1-A A comes in with a straight left punch in Gung Bo (bow and arrow stance ).
1-B Turning his waist, B dissolves A’s punch in an upward arc. Unlike other schools of blocking with power, a Gung Fu block tends to dissolve the oncoming force and return it back to the opponent. (Note: The white arrow indicates the direction of turning of the waist.)
1-C Continuing his motion, B follows with a finger jab to the attacker’s eye. Notice the other hand is on guard. (Note: After constant practice, the blocking and striking should be one continuous action.)
2-A A leads with a straight left punch.
2-B B steps in with Chung Sik (medium stance ), simultaneously deflects the punch with a left slapping hand (
) and strikes the opponent with a right knuckle fist (
2-C A thrusts out his right hand, and B, without changing his position, blocks it with his left and at the same time jabs A’s throat with an upward finger poke from where his right hand was ().
3-A A leads with a right punch.
3-B At the slightest movement of A, B steps back, blocks and side kicks his opponent at the same time (). (Notice B’s right hand is in position.)
4-A A comes in with a right hook.
4-B B side steps and, turning his waist, blocks and jabs his opponent’s eyes simultaneously.
4-C A again comes in with a left upper cut to the midsection. B side steps and at the same time slashes down his right hand and again jabs A with left finger thrusts ().
5-A A grasps B’s hands.
5-B B advances his right foot and at the same time strikes A’s right wrist bone by his own left thumb.
5-C After A releases the grip, B then punches his face with a straight left ().
6-A A bear-hugs B from the rear. B relaxes and sinks down his weight.
6-B, C Turning his waist, B strikes A with his elbow and at the same time steps on his toes.
7-A A comes in with a straight right in a left Gung Bo.
7-B B side steps, deflects the punch and strikes A’s ribs with a knuckle fist ().
8-A A comes in with a right side kick ().
8-B B comes down (in an arc) with a hand hook (notice his left hand is on guard) and counters by kicking A’s groin with a straight toe kick ().
9-A A pushes B.
9-B B, turning his waist and advancing, deflects and strikes A with a knuckle fist () as shown in the picture.
9-C Turning his right hand in an arc to lead the oncoming movement of the opponent, B skips in and strikes him with the knee.
10-A, B A comes in with a lunging straight right punch.
10-C Without backing up, B turns his waist and leads the opponent to the direction of his own movement.
10-D A intends to pull each right punch and snap out his left.
10-E At the slightest movement of withdrawal, B follows, slaps down and locks both of A’s arms; at the same time, B strikes A with a straight right.
11-A, B A intends to throw B as shown in pictures 11-A and 11-B. (There are, by the way, 36 throwing techniques and 72 joint locks in the art of Gung Fu.)
11-C Turning his waist, B grasps A’s left hand and at the same time turns his shoulder out and downward against A’s shoulder.
11-D By kicking his right foot sharply into a Gung Bo, B counters A by throwing him.
11-E Either a knee or fist can follow to finish the opponent.
12-A Opponent A steps in with a straight finger jab.
12-B Without backing up, B leads A’s force by turning his waist and at the same time strikes A with the edge of the hand. (Acknowledgement: Mr. Charles Woo, the defender, by the way, is a 2nd degree black belt holder in Judo.)
13-A A leads with a straight right. B deflects with his right hand. (Notice the left hand on guard.)
13-B A withdraws his right hand and shoots out his left to B’s midsection. B simply slaps the punch downward with his left and jabs A’s eyes with his right from his previous position.
14-A A comes in with a left. B deflects the punch with a right hand hook.
14-B A withdraws his left and shoots out his right. B deflects the oncoming punch with his left hand (in the form of an arc) and, following A’s withdrawal of energy, he strikes A with a right knuckle fist (from the previous hooking position).
15-A Right at this moment X doesn’t concentrate on any of his opponents’ actions; he simply has a quiet awareness of the immediate situation without thinking of the outcome or anything.
15-A, B Opponent A attacks X with a right hook. X, turning his waist, blocks and jabs A with a right. (Notice the changing of footwork.)
15-B, C As X disables A, B comes in with a straight punch. From where he is, X turns his waist, deflects it and side kicks B.
15-C, D At this moment, C lunges in with a straight right to the face. X dissolves the punch in an arc and at the same strikes him with a knuckle fist.
16-A, B A steps in with a right straight heart punch. X deflects the punch and counters with a back fist () to A’s temple. At this moment, B comes in.
16-B, C X sweeps his left hand back in an arc and slides in with a kneeing horse (Kuai Ma) and strikes B’s groin as shown in the pictures.
17-A A comes in with a straight knuckle fist to the solar plexus.
17-A, B B, turning his waist, hooks A’s punch and counters with a straight knuckle fist.
18-A A and B facing in ready position.
18-A, B A comes in with a finger jab to B’s throat. B leads A’s movement by turning his waist. This dissolving is not by the hand but by the waist so as to really unbalance the oncoming force as he makes it.
19-A A and B stand in natural position as A applies pressure on B’s hand.
19-B B assists A by jerking him to the direction of his force and at the same time skips in with a straight thrust kick. (Notice the left hand is in position.)
19-B, C A blocks B’s straight kick with his left. B, by following the direction of A’s blocking, turns and kicks A’s knee with a low side thrust kick.