By Wally Jay

I highly recommend Mr. Bruce Lee’s book on the Chinese art of Gung Fu. This informative book will reveal an outstanding style of Chinese self-defense. I have witnessed the teaching methods of the author and I find them concise and effective. I was also astonished with the vast knowledge this youthful Chinese master possesses.

His Wing Chung system is unlike any other system of Gung Fu that I have seen. I have never seen anything like it.

I am convinced that this would be the system I would study if I were to begin my Gung Fu training again.

Master Bruce Lee, who is a gentleman, can actually apply his seemingly gentle method in actual application.

I have seen him perform with the grace and agility of a panther and with lighting speed. He is truly a master of a great style of Chinese fighting.

W. Jay

Publisher’s Note: Professor Jay, founder and great grandmaster of Professor Jay’s Small Circle Jujitsu, holds a 10th degree black belt in Jujitsu and a 6th degree black belt in Judo. At the time of the original writing of his introduction, he was the head instructor of the Island Judo and Jujitsu Club in Alameda, California, and he was a 5th degree black belt in Jujitsu and a 3rd degree black belt in Kodokan Judo.