.

329 "an eccentric real estate mogul with a penchant for cocaine and cryogenics and a fear of intruders . . . laced the air ducts of his building with barbed wire": Colleen Dougher, City Link Magazine,

330 "On August 28, 1986 . . . Petitioner was arrested for cocaine trafficking": United States Tax Court, STEPHEN D. RUDDEL, Petitioner, v COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, Respondent, "Memorandum Findings of Fact and Opinion,"

331 had a history of in this journalist's words, "shady dealings" . . . "We're not afraid of the government": Steven Almond, "They're Gonna Live Forever," Miami New Times, June 8, 1994,

332 Saul's colleague .. . wrote that "It was the first time in the history of the FDA that the agency had given up on a criminal indictment against a political opponent": Ben Best, "The FDA versus the Life Extension Foundation," fdalefhtml.


335 Cryonicists blistered Bob Stump with e-mails. . . . "The misinformation regarding this bill is breathtaking": A reprint of one such e-mail exchange is found at the Immortality Institute Web site, ST&:f=56&t=3153&st=20&#entry27130.

336 On CryoNet. org, David Pizer and other Alcorians posted messages suggesting that Alcorians could save themselves from government regulation by turning Alcor into a church: David Pizer, "Weekly Services?", March 14, 2004,

Several other CryoNet postings from Pizer, Robert Ettinger, and others discuss organizing Alcor as a religion, including http: / / / dsp.cgi?msg=23485, http: / / / dsp.cgi?msg= 18713, 10356, and http: / / / dsp.cgi?msg= 18694.

336 "They hxid a ruthless campaign," he said, in a newspaper interview. "I'm not a glutton for punishment." One phone call was so serious, Stump felt so personally threatened, he referred it to the Capitol Police: Phil Riske, "Lawmaker Says He Won't Reintroduce Bill to Regulate Cryonics Firm," Arizona Capitol Times, September 9, 2005.

336 Researching the fairest way to regulate Alcor. . . "Representative Stump, though, was very scared at the threats against him and his family. We dropped the hill": personal conversation with Rudy Thomas, February 12, 2009.

337 Several months after the hill was dropped, veteran political journalist Phil Riske wrote, "Disciples of cryonics .. . do not suffer critics well, just ask Arizona State Rep. Boh Stump. He received threatening messages last year hecavse he sponsored a hill that would have established state regulatory authority over Alcor Life Extension Foundation, the Scottsdale facility that is the cold graveyard of hasehall immortal Ted Williams": Phil Riske, "Brain Freeze —321° F," book review for the Arizona Capitol Times, October 25, 2005, /jackgraphics / AZreview.pdf.

337 "We don't need to agree with the normals ... people who would actually die to keep the nitrogen topped up in the dewars": Peter Merel, "The White Lodge of Cryonics,", September 27, 2003,

338 Of Alcor, the legitimate cryohiologist Kenneth Storey has said, "They are more or less a theology. . . they have this key to eternal life": Kevin Miller, "Life as a Popsicle," Carleton University Catalyst, Spring 2004, www, / catalyst / 2004 / sf/km / km-cryonics.html.


343 Connie Chung called it "macahre" and "terrible". . . a scam that "doesn't even meet the silliness threshold": Connie Chung Tonight, CNN, July 8, 2002; CNN Crossfire, July 9, 2002, transcript online at The bioethicist quoted is Jonathan Moreno, director of the University of Virginia's Center for Bioethics. Videos available online: and

345 Tanya Jones, the woman who — according to Hugh Hixon's eyewitness account... (apparently Alcor no longer uses the title CEO): "The Alcor Team" page,,, accessed September 20, 2008.

346 they have replaced the plaques under the patient photos . . . too many "odd looks" from people taking the tours: Steve Van Sickle, "Patient Photos," Alcor News Bulletin, no. 51 (May 2006), / 05 / alcor_news_51 .html.

347 Saul Kent, the most powerful man in cryonics, calls the FDA a "terrorist organization" that "will stop at nothing to destroy its enemies": Saul Kent, "FDA Tyranny In Action," Life Extension Report, vol. 14, no. 4, April 1994,

349 Then several months later, after an OSHA walk-through of the facility, Alcor actually admitted to four violations in its own News Bulletin, each of them "serious," OSHA's second-highest order of risk: Tanya Jones, Alcor News Bulletin, no. 18 (November 2, 2003), www. alcor. org / Library / html / alcornewsO 18. html.

Aaron, Hank, 184

ABC News, 275

ABC Nightlife television program, 73

Abel, Eric, 294

"Achieving the Impossible Dream"

essay (Gould), 343 Adrenaline rush as factor in life decisions, 7, 30 for career choice, 30 as paramedic, 5, 7, 139-140 starting in childhood, 139-144 Aidothecat, 116-117 Alamo Rent A Car, 134-136, 137 Alcor, 5, 7-8

bracelet with suspension protocol,

118,235 cryo-suspension of Dr. Munson,

124-130 cryo-suspension of Ted Williams,

190-198, 203-204, 220 CryoWars, 51, 112-113, 243 dirtiness of facility, 16-17, 38,

59-61 as disorganized, mismanaged, 30, 63-65, 112, 145, 172,229,302 financial problems, 64-66, 209,

236 inner-circle members' confidences, privileges, 158-161

lacks documents signed by Ted

Williams, 290, 292-293 and money owed by John Henry

Williams, 209-212, 214,

217-218,259-260 opposes regulation, 57, 335-337,

347 origin of name, 78-79 and OSHA violations, 131,

253-255, 349 physical plant described, 14-26,

36-38, 346 reacts to whistle-blowing, 271-272,

273 {see also Attacks; Death

threats; Threat letters; Threats) security system, 14, 38, 230-231 tours for prospective members,

102-105 underground storage facility, 174 See also Cryo-suspensions; Human

resources at Alcor; Marketing Alcor board of directors, board

meetings, 62-66, 206-212,

236,336 Alcor House, 123-124 Alcor Life Extension Foundation. See

Alcor Alcor Life Extension Foundation: An

Introduction (Lemler), 54-55, 78



Alcor member A-1025, body transport and cryo-suspension of, 132-137, 138,145-146 Alcor member A-1234, body transport and cryo-suspension of, 154-157 Alcor OR Data Collection Sheet for

Ted Williams, 199fig Alcor OR log notes for Ted Williams,

200-202fig Alcor Society for Solid State

Hypothermia, 77 Alcor Suspension Agreement on Ted

Williams, 191-192fig Alcorians

celebrate at members' cryo-suspensions, 125-127, 129, 155,193,198 emergency memberships of, 171 late payers' status revoked, 209 as medically paranoid, 113-116 perceived superiority of, 166-167,

244,322-323, 330, 348 as secretive, eccentric, 67 unhealthy appearance of, 29, 62,

94 See also Cryonicists Alcor's attempt to legalize pre-death

suspension, 173 Animal experimentation, 92-94, 96, 248, 324, 348 See also Cats and dogs in cryo-suspension; Dogs Antigovernment positions of Alcorians, 26, 59 of Venturists, 151 Apollo 1 space module fire, 73-74 Applied Effects, 121-122 Arizona Anatomical Gift Act, 292, 293 Arizona Capitol Times newspaper, 302-303

Arizona Health Services Dept.

disposition of human

remains, 291 Arizona House of Representatives

HB2637, 335, 348 Arkanoid video game, 51 Arlington National Cemetery, 303 Asimov, Isaac, 70 Assisted suicide. See Euthanasia ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,

Firearms, and Explosives), 12,

27, 106, 338 Attacks

car tailgated, 338-340

at home by Alcorians, cryonicists,

1,269-270,276 See also Threats Autograph warm-up paper, 184

and oil-stained note, 295-297 Autopsies, 97, 172

Barbiturates, 99-100, 234

administered to Dora Kent,

97-98,313,315,319 toxicology report, 320fig used to kill death-row inmates, 319

Barnes & Noble bookstore, 100, 150, 166

Baust,John, 81

Bedford, James, as first cryo-suspension, 73, 74-76

Benford, Gregory, 9

Best, Ben, 332

Blaylock company, 327

Blood-brain barrier, 147-148

Bloom, Lisa, 300

Board members. See Alcor board of directors, board meetings

Bogan, Rick, 313,318-319

Bogus, Marty, 330



blood-brain barrier, 147-148 and destructiveness of freezing,

defrosting, 79-81 monitored with microphones, Crackphone, 21, 128-129 Branch Davidians

admired by Piatt, Riskin, 26-27 brainwashed cult children, 105-107 siege in Waco, Texas, 11-12 similarities to Venturism, 153-154, 337 Bridge, Steve, 236, 237 Brothers, Frank

on Claudia Williams's signature,

298, 299fig on John Henry's squandering of

father's money, 181 on Ted Williams's reaction to subject of cryonics, 297-298 Brown, Tom, 162, 163 Bull Durham movie, 184 BumbleBee tuna cans, 117, 129, 257,

259 Bush, George H. W, 194

California Health and Safety Code, 295 California Hospital Medical Center,

Los Angeles, 132-134, 135 Carlson, Tucker, 343 The Carol Burnett Show television

program, 15, 104 Carr, Brian, 267-268, 338 Carrillo, Ray 317, 321-322, 323 Carter, George

on Claudia Williams's signature,

298 as Ted Williams's nurse, 183 Cassidy Albert, 292

claims Ted Williams wanted cryo-

suspension, 294

as executor of Williams estate, John Henry's attorney, 290 Cats. See Animal experimentation Cats and dogs in cryo-suspension in Neuro Vault, 25 prices revised, 65-67 See also Animal experimentation; Dogs CBS network affiliate interview,

108-109 CCR. See Critical Care Research (CCR) Cephalic isolation box, 18-19, 21, 127,

129 ChaflFee, Roger B., 73 Chamberlain, Fred, 77 Chamberlain, Linda, 77 Chapman, Jennifer as Alcorian, 89 in charge of Alcor membership,

103 e-mail from Bobby-Jo Ferrell

received, 293, 294fig personal characteristics described,

48-49, 52-53, 109 processes author's membership,

158-159,234 promoted to president/executive director of Alcor, 345-346 Chatsworth Incident, 70, 77 Chemical waste and contamination. See Toxic chemical dumping Children as prospective Alcor

members, 65, 104-105, 107 Chung, Connie, 343 Church of Venturism. See Venturism;

Venturists Clair, Dick

as Alcorian, 15-16, 60, 70, 104 will contested by Alcor, 168 Clarke, Arthur C, 105 Clinton, William Jefferson "Bill," 9


Cloning, 79, 128, 333, 347 CNN

interviews, news coverage, 298,

300-301,343 local affiliate, 274-275 Cocaine trafficking operation, 328-331 Cold-temperature sciences, 8-9

See also Cryobiological research Cosmetic freezing of a woman by Ed

Hope, 72-73 Cosmer, Kevin, 184 Crackphone, 21, 128-129, 203, 223 Creekside Lodge. See Ventureville

compound Critical Care Research (CCR), 7, 8, 28, 61,82 and defective CryoStar used on

Ted Williams, 204, 222 staff, facility described, 90-93 Crossfire television program, 343 Cryobiological research, 8, 9, 34 Cryobiology 9, 79-81 Cryogenics, 9, 34-35, 277, 336 Cryonicists

as eccentric, 100-102 personalities revealed on Web

sites, 35 sexual connections, 87-88 as survivalists, 150, 151, 317, 333 as threatening, attacking, 272,

276, 277, 279, 284, 335 See also Alcorians Cryonics

introduced, background of, 8, 9,

69-81 Nelson's account of suspension,

72-76 targeting the terminally ill, 169-171

Cryonics Cafe Web site, 35, 62-63 Cryonics Institute (CI), 165, 332 Cryonics magazine, 53, 54, 100, 169,

170 Cryonics Society of California (CSC),

70, 77 Cryonics Web sites, bulletin boards,

34-35, 53-54, 62-63, 277, 336 CryoStar intermediate-temperature storage unit, 23, 112, 198 malfunctions with Ted Williams's brain, 203-204, 222-223, 257 Cryo-suspensions

of A-1025, 132-137, 138, 145

of A-1234, 154-157

of Bedford, 74-76

bungled, 132-137, 170, 197-202

of Dr. Munson, 119-130

family bonuses given for

participating, 86, 129, 146, 209 Nelson's account of, 72-76 optimal time limits, 123-124,

146-147 procedure at Alcor described,

118-130 revoked for Cynthia Pilgeram,

294-295 Sullivan discusses, 66, 67 of Ted Williams, 187-202, 222-223 Cryotorium facility, 173 CryoWars at Alcor, 51, 112-113, 243 CSC. See Cryonics Society of

California (CSC) Cults, 105-107

cryonics, Alcorians, as, 266, 316,

337-338, 348 Pizer as cult leader, 150 Venturism as, 150, 152-154, 280 See also Branch Davidians


Darwin, Michael

arrested during Dora Kent

homicide investigation, 96, 97, 99 decapitates, does cryo-suspension

of Ted Williams, 194-198 euthanizes Dentinger, 206,

241-243, 245-251 gives details of Dora Kent's death

to Kunzman, 314-319, 326 personality, character of, 97,

247-248,281,317 as political liability at Alcor, 243 posts "The Lone Wolf on

CryoNet, 35, 97 and Suspended Animation (SA),

346 and Timothy Leary 168 See also Federowicz, Michael Daschbach, Charles, 80 Davidson, Greg, 264, 265 De Grey Aubrey 10, 81 Death dates predicted (Patient Assessment), 46-47, 53 Death threats, 1, 269, 276, 309, 336-337, 350 See also Threat letters; Threats Decapitations

performed by retired surgeon, veterinarian, 125, 129-130, 135, 145, 155-156 photographed by Alcor volunteers, onlookers, 125-126, 127, 129, 155, 156, 193 of Ted Williams, by Darwin, 194-196 Dennis, Les, 76 Dentinger, John

death investigated by LAPD, 266-269, 283, 338

killed/euthanized by Darwin, 206,241-243,245-251 Dewar, James, 24 Dewars

described, 24-25 and question of storing/moving Ted Williams's remains, 224 patients endangered for photo shoot, 164 Dickinson, Emily, 54 Diffrent Strokes television program,

104 Diprivan, 20, 57

See also Sedative drugs Disclosure of discovered information causes relocation, 277-280 in interviews, 274-275, 298,

300-301,343 results in death threats, seclusion,

269-271,272-276 in Sports Illustrated article, 266,

269,270, 271 supported by postings on Internet, 284-286 Disney Walt, 16, 105, 168 Dixie the dog, 93-94, 96, 248, 324 DNA

Alcor denies/admits existence of

samples, 301-302, 350 for future cloning, 79, 128 John Henry Williams's plans to

sell, 186,262 recombinant, 91 Ted Williams's samples missing, stolen, 260-262 Document of Gift (DOG)

allegedly as oil-stained note, 297,

299-300, 350 and Cynthia Pilgeram cryo-suspension case, 295


Document of Gift (DOG) (continued) Heer requests/sues Alcor for right

to see, 290-293 signature required of donors, 290 Dogs, 35, 92-93, 94, 96, 97, 324 Donaldson, Thomas, 147 Drug Enforcement Administration

(DEA),331 Drug expiration dates, 19, 20 Drug trafficking operation in Florida,


Emergency response team (Los Angeles area), 91 recovers A-1025 body, 132-134 recovers A-1234 body, 154-155 recovers Munson body, 121 Emergency response teams, 27-28, 67-68 as inexperienced, 146 works on Ted Williams's body, 190 Emmy Award of Dick Clair, 15-16,

60, 104 Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA), 131 Erico (Charles Piatt's girlfriend) and Piatt's obsession with SARS,

113-116 takes notes of Ted Williams cryo-suspension, 194, 197, 198 Ettinger, Robert, 76, 87

on death and cryonics, 71-72 as Father of Cryonics, 69-70 publicizes cryonics, 73, 75 Euthanasia

of Alcorian in Madison,

Wisconsin, 324 as Alcor's attempt to legalize pre-

death suspension, 173 and Dora Kent's lethal toxicology, 319, 320fig

as premature ending of

Dentinger's life, 206, 266-269 requested by Donaldson, 147 unrequested euthanasia, as term, 324 Expose. See Disclosure of discovered

information Extropians/Extropists, 91, 100, 102, 172

The Facts of Life television program,

104, 168 Fahy Greg, 90-91, 148 Faloon, Bill

and cocaine trafficking operation,

328-331 indicted by FDA for shipping

unapproved drugs, 331-332 spearheads TimeShip, 173 FDA. See Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) Federowicz, Michael, 96, 316 See also Darwin, Michael Ferrell, Bobby-Jo Williams (Ted Williams's daughter), 180, 223, 290-293, 344 and attorney John Heer, 219-220 battles John Henry over father's

remains, 203, 205, 218 fights Alcor over release of

father's body 220-221, 224 objects to Alcor transporting father's body 293, 294fig objects to John Henry's plans to sell father's DNA, 186 Ferrell, Mark, 220, 292, 344, 172 Florida Anatomical Gift Act, 293 Florida state attorney, 348

Cassidy's oral statement favored over written will, 300-301


provided with information on

suspicious signatures, 300-301 provided with information on Ted Williams cryo-suspension, 300 Flynt, Althea, 16, 172 Flynt, Larry, 16, 104, 172 Food and Drug Administration

(FDA), 331-332,347, 270 Frost, Robert, 54 Future Sex (Kent), 87

Garcia, John, 267-268

Gard,Jack, 183

The Gas (Piatt), 88

Glenn, John, 178, 194

Glycerol, 74

Gold, Louise, 121

Good Morning America television

program, 275 Goodman, Kenneth, 80 Gould, Stephen, 343 Grissom, Virgil I. "Gus," 73 Group of Six, 63

Hang gliding, 264-265 Harley-Davidson motorcycle, 2, 31,

61, 107-109,238,306,307 Harris, Steve, 135

on Alcor surgical team for A-1025,

134 on Alcor surgical team for

Munson, 124 and expensive medical equipment

at Alcor, 326 initial contact with, 90, 91-92 involved in Dora Kent's death,

312-314 and Timothy Leary, 168 Hate messages, 279, 280, 284 Haworth, Bill, 164

Hayes, David

on response team for A-1025,

132-134, 135 signs as witness for Alcor

contract, 192-193, 192fig, 287 at Ted Williams cryo-suspension,

196 transports Ted Williams's body,

190-193 Heer, John, 344

as author's confidante, 224, 237,

238,271,274,275,282,341 as Bobby-Jo Ferrell's attorney,

219-221 contacts LAPD on Dentinger's

death, 252 and disclosures, threats, 237,

265-266, 272, 341 and Williams's allegedly signed

Doc. of Gift, 290-293 Heer, Liz, 220

Henson, Keith, 240, 244, 251 Heparin, 64, 119, 154, 185 Hixon, Hugh, 350

arrested during Dora Kent

homicide investigation, 96, 99,

319 creates cephalic isolation box,

Crackphone, 18, 128-129 cryo-suspension of A-1025, 138,

146 cryo-suspension of Munson, 122,

127, 128 cryo-suspension and transfers of

Ted Williams's head, 194, 195,

197,257-259 hidden during tours, media

coverage, 102, 108 Huffman becomes assistant,



Hixon, Hugh (continued)

initial contact with, 43-44, 47-48 and Internet pornography, 44, 47,

162 on paralytic drugs, 245, 251, 350 personal characteristics described,

47-48,52, 112,304-305 reacts to author s membership, 160 resides at Alcor, 88-89, 346 scabies case, 109-110 witnesses Darwin euthanizing

Dentinger, 206, 245-252 Hoffman, Rudy 65, 159, 281 Homicide investigation. See Kent,

Dora. Hope, Ed, 72-73, 74 Horwitz, Sid, 282, 283 Hospitals' problems with release of

bodies, 74, 133 Hovey, Joe

conspired against by Piatt, Hixon,

Sullivan, 112-113 on Darwin's killing of John

Dentinger, 240-244, 350 described, 43, 53 on Keith Henson, 240, 244 on oath to protect suspended

Alcorians, 279-280 reacts to author's membership,

160 retires from Alcor, 345 discusses revoking status of late-paying Alcorians, 209-212 Huffman, Todd, 345 described, 91-92 as Extropian, 100, 101 hired at Alcor, Scottsdale, 165-166 on response team for A-1234,

154-156 on response team for Munson,


Human resources at Alcor, 162-166 Hitstler magazine, 172

Ike (author's childhood friend),

142-143 Infighting at Alcor. See CryoWars at

Alcor Insurance. See Life insurance policies,

Alcorian Intubation, 21, 151 Investigation

and Alcor's security system, video

cameras, 230-231 becomes obsessive, 239, 244 fears generated by, 213, 222, 227,

238 by gathering, copying,

documents, 227-229 information disclosed (see Disclosure of discovered information) shut-down process, 252 as taped conversations using recorder, 212-213, 214-215, 217-218, 221-238, 240-251, 253-256, 260-262, 287-289 See also Surveillance of Alcor

Jackson, Michael, 16, 105, 168 Jarvis, William T, 80 Johnson (father of author), 32-33, 61 during author's childhood,

139-140, 142, 143 gets terrorizing phone call from

Alcorians, 348 introduced, 6

during investigation of Alcor, 244 reacts to disclosed investigation,

278 See also Mary Jane (author's father's wife)


Johnson (mother of author), 264, 278 during author's childhood,

140-142 reacts to disclosed investigation,

278 Johnson, Beverly

and author's Alcor membership,

161-162 author contemplates family

members' reactions to

disclosures, 279 and investigation's impact on

marriage, 233, 237-239, 244,

262-263 and move to, life in, Scottsdale,

29-30, 33, 61 personality, character of, 49-50 physically threatened, attacked, 1,

269-270, 276, 349 and relocation to California, 304,

306 supports investigation, 226-227 Jones, Tanya, 242

present during killing of

Dentinger, 247, 250 promoted to president/executive

director of Alcor, 345 reminds members to provide

DNA samples, 350 June, Bobby 172

on response team for A-1025,

133-134 on response team for A-1234,

154-156 on response team for Dr. Munson,


Kanshepolskyjose, 125, 197-198 decapitates A-1234, 155-156 decapitates Dr. Munson, 129-130

Kennedy, Robert, 55

Kent (author of Son of a Grifter), 208 Kent, Dora, 158

Darwin's involvement lq death,

161, 194,240-244 death details (Kunzman's

investigation), 309-334 Piatt's description of homicide

investigation, 96-100 toxicology report, 320fig Kent, Saul

and cocaine trafficking operation,

328-331 described, 87, 94-95, 170-171, 347 drums Darwin out of Alcor, 243 indicted by FDA for shipping

unapproved drugs, 331-332 involved in mother's death,

312-314,321 organizes cryonics societies, 72 spearheads TimeShip, 173 as Suspended Animation CEO,

345 and vitrification process, 148 reorganizes Alcor after whistle-blowing, 346 See also Life Extension Foundation Kevorkian, Jack, 243 Kimes, Kenneth, 207-208 Kimes, Sante, 207-208 King, Larry 105 Klockgether,Joe, 77

and Alcor member A-1025,

133-134 and Alcor member A-1234, 155 obtains death certificates, enables cryo-suspensions, 123 Klockgether Mortuary, 124, 135 Koresh, David, 105, 153-154, 337 Kunzman, Alan, 309

alleges human experimentation by Venturists, 332


Kunzman, Alan (continued)

investigates, reveals, Dora Kent's

death, 311-334 obtains drug trafficking

information, 328-331 receives informant information, 327-334 Kurzweil, Raymond, 9, 81

LAPD. See Los Angeles Police

Department Laughlin, Don, 16, 104-105 Lautens, Gary, 76 Lawsuits

over deathbed emergency

memberships, 171, 188, 190 over indictments of Saul Kent, Faloon v^ith FDA, 331-332 potential human resources issues,

163 related to disclosure of

investigated information, 281-283, 304, 349 against Riverside coroner's office

by Alcor, 334 in Ted Williams's case, 259-260 Leaf, Jerry

experiments on animals, Dixie, 96,

248 uses Blaylock as front to rent out

medical equipment, 327 witnesses Darwin euthanizing

Dentinger, 241 witnesses Darwin killing Dora Kent, 97, 251,317 Leary Timothy 16, 104, 168 Lee, Mike, 134-136 Legislation regulating cryonics facilities, 335, 336, 348 Lemler, Jerry

on Alcor name, 78

on Alcor tours, 103

courts John Henry Williams,

186-187 and cryo-suspension of Ted

Williams, 175, 186-188, 190,

196-197 death-date prediction report,

45-47 described, 17, 26, 27, 28, 54-55,

209 family members benefit from

nepotism, 86, 129, 146, 209 insulted, ridiculed by Piatt, 42,

51-52,54,84,95 marketing approach includes

children, 104-105 medical license suspended, 85 mismanages cryo-suspensions,

135-136, 145, 146, 154-155 "Permission to Publish" letter,

229fig promises people a second life, 149,

169 resigns from presidency/CEO of

Alcor, 344-345 supports Kimes's petition for

membership, 207-208 on toxic chemical dumping issue,

253-255 Lemler, Paula, 60 Liberace, 321 Life Extension Foundation, 41, 55, 58,

170 and cocaine trafficking operation,

328-331 FDA brings criminal indictments

over shipping unapproved

drugs, 331-332 lifesaving, miraculous medical

techniques, 170 vitamin supplements, 41, 45, 58


Life Extension Society, 72

Life insurance policies, Alcorian,

64-65, 281 Life magazine, 73-74 Los Angeles Police Department, 252-253, 348 investigates Dentinger's death, 266-269, 283, 338 LR-40 cooling tank, 25, 129, 138 described, 22

transfer of Ted Williams's brain, 257-258

Major League Baseball All-Star Game

(1999), 184-185 Mama's Family television program,

104, 168 Man into Superman (Ettinger), 87 Mannitol, 329, 331 Marketing, 40

and Alcor member recruitment,

103 as Alcor tours for prospective

members, 102-105 donation campaigns, 167 to science fiction fans, 167 as targeting the terminally ill,

169-171 using Star Trek fonts, lines, 167 Mary Jane (author's father's wife), 6,

33,61,244 Mary Tyler Moore television program,

104 Matthau, Charlie, 16, 104 Mays, Willie, 184 McCormack ambulance, 312, 315 Medical equipment from UCLA, 55,

318,319,326-327 Merkle, Ralph, 9, 81 Merv Griffin television program, 73 Metubine iodide, 247, 249-250, 251

Miami New Times newspaper, 331 Mike Douglas television program, 73 Minsky, Marvin, 9, 81 Mondragon, Carlos

arrested during Dora Kent homicide investigation, 97, 319 denies disclosed investigated information, 271-272, 349-350 described, 62 and Donaldson's attempt at pre-

mortem suspension, 147 drums Darwin out of Alcor, 243,

244, 249 stalks Alan Kunzman, 311 Monkeys, 25, 29, 75, 139 Montville, Leigh, 175 Moose (author's biker friend), 307 More, Max, 172

Mothermelters (Kunzman), 309, 310fig Munson, Thomas, cryo-suspension of,

119-130 Munson, Thomas, Jr., 118, 123 prepares father's body for cryo-suspension, 119-121

National Enquirer newspaper, 71

Nazi analogy, 323

Nelson, Johnny, 75

Nelson, Robert F "Bob," 70-77

and Chatsworth Incident, 76-77

describes first suspension, 73-76

and Ed Hope, 72 Neuro Can, 25, 66, 67, 129, 138, 167, 198,258

moved into Neuro Vault, 129

for Ted Williams, 258 Neuro Vault, 258

described, 25

with DNA samples, 29, 128


New York Times newspaper, 271, 273,

302, 343 New York World Telegram and Sun

newspaper, 76 Newton, Isaac, 91

Obama, Barack, 347

0'Farrell,Joan, 90, 124

Oil-stained note, 295-300, 296fig, 301,

350 OSHA (Occupational Safety and

Health Administration), 131,

253-256, 349 Oswald, Lee Harvey, 11 "Our Finest Hours: Notes on the

Dora Kent Crisis" online

account (Perry), 314-315, 323

Pancake, Regina, 121 Paralytic drugs, 21, 56-57

See also Vecuronium Paramedicine, as profession, 3-5 adrenaline as factor, 7, 139-140 at Branch Davidian siege, 11, 26 Patient Assessment death list, 46-47,

53,132 Patient Care Bay 22, 99, 128 "Pay up or die" threat, 211-212 Pentobarbital, 319, 320fig People magazine, 168 "Permission to Publish" letter

(Lemler), 229fig Perry, R. Michael "Mike" and Aido the cat, 116-117 arrested during Dora Kent

homicide investigation, 96, 99, 319 documents Dora Kent's death in diary, 323-324, 326-327

as eccentric, 22-23, 41, 47-48, 58,

109-111,325-326 hidden during tours, media

coverage, 102, 108 and Nelson's Chatsworth

Incident, 70-71 ordained in Church of Venturism,

150 "Our Finest Hours: Notes on the

Dora Kent Crisis," 314-315, reacts to author s membership, 161 resides at Alcor, 88, 89, 346 self-castration, 90, 325 and Ted Williams cryo-suspension, 258 Pesky, Johnny, 177 Philosophical implications of

cryonics, 81 Photography of cryonics process by onlookers, 125-126, 127, 129, 155,156 of Ted Williams, 193-194, 198 Pilgeram, Cynthia, 294-295 Pilgeram, Lawrence, 294-295 Pink Panther movies, 105 Pizer, David

arrested during Dora Kent homicide investigation, 97, 152,319 as founder, cult leader of

Venturism, 149-154, 280, 346, 350 and Koresh, Branch Davidians,

337-338 suggests Alcor become a church,

336 on the TimeShip, 173 Piatt, Charles

admires Branch Davidians, 26


on blood-brain barrier,

vitrification, 147-149 complains about Lemler's

mismanagement, 42, 51-52,

84,95,145-146 and CryoWar against Hixon,

109-110, 112 discusses personal details about

Alcorians, 84-90 discusses Ted Williams, 193,

214-215,222-224 on homicide investigation into

Dora Kent's death, 96-98 human resources approach,

163-164 initial contact with, 7, 12-29 interviewed by media, 108 as medically paranoid, 83, 109,

113-116 on Perry's oddness, 41 reacts to disclosed investigated

information, 270 resigns as COO, 235-237 reveals euthanasia of Dentinger

by Darwin, 206 onTimeShip, 173-174 and Timothy Leary, 168 on toxic chemical dumping issue,

131,253,256,350 with Suspended Animation as

consultant, 345 Pohl, Frederik, 105 Police in Southern California, 240,

251,341-342 See also Los Angeles Police

Department; UCLA police Pornography, 44, 47, 162 Potassium chloride, 240-242, 249, 251 Potvin, Rick, 62-63, 203-204

Pre-mortem suspension, 147

Project Futurebound, 63

The Prospect of Immortality (Ettinger),

70 Publicity of Alcor/cryonics

by disclosing members' identities,

14 as double-edged sword, 107-108 by Ettinger on television, 73, 75 generated by Ted Williams cryo-

suspension, 186-188, 221, 295 increased by disclosure of

investigated information,

271-272, 350 and Kimes's petition for

membership, 207-208 in Life of first suspension by

Nelson, 73-74 through media interviews,

108-109 See also Marketing

Red Sox baseball team, 13, 36, 176, 177, 178-179, 183, 184,262 Redeker, Bill, 275

Regulatory supervision of cryonics legislation drafted (Arizona

HB2637), 335 lives threatened over bill, 335-337,

347 need for, 57, 290, 347, 349 opposed by Alcorians, 57, 336, 347 Rhodes, Sam (author's alias), 218, 219 Ripken, Cal, 184 Riske, Phil, 302-303, 337 Riskin, Michael

admires Branch Davidians, 26 on author's membership, 67-68, 159


Riskin, Michael (continued) as chief financial officer, 64 initial contact with, 12, 17, 27 objects to Kimes's Alcor

membership, 207-208 obsessed with fast transport to

Alcor, 68 as sex therapist, 86-87 Riverside, California, coroner, 97-98, 194 Kunzman's investigation reveals Dora Kent death details, 309-334 presented with Dora Kent's death

certificate to sign, 313-314 regarded with contempt by

Alcorians, 244, 334 sued by Alcor, 334 Robertson, Randall, 15, 26 Rockstore bar, 307 Rowe, Arthur W, 80 Ruddel, Stephen, 329-331 Rude, Steve, 127, 156, 162, 163 Russell, Sandra, 90, 124

Salt mine for storage of Alcorians'

possessions, 174 SARS. See Severe Acute Respiratory

Syndrome (SARS), 284-286 Science Fiction Authors Club, 75 Science fiction fans targeted in Alcor

marketing, 167 Scientific American magazine, 79-80 Scientology, Church of, 240, 244 Searcy, Jerry

described, 59-60, 109-110 hidden during tours, media

coverage, 102-103, 109 Seclusion

in Arizona, 270-276

in California, 277, 279-281, 305-306 Secobarbital, 319, 320fig Sedative drugs, 20, 21, 57

See also Diprivan Sellers, Peter, 16, 105, 168 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

(SARS), 113-115 Sexual attitudes of cryonicists and Alcorians, 44, 47, 87-88, 90, 325 Shermer, Michael, 79-80 Shipman, David, 162, 163 Sikes, James, 60

cryo-suspensionof A-1234, 155 dumps blood, chemicals on

Alcor's property 130-131, 145, 157 and mismanagement of A-1025

body transport, 136-137 Munson's cryo-suspension, 122 receives bonus checks from Lemler, 86, 129 Sikes, Jessica, 60

cryo-suspensionof A-1234, 155 Munson's cryo-suspension, 122 receives bonus checks from Lemler, 146, 209 Silverman, Irene, 207 Skeptic magazine, 79 Slinky the dog, 324 Soap television program, 104 Society for Cryobiology, 80 Society of Venturism. See Venturism;

Venturists Son of a Grifter, 208 Sports Rlustrated magazine

contacts Alcor while author is

undercover, 266, 269 effects of release of article, 270, 273. 302, 335


Mondragon denies allegations, 271-272, 349 Star Trek, 111

Alcor modeled from, 167 conventions, 100 Steen, Karla, 162, 163 Steve AWen television program, 73 Storey, Kenneth, 338 Stump, Bob

drafts Arizona HB1637 regulating

cryonics facilities, 335, 348 receives death threats, pulls legislation, 336-337 Sullivan, John, 182, 184, 296 Sullivan, Mathew

on cat suspensions, 66, 67 on faulty CryoStar, 203 initial contact with, 55-56 on missing DNA samples of

Williams, 260-262 and Munson's cryo-suspension,

122 reacts to author's membership,

160 with secret documents in office,

230 and Ted Williams's cryo-suspension, 217-218, 258 tries to cremate OR trash with

body 156 violently attacks author, wife at

home, 269-270, 279 with Suspended Animation after Alcor, 345 Surveillance of Alcor

with handgun carried, 221, 244 See also Investigation Survivalist, apocalyptic Alcorians guns, cryonics equipment,

supplies stored, 153, 333 Jerry Leaf as, 317

at Riverside Alcor facility, 319 as survivalists, 150, 151, 317 Suspended Animation (SA), 165, 345 Suspensions. See Cryo-suspensions

"The Lone Wolf Web site posting

(Darwin), 35 Thomas, Dylan, 54 Thomas, Rudy 302-303

helps draft Arizona HB2637,

336-337 threatened by Alcorians, 337 Threat letters, 305-306, 308fig, 309, 342fig, 341 Internet hate messages, 279, 280,

284 Mothermelter letter, 310fig Threats

against Alan Kunzman, wife, by

Alcorians, 311 against author, wife, by Alcorians, cryonicists, 270-271, 338-342, 349,350 against Bob Nelson by Alcorians,

70-71 online, 304

"Pay up or die" over John Henry Williams's debt, 211-212, 259 against Stump and Thomas for

Arizona HB2637, 335-337 See also Attacks; Death threats TheTimeShip, 173 Today television program, 73 The Tonight Show television program,

73 Toronto Star newspaper, 76 Toxic chemical dumping, 60-61, 227 following cryo-suspensions,

130-131, 145, 157 OSHA considerations, memo, 253-256, 254fig


Toxic chemical dumping (continued)

at Riverside facility, 326 Transport team members, 19, 27-28 See also Emergency response teams "'Twas the Night of My Suspension"

poem (Lemler), 54 21st Century Medicine, 7, 82, 90

UCLA police, 326-327 Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (UAGA), 290

of Arizona, 292, 293

of Florida, 293 Unrequested euthanasia, 324

Vaginal speculum, 19, 29, 55, 56 Vaughan, Stevie Ray, 11 Vecuronium, 21, 245, 247

See also Paralytic drugs Ventureville compound, 150-154, 280,

337, 346, 350 Venturism, 149-154

beliefs described, 151-152

as militant cult, 153, 280, 337-338,

348, 350 as religious cult, 150, 153-154,

280,336 Web site, 152 Venturists, 100

allegations of human

experimentation, 332 to be used to kill old Alcor

members, 326 as survivalists, 151 trained in emergency medicine, 151 Verducci, Tom, 266, 269 Veterinarian hired to decapitate Alcorians, 125, 135, 145 Vidal, Gore, 105

Vitrification process, 80, 108, 148, 170,

174 Voss, Peter

on response team for A-1234,

154-155 on response team for Munson, 121

Waco, Texas, 11-12, 26, 105, 337-338, 348 See also Branch Davidians Wall Street Journal newspaper, 152-153 We Froze the First Man (Nelson), 71-72,

73-76 Weapons

carried for self-defense, 244, 269-270, 273, 276, 279, 349, 351 stored by Alcorians, Venturists, 153,318,330,333 West, Michael D., 9, 81 White, Ed, 73 Why People Believe Weird Things

(Shermer), 79 Williams, Bobby-Jo. See Ferrell, Bobby-Jo Williams (Ted Williams's daughter) Williams, Claudia (Ted Williams's daughter) claims to sign oil-stained note in

hospital, 295, 298-300, 301 disputes with Bobby-Jo father's

last wishes, 290 relations with father, brother John Henry, 180 Williams, John Henry

Alcor threatens to unfreeze

father's body 259-260 attorneys' conflicts of interest, 294 carries out transport, cryo-

suspension of father, 190-194, 196-197, 203-204, 287-288


claims to sign oil-stained note as

DOG in hospital, 295-300 death and cryo-suspension of, 344 exploits father's celebrity, 182-185 fails to pay Alcor for father's cryo-suspension, 209-212, 259 forges father's signature, 182, 295 maintains secrecy with father

about Alcor, 288-289 personal characteristics described,

180-182 Williams, John Theodore "Ted"

(nephew of Ted Williams),

292,344 Williams, Samuel Stuart (Ted

Williams's nephew), 292, 344 Williams, Ted

bungled, cryo-suspension of,

190-198, 199fig, 200-202fig,

222-223, 259, 303 death of, 6, 187-188,301 exploited by son John Henry,


as legendary baseball player,

176-177, 179,343-344 as Marine in WWII, Korea,

177-178,303,344 relations with his children, 180 Suspension Agreement signed

posthumously by son, 190,

19lfig, 192 transferred from CryoStar to LR-

40 to Neuro Vault, 257-259 will contradicted by Alcor s actions,

187-188, 189fig, 220, 343 Wills' testamentary directions

contradicted by Alcor of Cynthia Pilgeram, 295 of Dick Clair, 168 publicized on CNN, 343 state attorney favors Cassidy's

oral statement, 300-301 of Ted Williams, 187-188, 221,

290,296,301,303,343 Wired magazine, 88 Wowk, Brian, 90



LARRY JOHNSON has over thirty years experience as a street paramedic and clinical director for major city 911 services. He was chief flight paramedic at the Waco, Texas, siege, has served as keynote speaker at national medical conferences, and was a contributing author for Prentice Hall's 2005 Critical Care Paramedic, the most widely used textbook of its kind. After blowing the whistle on Alcor in late 2003 and receiving multiple death threats, Larry went into hiding.


SCOTT BALDYGA grew up in West Springfield, Massachusetts, graduated from Boston College, then spent four years as a volunteer, teacher, and professional musician in Kingston, Jamaica. Living in Los Angeles since 1996, Scott has written screenplays for hire and has worked as a writer, script supervisor, editor, and composer for film and TV. Frozen is his first book.

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