Thanks are due to David Ferris, Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts at Harvard Law Library, for permission to quote from their on-line edition of Bracton’s De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliæ. This site gives both the Latin text and an English translation. The URL of the home page is:, where there can be found details about both text and translation.

I wish to express my great debt of gratitude to Dr Ann Williams, who kindly read this dictionary in its final stages, at a time of ill-health and when she was occupied with valuable work of her own. The lightness with which she wore her scholarship only enhanced her suggestions and made her corrections a pleasure – which learning always should be. This dictionary is much improved as a result of her scrutiny. Further thanks are owed to Clive Tolley for his editorial rigour and his kotkansilmä. Obviously, errors that remain are mine. Thanks are also due to PHG for encouragement and an easy hand when pouring drinks.